omg ~o.o~
ヾ(´・ω・`)Puncia wrote:
omg ~o.o~ I think is better now ^^ thanks
Thanks ^^YunoFanatic wrote:
for preventing my very loong mod consider fixing most of the jumps it makes weird if its too far its too weird if its too close so youll have to focus where you should place it correctly
01:18:655 make this slider into this looks good better than the b4 slider besides this is making blanket Ok
01:28:216 compress this slider or remapped the notes make new pattern this pattern is bad very, Ok
01:39:754 place this (1) somewhere else because this note started the nc and it might feel weird for players Ok
02:11:073 nc then delete nc on 02:11:402 Ok
02:11:732 then nc on this Ok
02:54:260 not very fond of this slider bend this more so it can blanket 02:54:754 No
04:56:238 isnt there are more good sliders than this? No
04:59:864 move to x:428 y:20 to get blanket Ok
07:33:161 move to x:208 Y:96 cuz of blanket again Ok
07:38:095 nc to remove the 10 and 11 and 12 Ok
07:57:721 follow this picture correctly your placing in here is bad Ok
08:15:194 no more sliders like this plz replace this Ok
dun i like the streams only the jumps pls fix them imo.... you should not mapped itself you should perform collab with people this such good song..
kelvinli wrote:
Ciao~ M4M via. pm request!
Capitalize uta --> Uta
Try OD-1? Since that's a marathon, OD8 might be too harsh or players would just simply rage at dis mapFurthermore there are some short spinners, so OD7 would be good Ok thanks ^^
01:23:435 (6) - It might be too far. I did not expect it to be 1/2 No
01:34:315 (1) - I would move the second red point somewhere to the right to create notable difference with the upcoming note Yes
01:41:073 (1) - I suggest you to make this mirrored from the previous slider, it'll look better Yes
01:46:183 (5) - space this farther so it wouldn't break the flow Yes
01:51:293 (3) - try reversing its direction of curve: Yes
01:58:710 (5) - ^ Yes
02:15:359 (5) - it collides with other sliders. Move it further or make a new shape Yes
02:20:304 (4,5) - I don't like this flow. Copy (2) and (3) and put it in the midway? No
02:24:260 (9) - add a whistle sound at its tail? No
02:47:996 (7) - put it like this for cursor flow: Yes
02:50:633 (6) - love these two :3 :D
03:07:117 (2) - instead of putting it behind (1), you could just put it next to (1), better flow I suppose Yes
04:20:633 (1) - Ctrl+G for this one for flow? No
04:47:666 (5,6) - I would make them straight instead, since the vocals is quite agitated Yes
05:19:974 - add a note here? No
06:17:996 (1) - add a whistle sound on every upbeat here, it sounds too bland currently Yes Thanks
06:37:446 (5,6) - this spacing is not really doable I know but it's a minijump
08:38:271 (6) - move the second anchor point to make a nice blanket with (5) Yes
08:44:864 (3) - space farther for consistency No
08:54:342 (6,7) - don't make this turn, it is too hard to follow Yes
09:50:963 (2) - Ctrl+G. hardly catch from previous slider imo No
09:52:941 (9) - remove the finish. the "AHHH" starts at 09:52:776 (7) - so add a finish on it instead No
^ also NC this for consistency Yes
09:55:578 (1) - ^ No
Good work on hitsounds, SB and combo colours. Pretty nice map too.
Deserves a star~good luck!
Ho messo in rosso solo quello che non ho corretto ^^giO- wrote:
M4M richiesta tramite PM.
01:22:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Dato che nelle parti in cui l'SB è senza colori usi la combo grigia, perchè non la usi pure qui? E parte a colori da 01:23:765 (1) -
Consiglio per gli slider; quando fai qualsiasi tipo di slider fai in modo che l'ultimo punto finisce al centro , cosi la forma viene precisa e soprattutto ti viene più semplice fare degli slider in successione simili o uguali come in questo caso: 01:42:721 (2,3) - N.B: è solo un consiglio, per rendere tutto più consistente.
Nell'esempio che ti ho linkato sopra dovresti solo sistemare il (2).
01:43:710 (1,2) - Sposta il (2) con DS 1.6x in modo da eliminare l'overlap -
01:55:908 (4) - Farei finire questo slider su 01:56:073 - , a te la scelta. No seguo il vocal ^^
02:03:820 (2) - Stessa cosa qui, 02:04:150 (3) - , non mi suona tanto bene con la fine sul tick blue. ^
02:22:776 (4) - Elimina l'overlap -
02:25:249 (2) - Anche qui come per gli altri due slider che finiscono sul tick blue, lo farei finire su 02:25:413 - ^
02:32:501 (1,2) - Non sono tanto belli da vedere messi cosi, decidi tu se tenerli o cambiare disposizione.
03:52:611 (4) - Spostalo su x:304 y:112 cosi la distanza è uguale agli altri seguenti: 03:52:776 (5) - 03:53:930 (8) -
08:33:573 (4) - Non so se sia voluto (ma non credo), sistemerei lo spacing esattamente come il resto dello stream, quindi sposta direttamente 08:33:573 (4,5,6,7) - con 1.0x DS
Idem per l'altra mod ^^Panino103 wrote:
_ 01:22:529 (2) - Lo sposterei verso> x:296 y:296
_ 01:22:611 (3) - ^> x:340 y:304
_ 01:28:216 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Non so se per te sembra meglio, ma secondo me mettere [9] finire dove c'era [1] è meglio Rovinerei il flow se lo faccio, lo stream deve partire dal basso
_ 01:53:765 (6) - Lo sposterei verso> x:476 y:284
_ 02:44:699 (6) - ^ Più o meno> x:52 y:112
_ 02:49:150 (2) - ^> x:476 y:164
_ 03:48:655 (3) - ^> x:188 y:224
_ 03:52:941 (6) - Forse è meglio se lo capovolgi questo slider, capisco il jump, ma il flow ne risente troppo.
_ 05:00:194 (5) - Toglierei questo slider perchè non rappresenta una nota nella canzone Segue il violino
_ 05:38:023 (8,9,10,11,12) - Perchè qui cambi lo Spacing? Perchè sono uno scemo
_ 06:08:435 (6) - Non sento tanta differenza nella musica tra questo e 06:08:765 (1) questo, quindi perchè lo devi fare 1/8? Segue la chitarra ma forse può confondere, per ora lo lascio così
_ 07:10:578 (3) - Perchè qui cambi lo Spacing?
_ 09:50:304 (1,2) - Avvicinerei i due slider siccome fanno parte della stessa stream. Uguale per 09:52:941 (1,2) and 09:55:578 (1,2) e 09:58:216 (1,2)
rezoons wrote:
M4M from my queue:
06:17:996 (1) - WTF bethoveen is doing here? xD
- Please, use a Slider Tick Rate of 2 in order to show better the change of SV in place like 03:17:337 (1,3,5).
- HP drain rate of 5? I understand it's a marathon but i think you can raise it to 6~7.
- 02:42:227 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really understand these 1/4 because i hear
- 05:36:128 (3) - Why does this slider is longer than the other? It's 1/3 when other are 1/4, that's weird. They are normal at 05:37:117 (1,2,3,4).
- 01:19:974 (5) - CTRL+G? In order to keep the symmetry of 01:19:315 (4,5,1).
- 01:25:249 (6) - Move it to x=440 y=192 for the symmetry with 01:23:765 (1). It will complete the symmetry of 01:24:260 (3,4,5).
- 01:26:402 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Here, the music is more and more intense so i think it would fits better if your jump were harder and harder. Currently
- 01:27:062 (3,4) is x2.13 01:27:391 (5,6) is x3.17 and 01:27:391 (5,6) is x2.41 so maybe you should try to make the jump 01:27:721 (7,8) harder than
- 01:27:391 (5,6).
- 01:49:315 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe you should rotate it a little bit more because this square is nearly straight and i think it will look beter if it's more inclined. Currently, the nearly symmetry make it looks like a broken pattern compared to the neat symmetry of the other pattern.
- 02:03:326 (10) - Move it to x=156 y=212 for a perfect square with 02:02:666 (8,9,10,1).
- 02:17:337 (4) - CTRL+G for a better flow?
- 02:21:293 (3,4) - Not exactly symmetrical.
- 02:30:688 (4) - It will look much better imo if you would put it at the center of 02:30:194 (1,2,3). I think it's x=116 y=232.
- 02:31:677 (8) - CTRL+G?
- 02:38:106 (1,2,3) - Since you're 3 sliders why rotating them by 90°? Why not 120°? It would look better imo.
- 02:59:370 (3) - Move it to x=344 y=216 for the parallelogram with 02:59:040 (1,2,3,4)?
- 03:03:408 (4,5) - The spacing here is WTF! I'm pretty sure it's UNRANKABLE!
- 03:22:117 (4,5) - CTRL+G? Because this part is supposed to be intense!
- 04:42:886 (5) - Move it to x=328 y=216 You'll have small symmetry with 04:42:391 (3,4,5) and 04:42:886 (5) will be less stuck to 04:43:381 (7).
- 05:17:337 (1,2,3,4) - Dafuq? During all the kiai you have only proper neat symetrical pattern and then at the end you have.... This..... I don't get it.
- 06:22:611 (4,1) - Try avoiding this overlap.
- 07:00:194 (1) - CTRL+G for a better flow? (And then CTRL+G on 07:00:523 (2))
- 07:20:139 (3,4,5) - This pattern is maybe a little bit hard considering we are in a "gray part" where the map is supposed to be "relatively" easy. Besides, No, The voice like dark xD
- 07:20:139 (3,5) isn't symetrical.
- 07:28:710 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Lower the spacing of this stream because this part isn't supposed to be difficult.
- 08:10:743 (1,2,3) - I think you overuse this pattern a little bit. With three notes tou can do well, three notes, slider+note,note+slider, slider with arrow. You always choose the 3 notes and always in triangle. Seeing how often this pattern is used here maybe you should try more diversity.
- 08:28:051 (2,3) - Bad stack.
- 08:37:117 (2) - CTRL+G?
- 08:56:238 (5,6,7,8) - Maybe you could avoid the overlap.
- 09:15:194 (3,4,5,6,7) - It looks like a broken star XD Maybe you didn't intend to do one but since it look like one why not doing a proper one?
- 02:11:073 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would suggest to remove the NC at 02:11:073 (1) and put it on 02:11:402 (5) at the end of the stream. It fits much better imo.
- 03:17:996 (3,5) - NC here to show the change of SV.
- 03:46:018 (6) - NC?
- 07:13:381 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - NC everywhere? Like you did for 07:17:337 (1,1). It will compensate the loose of life.
- 08:27:062 (1) - The song start being intene here so why is it still grey? You should use your dark green combo i think.
- 08:28:381 (3) - NC? No
- 09:08:765 (3,5) - Same as 03:17:996 (3,5).
- 09:11:402 (3,5) - ^
Whoah, i didn't thought that modding approval whas that exhausting! Hoenstly i can't judge the diff because i don't really know the approval criteria. All i can say is that it's fun to play even if the flow feels weird sometimes.
- 01:12:062 (1) - Actually, a finish here seems to fit the song better than a clap imo. No Finish
- 03:24:589 (3) - Why is there a finish at the end of the slider? I think it will fit much better if it is at the beggining. No
- 03:35:139 (5) - ^
- 04:26:238 (1) - The finish here seems a little bit out of place. No
- 05:31:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Why the whistle here hasn't the same regularity as the one in the following death stream? (which start at
- 05:35:798 (1)) No I prefert 1/2 rithm of whistle
- 06:37:859 (1) - Whistle?
- 07:39:672 (1) - ^
- 10:00:935 (1) - Add a finish? No
~Good Luck~
RikiH_ wrote:
mod. Scusa per il ritardo ENORME ma non ho proprio avuto tempo :C
Blu=Should fix
Dunque, io cambierei il nome della diff in qualcos'altro perchè tutte le map hanno "Marathon" come nome della diff xD Io suggerirei qualcosa legato alla song... Oppure chiamala Pizza, per quanto io odi la gente che da il proprio nome alle diff
01:18:655 (3,4,5) - Metti dei whistle nelle code di questi tre sliders, suonano molto bene secondo me
01:29:205 (1) - Aggiungerei un finish qui
02:02:666 (8) - Io gli darei questa forma, mi ispira di più ed è più simmetrico:
02:11:732 (1) - Hai due NC... Io toglierei questa, perchè tanto prima o poi ti romperanno i coglioni e te la faranno togliere... Ti consiglio di aggiungere una nota a 02:11:567- così il ritmo non viene interrotto!
02:20:633 (5) - Io lo sposterei a 104|60, avrei un jump abbastanza estremo però almeno il pattern sarà più simmetrico!
02:24:260 (9) - Ok, capisco che volevi blankettarlo con lo slider precedente, però così facendo l'hai tutto "accartocciato" xD Ti consiglio di dargli un'altra forma, oppure prova a farlo bene e a blankettarlo nello stesso tempo!
02:29:205 (8,9) - Prova a selezionare queste due note e poi fai ctrl+g... Secondo me flowwa molto meglio siccome la mano deve fare degli angoli più piccoli e non deve deviare di molto, e poi hai anche un jump per far sclerare la gente lol
02:30:853 (5,6) - Ctrl+g prima sul 5 e poi sul 6, qua ti consiglio altamente di farlo, il flow migliorerà di brutto dato che il player dovrà fare degli ovali con la mano
02:33:326 - Aggiungerei una nota e la metterei in 344|112
02:40:413 (1) - Io farei una cosa del genere, mi ispira di più:
02:43:051 (1) - Toglierei il finish dalla coda, mi da fastidio a sentirlo
02:44:370 (5) - Forse proverei un ctrl+g
02:44:864 (7,8) - Migliora un po' il secondo slider per avere un blanket migliore
03:00:853 (5) - Metti un clap qui!
03:02:007 (3,5) - Allineali bene! Per farlo prova a copincollare lo slider 3, poi usi ctrl+g e lo sposti
03:11:238 (7) - Non mi piace molto la curva... Secondo me potresti migliorarla
03:13:381 (6) - Spostalo in 48|108, deve essere alla stessa altezza di quello precedente...
03:16:018 (3) - Un finish qua sopra ci sta da dio secondo me
03:21:952 (3,4,5,6) - Per enfatizzare la voce del cantante perchè non provi ad alzare il volume di queste quattro note a 70/75% Secondo me ci sta perfettamente
03:24:589 (3) - Perchè hai messo un finish sulla coda? Secondo me stona un po'...
03:24:589 (3,4) - Occhio perchè non sono simmetrici... E si vede purtroppo
03:27:556 (5,1) - Spostali un po' verso l'alto, così non toccano la nota 4
03:32:501 (3,4,5,6) - Lo stesso di 03:21:952 (3,4,5,6) - Comunque metti clap ovunque, dato che prima l'avevi fatto!
03:34:315 (1) - Dovresti spostare il finish sulla coda... Sulla testa è su un tick rosso e suona male
03:35:139 (5) - Invece questo finish lo leverei proprio... Non mi suona
03:47:666 (1) - Non mi piace molto xD Prova a farlo come ho suggerito per 02:40:413 (1)
03:48:820 (4,2,3,4) - Scusa se sono nazi ma se noti bene questi due blanket non sono perfetti...
03:51:622 (1) - Ctrl+g secondo me flowwa meglio
04:12:721 (1) - Niente di che, volevo solo dirti che questo pezzo è epico ahahahah
04:17:172 (7) - Io lo farei così per questioni di flow:
04:21:293 (3) - Questa flowwa male, prova a spostarla a 103|136, sulla coda dello slider 5
04:23:271 (1,2) - Dagli la stessa forma, così sono bruttini
04:24:424 (6,7) - Fai bene il blanket
04:25:661 (4,6) - Sposta il 4 in 392|248 e il 6 in 372|152
04:27:391 (4) - Sposta in 297|129 e poi curva i due slider in modo da fare un blanket
04:29:864 (5) - Ctrl+g per il flow
04:40:084 (4) - Sposta in 376|272 così il pattern lookka meglio
04:45:688 (1,2,3,4) - Questo pattern è epico, ma sarebbe ancora più epico se gli slider fossero simmetrici...
04:49:479 (5) - Fallo meglio, un po' come ho suggerito per 02:02:666 (8)
04:51:293 (2) - 177|235 per un blanket migliore
05:01:512 (1) - Fallo simmetrico!
05:40:743 (1) - Io aggiungerei un finish all'inizio
05:41:155 - Correggimi se sbaglio, ma mi pare che qui ci sia una linea verde non snappata
05:51:045 (1) - Questo mi sembra un po' cortino ma non ho voglia di controllare se l'auto prende i 1000 punti, quindi lascio verificare a te se non ti dispiace xD
06:00:523 (5,6,7) - Metti un clap sull'inizio di 5 e 6 e anche sulla nota 7
06:08:435 (6,7) - Secondo me mettere un solo slider da 1/6 in tutto lo stream non ha molto senso... Sostituisci queste due note con uno slider da 1/3 con un repeat. Ti dico questo per coerenza con quello che hai mappato prima, non è che sia sbagliato
06:15:606 (3,4) - Sempre per questioni di flow: Sposta la nota sulla coda dello slider, e poi fai ctrl+g sullo slider
06:52:364 (1,1) - La stessa cosa dello spinner precedente, forse sono un po' corti... Se comunque nello spinner precedente l'auto è riuscito a prendere 1000 punti, allora questi vanno bene
06:57:556 (1,2,3,4) - Falli simmetrici, dai!
07:05:139 (8) - Io copincollerei il 7 precedente e lo flipperei
07:06:787 (5,6,7,8) - Per avere un flow più figo, io userei un ctrl+g su ogni slider singolarmente, vedi se ti piace il risultato
07:08:435 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ Ricordati di usarlo singolarmente, non di selezionarli tutti e poi pigiare ctrl+g...
Comunque in tutta la parte col piano, quella di Fantasie Impromptu, per intenderci, secondo me dovresti rifare molti degli slider a forma di V (tipo 07:08:435 (2,3) ) perchè sono asimmetrici...
07:10:413 (1,2,3) - Uniforma lo spacing qui
07:29:534 (2,3) - Questi si incastrano male... Prova a rifare il 3 con qualche blanket/robe simili
07:42:391 - Non sono un esperto di SB... Ma qui si scurisce all'improvviso ed è un po' bruttino, non riesci a fare in modo che lo sfondo si scurisca gradualmente a partire da qui? 07:39:754 -
07:55:908 (3) - Prova un ctrl+g
08:00:853 (1,1) - Silenzia la fine di questi due spinner... Il suono rompe alquanto i coglioni
08:26:732 (9) - Dagli la forma dello slider precedente...
08:27:556 (7,8,9,10) - Non mi piace come curve bruscamente questo stream, però missà che non puoi farci molto, dato che vuoi stackare l'1 con lo slider...
08:28:381 (3) - Finish all'inizio dello slider?
08:34:644 (3) - Ctrl+g per il flow, tanto il repeat non dovrebbe essere coperto dalla comboburst
08:53:106 (4,5) - Clap sulla fine del 4 e sul 5
09:04:150 (3,4) - Fai bene il blanket...
09:13:051 (4) - Finish qui!
09:15:359 (4,5,6,7) - Stesso suggerimento come prima, o almeno metti clap ovunque
09:20:304 (2) - Via il clap da inizio slider, missà che t'è scappato
09:25:908 (3,4,5,6) - Sai cosa fare
09:31:512 (4,5) - Spostale un po' verso l'alto così il 4 non tocca lo slider precedente
10:05:963 (1) - Nota troll (non toglierla, va benissimo dov'è, solo che è troll dato che l'ho missata xD)
Nient'altro! Stai skillando un casino con il mapping, bravo
Kurokami wrote:
Hi, I'm here after you posted in my closed queue. \o/
How About OD+1?
05:30:029 - unneeded green timing point
05:41:402 - ^
09:08:106 - ^
01:44:864 (1) - I don't know if this shape is wanted to look like this but this could be better.
01:52:941 (3,4) - Hmm, maybe if you start (3) 1/2 later with the delete of (4) will sounds better. I'm not sure if its really needs something at 01:52:941, but its up to you to place a note there after this or not.
01:55:413 (2) - Is this really necessary here? Because I'm not really sure about this.
02:06:128 (1) - Maybe just two single circle? It will break the symetry but for me it sounds much better.
02:13:710 - I really want to touch here something, but since there is not much what can be placed here, please at least put a circle here.
02:16:348 - Same goes for this as well, but maybe the tension isn't that high as before. Its up to you.
02:24:260 (9) - Move the last point by 4 to left, the 3rd one by 2 to the left and the second one by 1 to down. Or something like that.
02:55:990 (1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about its fitting, but I like it.
03:15:359 - I think a note will be good here.
03:27:227 (3,4) - How about a slider instead of this two note?
03:55:826 - I'd like to place a note here. Consider it.
04:28:875 (2,3) - I think if you swap them in the timeline they will fit better
04:33:490 (8) - How about just two circle here?.
04:39:754 (3) - For me instead of this just place a single note where it starts now.
04:41:238 (7,8,9) - Delete (7,8), I think it will be better. Makes the rhythm more realistic.
04:47:666 (5,6) - Hmm, maybe just two single circle instead of these?
05:18:820 - How about a spinner here which is ends at 05:19:974?
05:29:205 - Add a note here. The break will end better.
05:30:029 (1) - This is okay for me, but how about to start it a bit earlier, like at 05:29:864?
05:33:655 (2,3,4) - Instead of this, How about to start a slider at 05:33:655 ends at 05:33:985 and just add a single note to 05:34:150?
05:40:743 (1) - I think either if you make this slider longer to ends at 05:41:238 or add there a single note will do it. For me the rhythm seems better with it.
05:55:249 (7,8,1,2) - - Add a repeat slider with a start at 05:55:249 end at 05:55:578 and another one to 05:55:743 - 05:56:073.
06:00:853 (6,7) - You have two choice here remove (7) and leave it empty or make (6) a bit longer to end at where the note is now.
06:07:117 (8,9,10) - Repeat slider instead of these?
06:12:391 (5,6) - I think a slider whould be better here. And the jump should be between 06:11:897 (4) - and the next one.
06:14:040 (3,1) - Why there is an empty space between them. Maybe an 1/2 repeat slider which ends at 06:14:864 and a note at 06:15:029 whould be good.
06:22:611 (4) - Maybe just two note at 06:22:611, 06:22:941, basically where the sliders ends are now, whould be better. It will make the rhythm better.
06:28:216 - How about add a note here?
06:33:820 (1) - I'm not sure about this. Maybe it would be better as removed after all there is nothing in the music which indicates this.
06:34:809 (4,5) - Maybe it would sounds better if (4) ends at 06:35:139 and just place a note to 06:35:304
06:34:150 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Your sliders (and notes) here are not snapped correctly, weird but AiMod says nothing about them. Please snap them.
06:35:798 (7,8,9) - Also I don't think this is fit here. I respect your symetry but still, for me if you ends (7) at 06:36:128 and place a single note to 06:36:457 sounds much better.
06:37:666 (7) - I think its better to remove it.
06:49:644 (1) - How about to start the first spinner here? I think it would be better.
06:49:727 (1,1,1,1) - Also, this will makes people rage, well its not my problem.
06:54:754 - For me if here is a circle the playability much better. Well ask about other players first before adding this, maybe it isn't the best choice considering the sudden jump after it.
06:57:227 (8) - I'm not sure about if this is really necessary. I think it would be better leave it blank.Or just using two note instead.
07:00:029 (8) - Same goes for this as well. I liked your pattern here but somehow I just don't feel like I want to catch this.
07:02:172 (7,8) - (7) I think sound better as 1/2 simple slider and (8) is just two single note.
07:05:139 (8) - How about just a simple note at 07:05:139? For me there is nothing at 07:05:304.
07:07:776 (8) - Same goes for this as well.
07:23:271 (7,8) - Add a repeat to (7) and place a note at 07:23:765
07:25:084 (5,6,7) - Delete (5), move (6) to there and delete (7) as well. I think it will fit better and makes it sound more realistic.
07:29:370 (1,2) - How about to swap them in the timeline?
07:31:512 - Add a note?
07:34:809 - ^
07:55:908 (3,4) - Place a note at 07:55:908, move (4) 1/2 earlier and add a note where it ends now.
08:02:584 (1) - How about ends it 1/2 earlier and add a note at 08:03:490?
08:06:622 (3,4) - Swap them in the timeline. It will fit better to the vocal.
08:07:611 (7,8) - same goes for this as well.
08:41:402 (8) - How about sorten it 1/2 and place a note to 08:41:732?
08:46:760 (6,7,8,9) - I'm not sure about this stream, it makes the flow better thats for sure, but I think if you just keep (9) and delete everything else would be better. Or your other choice is to delete (6). Decide which will fit better here. Maybe for the flow the second one is much better.
09:34:150 (5,6,7,8,9) - How about just using an 1/2 repeat slider here? It will fit better after all this stream is makes no sense here.
09:34:644 (10) - And I'm not sure about this either. Maybe you should just remove it.
09:38:435 (1,1) - Again an empty space. Well, after this a tiny break never bad, but still this is clearly mapable. My idea is: add a note to 09:38:600, 1/2 repeat slider at 09:38:765 wich ends at 09:39:095 and a simple slider to 09:39:260 - 09:39:589. Its up to you, but I think it makes the flow much better.
09:40:413 (3,4,5,6) - Remove (4,5) and move (6) earlier and make it to a repeat slider?
09:50:963 (2) - Start this at 09:50:798?
09:53:600 (2) - Start this 1/4 later?
10:05:963 (1) - Some people will rage about this, but who cares. \o/
Sorry Ican't give you images since I modded this while I offline. I hope I able to write them in an understandable way, if not, please point that out and I provide an image about it. Its entirelly up to you to use them, but if not, then at least tell me why not. That way my mod will improve a lot. :3 Oh, and I like this song. *.*
HabiHolic wrote:
Hi Pizza Kun~
01:43:051 (3) - Ctrl + g? Yes
01:44:864 (1) - Looks strange to look a little differently, we need to fix this Yes
01:49:974 (6,7,8) - Personal suggestion is too far, but there is a sense of a little jump of reducing doing?
01:51:952 (5) - spacing Yes
01:53:765 (6) - ^ Yes
02:31:677 (8) - suggestion Ctrl + g
02:34:809 (8) - Finish at the end Why do not you put a hit sound?
04:05:633 (3) - suggestion Ctrl + g Yes
04:08:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hmm.. Seems to put too selfish to jump right to the jump we need to rectify this
04:31:677 (2) - spacing Yes
04:37:776 (6) - NC Here Yes
06:29:205 (2) - suggestion Ctrl + g Yes
06:54:919 (1) - Hey! spacing please!! xD ok
Nice Map~! Star! gogo!
Asphyxia wrote:
M4M as you requested
Nice marathon
General thoughts: Atleast add ''Marathon'' to tags!
+1 OD, I think OD7 is too easy for this even tho it's a marathon.
01:19:974 (5) - I actually like this if you CTRL + J it, plays better imo' Uhm
01:43:051 (3) - CTRL + H? (if you do this, remember to change the spacing little so it wont overlap with 01:43:381 (4) - ) Oh is good ^^
02:18:820 (9) - 02:19:974 (3) - Not stacked perfectly. Ok fixed
02:27:227 (1,2) - I don't like this little ''overlap'', I wont say this again because it might be your style so, change if you want to. I want this
02:32:007 (1) - 02:32:831 (2) - Not stacked perfectly. Fixed
03:39:095 (3) - 03:38:765 (2) - Might overlap, not 100% sure >: Yes it's a bit overlap
04:26:897 (3) - 04:26:238 (1) - Not stacked perfectly, 04:26:897 (3) - 1 grid offThanks
04:59:534 (3) - 05:00:523 (6) - Not stacked perfectly (?) Yes fixed
06:11:650 (2,3) - 06:12:721 (1) - Not stacked perfectly. Ok
08:38:765 (7) - 08:40:249 (4) - Not stacked perfectly if that was your meaning. Fixed
09:15:194 (3) - 09:16:677 (3) - Not stacked perfectly but this might be unnecessary. Fixed anyway
Nothing else, seems nice
GL with the mapset
I'll wait next part of your mod ^^ thanksInyuschan wrote:
01:20:798 (1) - Remove NC, I think it's not necessary. o3o Ok
02:00:853 (1) - Add reverse selection Flow better without
02:17:337 (4) - Same Yes
02:24:260 (9) - Same No
02:31:677 (8) - Same No
02:33:820 (5) - Same No
03:15:523 (4) - Same maybe. D: No
04:20:633 (1) - Same No
04:31:183 (1) - Same and maybe this Position yes but not ctrl+g
I'll mod the rest later or tomorrow, promise.
And, all suggestions. ><
Thanks ^^Xebo wrote:
[Hanashi Difficult]
01:48:161 (3) Move to X:76 // (4) Move to X:80 No
01:48:820 (7) Move to X:472//(8) Move to X:468 No
02:56:402 (1) New Combo Yes
02:56:897 (1) New Combo - 02:57:556 (1) Delte New Combo Yes
03:36:787 (5) Move to X:320 Y:304 // (6) Move to X:200 Y:304 Yes
03:37:611 (3) Move to Y:306 // 03:38:271 (6) Move to Y:164 Yes
04:21:457 (4) Move to X:256 Y:232 Yes
08:23:106 (1) Move to Y:328 // (2) Move to Y:320 No
09:40:496 (4) Move to Y:240 //(5) Move to Y:232 No
Maybe it helps you
Thanks ^^sjoy wrote:
Hi from my queue![]()
01:23:435 (6) - i think a little far how about 3.0 space?
01:25:249 (6,7) - add whis on the head
01:29:864 (4,5) - ctrl+g?
01:33:326 (2,3) - ^ no
01:55:249 (1) - NO NC
01:55:578 (3) - NC
01:59:370 (8,1,2,3) - conbine into 2 1/2 sliders? No
02:02:007 (6) - NC
02:04:809 (6) - ^
02:07:446 (6) - ^
02:10:084 (5) - ^
02:25:908 (4) - ^ No
02:28:710 (6) - ^
02:51:128 (7) - ^
02:52:611 (2) - move to 148 336?
02:57:391 (2,4) - stack? No
03:21:622 (2) - move to 52 ,312?
03:25:249 (1) - ctrl+g? No
03:25:578 (2) - ^ No
03:29:534 (2) - move to 456,192?
04:02:172 (4) - NC
04:03:490 (8) - ^
04:07:446 (1,2) - conbine into 1/2 slider?
04:21:622 (5) - NC
04:42:721 (4) - move to 186,160? Nope
04:43:216 (6) - NC
05:03:161 (5) - NC
05:13:051 (7,8) - ctrl+g? No
05:37:776 (5) - NC
07:56:897 (6) - NC
08:07:446 (6) - ^
08:19:315 (5) - ^
08:29:864 (7) - ^
08:50:963 (5) - ^
08:58:875 (5) - ^
09:01:677 (6) - move to 140,268?
09:41:073 (7) - NC
09:43:710 (6) - ^
09:46:348 (5) - ^
it's crazy for jumping and steams
good luck for rank
[ Sana ] wrote:
Hi sorry i'm late![]()
04:48:326 - preview time at here uhm ok!
01:42:227 (1) - make it perfect semmetry Yes
01:43:710 (1,2) - same shape with 1 Yes
01:51:293 (3) - more straight Yes
03:54:260 (1) - Yes
i'm in school exam and so busy..i'll write some and add more mod soon! sorry < I'll wait, kudosu but finish mod
ThanksCherry Blossom wrote:
Well, let's begin !
- 01:20:798 (6) - make something like this ? it gives less a "surprising" feeling due to the more curvy slider.
- 01:40:413 (3,4) - Use 2,0x spacing for this, it's better for playing imo. If you do it, you will have to stack this too 01:41:402 (2)
- 01:42:721 (2,3) - These slider are not the same as 01:43:710 (1,2), i mean the curve.
Consider using the same curve is more esthetic imo.- 01:51:293 (3) - Maybe do this ? :
- 02:11:567 (2) - Move this note further than 02:11:402 (1,3) to make it easier to read imo. No
- 02:31:183 (6,8) - Its better to make these sliders symmetrical for estheticism imo.
- 03:24:589 (3,4) - Make these slider symmetrical for estheticism like this :
- 04:37:117 (4) - Move the red and the last point 1 grid right.
- 04:39:095 (1) - Add finish at the beginning of the slider, you hear something here...
- 04:40:249 (1) - ^ at the beginning.
05:06:457 (7) - ^- 05:07:611 (3) - ^ at the beginning.
- 05:12:062 (1) - ^ No
- 05:14:699 (1) - ^ at the beginning.
- 05:17:337 (1) - ^ No
- 06:23:271 (1) - ^ at the beginning.
06:28:545 (1) - ^ at the beginning.- 06:28:216 - add a note here. No
- 07:06:787 (5,6) - Make the symmetry better. i mean the "V" slider.
- 07:08:435 (2,3) - ^
- 07:35:798 (3) - add soft whistle at the beginning.
- 07:36:457 (4) - add finish at the beginning. No
- 08:19:974 (3,4,5,6,1) - Make a better square.
- 09:04:150 (3) - Add finish at the beginning.
- 09:05:468 (3) - ^ at the beginning.
- 09:15:359 (4,6) - I really suggest you to add finish here to give a better feeling when you are playing. No
- 09:25:908 (3,5) - ^ No
That map is nice and funny, but need more improvement at hitsounding and estheticism imo. I hope that was useful !
My noob testplaying :
Good luck !
Thanks-Srui- wrote:
M4M :3
- I think combo color 5 and 6 is similar. I feel confusing ;w;
01:22:611 (3,4) - distance is too far.
01:28:216 (1,9) - overlapping or relocation - Overlapping
02:24:260 (9) - opposite slider. i think it look like better ~
02:51:293 (2,3) - overlapping ?
02:54:754 (4) - NC and 02:54:754 (4,5,6,7,8) - please be placed further Uhm no
02:57:391 (2,4) - overlapping No
03:03:655 (7) - NC
03:11:238 (7) - try make to another shape I like this shape
03:27:886 (1) - remove NC and 03:28:216 (2) - NC
03:57:886 (4,5) - try make to same slider shape I prefer this
04:09:919 (8) - please be placed further No
04:35:798 - add circle No
04:58:051 (6) - NC
05:17:337 (1,2,3,4) - a little strange. try another pattern ;w;
05:40:743 (1) - SV is too big. it is too sudden
06:01:348 (1) - remove whistle Sounds better with whistle
06:01:841 (4) - ^ ^
06:02:006 (6) - ^ ^
from 06:15:359 - to 06:39:095 - wow, nice ! i like it >w< (・∀・) thanks!
08:34:150 (1,3) - avoid overlapping. i feel confuse
09:15:853 (7,1) - distance ?
Nice song !
P A N wrote:
m4m from pm
[General]Ok fixed in all song, i've used in some parts of song
- please add to your map, its very fit in some part like 01:50:633
[Hanashi]good luck :3 nice song
- 01:24:260 (3,4,5) - add clap or whistle that i give on head for all.
- try to find a way to NC 01:40:084 (2)? I think NC would fit with the storyboard well.
- add soft custom 2 whistle on kick sound part example, 01:51:128 , 01:51:622 , 01:52:117
- 02:55:990 (1) - swap NC with 02:56:238 (4)
- 03:49:974 (3) - move tail 1 grid right for more blanket.
- 04:12:721 - I think all of this triangle look random, try to compose them. if you need example you can ask me later. It's a perfect triangle but 3 triangles rotated of 10°
- 05:01:512 (1) - move tail 1 grid right for better blanket
- 09:10:249 (2,3,4) - move to 320|264 , 232|236 , 240|148 for star symmetry.
- 09:15:688 (5,6,7) - move to 408|24 , 308|48 , 284|148 for star symmetry.
- 09:26:073 (4,5,6,1) - move to 424|156 , 484|72 , 412|0 , 320|36 for star symmetry.
Kodora wrote:
From LKs' queue~
- You dont need "marathon" in tags, just remove it
- Add "German" to tags
- Why "linked horizon" tagged here? Linked horizon is the same composer of Sound horizon, he use 2 different name for type of project compose
- You can add silent sliderside here - it will works good at calm parts
- I'd suggest you use tickrate 1 since you have 1/6 parts - tickrate 2 sounds very wrong on them since it always snaps by 1/4
Overral not bad, but flow needs some improvements.
- 01:19:974 (5,6) - This overlap doesnt looks pretty, also 01:20:798 (6) - not symmetrial with 01:19:315 (4,5) -
- 01:31:677 (1) - Remove last red anchorpoint to make form of this slider more pretty I prefer with it
- 01:32:172 (2,3,4) - They doesnt flows well, i also believe 01:32:501 (3) - can be symmetrial with 01:32:172 (2,4) -
- 01:33:655 (4,5,6) - Doesnt pretty at all. You can make a little triangle here for better slow using (4). Example:
- 01:39:754 (10,11,1) - Please keep same spacing between those notes for better playability
- 01:40:084 (1,2,3) - I believe you can make them flows better: Change some
- 01:40:743 (4,1,2) - broken symmetry again ??
- 01:41:402 (2,3) - This antijump also feels bad. To make it more friendly try to use ctrl+g at 01:41:402 (2) - Fixed in another way
- 02:00:029 (4) - Missed finish at the beginning of slider
- 02:00:688 (2) - Even if you want to keep symmethry you must always check spacing. This also bugged me a lot while playing - use x2.0 DS between 02:00:359 (1,2) - like you did it before
- 02:04:479 (4,5) - Linear jumps looks pretty bad here. Try something like this:
- 02:20:222 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is very overdone. Jumps must reflect the music; for this case its only mirroed symmethry. Below 2.80 is enough, seriously I like this spacing but i've fixed simmetry
- 02:32:007 (1,2) - Like in previous one, this looks like spacing issue. For this case you can just stack them manually
- 02:36:128 (3,4) - Again: bad flow. To fix it, try this: move 02:36:128 (3) - to x396 y216, then move 02:36:293 (4) - to x344 y112 and move 02:36:457 (5) - to x252 y44 - for consistent spacing
- 02:39:589 (5,7) - Linear curving estetically looks bad, remove red anchorpoints please
- 02:46:677 (3,4) - swap them on timeline for better flow
- 02:51:952 (4,1) - This overlap looks pretty bad, fix it please
- 02:56:402 (5,6,7) - Flows pretty bad. Try something like this instead:
- 03:00:853 (5,6) - Kind of spacing issue again
- 03:02:007 (3,5) - Hmm, maybe make them overlap a bit? :>
- 03:06:128 (5,6) - Spacing issue all over again.
- 03:09:424 (1,2,3,4) - those jumps are VERY overdone. Fullscreen jumps is something really too much imo
- 03:17:337 (1,1,1) - Estetical thing, but it looks really bad here. To prevent it you may change for of slider and make progressive raising speed of them (for example x0.75 - x1.00 - x1.25)
- 03:21:293 (1,2) - This fullscreen jump is really bad, reduse spacing please
- 03:37:117 (1) - Try something like this here?
- 03:46:018 (6,1) - Swap NC follow new part of music
- 04:17:996 (1) - Try to change your overlap to something like this: No
- 05:02:666 (4) - this jump plays bad and actually very forced. Try something like this instead?
- 05:15:359 (3) - NC due to jump
- 05:16:018 (5) - ^
- 05:16:677 (7) - ^
- 05:33:161 (1,2,3) - Keep consistent spacing between those notes please
- 05:40:413 (6,7) - Spacing issue on stream
- 05:53:271 (5,6,7,8) - try something like this instead? No prefer Jump -> low spacing -> jump
- 05:57:886 (6) - ctrl+G for better flow?
- 06:01:348 (1) - It's 1/6 actually, not 1/8
- 06:12:391 (5,6) - Plays enough bad, reduse spacing please No
- 06:22:611 (4) - ctrl+H?
- 06:37:859 (1) - Finish instead of whistle sounds better for me
- 07:04:150 (5,6,7,8) - Those jumps are very overdone IMO Not in my opinion ^^
- 07:06:128 (3,4) - ^ ^
- 07:13:381 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Corner placed notes are usually boring, try more variable placement
- 07:31:842 (1) - Estetical thing, but form of this slider looks very, very bad.
- 07:35:798 (3,4) - When there is no point to stack better dont do it
- 07:39:754 (1) - Finish instead of whistle
- 08:12:391 (4) - Hide it under the end of slider instead of beginning to make it plays better
- 08:12:556 (1) - This form is really, really bad. Also it makes all next jumps feels wrong. Try to change it here, please. I like this shape
- 08:39:424 (1) - Try Ctrl+G for better flow - and rework next slider placement, please Fix in another way
- 08:40:413 (5,1) - Stack them perfectly please
- 08:56:567 (7,8) - This is VERY overdone, reduse spacing here please
- 09:01:842 (7,8) - Spacing issue
- 09:08:765 (1,1,1,1,1) - Pretty much same estetical thing, it looks very bad. Not for me
- 09:37:776 (3) - NC due to jump please
- 09:55:578 (1,2) - Sliders snapped wrong: 09:55:578 (1) - should ends 2 ticks earlier and 09:56:402 (2) - should starts 2 ticks earlier
- 10:00:935 (1) - Add finish I like without
Good luck~
P A N wrote:
no kds, recheck
09:10:413 (3,4) - move to 232|228 and 240|136 and move 09:11:402 (1) to stack with (4) (240|136) for better star symmetry.
09:15:359 (4) - move to 460|116
Grazie owoPuncia wrote:
[Hanashi]Ok sistemato un po
- 01:51:622 (4) - muovi un paio di grid in basso per allinearlo e muovi leggermente anche 01:51:952 (5) di conseguenza Ho alzato 3 e non abbassato 4 :3
- 02:00:029 (4) - ti consiglio di spostarlo un po' più avanti (magari x:212 - y:180), se ascolti la musica rimane sempre tranquilla, non c'è bisogno di fare quel jump Ok
- 02:11:567 (2) - questo non mi piace tanto, mantieni sempre la ritmica dello stream a 1/4 ma lo fai alla fine con spacing differente è 1/2 quello non 1/4
- 02:26:567 (7,8,9) - flowa un po' male, fai Ctrl + G tra questi magari 02:26:567 (7,8), e se lo fai riposiziona 02:26:567 (7) bene rispetto allo slider Ok
- 02:29:370 (4) - spostalo un po' più a sinistra così crea una diagonale dritta con l'altro circle e la testa dello slider Ho fatto un triangolo
- 02:42:886 (7) - metti la y a 60 per farlo bene in linea con la testa della prima tripletta Trovato un altro modo per sistemarla ho fatto un (1 tripletta) 3 (2 tripletta) 4 slider
- 03:24:589 (3,4) - la parte in cui ci sono tutti questi slider è un po' ripetiva, usi i circle solo per i jump. Rimpiazza quei due slider ad esempio con due circle (sostituendoli a testa e coda degli slider). È solo un'idea, perché troppi slider possono annoiare Fatto
- 04:15:359 (1) - questa dovrebbe essere una new combo, inizia una nuova serie di patterns e la song cambia C'è già NC
- 04:34:150 (1,2,3) - sistema lo spacing tra i tre è già giusto
- 04:35:633 (7) - va spostato poco poco più a destra se vuoi una cosa simmetrica Leggermente corretto ma era già quasi perfetto
- 04:45:194 (4,5,6,1) - un po' scomodo da giocare, fai un triangolo regolare tra questi 04:45:194 (4,5,6) non mi convince
- 04:46:183 (2) - questa serie di slider hanno la punta un po' storta, se l'hai fatto apposta lascia perdere
- 05:33:655 (2) - mettilo un po' più sotto la coda dello slider, per il flow Ok
- 05:38:930 (4) - questo è troppo distante dagli altri >_< Sistemato
- 05:40:084 (2,3,4,5) - fai fare una curva un po' migliore a tutta questa parte di stream uscente dallo slider Migliorata
- o fai questo 05:56:567 (5,6,7,8,9) stream meno spaced oppure aggiusti 05:57:062 (1,2,3) facendolo più ampio. È scomodo fare uno stream del genere e poi fermarsi all'interno per fare un pattern così piccolo. Tralaltro mi sembra che sia troppo distante da 05:57:556 (4,5) e che faccia poco flow così In quel punto l'ho fatto apposta di spezzare il flow per fare lento -> veloce -> lento, preferisco dare questa sensazione
- 06:06:128 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - l'hai fatto troppo incasinato, tieni conto che è lento ed è anche spaced. Puoi fare una cosa carina però: se ascolti, questi tre 06:06:128 (1,2,3) sono con la chitarra che cala, mentre gli altri tre 06:06:457 (4,5,6) sale. Puoi fare così:
almeno sono ordinati
Te la continuerò dopo o domani
Grazie baka ^^AnataNoBaka wrote:
Ok, non ho trovato nessun errore particolare quindi mi limito a qualche piccolo consiglio sul pattern
01:27:227 (4,5) - io farei ctrl+h e poi ctrl+g quindi ctrl+h su 01:27:556 (6) - Non mi piace
02:21:292 (3,4) - io li ruoterei a -20° mentre questi 02:21:622 (5,6) - li ruoti di 20° Sembra più ordinato si
02:30:688 (4) - spostalo in x:114 y:364 per creare un rombo Preferisco il triangolo
02:57:721 (4) - scambialo con 02:57:886 (5) - Ok mi piace di più il jump
04:09:095 (3,4) - ruota un pò anche questi di tipo 10-15° Ok
04:57:886 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - puoi far partire i jump da 04:57:886 (5) - e creare due triangoli Preferisco questo pattern
06:37:556 (6,7,8) - allargherei giusto un pò questo square Massì abbondiamo con lo spacing un po
08:14:370 (2,3,4,5,6) - mi da l'impressione che spezzi un pò il flow , cerca di aggiustare un po quei jump Sistemato
09:21:293 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - se li allarghi di tipo 20-25° ciascuno penso verrebbero più divertenti Non c'è spazio
Oh thanks (・∀・)epocsodielaK wrote:
_AI wrote:
M4M :3
*its midnight in my place and im relly tired orz, i will edit this post tmr for the mod
Thanks_AI wrote:
M4M :3*its midnight in my place and im relly tired orz, i will edit this post tmr for the mod
01:19:315 (4,5) - These two sound kinda odd, maybe following the piano would be better No
01:24:260 (3,4,5) - Try bigger gap, avoid circle touching circle like 01:24:095 (2,4) No
01:24:919 (5,6) - Too near to each other I know
02:22:941 (5,6) - Don't stack, a jump between maybe will help Ok
02:27:227 (1,2) - A bracket or something will help, the original flow is kinda weird I like this
08:29:205 (5,6) - ^ Ok fixed
03:03:161 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Fix the DS between notes and adjust the shape Thanks
03:34:315 (1) - Move away maybe? stack complete make player confuse *not nessacary Ok
04:07:446 (1) - Adjust the curve, follow the stream Ok
06:02:006 (6,1) - Make a jump between em Yes
06:37:446 (5,6,7,8) - Please make a different shape/pattern for this Nope i like it
06:52:364 (1,1) - This look like ninja spinner, maybe something different will help I prefer spinner owo, this spinenrs are rankable07:50:304 ~ 08:17:996 - o3o miku!:D
09:50:963 (2) - This should start earlier on 09:50:798 Hard to read
09:52:941 (1) - Start on 09:52:859 Hard to read
09:55:578 (1) - ^ 09:55:496 Hard to read
09:58:216 (1) - ^ 09:58:133 Hard to read
Goodluck for it~ :33
Rakuen wrote:
( =`・ω・´) Rakuen 楽園 (Mod/GD/M4M)
I'm not good at modding crazy maps / qualified maps, don't blame me >.>
Qualified map but I suggest not to can raise and lower the SV randomly at KIAI time
01:54:424 (2,3) - Not suitable for jump Ok
02:00:688 (2) - Stack on 02:00:359 (1) - like this 02:32:007 (1,2) - No
02:06:787 (3,4) - Swap place Ok it's better
02:32:831 (2) - Flow broke No
02:46:677 (3,4) - Swap place No
02:52:611 (2) - Stack the slider tail on head of 02:51:952 (4) - for better flow Ok
02:53:271 (4) - Move it closer to last few sliders Fixed in other way
03:01:512 (1) - Too close to the last note, add circle on 03:01:348 - if suitable Fixed in other way
03:06:457 (6) - Stack with 03:06:128 (5) - Ok
03:21:952 - Raising volume of hitsound here sounds disgusting for me I think is not bad
03:25:908 (3,4,5,6) - Follow the beat sound instead of vocal
03:32:501 (3,4,5,6) - Same as previous
03:33:820 (3) - This slider and 03:34:315 (1) - is awful after stacking each other
04:54:095 (3) - Remove clap Ok
04:54:260 - ^ ^
05:14:699 (1) - A little bit hard starts from here, too far jump IMO For me it's ok
06:03:161 (4) - Why 1/3, remian 1/4 I want mapping this part in 1/3
06:33:820 - This part is strange
06:34:809 - Missed a clap Thanks
07:01:595 - Clap here, applies for 07:01:512 (5,6,7,8) - Ok
07:04:150 (5) - NC here and the drum hit starts here 07:04:315 - , extend the hitsound by 1 red tick for the notes behind too (use 50% playback and see) No
07:57:721 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - This placement is different with other notes, make it constant or change to slider to prevent miss
09:15:359 - Same as previous, don't raise the sound No
09:25:908 - ^ No
Hope it helps.
emmy wrote:
pizza kun best jumps