
7p Vengetown Mafia - Game over Mafia Win

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Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
This is a minigame. The only difference between this and a normal game is it has less people. You are expected to remain as active in this game as in a normal game.

A long time ago, seven friends went out to get ice cream. They all wanted the same flavor. However, there wasn't enough of the flavor for everyone. Only 4 people got the flavor, which gave them magical powers to be able to kill someone if they got killed, the other 3, angered, got a different flavor, and they were connected by a spiritual flavor bond. One of them was hinged on the bond, and if they dropped, both the others would too.

This flavor makes no sense. They should've gotten vanilla flavored.

1. pieguy1372
2. Raging Bull
3. Sephibro
4. Sakura
5. GuyInFreezer
6. Irreversible
7. DakeDekaane

Replacement List:
2. Itachi_Uchiha

Still Flavorful
Raging Bull

Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
1. Do not edit or delete posts. You only get one warning.
2. Do not communicate anything about the game unless it is in the thread. PMs? No.
3. If you are breaking any rules, you can be subject to either force replacement or modkill.
4. Do not do things completely randomly. You can pick a random person in your head, don't use a randomizer though.
5. I'm only one Yoshi, and this is my first time hosting something on this scale. If I make a mistake in a votecount or something, please get my attention with bold text.

Deadline Rules:
Deadlines will normally consist of 5 RL days to any one game day, which is 120 hours. I will set aside up to 24 hours for a lynched vengeful townie to make their kill. If a replacement is needing to be made, the deadline timer will stop until the replacement is found. An instant replacement will add 24 hours to the deadline timer.
After a vengeful townie makes their kill, or a mafia is lynched, the game moves on to the next day. This is a nightless game.

How to kill people:
During the day, you may vote to lynch someone using bold, i.e. Vote: Red Yoshi. If you are going to change your vote, use unvote. It's not required, but it helps me a lot and I won't have to cry myself to sleep.
Make sure shortened names/acronyms are obvious as to who they belong to.
Once the hammer vote on a person has been made, the game will enter dusk. During this time, anyone can talk, however after this time, the lynchee will be dead and the game will start on the next day again.
The 24 hour vengeful kill time is treated as night time, so you will not be able to talk at that time.
If you are making a vengekill, you may PM the mod (me) with contents that include Kill: Green Yoshi or anything that I can make out as you using your vengekill on this person.
When you die, you are dead. Can dead people talk? No.

Prods, replacing, etcetera:
If someone has not made a post in 24 hours, you can inform me about it with Prod: Yellow Yoshi. I'll send said person a PM on this site to get them to come back to the thread. You should not be doing this, it violates rule 2. I will automatically prod anyone inactive for 48 hours.
If you are prodded, post in the thread that you have received your prod.
If you do not pick up your prod/post in the thread within 24 hours of receiving your prod, you will be replaced.
If you are going to be away for a significant amount of time (more than one day) then send me a PM about this or post in the thread. This is considered V/LA (vacation/limited access). V/LAs longer than 4 days are not recommended, and if such a thing happens you should consider replacing out.
If you would like to replace out of the game, please request a replacement.

Misc. Rules:
If the Godfather is ever lynched (not vengekilled), the game ends in a town victory.
Vengekills can only be made when the game is in a LyLo phase. MyLo does not exist in this game, as the mafia do not make kills at night.
Vengekills cannot be made in 3p lylo. Lynch correctly then.

Role PMs
Hello xxxx, you are the Godfather, along with your mafia partners, yyyy and zzzz.
You are mafia aligned.
You are not able to make kills during the night, as essentially there is none.

If at any time you are lynched, the mafia will lose. Be careful.

You win when you and your mafia partners attain a majority. Good luck.

Mafia Goon
Hello xxxx, you are a Mafia Goon, along with your mafia partners, yyyy the Godfather and zzzz the Mafia Goon.
You are mafia aligned.
You are not able to make kills during the night, as essentially there is none.

If at any time your godfather is lynched, the mafia will lose. Be careful.

You win when you and your mafia partners attain a majority. Good luck.

Vengeful Townie
Hello xxxx, you are a townie.
You are Town aligned.
You have no day powers except your vote

If you are lynched in a Lylo position with 4 or more people to pick from, you must take someone down with you.
If the godfather is lynched (not vengekilled) the town will win.

You win when all the mafia are dead. Good luck.
Raging Bull
cool, i always wanted to try being vengeful townie. (if I get orz)
looks cool, i'm in

But note that i'm V/LA until September 9th

Sakura wrote:

But note that i'm V/LA until September 9th
349 days vacation..lucky you!

Sakura wrote:


But note that i'm V/LA until September 29th

I'm totally new.

Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
All PMs have been sent out. Please confirm in the thread.
Game will start at 6/7 confirms.
Oh I'm confirming here.
This is a confirmation post.


lazy conf
This is a confirmation.
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
6/7 confirmed. RB has 24 hours to confirm.

Fun Fact: The 7 base flavors are sweet, sour, bitter, salty, savory, pungent, and metallic.

pieguy1372: - (L-4)
Raging Bull: - (L-4)
Sephibro: - (L-4)
Sakura: - (L-4)
GuyInFreezer: - (L-4)
Irreversible: - (L-4)
DakeDekaane: - (L-4)

Not Voting: pieguy1372, Raging Bull, Sephibro, Sakura, GuyInFreezer, Irreversible, DakeDekaane.

Day 1 begins now. Deadline is in 120 hours.
Vote: GuyInFreezer
Godfathermother found. Sheep, purge, and move on.

@Mod: a question.
Since this game is nightless iirc, what will happen if we hit the deadline? :P
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
When a deadline is reached, the player with the most amount of votes will be lynched.
If there is a tie, the player that reached the highest amount of votes first will be lynched.
Ah, plurality lynch. Gotcha.
/different sitemeta
vote: pieguy1372
who said it's not a random vote :P
Also just wanna say that these 2-frames emoticons are just adorable. :)
Raging Bull
Confirm. Why did i get two role pm
Vote: GIF


Vote: RB

dun lie pls
Raging Bull
Why do you want to lynch town Dake?
RB, how many mafia games have you played so far?
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
Fun Fact: Natural and artificial flavors are not only defined by law in the UK, the flavorants that make up each flavor are as well.

pieguy1372: pieguy1372 - (L-3)
Raging Bull: DakeDekaane - (L-3)
Sephibro: - (L-4)
Sakura: GuyInFreezer - (L-3)
GuyInFreezer: Sephibro, Sakura - (L-2)
Irreversible: - (L-4)
DakeDekaane: - (L-4)

Not Voting: Raging Bull, Irreversible.

Deadline in ~108 hours.
Raging Bull
Not Enough
Why are you trying to looking town RB?
And my random vote goes toooo
Vote: sephibro orz sorry :(
This game is quite moving slow despite this game having 5-days deadline.

Exact numbers, if possible.
Also I believe I'm not allowed to edit my post so double-post it is!

DakeDekaane wrote:

Why are you trying to looking town RB?
Exactly where is he trying to look town?

GuyInFreezer wrote:

Exactly where is he trying to look town?
? Can you rephrase that please

I dunno if it's 'exactly, where is he trying to look town' which would be against dake, because you're asking him why he thinks he looks town or

where exactly does he try to look town, which would mean.. yeah..

-self-confusing best confusing-

also you seem kinda nervous. wanna get some good reasons (as fast as possible) to lynch someone so nobody gets suspicious of you?


Vote: GuyInFreezer
What dake threw down was an accusation against RB that he tried to create the self-image, yadda yadda.
I'm asking Dake where did RB tried to make himself look town, because I'm not seeing it.
Oh btw, it is widely accepted tell that scums are more wanting others to see them as town than town themselves, if you don't get the point here.

Raging Bull wrote:

Why do you want to lynch town Dake?
He said that, in case you still didn't see it.
wowowo Irre are you fucking crazy? you just sent GIF on L-1, any mafia could lynch him with just 1 vote
Stupid move, unless you're mafia. Well it would still be stupid.
Unvote, vote Irreversible

Irreversible wrote:

Raging Bull wrote:

Why do you want to lynch town Dake?
He said that, in case you still didn't see it.
And that does not look like he was attempting to create self-image.
Raging Bull
Exact number I'm not sure. 10 ish.

Irre, why put him on L-1? That seems like a really stupid move. I'm more inclined to believe you are mafia right now since I really believe L-2 voters are mafia.

Raging Bull wrote:

Exact number I'm not sure. 10 ish.
So any reason why you aren't voting right now?
Raging Bull
I don't really like RVS and I want to give Irre a chance to explain himself first.

And how is asking my game count relevant?
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