Real song and group name: "
capsule - Sugarless GiRL" :3
Hmm... in general, it's a good map
[Timing]BPM: 129,5Offset: 13.038
Renember:After any BPM-Offset change, please click in the "File - Edit - Options - Timing - Web - Help" panel:
Timing --->
Resnap All Notes[Easy-ish]Resnap all notes using Beat Snap Divisor: 1/2, after that...
00:27:40 (1) - Starts in the next red tick
00:38:05 (3,4,1) - Not same spaced as 00:36:20 (1,2,3)
*--If you want a perfecly-spaced rectangle...--*
00:46:86 (3,4) - 2 grids to the left
00:50:56 (7,8,9) - 2 grids to the right
*00:50:56 (7,8,9) - Space using Distance Snap?
00:52:42 (1,2) - 2 grids to the left
00:55:20 (4,5) - 4 grids to the right
00:57:05 (6) - 2 grids to the right
*00:56:59 - add a circle?
*00:57:98 (7,8,9,10) - Space using Distance Snap? (that part break the rectangle...
00:59:83 (1) - ends in the next white tick
01:10:72 (1) - ends in the next red tick
*01:14:42 (x) - add a circle?
*01:14:65 (x) - ^
*01:01:45 (1,2), 01:02:84 (5,1), 01:08:86 (1,2) - Not so sure about those jumps, it can be a little confusing
01:27:40 (x) - add a spinner, ends 01:29:02 OR in 01:28:55 and add a circle at 01:29:02
[Normal-ish]Renember resnap all notes using Beat Snap Divisor 1/2 and change the BPM and Offset
*00:15:81 (1) - according to the DS (Distance Snap), 1 grid too close to 00:14:89 (1)
00:17:67 (1,1) - a bit long and unsuspected jump for Normal (imo)
00:20:68 (2) - bad stackted with the previous slider
00:25:77 (3) - 1 grid to the right
00:46:62 (1) - ends in the red tick
00:46:62 (1,2,3,4,5) - all those whistles... it just don't fell good...
00:57:28 (1) - start in the next red tick?
*01:11:41 (4) - Hmm... delete it (Also delete 01:11:64 (5) ) and make there a slider, what ends in 01:11:76 (blue tick)
*01:15:12 (1,1,1) - hitsounds... hmmhm... I don't know...
*01:17:43 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - don't seems good spaced
01:20:68 (1) - can you put a reverse arrow? OR a circle in the next red tick?
01:35:27 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - finish overload
01:38:98 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all those whistles... it just don't fell good...
[Hard-ish]Renember resnap all notes using Beat Snap Divisor 1/2 and change the BPM and Offset
The first part seems a bit badly spaced
(00:14:65 to 00:27:12) and 00:46:63 to 01:06:25 seems a bit badly spaced too
00:28:74 (1) - sorry,
that spinner is illegal, beacuse, according to the rules, a spinner needs what it can be passed using Auto, with 2000 Bonus , with that spinner, Auto only can get 1000 Bonus (it's too short)
00:37:36 (1,2,1,2) - 1/1 beat forward
00:42:36 - why that sound sample set change and Ki Time? 0_o
00:45:00 - please, inherit that timing seccion :<
00:45:82 - too short and unnesary break (?)
00:46:62 (1) - ends in the previous red tick
01:08:86 (1,2) - that's a big jump...
01:10:72 (1,2) - ^
01:11:87 (x) -add a circle?
01:16:97 (1) - ends in the previous red tick
01:21:37 (x) -^
01:14:85 - please delete that timing seccion :<
01:28:53 - ^
01:35:22 (1,2,3) - those are big jumps...
01:50:79 (4) - back to the previous white tick plz
01:52:42 (x) - add a circle?
01:55:89 (x) -^
01:57:74 (1) - it's too short
Woosh... That's it! But also, I have to tell you what
all dfficulties needs the same timings seccions and Ki Times. Also: "tags: naruti", "(online) tags: yeahyeahyeahhh" whyyyyyyy?
*=Small detail/suggestion
"?" at the end=suggestion
PS:Sorry for my bad inglish
PS2:You want curse me? XD
PS3:Ah, I forgot your star, here is: