
[STD 2v2] World Blitz osu! Championship | 1k-20k BWS

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  1. This is a 2v2 (teams of 4) osu!standard tournament.
  2. All of the maps in every mappool will have 70 seconds of drain time or fewer.
  3. Rather than having tiebreaker maps in the pool, if 2 teams are both at match point, they will each PM the referee which of the remaining maps they would like to ban. The referee will !roll to decide which of the remaining maps get played.
  4. The rank range is 1,000 to 20,000 with BWS enforced (more info below).
  5. All players outside of the rank range when registrations end (May 22, 2022 at 23:59 UTC) will be removed from their team.
  6. Players are allowed to leave the rank range after registrations end.
  7. All eligible teams will play a qualifier round before the bracket stage starts.
  8. The top 32 teams by qualifier results will be entered into a double elimination bracket.
  9. Grand Finals will have a bracket reset if the team coming from loser's bracket wins the first match.
  10. Schedules and mappools will be released every Monday at 2 UTC following the qualifier round.
  11. Staff members are not allowed to play in the tournament with the exception of Streamers and Commentators.

  1. All players are expected to follow the osu! Community Guidelines.
  2. Any harassment/abuse towards staff or other players will not be tolerated.
  3. Team signups will not be taken after May 23, 2022 at 23:59 UTC.
  4. The BWS formula that will be used is as follows:

    BWS Rank = rank^(0.9937^(badges^2))
  5. Any players screened by osu! support will be removed from their team.
  6. Teams may make roster changes up until the qualifier pool showcase on June 6, 2022 at 2 UTC.
    1. This includes adding signed up free agents and removing players, but teams may not add players who were not signed up by the deadline.
  7. Teams must complete a qualifier lobby by June 13, 2022 at 2 UTC in order to play in the bracket stage.
    1. No qualifier lobbies may be scheduled after this time.
  8. Qualifier seeding will be calculated with a max% formula.
    1. For each map a score between 0 and 1 will be given to each team.
    2. This score is the team's total score divided by the highest team score achieved on the map.
    3. Each of these scores will be added up and teams will be ranked highest to lowest.
  9. No Fail will be used on every map.
  10. Read the match procedures here.

Registrations Open: May 2, 2022
Registrations Close: May 22, 2022
2 Week Break for Screening
Qualifier Showcase: June 6, 2022 at 2 UTC
Qualifier Round Ends: June 13, 2022 at 2 UTC
RO32: June 18-19, 2022
RO16: June 25-26, 2022
Quarterfinals: July 2-3, 2022
Semifinals: July 9-10, 2022
Finals: July 16-17, 2022
Grand Finals: July 23-24, 2022

Qualifiers Mappool: 4 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 2 DT
RO32/RO16 Mappool (BO9 | 1 Ban): 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 3 DT
Quarterfinals/Semifinals Mappool (BO11 | 1 Ban): 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 3 DT
Finals/Grand Finals Mappool (BO13 | 2 Bans): 7 NM / 4 HD / 4 HR / 4 DT

1st Place - Profile Badge (pending approval)

Hosts: GRR SNARL GROWL, ZephyrCo
Admins: HitomiChan_, Bakugo-
GFX: Daitsuku
Sheeters: HitomiChan_, GRR SNARL GROWL
Commentators: GRR SNARL GROWL, ZephyrCo
Streamers: GRR SNARL GROWL, ZephyrCo
Poolers: GRR SNARL GROWL, ZephyrCo
Playtesters: Alicia Florence, blai, SkadiMyMommy, Twilight, Jayyhk, Altrax, kieg, sleeping_24-7, BronyRU, Invoker
Referees: GRR SNARL GROWL, ZephyrCo, bonkmi, dinonesie, megahello, Salt-Ranocchio, [Jameson], ROB_
Mappers: GRR SNARL GROWL, Mizunashi Akari, Alicia Florence, yanaginagi1, FrenZ, Kurashina Asuka, Ancelysia, kieg, bluirre, Bakugo-, Qiyana, ratokkoy, atlas-, Zekk, Aistre, 0ppInOsu, PaRaDogi, Videos


We are in need of Referees and Streamers the most, however we also need more Streamers and Playtesters. Please DM Squilly#3333 or ZephyrCo#9234 on Discord if you're interested!
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Mizunashi Akari
Hey jayy I left a comment here you’re welcome in advance
Hey jayy I left a comment here you’re welcome in advance
no way
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