
7p Vengetown Mafia - Game over Mafia Win

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The reason why i've voted him that early was that in other games people told me to scumhunt, and vote early in order to show you that i'm town, but somehow that was too early ? -_-' this game.. XD

Sephibro wrote:

Also, you haven't answered to my question on this post yet p/2594782.
oooops missed it sry

I mean, if scum tries to coordinate a mislynch on the person, it's generally pretty obvious what they're doing, so town can figure out what's going on. especially in this setup where everyone's a vengeful townie, cause they can just immediately kill one of the people who did that.

RB wrote:

That's cool pieguy, question my reads while I try to read your re- oh yeah.
I wasn't really questioning your reads, just saying certainly there's another person besides Irre who you have to find suspicious. flailing much?
pieguy, having null-reads is far better than throwing town-reads, you can't argue about someone's reads if you haven't shared yours, may I know why are you focusing on RB?
pieguy, having null-reads is far better than throwing town-reads, you can't argue about someone's reads if you haven't shared yours, may I know why are you focusing on RB?
1. first off, I never said throwing town-reads is better. in fact I never said anything was better than anything else at all
2. why can't I? also, I don't like to declare someone as town/null/scum/etc. until I've questioned them enough. partly cause I'm not sure until I have, and partly cause me saying my read on them before they finish answering my questions can affect their answers.
3. I'm not. I also questioning GIF but he just told me to wait = =
So when will be "enough" when we only have less than a day left?

Also technically I told you to go figure out by yourself.
But I did hinted that I was looking for certain reactions.

On the side note, the activity here is kinda low considering how short the deadline is.
Are all games here have short deadlines?

GuyInFreezer wrote:

So when will be "enough" when we only have less than a day left?
yeah that's the flaw with this strategy. I haven't yet had it once where I can successfully question everyone by the deadline :P the most I could do was 4 people out of 12. > <

here's my reads atm, but they're all pretty much gut feeling besides RB and you

1. pieguy1372
2. Raging Bull <- null. he's answered all my questions so far though so that's pretty good
3. Sephibro <- null-town
4. Sakura <- null-town due to something she said. don't wanna post what it was cause I might ask her some stuff later ;)
5. GuyInFreezer <- scum cause I still can't understand what the hell you're trying to do. I still say it just denies town information = =
6. Irreversible <- null
7. DakeDekaane <- null-scum. hasn't posted much afaik

Are all games here have short deadlines?
generally yeah. besides the Matrix6 that Lilac is doing everything is max 1 week. personally I prefer 3-5 day deadlines (the last game I hosted had 4 day deadlines and it still got 74 pages of posts), it was so weird for me when I joined MS and everything was 2 weeks :?
Raging Bull
Sorry guys I'm little bit sick currently.

@Irre, I don't want to lynch town, but so far your reasoning isn't strong as to why you put someone L-1 so fast when the day just started.

pieguy1372 wrote:

2. why can't I? also, I don't like to declare someone as town/null/scum/etc. until I've questioned them enough.
So for someone without information, you won't declare someone as null? Cause that was my case why I put almost everyone null. What can you achieve from someone who has no information?

Also Sakura, I know you're just reading our posts, but it seems like to me how you don't post as much as before. I won't say you're mafia, but your game changed a bit. Why? Especially since it's D1 and you usually try so hard to get reaction tests on D1.

Raging Bull wrote:

pieguy1372 wrote:

2. why can't I? also, I don't like to declare someone as town/null/scum/etc. until I've questioned them enough.
So for someone without information, you won't declare someone as null? Cause that was my case why I put almost everyone null. What can you achieve from someone who has no information?
that's why like half my reads were just gut feeling :P

it used to be my gut feeling was the only read I could get. but now I'm trying to practice getting better reads :>

k I can move you to town for now. I'm liking your recent posts more ww
Which information exactly am I denying?

Sephibro wrote:

I would like to hear more from DD and Sakura
According to their previous games, looks like DD never talks too much -which is really bad- while Sakura usually talks much more.
Sakura's V/LA should be over now - i expect much more useful activity from you both.
Raging Bull

Raging Bull wrote:

Also Sakura, I know you're just reading our posts, but it seems like to me how you don't post as much as before. I won't say you're mafia, but your game changed a bit. Why? Especially since it's D1 and you usually try so hard to get reaction tests on D1.

Sephibro wrote:

while Sakura usually talks much more.
Sakura's V/LA should be over now - i expect much more useful activity from you both.
Yeah.. Nevermind that.

GIF, what alignment do you think I am currently and why?
Back from V/LA, will start re-reading soonish.
@RB: town, if you missed it.
Reason? Your honest thought of 1 v 1 (or blatant, whatever you want to call it), your comment re: pie, etc.

Also was your first post to garner reactions?

Answer my question, thx.

Answer my question and I'll explain my actions.
Better hurry, cos we only have around 3 hrs left.

Did you roll scum on me? :<
-.- 3 hours? and you really want to lynch me? wow, that's great.
Well, it's my fault. I didnt' do much that you're going to unvote me, I'm sorry town =v=
@Gif: I think RB is town too, and no I didn't roll scum.

Also I don't like seeing Irre getting lynched for this every single game, if you ask my opinion he's more of a lynchbait than RB will ever be.

GuyInFreezer wrote:

Answer my question, thx.
I don't know which question you're talking about

Btw yes, we have very little time left and if we don't kill scum we lose.
Irreversible is still #1 suspect, he never even tried to scumhunt, this was the only thing he could say to make people unvote him

Irreversible wrote:

The reason why i've voted him that early was that in other games people told me to scumhunt, and vote early in order to show you that i'm town, but somehow that was too early ? -_-' this game.. XD
If he's not scum, who should he shoot at? imo the best options are, in this order, pieguy>Sakura>GIF
- My read on pieguy hasn't changed
- Sakura is not anymore on V/LA, we are almost at deadline and she's not posted one serious post yet
- with his last posts, my read on GIF is moving a bit towards town. Looks like he is really hurried by deadline and wants to find scum

So, we're probably lynching Irreversible today; if you're not scum, Irre, choose wisely who to shoot at, because we will lose if you miss it.

GuyInFreezer wrote:

Which information exactly am I denying?
that's exactly the point, we don't know what we could have got if we let the pressure on RB increase. we could very easily get some obvious scumtell on someone as a result of the situation caused by pressuring RB more. we could on the other hand get nothing, but the fact that you denied town even a chance to get this info is suspicious for me

I say shoot GIF or Dake. probably Dake if it's still not clear what GIF was trying to do by day end, otherwise either one
Sephi, you're more like you want to lead the whole thing, like, as you give the orders who to shoot etc.. You use me, so that you can look more townish. Might work, is suspicious as well though.

Sakura, I've always waited for your vote, and I was pretty impressed that you didn't vote me.

Can't really get a read of the others, you talk about each other, but somehow you just want me to get lynched because of that 'why did you want to get him lynched day 1' . hm.

Why would you loose because of my decision? ~
pie and dake, if you both were town, you would have devoted me. You both said you will unvote me if I talk, and I've talked. so there might be something behind it.
sorry, GIF and dake, not pie and dake.

Irreversible wrote:

Why would you loose because of my decision? ~
there are 3 mafia and 4 town - according to Blue Yoshi's rules, mafia wins when they "attain a majority". If we kill a town and then he shoots another town there will be 3 mafia left and 2 town. That's why I'm telling all my thoughts about who i think is scummier
So if you are not mafia you'll have to shoot someone, and if that someone isn't mafia we lose.
if youre really town then shoot one of those , dake or gif. they both said theyll unvote me if i talk - they both didnt, i guess that was a plan. thats at least what i think - mh. idk about the others, they seem lile scumhunting but who knows? you included..
prove that youre town.
I never said I was to remove my vote if you talked, don't put such words in my mouth.

It may be possible that GIF is WKing RB, but that may imply both Sakura and GIF are buddies as they're reading each other as town, but that's only my paranoia talking, also pieguy is ignoring you for some reason I can't find out.

RB is likely town and I have a null-town read on Sephibro, so by PoE you are likely scum, and that's why I'm still voting you.
@irre: I'm not voting anyone so

pieguy1372 wrote:

GuyInFreezer wrote:

Which information exactly am I denying?
that's exactly the point, we don't know what we could have got if we let the pressure on RB increase. we could very easily get some obvious scumtell on someone as a result of the situation caused by pressuring RB more. we could on the other hand get nothing, but the fact that you denied town even a chance to get this info is suspicious for me
That's exactly what I expected to hear.

First of all, I'm not looking for scum. I'm looking for town.
Second of all, as I said, I'm going bit further than that.

Re: first point
This game is vengeful. One mislynch and we have 50% chance to lose.
In a game like this, townhunting is more optimal than scumhunting because
1) townhunting is easier
2) rolling with PoE gives scum less place to hide.
3) less place to hide = less chance that scum will misguide the vengekill should we mislynch.

Re: second point
Remember how I said I love reaction testing?
Well, reaction test works best when something "abnormal" happens.

Face it. "Scum goes for easy target" has been a scumtell for a while.
So when scum goes for the easy target, they'll have to make sure that it doesn't appear that way.
Also there's a solid chance that scum would accuse town for supposedly going for easy target.
I didn't feel like bother with those wifoms, so I took a step further.

What will be ppl's reaction if I WK the fuck out of an "easy target?"

Now if the WKing thingy looked common here, I would've stopped it long time ago and moved on.
But judging by your reaction to it, it sure wasn't common, so I decided to keep going, because reaction test works best when the situation is abnormal.

TL;DR - I was looking for the reaction to my WK on RB.
And you said you had 0 clue what I was doing.

Well, that's what I wanted anyway.

Anyway, I brought up the reaction test.
What was I looking for?

Since apparently WK didn't look too common here, I was thinking that scum would react a bit confused, and either change their target quick or confront me.

But sadly, no one but you responded to it.
Since you were biting it, I acted cryptically to get your reaction, but sadly it was as generic as it could get.
And yes, irre looks like more of a lynchbait than RB.
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
pieguy1372: - (L-4)
Raging Bull: - (L-4)
Sephibro: - (L-4)
Sakura: - (L-4)
GuyInFreezer: pieguy1372 - (L-3)
Irreversible: Sephibro, DakeDekaane, Raging Bull - (L-1)
DakeDekaane: - (L-4)

Not Voting: Sakura, GuyInFreezer, Irreversible

Irreversible was lynched. He was a townie.

Game enters Dusk (technically night I guess) 1. Irreversible has 24 hours to pick their vengetarget.
I literally got this exactly 5 days, down to the second. So pro :3

Posting is off during this time.
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
pieguy1372, the townie, was vengekilled by Irreversible.

Sakura and Raging Bull, townies, were endgamed.

Mafia Wins!

DakeDekaane - Godfather
Sephibro, GuyInFreezer - Goon

Sakura, Raging Bull, pieguy1372, Irreversible

Mafia can go ahead and reveal their scum QT if they want.

...I really got nothing here. Almost thought game was gonna go into 3v3, which is still playable for town, just not well.

(first game hosted on this site how did I do)
Raging Bull
Lol I had a feeling GIF was mafia.
-.-' ^^ i'm sorry guys.
It was like i've said that Dake + GIF were kinda scumpartner, but couldn't trust myself since my mafia skills are.. bad. AW ><.'
Few comments

1) irre, I wasn't voting you :P
2) short deadline in vengeful game is heavily scumsided, js.
3) this game would've been bit hard for me if it wasn't for deadline, because so many obvtowns XD
4) I would've done the same thing as town.
5) I need to get used to the short deadlines.
Also irre, I would've shot pieguy too if I was in your position :P

But we had a plan going to frame pieguy for being a GF so

Scum QT:
Paranoid irre is paranoid but in the end i've just believed you more since you posted more -.- xD
GIF, Dake, it was a pleasure to play with you :)
Btw very dirty win, I'm not proud of winning this. We won mainly because of that move i made against Irre in the beginning of the match and because of Sakura's inactivity
Btw i was pleased by some things I saw on this match, especially by Raging Bull who played really well (except for the very beginning of the match); you played so bad on sakura's spies vs mafia game, looks like you learned much from your errors - and i was pleased by GIF joining us too, i think i have so much to learn from him, I can't wait to play more games with him :)
Here's our scumchat if someone's interested

Feedback for Yoshi: you couldn't have done better, frequent vote-counts and fun facts. 10/10

I would really like to play a standard WereWolf game (more info here p/2569984 ) pls someone host it ç_ç

EDIT: I forgot to say that this setup is unbalanced in Mafia's favour, a more balanced setup would probably be an 8p with 3 goon and 5 vengeful
Sakura will kill me.
aw fuck
I called Dake and GIF go me o/

and why did you shoot me ;w;
Raging Bull
7p vengeful is usually suppose to be mafia sided
Topic Starter
Blue Yoshi_old
This setup is about 58-42 percent mafia sided, and as you add more players to each side the game gets more town sided, but never reaches 50 50.
Raging Bull
7p vengeful is usually suppose to be mafia sided
Not really, as scum has very few places to hide.

Also, gg, although I should accept that deadline was the only thing that favored us a bit.

Irreversible wrote:

Sakura will kill me.
Why? I was townreading GiF, it was a big mistake already there.
who would have you shot sakura?

Sakura wrote:

Irreversible wrote:

Sakura will kill me.
Why? I was townreading GiF, it was a big mistake already there.
because of me you've lost the game ? Q-Q

pieguy i've voted you because i kinda trusted sephibro. and he said he would kill pieguy.. orz xD
But please, if town would have listened to what i've said about GiF we would have won. :PPP haha

Irreversible wrote:

But please, if town would have listened to what i've said about GiF we would have won. :PPP haha
Apparently you didnt listen to your own advice about GiF either.

Too bad the first game GiF plays here and im V/LA almost all game :(

Irreversible wrote:

But please, if town would have listened to what i've said about GiF we would have won. :PPP haha
You mean the thing about me not unvoting you?
(Which is wrong because I never placed a vote on you :P )
b-but i was sure

Irreversible wrote:

b-but i was sure
Still, why didnt you shoot GiF or dake who you were sure were scum?
I was sure that GIF voted me

I didn't shoot GiF or Dake because
1) I got judged for voting too early, so i thought k then GiF and Dake couldn't be scum
2) sephibro was kinda.. persuading for me in the end, and then i've read he'd shooot pieguy first .. ._. -sigh-

Irreversible wrote:

I was sure that GIF voted me

I didn't shoot GiF or Dake because
1) I got judged for voting too early, so i thought k then GiF and Dake couldn't be scum
2) sephibro was kinda.. persuading for me in the end, and then i've read he'd shooot pieguy first .. ._. -sigh-
I was persuading because I played exactly as I would have played if i were town, except the fact i would have probably told you to shoot Dake>Pieguy>Sakura>GIF in that case :P
Raging Bull
Irre needs to be mafia once so he knows what not to do haha
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