
OWC #4 for Sweden

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All the times for the Group Stage matches
All the Groups for the Group Stage

We'll be playing in the Group Stage the 9th-10th November at these times:

9th - Sweden vs. Philippines 10:00
10th - Sweden vs. China 13:00
10th - Sweden vs. Austria 21:00

These times are set in stone. It's not possible to change them.

Participating Swedish Vikings

01. Xytox Captain
02. Shimox
03. Gnuu
04. Slizzer
05. Mayis
06. Blandar
07. Gyuunyu
08. Shilkey
Gyuun and Shilkey will work as backups. They don't necessarily want to play, but if everything goes weird with our lineup, they said they'd be happy to jump in. 1-5 are the core players of our team that will most likely play the most.
The Teams For Each Mod
The importance of each player in the backup sections goes from left to right. Left being a more important player for that specific mod. If a player disappears or tells us he can't participate on the day of OWC, then I'll ask the player to the leftmost first, and then proceed to the right if need be. The backup order can come to change, and you're free to tell us if you disagree with the placement of your backup.


Players: Shimox, Gnuu, Xytox, Slizzer
Backup: Mayis, Blandar, Shilkey, Gyuunyu


Players: Shimox, Gnuu, Xytox, Mayis
Backup: Slizzer, Blandar, Shilkey, Gyuunyu


Players: Shimox, Gnuu, Xytox, Mayis
Backup: Slizzer, Blandar, Shilkey, Gyuunyu


Players: Shimox, Gnuu, Xytox, Slizzer
Backup: Mayis, Blandar, Shilkey, Gyuunyu


Players: Shimox, Gnuu, Xytox, Slizzer
Backup: Mayis, Blandar, Shilkey, Gyuunyu
In the FreeMod bracket you are free to choose whatever mods you want, just like "FreeMods" in multiplayer. This also means that you're not allowed to choose time mods. But all mods except those goes. (HD, HR, FL, NoMod)
Apparently, there's also a NoMod bracket. I've set together a team that probably works best. Might still change, not sure right now.

The captain, which would be me, is also allowed to choose maps freely in the NoMod bracket. However, all the other brackets are more limited, and I'm only allowed to choose one map in those. What maps I'll be allowed to choose from will be announced one week in advance before we're supposed to play.

And that's about it, I think. If I've missed something, shout at me. It was a lot of info to take in on that wiki article, but I think I got all the important parts.
Mandatory Liiraye seal of approval =w=b
interesting to see some detailed lineup at this stage already. Good job.
I would like to be in a lower backup rank for hidden. I don't like or even enjoy that mod... =w=
Also regarding FreeMod. When the information is mediated, and i somehow did not enjoy the information that was mediated I might step down to the backups.

btw. Great work Xytox !
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Gyuunyu wrote:

I would like to be in a lower backup rank for hidden. I don't like or even enjoy that mod... =w=
Also regarding FreeMod. When the information is mediated, and i somehow did not enjoy the information that was mediated I might step down to the backups.
I've moved you down in the HD backup section. And sure, I will keep this in mind.

:!: We still need an HD player if no one of our current players wants to step in. :!:
I've talked with Failed, and I told him that he can still participate within the team if he manages to get his banned account back, otherwise I'm not letting him. So he's working on that, if that means anything.

For now, Slizzer will step in the HD team. And thus, Nyari will be entering the team as a backup on all sections.
i would like to put myself up but i don't think i'm good enough :/
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Kotayo wrote:

i would like to put myself up but i don't think i'm good enough :/
Tell me what mods you could see yourself playing, and then I'll add you to the "Extra" section. No promises that you'll actually get into the team, but it's never a bad idea to have a lot of backups in case something weird happens. The teams are only in sketch phase after all.
mainly nomod and HD as i can't really play bpms above 200 and can't read AR 10...i could probably do HR if i memorized but that's not really reliable xD
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Well actually, NoMod doesn't seem to be a thing for this tournament. I'll add you in as an Extra for HD.
I'm not joining, please remove me from the list
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Shilkey wrote:

I'm not joining, please remove me from the list
Okay and done. 3:
Hellojsan, I could be an extra player for this cup for everything if it's needed
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Blandar wrote:

Hellojsan, I could be an extra player for this cup for everything if it's needed
BAAM, tillagd like a sir.
I'm not sure if this year will be the same as last year, but there was a rule regarding player switches that would only allow each team to switch ONE player between two songs, which might be an issue for your HD lineup. You should consider players' strengths and weaknesses for patterns too, but I guess it'd be better to discuss once the map pool is released.
I disagree with my placement! I should be top priority!
maybe we should have all the players in the team play all the maps that are picked once, and then the ones with the best scores play in the tourney on that map
if you want to find out who is capable of performing, wait until first round is over. Last year there were teams who played the songs in multiplayer for hours daily and still got too nervous and failed when it mattered.
Emphasis on Failed :PppPpPp
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-GN wrote:

I'm not sure if this year will be the same as last year, but there was a rule regarding player switches that would only allow each team to switch ONE player between two songs, which might be an issue for your HD lineup.
We are basically only waiting for further info and the rules at this stage so we can adapt the teams after them. I have already discussed this matter with some people who we're at the last OWC, so I'm aware that something like this does exist, or at least did. Hopefully the rules that they post this time won't be too much of a hassle to get around.

Thanks for the heads up! \:>/

As in previous OWC, you are free to change one player between each map.
Just to clarify.
And yes, the FreeMod bracket consists of maps that are supposed to be played with any mod, means that on this maps every individual player can pick the mods they want to play here on their own (HD, HR, FL, NoMod) - and as many mods as they want.
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I'll just assume that time changing mods such as DT or HT is not allowed, right? Since everyone is supposed to play at the same speed, just like in multiplayer.

Either way, thanks for the info.

kriers wrote:

if you want to find out who is capable of performing, wait until first round is over. Last year there were teams who played the songs in multiplayer for hours daily and still got too nervous and failed when it mattered.
Also, first map is always the hardest one. \:D/

Xytox wrote:

I'll just assume that time changing mods such as DT or HT is not allowed, right? Since everyone is supposed to play at the same speed, just like in multiplayer.

Either way, thanks for the info.
Yes. Speedchanging modes are unavailable, because this would cause some players to finish earlier/later than others. Therefore it won't work out.
Sorry.. i will resign from this year OWC for various reasons.
I hope everything goes well for you guys!

Good luck~
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Gyuunyu wrote:

Sorry.. i will resign from this year OWC for various reasons.
I hope everything goes well for you guys!

Good luck~
Sad to hear that. I hope everything's well for you. :)

I updated the lineups for each mod. Slizzer will now join in on DoubleTime and FreeMod, and Blandar will jump into the team as a backup on all mods. Mayis is also temporarily put on the main lineup of HR. If he disagrees, we'll find someone else to put there.
I don't know if you guys had an chat before this, but don't give up so easily on players.

You just lost a key player to 'various reasons'.
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When I originally asked him to be a part of the team, he said that he would want to join, but he was not sure if he could. He said he had a lot of problems IRL. He has now not been online in a couple of days, and then he said here that he won't be joining. I never asked exactly what was wrong thinking it's a bit too personal. But I'm pretty sure that he wants to play, so he'll come back either way if he can.

But ya, I'm not giving up on players as soon as they say they don't want to join. Might seem like it in this thread, but I at least try to convince them otherwise in PM when they tell me.
YES WE CAN XYTOX!!! in captain Syltost we trust!
Xytox (syltost) has enough police spirit so everything should be alright

One day, I might be good enough ;_;
I could possibly be an extra for hidden but I am not sure I am good enough.
Ahhh önska att jag var lika bra som er skulle göra vad som helst nästan för att spela i OWC D:
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Tracreed wrote:

I could possibly be an extra for hidden but I am not sure I am good enough.
I guess I'll add you in. Doubt you'll end up in the team though, but who knows. Better to have a lot of backups than none, so to speak.

And I might or might not resign from the team. I recently got a minor case of a repetitive strain injury in my right arm which hinders my ability to aim with the tablet. There's not much I can do about it except wait and hope for it to heal. But if it doesn't, I'll have to jump off OWC and let someone else be captain. If you're in the team, and wouldn't mind being the captain, just tell me.

I'll probably continue being the captain until the last day before submission of the team though, so I won't jump out quite yet if my arm doesn't heal, if that makes this any less worrying.

I'm so sorry for not being more careful with myself before something like this. :cry:
I blame satens maps
well let's hope you get healthy in time...being an extra i can always hop in, although i would really want you to be on the team instead Xytox ;w;
we need you!
sätt mig på lägsta prio på alla mods i backup, kommer antagligen inte ha tid att lira osu nu när path of exile uppdateringen kommer, bf4 etc. vi får se helt enkelt. jag får bli extreme-case-backup.
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I guess that works. I'll move you for now. Although, I feel like if you prioritize other games over the OWC, then you shouldn't be in the team at all.
just update on me - i am on good way to learn AR10 so maybe add potential HR on me? i know i'm just an extra but still

Kotayo wrote:

just update on me - i am on good way to learn AR10 so maybe add potential HR on me? i know i'm just an extra but still
Got to spectate you someday :o
If you learn Ar10, High BPM hardrock maps should be easyer. :)

Cloudio-san wrote:

Kotayo wrote:

just update on me - i am on good way to learn AR10 so maybe add potential HR on me? i know i'm just an extra but still
Got to spectate you someday :o
If you learn Ar10, High BPM hardrock maps should be easyer. :)
well my AR 10 reading is still not good enough for sightreading but i can atleast FC after a few tries and memorizing
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My arm is pretty much ready to play osu! again. I suck though, since I haven't been able to play for so long. Aiming feels so weird right now.

Xytox wrote:

My arm is pretty much ready to play osu! again. I suck though, since I haven't been able to play for so long. Aiming feels so weird right now.
Haha know that feel.
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Updatesen on the OP. The team is ready to kill now. Time to take down Korea, and especially Norway.
Couldn't have asked for a better team. Would be cool if R(ii)chi wants to be h higher prio
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All the times for the Group Stage matches
All the Groups for the Group Stage


Just dumping it here so I have it somewhere, and in case someone else has missed it somehow. I also updated the OP with it.
Jag ställer upp på nomod och hidden. Är jag försent ute? '._.

Zyfiluus wrote:

Jag ställer upp på nomod och hidden. Är jag försent ute? '._.

Okej jag skriver in dig! vi kör imorn kl 9
kl 9 imorrn!
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