BPM: 137.01
Please do not quote just the BPM. If the timing is incorrect, provide me the correct timing that you find.CDFA wrote:
Offset 445 is totally wrong.dkun wrote:
Verified the timing with 445. Looks like it's okay! Although, maps merging together does *not* justify a wrong title.
dkun wrote:
Verified the timing with 445. Looks like it's okay! Although, maps merging together does *not* justify a wrong title.
ykcarrot wrote:
Offset 445 is totally wrong.
lol... I didn't think it's the person, Charles445. xDTari wrote:
I think dkun means that he verified the timing with the person, Charles445, not offset 445
Anyways, best wishes to get this reranked
It won't. Credits in the video is never shown as short ver. It's same in TV animation OP/ED.Lanturn wrote:
Credits will do as a source right?
I don't need to give proof that it's wrong. I need proof that it's right. When in doubt, what is in the album is always correct.ykcarrot wrote:
Offset 445 is totally wrong.dkun wrote:
Verified the timing with 445. Looks like it's okay! Although, maps merging together does *not* justify a wrong title.
I've tried to find the source of this song but I couldn't find the information of the short ver.
There exist only instrumental ver and full ver of the song. Actually nobody knows the correct title of the short ver.
As you said, If the title "Confession (Short Ver.)" is wrong, you should find the proof that it is wrong.
Because the full ver has nothing in the title and I already said the maps will be merged together if I remove "(Short Ver.)" from the title.
This is an only way that I can take, here is no room for compromise in this case. Could you give me a solution?
Wrong.ykcarrot wrote:
It won't. Credits in the video is never shown as short ver. It's same in TV animation OP/ED.Lanturn wrote:
Credits will do as a source right?
아버지를 아버지라 부르지 못 하고... 잼 ㅋㅋㅋDark Fang wrote:
이게 룰이 너무 명확해서 탈이에요. 무슨 이야기냐면,Gloria Guard wrote:
언제까지 곡버전가지고 언랭시킬 작정인지... 정확한 룰을 명시해놓고 하면모를까...
자기 고집대로 하면서 좋게 끝날일이 아닌데.. 아무튼 힘내세요 ㅠ
I might have mistranslated, but I tried my best.ykcarrot wrote:
이게 룰이 너무 명확해서 탈이에요. 무슨 이야기냐면,
곡 버전이 제목에 붙었는지 아닌지를 신뢰할 수 있는 소스로부터 확인할 수 없으면 무조건 아무것도 붙이지 말라는 거예요.
이 말을 다르게 이야기하면 정황상으로 알 수 있는 상황,
예를 들면 "풀버전이 이미 있으니까 이건 당연히 숏버전이 되겠지?" ← 이 걸 인정 못 해요.
무조건 실질적이고 객관적인 자료가 있어야 뒤에 숏버전을 붙일 수 있다는 이야기입니다.
The rule is too definite.
Basically, it's "if you can't verify if there is (whatever Ver), you do not put anything."
For an instance, "there's already a full version, so this should be a short version" <- not accepted
In order to add "short ver" there has to be a credible evidence of it.
이렇게 보면 겁나 명쾌한 룰 같죠?
그런데 그게 아니에요. 아래 상황을 한 번 볼까요?
Seems legit, right?
Nope. Let's take a look at another situation
매 분기마다 새로운 애니 막 쏟아져 나오잖아요. 그러면 사람들이 오프닝이나 엔딩을 매핑한단 말이에요.
그리고 제목 뒤에는 항상 (TV Size)를 붙이죠.
이 때 두가지 사실이 있어요.
Every season, new animes come out. And people map OP and ED
and they always add (TV Size)
and there are 2 facts to this.
1. 오프닝/엔딩 동영상 자막에는 절대로! (TV Size)가 제목에 붙지 않아요.
2. OST는 애니메이션 방영 초기에는 절대로 발매되지 않아요.
1. In OP/ED video, there is NEVER (TV Size) in the title.
2. OST is NEVER released in the beginning of a season.
이 두가지 사실에 입각하면 제목 뒤에 뭔가 붙이면 안 돼요.
하지만 지금까지 티비 사이즈 노래 맵 제목에서 (TV Size) 빼라고 언랭크 시킨 역사가 없는걸로 알아요.
(뒤에 붙은 글자가 좀 달라서 바꾸라고 언랭한 기록은 있는 걸로 앎)
According to these 2, you shouldn't add anything to the title.
However, as far as I know, There has not been an unranked map because of having (TV Size)
(but I do think there were a few unranked maps for having typo and such)
왜 티비 사이즈는 편애 할까요?
이거 예전에 논점이 된 적 있었는데 페피나 여타 뱃등 왈,
티비 사이즈 노래는 OST에 실리고 제목 뒤에 (TV Size) 붙는게 일반적이고 항상 그래왔다는 거예요.
장난함? 위 상황도 실질적이고 객관적인 자료에 근거한게 아닌데 에로게 오프닝/엔딩엔 이중잣대 들이미니 답이 없어요.
Why do people favoritize TV size?
This once was a issue in the past, but Peppy and other BATs said
TV size is generally added to the title, and it has been that way.
Are you kidding me? that statement above isn't even said with any credible evidence. And standing against Eroge OP/ED with double standard, I'm speechless.
그래서 티비사이즈도 똑같이 언랭시켜줘요, (TV Size) 빼버립시다. 이 걸 주장하는 게 절대 아니에요.
정황상 충분히 알 수 있는 정보면 뒤에 뭔가 붙이는 걸 허락해 달라는겁니다.
붙여서 뭐 해가 될게 있나요?
Then unrank TV Size too. Let's take out (TV Size). I'm not saying I want this to happen.
What I'm saying is, if the information is circumstantial, allow us to add things to the title.
It can't hurt us, right?
Other maps that slipped by when using the "TV Size" designation incorrectly are entirely irrelevant. Is (Short Ver.) in a reputable track listing/album listing for this song or not? If it isn't, it needs to go. If it is, it can stay.Ranking Criteria wrote:
Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.
락 되기 전에 하시는 게 좋아요.No Dap wrote:
저도 한마디 하고싶은데 해도 될까용
Then unrank TV Size songs because none of them are right.Ephemeral wrote:
Ranking Criteria wrote:
Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.
How is this irrelevant? do you know how reference works?Ephemeral wrote:
Other maps that slipped by when using the "TV Size" designation incorrectly are entirely irrelevant. Is (Short Ver.) in a reputable track listing/album listing for this song or not? If it isn't, it needs to go. If it is, it can stay.
So, you know they are wrong. Do you plan to do anything about it?Ephemeral wrote:
Other maps that slipped by when using the "TV Size" designation incorrectly
Of course it is pointless, you're just being stubborn and not willing to discuss. didn't even try to discuss.Ephemeral wrote:
Arguing this any further is pointless.
Actually, let me bold face this for you for emphasis' sake: further discussion on the matter is unnecessary. Fix the metadata, or prove that it is correct.
1. The maps with improper metadata should have been unqualified when it was possible. If they are still in the qualified phase and you can provide a track listing from a reputable source that clearly states that the TV Size designation is applied incorrectly, then link me or ANY BAT to the map and we'll unrank it as is appropriate.No Dap wrote:
Then unrank TV Size songs because none of them are right.
How is this irrelevant? do you know how reference works?
So, you know they are wrong. Do you plan to do anything about it?
Of course it is pointless, you're just being stubborn and not willing to discuss. didn't even try to discuss.
Man. it feels good to have powers right? just forcing people to shut their mouth and make them do what you tell them
Okay. If you don't want to make a RC thread about your situation, then that's not my fault. If you're going to scream that we're just going to ignore you, who am I to stop you?ykcarrot wrote:
Here are mistakes you BATs did. Qualified maps only.
Case 1. The suffix was changed by the mapper
SID - V.I.P (TV Size) Has now been put into ranked at the time of this post.
Correct title : V.I.P -アニメ Ver.-
Proof : http://vgmdb.net/album/35508
SAKURA*TRICK - Won(*3*)Chu KissMe! (TV Size) taken out of qualified.
Correct title : Won(*3*)Chu KissMe! [TVサイズ]
Proof : http://vgmdb.net/album/43764
Case 2. TV sized song was not released through the album
In this case, every suffix should be removed. Because the mapper can't prove "song name (TV Size)" is correct.
If you think the credits of the video is a reputable source, watch the video. There is no suffix at all.
Fuchigami Mai - Watashi no Housekibako (TV Size) taken out of qualified based on what's been given.
Related albums : http://vgmdb.net/album/41016 http://vgmdb.net/album/42072
Video : http://youtu.be/HhHPXZX1KGg?t=55s
Wakeshima Kanon - killy killy JOKER (TV Size) taken out of qualified ^
Related album : http://vgmdb.net/album/44570
Video : http://youtu.be/rzY7qyXEBSI?t=48s
Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe (TV Size) same as above.
Related album : http://vgmdb.net/album/44890
Video : http://youtu.be/wtjSP5rlk5k?t=59s
Seems you BATs don't want to change the rule, so you are demanding maps have title error.
Then unrank them all up to your conviction. And watch the mappers' reaction.
Most of them will change the title because they really hope their own map being ranked and have no power against the BATs.
Or have no will to change the rule.
They were many maps have error since the rule was legislated. Because the song title in the rule includes extension(suffix).
Some people raised objections to the rule since the day, they were ignored exhaustively.
You BATs still saying let's discuss in RC, but I can just imagine how my opinion will be ignored.
This is the BAT's level of today.dkun wrote:
Okay. If you don't want to make a RC thread about your situation, then that's not my fault. If you're going to scream that we're just going to ignore you, who am I to stop you?
This doesn't change that your map will stay unranked until you take some action on your own rather than just pointing me at other people that have done the same thing.
Wow that's actually pretty cool then like wow BATs are putting responsibility on the mapper rather than being pushovers and just caving in after the mapper gets mad and makes it a bigger issue than it should be.ykcarrot wrote:
This is the BAT's level of today.dkun wrote:
Okay. If you don't want to make a RC thread about your situation, then that's not my fault. If you're going to scream that we're just going to ignore you, who am I to stop you?
This doesn't change that your map will stay unranked until you take some action on your own rather than just pointing me at other people that have done the same thing.
아... 근데 숏버전 풀버전 구별은 해줘야 하는거 아님?ㅋㅋㅋNo Dap wrote:
룰은 명확해요. 티비 사이즈는 넣어도 아무도 뭐라고 안하고, 숏버젼, 컷버젼 , pv버젼은 언랭. 이게 문제에요 지금
이미 지웠기 때문에 영원히 리랭크될 일은 없습니다bbj0920 wrote:
그리고 사일런스 ㅋㅋSonnyc wrote:
Qualify 버튼 코드 조작해서 이 맵으로 누르면 재밌겠다 ㅋㅋ