
Stepmania Simfile/Scores Thread

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You know my comments about the Dark Blowhole~

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Takuma wrote:

The Dark Blowhole, eh?
Sexual Innuendos aside, this song captures what I think that stage was deisnged to be. It's adventurous and fast, but echoes and reverbs to create the "cave-like" feeling. It's definately a good piece, but none of my friends agree that it's that great. They all seem to like Nuclear Fusion better XD

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

You know my comments about the Dark Blowhole~

Reminds me of some m1dy simfiles e.g. Tokyo Style Speedcore(for all the people who don't know who he is :p)

I uploaded this not too long ago for Cyclone to test. But, eh, I guess I'll post it here. It isn't all the great in its current state, and was rushed quite a bit because it crashed without me saving in my previous attempt to step this. So, here it is. I will try and fine tune thing later if I remember and/or I have time.

Diokatsu wrote:

Reminds me of some m1dy simfiles e.g. Tokyo Style Speedcore(for all the people who don't know who he is :p)
I thought the exact same thing :o

I'm no good at SM anymore (couldn't even pass either of them lol ;_;) but I watched them on auto and they seemed fine in terms of timing, but then again I'm not the best when it comes to that (I have a pretty bad sense of rhythm) so take that as you will.

I'll give Bloody Tears a whirl a little later.
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I was doing a Stepmania for Kioku no Keifu, one that can be danced to rather than being major stupid finger spam. Unfortunately my current focus now is on a Haru remix beatmap (Broken Moon + Right Right Now Now)

Also, a recent download I got was, like, 3 maps of "usagi usagi usagi usagi". -_-
hay guise I play Stepmania solo

for those of you who don't know what the fuck I'm talking about,

you guise shuld totly play
Mine is the IIDX Version by DJ Yoshitaka. And I prefer you not compare me to Zaghurim, since he's a god and I'm.. poop. Ahaha. But yeah, I'm an amateur at stepping, and I don't do it often. I only step when I get bored.

The way you explained it to me earlier did not sound that hard at all to me. But now, holy shit that looks intense!
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Yeah, Zagh is an amazing stepper; one of my favourites simfilers to date. He only steps for solo now though, as well as a few other simartists (Malice, Exige, Fysx, Stargroup - I'm sure some of you have seen a file or two by them). I also only step for solo now as well, with the occasional pad file when I feel like playing something new on ITG.

Older singles files are garbage, newer files are VIBRAJAX0R bullshit nobody likes to play.

@Takuma: That file is a dump. Normal files look something like this

Granted, it's still a lot harder than it looks. Not as hard as IIDX or DJMax 8 buttons but still a huge jump from singles. I'm absolute balls at singles now :V
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Diokatsu wrote:

I still like some of the older simfiles. Not the Emerald Sword and Guassian Blur shit, but some of the files when Blurk and Zag were at their prime and Glove and Malice were starting stepping. Necros made some good files backl then. I like most of the files up until Dark Chancellor's Pack era, since those are just a cluster fuck of horrible patterns in my opinion.
I like Emerald Sword D:

I can't pass it anymore because I'm slow and bad at reading patterns now but it used to be fun

Gaussian Blur sucks shit though
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MegaManEXE wrote:

Diokatsu wrote:

I still like some of the older simfiles. Not the Emerald Sword and Guassian Blur shit, but some of the files when Blurk and Zag were at their prime and Glove and Malice were starting stepping. Necros made some good files backl then. I like most of the files up until Dark Chancellor's Pack era, since those are just a cluster fuck of horrible patterns in my opinion.
I like Emerald Sword D:

I can't pass it anymore because I'm slow and bad at reading patterns now but it used to be fun

Gaussian Blur sucks shit though
I'm just sayin' they're all streaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam which is way too boring for me D=
I don't play much anymore, and when I do play, it's usually older packs, but on J7. Still not all that good but oh well. I can't do solo for shit because I suck with standard spread.
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@Takuma: Sorry I didn't notice the different artists. But'd definately say yours is playable and fun. It's not really hard, but that can be a good thing of course. Sometimes simplicity takes the cake for just being fun. D=

I don't want to post a tl;dr about the simfile(not saying I could) so I didn't cross analyze it for mistakes, but I will if you want me to. XD
Detective Tuesday
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Download: Stay Crunchy

Detective Tuesday wrote:

As far as arcade machine is concerned, I've managed to pass all In The Groove/In The Groove 2 songs except for Pandemonium. Nowadays I'd probably die of heart failure before Song 3, however x_x.
It's funny, Pandy was the first 13 I passed x_x

Managed to pass Summer once and never came close again

The only songs I haven't at least passed are Vertex^2, Bloodrush, and I think Determinator but I forget, I might've passed that by bullshitting the whole thing

I'll never pass them now though, my stamina has probably gone to shit since I haven't played regularly in like 2 1/2 years
Detective Tuesday

MegaManEXE wrote:

Determinator ... bullshitting the whole thing

As for Pandemonium, I never bothered trying it more than a couple times. I really dislike the way they stepped it. I'm referring to the step-step-jump patterns, mostly. The jumps don't signify anything other than the need for some extra difficulty. They don't go to anything in the music. Other than that, the whole thing just sounds kinda monotonous to me and I don't really enjoy charts with excess long runs. I feel like they got lazy on those.
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Detective Tuesday wrote:

Oh my god you gaiz are making me want to finish making my damn simfiles.

*opens SM for the first time in four months*


[attachment=0:66a67]Stay Crunchy[/attachment:66a67]

Attached is v0.8 of my leading "boss chart" simfile: Stay Crunchy by Ronald Jenkees. The simfile is about 2:15 in length and WILL work on an In The Groove 2 machine with r21. v0.8 includes no Easy chart. So far there's only a Novice (2), Medium (9), Hard (11), and Expert (13). The Easy so far looks to be a 5. I often find the easier charts harder to make than the harder ones -_-.

v0.5 received some positive feedback and criticism by a Mr. Zimlord over at r21freak sometime around January, and this version addresses some of the concerns (the mines are much less demanding here), as well as adds Medium and Novice.

If y'all will, a lil feedback would be appreciated. It'd also be cool to see what kind of scores y'all can come up with ^^.

Oh right, this is the Stepmania Scores thread, huh. Well, I think the best I've managed on keyboard was a AAA on Reach's Air. I don't remember how many excellents I got, but It was something like... 27? That was a long time ago though. Every once in a while I just fall off with SM and now my skills are all rusted up. I can still regularly pass 14s on a keyboard, and AA 12s and under. As far as arcade machine is concerned, I've managed to pass all In The Groove/In The Groove 2 songs except for Pandemonium. Nowadays I'd probably die of heart failure before Song 3, however x_x.
I'm a keyboard player primarily...Actually I only play keyboard, but I tested the file. I forgot to save my score, but it was a AA. 16th streams and the 16th mini-jacks felt like childs play with a keyboard, but on pad that would a tough file I'm guessing especially with the slowdowns. The beginning was pretty tricky and the mines were a giant cluster fuck of epic pwnage. Nicely done all around I'd say.

However, I'm not an expert in pad or anything so don't take this critique too heavily. One thing I felt it lacked was an epic part. It was almost generic to me. A standard stream file with a coulple of tricks thrown in is still jsut a stream file. However, I liked how it was fast paced and a great song. Add a "No C-mod" to the banner if you plan on releasing it on the webs for all the newbs to get at. It's an X-mod file for definate.

I'm not posting any scores just yet sinc eI jsut started playing seriously again and even now I'm not good. I could only low "B" Pollinosis back a few months ago at my lowest point, but then i saw Kilga at Anime Boston and he inspired me to start playing. I'm looking to improve as more of a simfile artist though since it's easier for someone like me to get rep from simfile making. I still suck though. :p

I decided to post a score from a while ago, probably last year around January. Reversing Darts by PFX or w/e. Cool file, but I was still really bad back then. I had only started playing that summer around July and started playing keyboard around December.

Detective Tuesday

MegaManEXE wrote:

Yeah I bullshitted those step-step-jump things too lol

I can never score well on Tell because of them, I'm just really bad at that pattern I guess
Yeah, they can be tricky, you really gotta force yourself on some of them. I really like the way they were used in Tell with the symbol crashes, though. It remains one of my favorite ITG charts to this day.

Diokatsu wrote:

However, I'm not an expert in pad or anything so don't take this critique too heavily. One thing I felt it lacked was an epic part. It was almost generic to me. A standard stream file with a coulple of tricks thrown in is still jsut a stream file. However, I liked how it was fast paced and a great song. Add a "No C-mod" to the banner if you plan on releasing it on the webs for all the newbs to get at. It's an X-mod file for definate.

I see what you're getting at. I agree it may be a little streamy (which understandably might take something away from a keyboard run), however I'd argue that it's not nearly as streamy as some of the other stuff I've been seeing when it comes to r21 charts. I've been seeing a lot of charts lately which include 16th note streams that don't really go to anything besides the background beat, and last for a good 8 to 16 measures. I tried hard to make sure that most of the taps in this song went to the main melodic components, so generally you're tapping out the melody note by note. That said, I did fill in a couple of blanks towards the end of the song to provide that last run that is often a characteristic of pad 13 charts, that final test of stamina which ultimately becomes the difference between a passing grade and close to passing grade.

X-Mod, "No C-Mod", huh? You mean you could force the player to use one of the normal speedmods? But, I thought scores didn't count when using C-Mods, right? (as you've gathered, I've been away from the SM game for a little while >>)
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Detective Tuesday wrote:

I see what you're getting at. I agree it may be a little streamy (which understandably might take something away from a keyboard run), however I'd argue that it's not nearly as streamy as some of the other stuff I've been seeing when it comes to r21 charts. I've been seeing a lot of charts lately which include 16th note streams that don't really go to anything besides the background beat, and last for a good 8 to 16 measures. I tried hard to make sure that most of the taps in this song went to the main melodic components, so generally you're tapping out the melody note by note. That said, I did fill in a couple of blanks towards the end of the song to provide that last run that is often a characteristic of pad 13 charts, that final test of stamina which ultimately becomes the difference between a passing grade and close to passing grade.

X-Mod, "No C-Mod", huh? You mean you could force the player to use one of the normal speedmods? But, I thought scores didn't count when using C-Mods, right? (as you've gathered, I've been away from the SM game for a little while >>)
Lol. C-Mods are generally accepted as a legitimate speed modifer nowadays. You can use C-Mods for any file I think. so long as it's difficulties don't come from it's BPM changes or it's high BPM in general. C-Mods do count scarewise as well. I'm using X-Mods more now. It's just more fun that way.

You're right actually. You're streams did match the beats and were broken up by more interesting patterns. It was still good, but bland from a keyboarder's POV. It's still a well made file and would be great to play on ITG.
Detective Tuesday
Hm. I was never one to use C-Mods, myself. I always enjoyed playing songs that have slowdowns and stops: they're good for emotional effect =P.

The only place I was really gonna post this besides here and a few non-SM forums was r21freak, and seeing as how that site is based off ITG in which C-Mods don't count for score, I don't see the need to alter the simfile settings. I don't believe C-Mod scores are legitimate but if someone out there thinks they're good for playing on a C-Mod, that's really up to them. *shrug*. Not saying it's the worst thing they could do.
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Detective Tuesday wrote:

Hm. I was never one to use C-Mods, myself. I always enjoyed playing songs that have slowdowns and stops: they're good for emotional effect =P.

The only place I was really gonna post this besides here and a few non-SM forums was r21freak, and seeing as how that site is based off ITG in which C-Mods don't count for score, I don't see the need to alter the simfile settings. I don't believe C-Mod scores are legitimate but if someone out there thinks they're good for playing on a C-Mod, that's really up to them. *shrug*. Not saying it's the worst thing they could do.
I do agree that slowdowns can be excellent in bringing out a file's playability. Go look for Kamatachi by Kommisar.

This is Thaor:

Also, anyone have some slow songs with a lot of hands and complex patterns? i'm looking for some epic files that aren't all "look at me if so fast."

Dark Chancellor Pack 2 is coming up btw. Go search for the thread on ODI, because I'm too lazy to post it.
Detective Tuesday

Diokatsu wrote:

This is Thaor:
My hands would fall off.

Diokatsu wrote:

Also, anyone have some slow songs with a lot of hands and complex patterns? i'm looking for some epic files that aren't all "look at me if so fast."

There are a lot of unique pad charts in this (incredible) pack. We're Going To Birdie probably fits your description the best. Other songs such as Roppongi Carillon, Masquerade, But It's Better If You Do, Sounds of Life, Tori No Uta, and Higher Than A Skyscraper are incredibly fun to Fantastic Attack... Honestly, I had to stop myself from listing every song in the pack just now... I was tempted.

I'm working on a couple of tricky pad charts myself, and lots of stuff is close to finished even though I have to dust a lot of it off from my several-month long hiatus from the game. Y'all will probably see more from me soon (otherwise I wouldn't have bothered making that cool signature image)
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Xiao's Solo Beginner Packs

Hmm, I wonder who made those? :U

I'm actually going to step a slow song myself made for keyboard(solo file is planned to be released at the same time) of Vanessa Carlton's Ordinary Day. I hope it comes out ok.

Thanks for the links. Cool files D Tues. :p I hope you make some more. It would be nice to see more singles that aren't cock jobs like they release nowadays. You have fun files(And my friends are inviting me to ITG sessions now coincidently. Your files shuld come in handy D=)
Out of request >.>

Oof, has anyone played my Bloody Tears? If it needs work, I'll gladly work on it.
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Wrong file. :[
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Takuma wrote:

Wrong file. :[

Beat 82.00-84.00 Make this an 8th stream like you were doing already, but keep the jumps.
Beat 212.00-216.00 Put an 8th stream here too since it would keep the rhythm nicely and you could even change the last one to hands for a nice finish on the freeze arrow.
Beat 303.25 Freeze arrows.

Overall: Nice patterns, fun and not repetitive. It's way too easy for a challenge file though. It's about an 11 footer on heavy judging from most other files as a scale. If you want to you can just copy the file over to heavy and then edit the challenge file to add hands for a quick and easy challenge file. If you want to add some more challenging parts I can suggest you use 32nds on some of those quick 16th parts.

Make a CDTitle too. :p You have the data in there but maybe your just forgot to put the image in.

Good job:
Download: Bloody Tears (IIDX EDITION).zip
I love you Diokatsu. <333
Diokatsu should get kudosu for that. :U
No he shouldn't because he sucks. just kidding i love you
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Takuma wrote:

I love you Diokatsu. <333

Takuma wrote:

No he shouldn't because he sucks. just kidding i love you
Lololololol. <3

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Diokatsu should get kudosu for that. :U
Wat r thos?
Hmm, I'm bored. I think i'll step something, haha.
EDIT: Xiao told me to step some solo via MSN. It didn't go so well, heh. Sorry Xiao. XD
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Takuma wrote:

Hmm, I'm bored. I think i'll step something, haha.
EDIT: Xiao told me to step some solo via MSN. It didn't go so well, heh. Sorry Xiao. XD
Solo is singles with two extra arrows. How hard can it be D=


Hm, do some foreign pop music <3
I find it easier to step than singles, but some people would say otherwise.

It's a lot easier to make a catastrophe of a file
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Xiaounlimited wrote:

I find it easier to step than singles, but some people would say otherwise.

It's a lot easier to make a catastrophe of a file
I might agree if I had ever made a file as a singles. I'll make a "Dark Blowhole" simfile of solo and ring you up on MSN when it's done.
Mmkay, I guess I'll start stepping a solo chat for Bloody Tears.
EDOT: Failed. Diokatsu sent me some great shit for me to step. So I'll be doing that.
I'll post this here instead of ODI because I don't know how often you check there Dio

File was pretty fun, but:

- No.
- Wtf is that, that looks like you c/p'd a singles chart to convert but you left it (one hand bias much)
- Same as above

Other than that gr8 file
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Xiaounlimited wrote:

I'll post this here instead of ODI because I don't know how often you check there Dio

File was pretty fun, but:

- No.
- Wtf is that, that looks like you c/p'd a singles chart to convert but you left it (one hand bias much)
- Same as above

Other than that gr8 file
I never "check" ODI I just skim over and pick out threads that look interesting as well as check for new singles/solo releases. I'm a collector. 8)

-Yeah I though that might be controversial. Fixing
-My bad. Fixing
-I actually left that thinking no oen would complain. I'm changing it x.x

Thanks for the play. I might do some more solo converts when I finish stepping Vertex Delta(the actual one Silvia made not HST's lmaorofl 1.5 Vertex Alpha).

IOSYS - FOE to no Souguu (No video)
Video download link (15.8 MB) or you can simply use the video file from my osu! map.

I mapped this long before I joined osu! In fact, this was my first map ever created for any rhythmic games. Light through Heavy are paddable, while Extreme is intended to be keyboard only (but might still be paddable for some).
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Ooooh IOSYS. Cool file, and it's borderline paddable. Nice use of mines! XD

New singles release, and if you're reading this Xiao, I'm making a solo conversion as we speak XD Only a heavy chart, keyboard only. No pad player can do this. Spread players ONLY. Unindexable or one handed.

Click banner to download.
Detective Tuesday
Major Bump. New r21 Simfile. BAT plz.

9 - 10 - 2:08

Keep in mind this is a pad simfile. Don't treat it like anything else. It works on r21 ITG2 machines, so if there's one near you I don't want any excuses.

But really, review please, I spent so much time on it x_x.
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I'm going to go play ITG2 tomorrow lol! I'll tell you how it goes then.
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