
Moonshine 2.1 [ STD Only | 16:9/16:10/21:9 | SD/HD ]

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  • V2.1
  1. Fixed typo in song-selection
  2. Added a few more element in !Extras folder
  3. Added word ‘unranked’ in play-unranked indicator
  4. Released 21:9 (2560x1080) and 16:10 aspect ratio files - as separate download (link included in skin files and in this post’s download section) - contact me if u need help

    I hope I didn't mess up lol


So a few weeks ago I decided to redesign my old skin, Moonshine V1.
I’ve learned some new stuff, took some inspirations here and there, so this is the result. I tried keeping the same mood and comfy vibes.

There are two variants, the [NM] with the normal 2 combo color hitcircle and [Eclipse] with white empty ‘DT’ hitcircle. Refer screenshots.

click here

^ Moonshine 2.0 [NM] ^

^ Moonshine 2.0 [Eclipse] ^

^ Moonshine 2.0 [NM] ^

^ Moonshine 2.0 [Eclipse] ^

o!rdr ID : 2102

Scorebar-bg is included in extra folder for those who want to change their name. If you need help or just wanted to chat, message me on discord moonstaar#7727

For now, I think this skin is finished BUT if you found anything wrong with the skin, please let me know in the comments or dm.

Note : For some complicated reason, hitsound might sound louder/slower depending on your hardware. Also, it was made on my 1920x1080 laptop. Might look weird for some other res and aspect ratio

Dear Universe,
May the energy of the moon manifest the
abundance and miracles we've been asking for.
I am ready, we are ready.

Damn one of the better flat/minimal skins i've seen, great job! I really like it
Everything down to the sounds fit the theme. This is my new favorite.
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Tysm :>
I think this is going to be my new main skin. Love it!
loved using 1.0 was my main skin since you released it now you drop a 2.0 <3
great minimal skin! i dont know what to say, it's just really clean! will be using this skin for quite a while <3
pretty epic id say
alex tanuki
pretty good. one of my favorite.
Pretty nice skin
love this skin, i just wanted to ask whether it'd be possible for you to release a version that has all the blue accents replaced with the purple from the eclipse menu screen?? if it's too much work that's understandable tho lmaoo, keep up the great work
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Foxfries wrote:

love this skin, i just wanted to ask whether it'd be possible for you to release a version that has all the blue accents replaced with the purple from the eclipse menu screen?? if it's too much work that's understandable tho lmaoo, keep up the great work
That's gonna require some effort, unfortunately.

But if you really want that, you can do it yourself. If you have questions about Photoshop, I'll be happy to answer and help you out.
is there a way to get the skin id of this? i really wanna have my gameplays rendered on o!rdr cuz i love this skin
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Tawui wrote:

is there a way to get the skin id of this? i really wanna have my gameplays rendered on o!rdr cuz i love this skin
sure I'll add the skin to o!rdr rn

edit :
uploaded! skin id: 2102
serius lawa doooo skin niiii!!!! sumpah sukee dooooo!!!!! keep up the good work man :)
Great theme and hitsounds/music, gonna be my main skin now :)
love this the best minimal skin!
This is dope
sht so good fr
This is some gourmet minimalism
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