
The New Werewolf Game 3 [Day 1]

Total Posts
Topic Starter
Current Status

Rules are in the post below. READ THEM, because I ABIDE by them.

Timeline Status

Current Phase: Day 1
Click here to go directly to the start of Day 1.

Deadline for Current Phase: I'll give you 4 days, as most of you probably already have some idea who you want to vote for; deadline will be 10:00 PM EST on Sunday, August 16th; check the Day 1 declaration post for specific information on timing.

During This Phase: Reply to your Role ID to confirm it.

Player Status


Green: Living
Red Strikeout: Deceased
(#) next to Names: Suspicion Indicator

How the Suspicion Indicator Works

The Suspicion Indicator is a means of keeping track of total suspicion on any individual player's head. It only changes at the conclusion of each Day, at Sundown; at that point, Suspicion or Clearance Points are allocated as follows:
-1 for each vote that was on that player's head at the Day's conclusion.
-1 each for second and subsequent vote changes made within one day.
+1 if a player never had a even a single vote cast against them at all that day (including no votes that were changed from them to someone else).

Status (21/22)

* Pasonia (0)
* MarioBros777 (0)
* LadySuburu (0)
* oyeah1988 (0)
* kuwarudo (0)
* Ekaru (0)
* adam2046 (0)
* Azure_Kyte (0)
* Agent Spin Here (0)
* gamerrox (0)
* nardi11011 (0)
* strager (0)
* jockeytiyan (0)
* Rolled (0)
* Todesengal (0)
* Sir Minelli (0)
* Derekku Chan (0)
* Zerostarry (0)
* Wojjan (0)
* Two (Clear: Confirmed Vigilante)
* Echo
* 0_o (0)

Lynch Vote Tally

Current Standings

No votes have been cast yet.

Log/Checklist (0/21)

No votes have been cast yet.

Death Log

* Echo was shot by a Vigilante on Day 1.

Notes from the Host

Pertinent Information About the Host

The Host's time zone is GMT +5, which is Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the east cost of the US; however, just in case, all time/date deadlines will be accompanied by a time limit designation (i.e., "1 day and 6 hours from the time of this post"). This should clear up most, if not all, confusion regarding deadlines.

Reminders from the Host

* Remember that this game is complex and lasts a long time, and thus signing up is a committment. Make absolutely sure that you can check the status of the game and post at least once or twice briefly every day before signing up. (I don't want to have to have anyone who quit go out in a freak accident again.)
Topic Starter
Werewolf Game Rules

The Werewolf Game is one of the most popular message board games ever conceived. It is a team game involving Humans and Wolves.

However, it is not a casual game; it is very involved and requires a commitment to play (similar to Monopoly). Players are required to sign up ahead of time to participate.

Table of Contents
Basic Premise
Basic How-It's-Played
In-Depth Explanation
Official Rules
Role List and Explanations

Basic Premise

There are several werewolves among a group of ordinary humans. The objective of the game is for the humans to figure out who the wolves are and kill them off before the wolves kill all the humans by voting on a lynching (public execution) each day to take place at dusk.

Basic How-It's-Played

On the first Day, the Host announces the scenario, and introduces the players. After that, play, put as simply as possible, progresses as follows:

The Wolves kill a Human.

The Humans awake to find the body of the player the Wolves killed.

The Humans discuss who they think the Wolves are, and cast lynch votes for players they suspect are Wolves.

Dusk (aka Sundown)
The lynching takes place; the person with the most lynch votes against them is killed in a public execution. This is the humans' primary method for attempting to eliminate Wolves from the game.

This cycle repeats itself until the Humans are all dead (Wolf victory), or the Wolves are confirmed all dead by the remaining Humans waking up in the morning to find nobody died the previous night (Human victory).

In-Depth Explanation

A bit more interested? Here's everything you'll need to know. Sit down, this explanation is going to take a while (but it's so worth it once you start playing).

First, there's a signup period. The Host announces their intention to hold a Werewolf Game and tells everyone when the signup deadline is.

The more people that sign up:

* The more Wolves there will be
* The more Auxiliary Roles will be used

After this, the Host randomly selects each player's role (see "Roles," below) and sends a Role ID to each player via Private Message (PM) (this means you need to have knowledge as to how PM'ing works before you play!!). This is the only positive proof you have of your role, and you cannot forward it to other players - it will result in getting kicked out of the game!!

The Host announces when each time phase begins, and at what real time the next phase will hit.

Here's the detailed explanation as to what happens during the phases:

Dawn of Day 1 is the introduction of the scenario by the Host; all others proceed as seen below.

The Host informs the players who died. That person is out of the game (they can't talk anymore, but they're certainly welcome to watch and see how the rest of the match goes).

The Host announces when (in real time) Sundown is, and the players are free to say whatever they want until that time. ALL PLAYERS (Humans and Wolves!!) must submit a lynch vote before Sundown (if you don't, you get a "phantom vote" that counts against you the next day).

During a Day phase, all players who are still alive must submit a vote for a player they suspect is a Wolf (Wolves must submit votes also to remain unsuspicious; however, they're probably all going to vote for humans.)

Please see the Official Rules for more details on lynch voting and Phantom Votes.

Dusk (aka Sundown)
The Host tallies the votes, and whomever has the most votes against them is lynched. That player is out of the game. It is possible, under special circumstances, to get a lynching cancelled - see the "Roles" section for more on that.

ALL PLAYERS must remain SILENT on the board during a Night phase. (You can still get in kahoots with other players via other private methods like PM at Night if you want, but you cannot speak on the board.) The Wolves PM each other and discuss who the kill will be tonight. The pack's spokeswolf will PM the Host, informing them who the target is.

As I always give a Pencils Down post before announcing the day's lynch, there is NO EXCUSE for talking at Night: it will be punished by issuing a Phantom Vote.

Official Rules

This Host does have, and shall stick by, the rules here set forth, but let it not be assumed that the Host is not friendly (I'm very friendly ^.^). If you have any questions, or believe I should add or change a rule, please feel free to PM me.

Subsection 1: Lynch Voting Stipulations

Article 1: Vote Publicity
* Your vote MUST be publicly posted in the thread for all to see; this Host shall NOT accept votes by any other means (PM, IRC, in-Osu IRC, AIM, MSN, nothing). As your vote must be public, it'd be wise to be sure of your decision.

Article 2: Vote Officiality
* It was not mandated in the first two games, but from now on, this Host shall mandate that all votes must be cast in bold text in order to show the officiality of your vote (and so it catches this Host's eye). Any vote not cast as such shall not be considered official.

Article 3: Vote Alteration
* If you feel you've made a mistake with your vote, you may change your vote before Sundown arrives. Vote changes must also be cast in bold text to show that you are certain of your change.

Article 4: Voting for Oneself
* If deemed tactically necessary, players are allowed to vote for themselves.

Article 5: Refusal to Vote
* If deemed tactically necessary, players are allowed to refuse to vote with the understanding that a refusal to vote will earn them a Phantom vote for the next day.

Subsection 2: Dynamics of Phantom Votes

Some do not understand what a Phantom Vote, also known by its abbreviation, "PV," is, or how it works; this subsection is here to lay out everything as simply as possible.

Article 1: Typical PV Allocation
* If you refuse to vote or fail to vote before Sundown, regardless of the reason, you will receive a Phantom Vote that will count against you the next Day phase. A PV holds the same amount of power as one vote cast against you by an actual player.

Article 2: Reprimand
* At the Host's discretion, Phantom Votes can be used to reprimand those who do not follow the rules of the Werewolf Game. Typically, one PV is assigned per infraction, but it can be more at the Host's discretion if the infraction is serious or is a repeat infraction.

Article 3: Non-Negotiability
* I will always double-check to assure someone truly has not voted or has refused to vote before officially assigning a PV, and thus PVs are not negotiable once they are officially assigned.

Article 4: Phantom Vote Carry-Over
* In the event that a lynching is cancelled, all Phantom Votes that were allocated for that day will instead carry over to the next Day phase that lynch votes are tallied on.

Subsection 3: Role Claims, PMs, and Alliances

Article 1: Forboding of Role ID Forwarding
* No player is at any time allowed to forward their Role ID to ANY other player for ANY reason, nor quote or screen-cap any part thereof (even if it doesn't positively identify their role). The Host will NEVER give permission to do it, so do not ask. If it can be proven that you forwarded any part of your Role ID, the Host shall kick that player out of the game IMMEDIATELY.

Article 2: Public Role-Claiming
* As long as 3-1 is followed, any player can publicly or privately claim to hold any role they want, including knowledge, be it true or false, they claim to have because of their role - in fact, it's part of the dynamics of playing this game.

Article 3: Formation of Alliances
* Players can form alliances if they like, through either public board or PM (although that's always risky, as you could be forming an alliance with a Wolf). Be careful what you say - keen observers will jump you if you say anything even remotely suspicious. (Even editing a post can result in suspicion.)

Article 4-A: Aux Role PMs to the Host
* If you are an Auxiliary Role required to PM me the name of a person you will perform an action on at Night, I shall now hereby stipulate that your first decision is final, so think about it before PM'ing me (the deadline is there for a reason).

Article 4-B: Failure to PM at Night for Auxiliary Roles
* If an Auxiliary Role required to PM the Host fails to do so by the deadline, the Host will assume that Aux will not be taking action that Night.

Article 5-A: Werewolf PMs to the Host
* Please, please, please only one Wolf PM per Night phase. I give you several days so you can PM each other and discuss the matter. I do not want more than one Werewolf PM at Night; no Wolves second-guessing each other. The rule here will be the same as with Aux Roles: the first Wolf PM I receive that has a name on it will be the final kill decision for that Night.

Article 5-B: Failure to PM at Night for Werewolves
* This happened several times in both my previous WWGs. NO MORE WILL THIS BE TOLERATED. If the Wolves fail to PM me by the deadline, one of THEM will die instead.

Article 6: Positive Public Identification
* There are three ways players can be absolutely certain a player is a Human, and all require Host verifications:

6-A: Confirmed Vigilante
* Any Vigilante who makes a kill which is confirmed by the Host is a confirmed Human.

6-B: Confirmed Guardian Angel
* Any Guardian Angel who makes a successful save that blows their cover (as stipulated in their Role ID), as confirmed by the Host, is a confirmed Human.

6-C: Confirmed Priest
* Any Priest who makes a public Day-phase resurrection in-thread which is confirmed by the Host is a confirmed Human.

Article 7: Impersonation
* No player shall at any time attempt to impersonate another player by any means (though the most popular is via IRC). If it can be proven a player has impersonated another, THREE Phantom Votes shall be placed on their head.

Subsection 4: Death, Non-Participants and Talking

This needed added after some shenanigans in the previous game. For further clarifications, see subsection 5, "Ghosts and Notes."

Article 1: Death by Lynching
* Some themes allow those who are lynched final words. If it is allowed, you get ONE POST after I post your lynching to give final words, and that's it; after that, if you are dead, you cannot speak in the thread AT ALL anymore.

Article 2: Death by Nightkill
* If you're killed by roles which act at night (which is the Werewolves or a Ninja), you don't get final words, as you were killed at night when all other characters were presumably sleeping. If killed by the Wolves, no more talking in the thread for you.

Article 3-A: Death by Vigilante
* If you're killed by the Vigilante, as per Vigilante role rules, you are dead immediately, so it's up to the Vigilante whether to let you speak some kind of piece ahead of time; once they shoot you and I confirm it, you're done; no more talking in-thread.

Article 3-B: Vigilante Revenge Kill
* In the event of multiple Vigilantes, if it just so happens that two declare a kill on each other, the results will be determined as follows: If the second kill was declared before the Host even saw the first one, both will be credited, and both Vigilantes will die; if the Host spotted the first kill before the second was posted, the first will still be credited, and the second shot will simply not go through (this Host will give that Vigilante a chance to choose a different target, or even decide not to shoot after all).

Article 4: Non-Participants
* This Host has nothing against non-participants, and encourages all potential future players to watch the thread's activity. However, this Host shall now start stipulating that non-participants please refrain from posting in the game's thread; if a non-participant has any questions, they may feel more than free to PM the Host or any players they wish to converse with.

Article 5: Removal of Illegal Posts
* Ordinarily, all posts, even stupid ones, are kept for the sole sake of helping players form opinions of each other. However, illegal posts (those made by non-participants after the Day 1 announcement that starts the actual game proper, and those made by dead players outside of "final words" posts authorized by the Host) shall be deleted by a moderator. No exceptions.

Subsection 5: Ghosts and Notes

If you've been killed, and perhaps even had no official opportunity for final words, but still wish to express wishes to the other players, PM me about it. I will decide on a case-by-case basis whether ghost sightings occur or whether your note will be passed along, although there will be some general rules:

Article 1: Ghost Sightings
* If you are dead and believe you have something important enough to say that you think it should warrant your ghost being sighted, PM me about it with what you'd like to say, and I will decide on a case-by-case basis whether your ghost will appear; if it does, I will make the post myself.

Article 2: Notes
* If you are dead and have written a note you believe will benefit the other Human players, PM it to me with what it will say, letting me know whether one individual will find it privately (I will PM it to them; you cannot stipulate who: I will choose randomly from among the remaining living Humans) or whether the note will be discovered publicly (I will post it in the thread).

Article 3: Time-, Chance-, or Character-Sensitive Notes
* This Host WILL NOT pass along any note that cites any kind of chances of being found based on time or luck, or can only be found by particular individuals (although I will accept notes that can only be found by the Coroner, as they investigate dead bodies; in which case, the note must be hidden on your person, ahead of time).

Article 4: Regarding Nightkills
* If you are going to be nightkilled (which you have no way of knowing ahead of time, of course), your note must be authored and PM'ed to me before that Night's deadline.

Role List and Explanations

You kill humans; it's in your nature. At night, you gather with the other wolves and kill one person each night. (In some larger games, the Pack Leader role may be used; the Pack Leader can choose to "sniff" a Human each night to see if that Human holds an Auxiliary Role. In really big games, he might even be told what it is.)

You're an ordinary human who does not hold an Auxiliary Role. Nothing you can do other than cast your lynch vote, really.

Anything other than "Civilian" is considered an Auxiliary ("Aux") Role, and is special and unique. The good thing is, having an Aux Role gives you an advantage. The bad thing is, sure, you could try to help the other Humans by telling them who you are (remember, you can't show them your Role ID), but they might not believe you, and the wolves might catch on and try to kill you.

You can sense danger. Each night, you must PM the Host and tell them whether you wish to exercise your ability (which is to know how many Wolves there are left). If so, in some large games, the Wolves may be informed it's happened (or even who you are).

You can see hidden talents in others (and the truth in Wolves). Each night, you must PM the Host and tell them whether you wish to exercise your ability (you'll be informed of that player's exact role). The Wolves might get informed if you do this, so look out!

You specialize in dead people. Via PM, each Dawn, you're told the exact role of the person the Wolves killed, and each Sundown, you're told the exact role of the player who got lynched. You can use the process of elimination to determine who's left.

You have trouble sleeping at night (who wouldn't with all this killing going on?). Each night, you must PM the Host and tell them whether you were able to sleep. If not, you will be informed of the NAME of one of the wolves!! The problem is, that very Wolf will also be told who YOU are, so be careful!!

Unknown Celebrity
You're popular where you came from, but the other players don't know this. If you're killed by the Wolves, the players will find out in the newspaper the next day, and that day's lynching will be CANCELLED. This provides a valuable opportunity for the other players to say whatever they want without fear of getting lynched for it (in fact, some hosts will extend the Sundown deadline to give the players more time to discuss things when this happens).

You were smart - you packed a GUN. Trouble is, you only have one bullet. Once you're sure you know who you want dead, during any Day phase, you can announce your role publicly, and shoot anyone you want (this MUST BE CONFIRMED BY THE HOST). That player is dead IMMEDIATELY (some Hosts might cancel the day's lynching for this, because someone's already been killed). You may no longer have your gun, but at least now the other players know for sure you're human!! Note: In some games, if the Vigilante is killed before he can use his weapon, another human might find it, and the role of Vigilante is added to any other Aux Role that player might have. ALSO: Nobody can pretend to be the Vigilante. Why? If you try to declare a shot, and you're not the Vigilante, it backfires because a shot MUST be confirmed by the host.

You are a free agent ninja. At night, you must PM the Host to tell them if you're doing any stealthy assassinating tonight. Even if you kill a Wolf, the Wolves still get their kill (meaning if you act, the Humans will wake up with two deaths in the morning), but at least if you did kill a Wolf, that's one less the Humans will have to vote against to kill. This can work great against Wolves, but, as you can do it multiple times, if you don't know what the heck you're doing, you can end up wiping out the humans FOR them. Ninjas may be cool, but don't overdo it. Be careful!! (Also, if other Aux Roles that perform actions at night, such as the Insomniac or Guardian Angel, happen to be up and about the same night you are, you'll be told what you saw on the way to your target.)

Guardian Angel
You have the heavenly ability to guard the lives of those around you. Each night, you must PM the Host telling them who, if anyone, you're protecting tonight. You can't protect the same person more than one night in a row (unless the Wolves choose that person to kill - in which case, nobody dies that night, and you can protect the same player again the next night). Sure, you can protect yourself, but why be greedy? Also, some games force you to blow your cover when a protection is successful. Be cautious.

Just as the Vigilante can bring death, you can bring life. One time (and one time only), anytime Day or Night, publicly or privately, you can bring back to life any player who was previously dead. You can DEVESTATE the Wolf team if you bring back a well-informed Aux Role late in the game (such as the Coroner, the Psychic, or the Insomniac), but you could just as easily get the human team killed by unintentionally bringing back a Wolf. Be careful with this role.

Mad Scientist New Role!! (Thanks to SFG for the idea.)
You've got a vial (or perhaps several vials in larger games) of a DNA-altering compound. If you force this down someone's throat at night, it will, guaranteed, change them into something else. It could give them (or if they already had one, change) their Auxiliary Role, but it could just as easily change a Human into a Wolf, so be careful!! If you use it on a Wolf, they're gonna mutate and gain Aux Roles. (I can't have Wolves, who know who the other Wolves are, turning into Humans, as interesting as that'd be. That'd give the Humans TOO much of an advantage.) Chances and potential nature of changes vary from game to game.
against my better

also p.s. i know i was a wolf last game but you all were going to be so fucking confused when i nightkilled myself <3~
Deja vu, deja vu, deja vu...
And to think Rolled did you in. I remembered cursing Echo.

WWG3 = cursed? That is, we cannot ever have a 3 without someone breaking it to kingdom come?

Sign me up.
i dunno, M3 was okay
no bets on CM3 though...

Edit: also p.s. A<3 you can come into IRC too ;o please
Bah. Superstition.

I'll bein this one.

I can do that, right?

MarioBros777 wrote:

Bah. Superstition.

I'll bein this one.

I can do that, right?
as long as you participate and dont cheat, go right ahead. Thinking for yourself is also a preferential but apparently not required trait.
Topic Starter
This is evidently called for, so now you got it.

[A<3Rage]Allow me to express my EXTREME DISDAIN for all of Rolled's shenanigans.

I do not know what exactly you did, or how you did it, but the complaints were all crystal clear: you've done SOMETHING, and I do NOT want to hear you're trying it again. You may sign up again ONLY if you abide by the rules, do you hear me?!

And I don't want anymore bullshit signups. I am SICK AND TIRED of people signing up then not confirming their role or going on a fucking vacation from their computer. IF YOU SIGN UP, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BE HERE AND PLAY.[/A<3Rage]

That is all right now.

Edit-in: SFG: I'm on my way now.
Well said, I couldn't have said it any better or louder.

Please don't kill me. :(
I'm in. Also make the civvy role PM known. The full PM. That prevents any of these "problems" from happening. At least, that's how mafia solves it.
Make *all* pms known
Sign me up!

Echo wrote:

Make *all* pms known
Or this.
Me again
1. rolled never gave out his role id

2. sfg is a bad loser and a bad liar

I'm not going to bother with this one, since ace is bad at hosting.

Two wrote:

1. rolled never gave out his role id

2. sfg is a bad loser and a bad liar

I'm not going to bother with this one, since ace is bad at hosting.

Rolled quoted his role ID numerous times

and dont yell at A<3 for your and his failure to read the rules plzkthnxbai

Two wrote:

1. rolled never gave out his role id

2. sfg is a bad loser and a bad liar

I'm not going to bother with this one, since ace is bad at hosting.
No, you're just a sore player in general.

Also /in
I'm in; sign me up, baby! Oh, and I actually read through the entire Rules post before signing up. That's a good thing, right?
I have yet to recieve my apology from SFG. ^_^

Allow me to express my EXTREME DISDAIN for all of Rolled's shenanigans.
Ace is really a 60 year old.
Sticky please
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Pasonia wrote:

I disagree. I mean, I agree with Derekku Chan. SFG didn't lie about it. Rolled quoted his role PM in part.

That's why I had a rule for my games that you are not allowed to quote your role ID in part or in full (or face a modkill).
Maybe you can use this rule I suggested, AoH, and get everyone to STFU by raging and making it a solid rule.

read subsection 3 article 1 of the rules, Pas~ of either game~

adam2046 wrote:

I have yet to recieve my apology from SFG. ^_^

Allow me to express my EXTREME DISDAIN for all of Rolled's shenanigans.
Ace is really a 60 year old.

adam i really dont know if i was lying to you as you stated or not
that being said, if i did lie like so to you, i apologize
i wont apologize for not saying i was a wolf though ;o
Sign me up again! XD

Preferably a game that gets started this time <_<
yay ^_^
Topic Starter
Okay, status is updated now that I've calmed down.

Two: I make a DAMN good Host who learns from any mistakes he makes, as evidenced by WWG1 and 2. Therefore I demand you take your insult back.

Also: I happen to like the word "shenanigans." Besides, I had other, far more colorful words in mind, but retaining what little sanity I had, I decided not to use them.

And for those concerned, I do stipulate that quoting your Role ID PM in whole or in part results from expulsion from the game, which is the harshest punishment I can possibly deliver as Host.
I had a good role last time

Let me in anyway.

Agent Spin Here wrote:

I had a good role last time

Vigilante right

kuwarudo wrote:

Agent Spin Here wrote:

I had a good role last time

Vigilante right
No, psychic

Two wrote:

1. rolled never gave out his role id

2. sfg is a bad loser and a bad liar

I'm not going to bother with this one, since ace is bad at hosting.
Hate to say this but I really wish you could shut up. Really. Dammit, your posts are drenched in insult and sarcasm to a point that it is barely tolerable. I'm so glad you're not in this game. [/rage]

Anyways, in (:.

Agent Spin Here wrote:

kuwarudo wrote:

Agent Spin Here wrote:

I had a good role last time

Vigilante right
No, psychic
I see well I had the gun
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Derekku Chan wrote:

I was the priest :3

Why don't we all say our old roles now D:
Considering I'm signing up for two other games, hosting a Mafia game myself on another forum, participating in a seperate "The Mole" game, and have school coming up soon, I probably shouldn't sign up.

Count me in!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Yes. Just yes.

...There we go. (a sign-up)

I was civilian btw.

Two wrote:

1. rolled never gave out his role id

2. sfg is a bad loser and a bad liar

I'm not going to bother with this one, since ace is bad at hosting.
Good riddance.

Sign me up.

I was seer last game ><
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Pew pew pew.

Topic Starter
Okies, updated again. (Can't believe I somehow missed Subi's signup; it is now included in its proper place on my list.)

Like the other 3rd game, the first launch was a failure, thanks to a good player abusing the role PM.
I'll sign-up then.

Agent Spin Here wrote:

No, psychic
you were going to die on night one or two anyways, ASH, depending on how well my side turned out
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Didn't A<3 even tell you personally that it was ok to use the code?
No, it was more-so a "we did it in this game, so why not in this game." kind of thing.
i'll refrain from joining since i will likely be gone for the last two weeks in august, and i need to focus on exams for first two weeks >_>

oh, and i was a vig last game (its too bad, i was looking forward to making a dramatic Minelli-shooting :P)

EDIT: Actually, could I be a replacement starting the first of September if anyone is inactive then?

Rolled wrote:

No, it was more-so a "we did it in this game, so why not in this game." kind of thing.
in case you didnt notice, it broke the game last time too ^_^

also you might want to have a word with your coroner about breaking the rules.
Rolled, i sent you the proof that the last game was a guarenteed lose for the wolves, even if i miraculously survived D1. All because of your actions. Can you man up and admit that you borked it yet?
The set-up is horribly imbalanced anyway. The wolves have a very low chance of winning even in a "fair" game.
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