
AT&T Censoring the internet

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Source with moar sources.
EDIT: Conformation

AT&T, a large company that provides many things such as mobile phone service, also hosts a DSL internet connection service. 15.5% of American internet users use this service for internet access. Today, they have decided to block the server which hosts 4chan's /b/ and /r9k/ boards. This only blocks /b/ and /r9k/, not all of 4chan. Many users have reported not being able to access the site in a majority of situations. Mobile connections can connect, but most DSL connections cannot. My IRL friend has told me he cannot access the site. People can access it through a proxy however. People have reportedly called ATT tech support and they have confirmed the block, but no other info.

The reason I am bringing this to your attention is not because some people may not be able to access this server, or it will be worse without them or whatever, it is because it is a huge hit on net neutrality! If other organizations decide to do this kind of thing as well it will become a growing problem. Eventually, the entire whole of 4chan may be blocked from a number of large ISPs. And it will keep going on. This may lead to the internet transforming into an entirely different entity where you can only access websites your ISP wants you too. The internet may be run by only huge corporations that the ISPs deem good. This will turn your internet into television 2.0. This will take away all that's left of your free speech. This will be the end of things like us here, at osu! We cannot let something like this fly.

Do not use normal anon tatics. Do not order boxes, pizzas, sex toys to their addresses. Do not fax them swastikas. Do not send them death threats. Don't do any of that stuff. Even for the lulz. Doing this stuff will justify their reasoning for the block. This is serious business now. If you are a subscribed AT&T user, please contact your customer support about it and threaten to change services. If they deem this as a hit to their profit, that is when they may change their mind. Do every thing you can to give them a message of "no, you do not censor the internet" whether you care for /b/ and /r9k/ or not. We cannot allow this to happen. Period.

Old Net Neutrality video with our friends AT&T in it. And this is worse than what is in the video, it is completely disabling access from websites 100%.

Also, this is not copypasta, that's how serious this is. Spread the word. Make sure AT&T changes their mind. Don't let the last bit of our freedom slip away.

Disregard any of that, AT&T has declared ceasefire. Everyone can access every corner of the internet again, who wants tea?

Official Statement

Let's hope nothing like this ever happens again.

I'm glad my mom decided not to get AT&T after all. >:( :evil:
swear to god if comcast tries to start this shit

I'm gonna *insert painful death threat*
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Todesengal wrote:

swear to god if comcast tries to start this shit

I'm gonna *insert painful death threat*
I remember when Comcast Australia allegedly blocked 4chan, I think. It turned out to be a hoax. I thought this might be too, but after I checked I realized it was true.
Comment from the reddit link. I approve this idea:

okay, faggots, listen up.

there has been ONE good solution provided so far. if AT&T censors the internet, the internet censors them.

this is the way it used to work in the good ol' days, before there even was a WWW.

anyone in charge of a router, website, server, or anything at all connected to the internet, start blocking AT&T. When users call you to bitch, tell them that AT&T has decided to start censoring websites. Your users won't know the difference whether it's you or them, but they'll blame AT&T if you tell them to.

Forgive me for not posting instructions or netblocks, but anyone who actually does have this power already knows what to do.

godspeed, gentlemen.
That. Is. Un. Cool.

Wait, be right back.

Ohhh godddd /b/ fails to load

EDIT: Ugh, I don't know what to do <.>

AT&T Users wrote:


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lukewarmholiday wrote:

AT&T Users wrote:



Pokebis wrote:

The reason I am bringing this to your attention is not because some people may not be able to access this server, or it will be worse without them or whatever, it is because it is a huge hit on net neutrality!
Sleep Powder
omg sav teh internet :?
Anyone with ties to telecom has known this was in the works for years.

Within the decade, the 'free' internet as we know it now will not exist.

Information is free right now. The corporations wont allow that to last.
The sky is falling! Don't be ridiculous.

I'm all for net neutrality but don't act as if them blocking two 4chan boards is the end of the world. Look at the bright side: there will be slightly less morons in the world.

LuigiHann wrote:

Comment from the reddit link. I approve this idea:

okay, faggots, listen up.

there has been ONE good solution provided so far. if AT&T censors the internet, the internet censors them.

this is the way it used to work in the good ol' days, before there even was a WWW.

anyone in charge of a router, website, server, or anything at all connected to the internet, start blocking AT&T. When users call you to bitch, tell them that AT&T has decided to start censoring websites. Your users won't know the difference whether it's you or them, but they'll blame AT&T if you tell them to.

Forgive me for not posting instructions or netblocks, but anyone who actually does have this power already knows what to do.

godspeed, gentlemen.
It sounds like a good idea, but it's bad unless major companies do it. Like, if Wikipedia blocks AT&T.

Otherwise, users will see they can't use a site and just hit the back button. Same happened with browsers, right? It's even easier now because many times you can just hit the next Google result.

Two wrote:

The sky is falling! Don't be ridiculous.

I'm all for net neutrality but don't act as if them blocking two 4chan boards is the end of the world. Look at the bright side: there will be slightly less morons in the world.
The point is that blocking two 4chan boards could be just the start of it.
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I bet you people think that marijuana is a gateway drug.
I don't give a shit about 4chan but I don't like the idea of setting a precedent for future censorship on other sites.

It might not be censorship, though - I'm reading the reddit thread and there seem to be some comments further down the page about DDoSing coming from, and that being the reason for the block.

I'll keep an eye on this!
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Oh god, pokebis made a serious post.

I'll become worried if they do anything outside the realm of 4chan, until then, "eh."
Sleep Powder
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Okay, it's over, everybody can access everywhere again. Updated first post.
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