
It's been a while.

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Since I've had to to write something to introduce myself. Let's see... I loved EBA when I played the demo a few years back and finally got the game a few weeks ago. I decided to try and see if there was a game like EBA online and that's how I got here. Thanks for reading and hopefully I didn't bore anyone.
When you said 'It's been a while', I thought you were an old member returning back, similarly much to me. S: Apparently not, haha. (In terms of osu! community, I mean)

Well, have fun here. Perhaps you should play the Authentic EBA maps.
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Sorry I gave that impression. D: Thanks, I'm already having fun with the game and thanks again for the suggestion.
I thought the same as Star. Welcome anyhow.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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