
how to fix the columns lines in my skin

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hi i have been expading my 7k skin to more keys and some of them have this white line between some notes and i want to delete a few ones a put one in the middle of the skin i want to upload a image but i dont know how.
You need to upload the image to something like imgur, or in case of osu! screenshots you can press shift+f2 for taking them and osu will upload it to its own servers and open it in the browser.

After that either paste the link directly or use BBCode to embed it
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this is the image i want to delete de white lines of the right and put one in the middle. (if possible i would like to put a darker and bigger line so i can see it better)
Find "skin.ini" in your skin folder.

Then, scroll down until you find:
Keys: 7
Otherwise, type it out as so.

Then after that, below just add this following command:
ColumnLineWidth: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Edit: After looking through the image, update it with this one:
Keys: 12
ColumnLineWidth: 0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0
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thanks it work but do you know where i can find that image of the column line in the folders? i cant find it and i want to change it
Take two, pardon me.

You can change its colour by adding:

ColourColumnLine: RGB(a)

ColourColumnLine: 50,50,50,255
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thanks i can see better the columnline i will try to make it bigger.

Nevermind i just pick a higher value in the columnlineWidth and it work
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