
Beatmap Spotlights (Spring 2022) - Discussion Thread

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How's going, Spotlight rivals, Spring Season 2022 is finally here!

You can learn more about the Beatmap Spotlights and the Seasonal League on our wiki article.

With the new-and-improved Beatmap Spotlights system come a lot of changes, features and rewards that are yet to be implemented and up to discussion.

You can leave your impressions, feedback and criticism in this thread, so we can shape this system into the best it can ever be. You can suggest anything! Even game-changing feedbacks and what rewards you expect for next season.
medals :D
insane maps for taiko, good maps !

Wolfey- wrote:

medals :D
- Marco -
Beatmap Spotlights Spring 2022 be like: I AM SPEEEEED
Hi. I am providing feedback specifically about osu!mania lazer gameplay, not so much the spotlight system.

  1. the LN release timing window feels a bit difficult, if it could be adjusted to be 1.2x - 1.5x the size of the normal window, that would be better. maybe other people in the community can voice their opinion about this.
  2. is there a way to remove this bar through a skinning option, it messes up my reading
kudo sinichi
Hmm that interesting

m0l0d0y wrote:

check my map pls...
post it on modding, I'll put some things that are bad on your map
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