Hi! I've been having issues with timing for my map. When I was mapping, each hitsound sounded slightly out of time to the music and when I play the map, I need an offset of like -15 for my hits to be in the middle of the UR bar. I tried changing all the timing points and the offset of the map by -30ms which made all the hits sound more correct but it meant that all of the circles and sliders weren't in line with the lines in the editor (these lines, idk what they're called: https://gyazo.com/757d9711931ca887c443a6b20ee8858e). If changing the offset by -30ms is correct, how do I make the circles and sliders line up with these lines? And if that's completely wrong can u help me workout how to fix it lol. This is the map: beatmapsets/1804156#osu/3699727 (top diff)
Another thing to note: In the past few months, I've been having to use offset when playing maps despite never before having to use offsets to get the same accuracy. I got a new keyboard but the issue seems to persist on my old keyboard, it might be to do with my PC rather than my peripherals (but might still be the keyboard) and this may also be contributing to the issues highlighted above in my map. If anyone knows how to fix this as well it would be a great help to prevent these problems when mapping and playing the game for me in the future.
Another thing to note: In the past few months, I've been having to use offset when playing maps despite never before having to use offsets to get the same accuracy. I got a new keyboard but the issue seems to persist on my old keyboard, it might be to do with my PC rather than my peripherals (but might still be the keyboard) and this may also be contributing to the issues highlighted above in my map. If anyone knows how to fix this as well it would be a great help to prevent these problems when mapping and playing the game for me in the future.