
The Genie Game

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Granted, but you aren't able to play it or buy it. :<

I wish for
Granted, but has exploded.

I wish for another wish.
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Sleep Powder
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Granted, you have all the time in the world for modding. ALL THE TIME. And only for modding. Go use the time to mod every map in WIP and Pending.

I wish animask had a better avatar.
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Granted, you're the best after all the good mappers have left osu! (including me)
(also, thx for big fat bump... I missed this thread :O )

I wish I could finish my video....... and homework.... on time.
Granted, you finished on time, but you failed it since you copied it off someone else. conspicuously.

I wish for weegeevsweegee to stop posting on the Internet.
Yes I'm mean.
Granted, but you're no longer mean.

I wish for me to be better at scansion.
Granted, but instead of being at a scansion, the genie misunderstood you and thought you said "scan a mansion".

I wish that i was part of the taikomaster club. Rodoko won't reply to me... ;'_';
Granted, but you are the worst player.

I wish that I didn't need to sleep.
I am the worst player.

Granted, but your body crumbles to dust.

I wish no one ever overhyped This is sparta, Weegee, and all those others.

Wojjan wrote:

I wish no one ever overhyped This is sparta, Weegee, and all those others.
Granted......Internet crumbles.

I wish this thread had more lulz.
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I wish that people would stop not wishing.
Granted, but the genie was too hot and you burned your mouth and your tongue caught on fi- *shot*

I wish that there was a new game mode.

go on harris. post again.
Granted, but your house explodes due to a gas leak.

I wish that I had a cat.
Granted, but the cat tore down your furniture..... and your room.... and your house.... and your face.

I wish that I had a better graphics card

I wish that I had my own PC with really good graphics, good fan, and everything a gamer could want (to a realistic standard). Also, my parents can't fuck with me about it.
Granted, but you get kicked out of your house, without anywhere to go.

I wish Harris could find a place to live.
Granted, but Harris' foster mother is the "Other Mother" from Coraline. She forces Harris to sew buttons over his/her (sorry, I don't know your gender xD) eyes and eventually eats his/her soul.

I wish that I could use magic.
Granted, but you can only use level 0.5 spells. (Yes I know I made a FF reference. Deal with it.)

I wish for peppy to explain why he 3 second banned me and said I act like a tard. He said that earlier in osu! chat ;_;
Granted but it doesn't need to be explained.

I wish Weegee figured out that he is indeed a tard.
Granted but his tardiness causes him to completely forget about it instantly.

I wish for these wishes to stop relating to the previous post.
Granted. Now all of the posts relate to the post that comes after. And you explode, for good measure.

I wish that Michael Jackson was still alive.
Sleep Powder
Granted but now people accuse Michael Jackson of being a monster because he couldn't die. The news reported this and scientists discovered how to create immortality which then caused the recreation of the world by Haruhi.

I wish there was a second dimension.
Wizard Of Orz
there is


supergarlic wrote:

there is

Lol. xD

I wish I had pizza.
Granted except it's nothing but dough.

I wish Weegee would quit forgetting to wish.
Granted, but he wishes such a pure wish it cannot be altered to have evil outcomes.

I wish that I was a Sith.
granted but the genie doesn't know Star Wars and turns you into one of the rebellion; you get killed by an actual sith later on.

I wish I had a perfectly unstealable tablet pc that could not break, be hacked, catch a virus, have a lost touch pen, and the hard drive could contain 20 times the amount of data of beatmaps stored on, mediafire, and the total data of all of youtube's videos combined. And that it had it's own translator for foreign languages to be converted to english, sent text can be converted to a different language, and all of my files were already on it.
Granted, but unstealable is not a word so your Tablet PC is stolen.

I wish this thread didn't suck.
Granted, but it becomes filled with so much pure, liquid awesome that osu! shuts down and explodes.

I wish that I had more cowbell.
granted. that wish is corrupted on its own

I wish Gabi disappeared
Granted, but he might come back.

I wish people would understand I am not a retard.

My average grade level in reading is past high school. >.>
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Granted but the Dynamite blows up in your face.

I wish I had 54$

MittenMasterzz wrote:

Granted but the Dynamite blows up in your face.
I wish for bad things to happen to people EXCEPT FOR ME OR AFFECTING PEOPLE CLOSE TO ME
Sleep Powder
Granted but nobody you knew was close to you at the time.

I wish for raining men. :roll:

Granted But there all morbidly obese

I wish for a tatacon
Granted but it is an actual drum and does not work with Taiko No Tatsujin/Drum Master. Or osu!'s Taiko mode.

I wish for an easier way to make maps. (I really do.)
Granted, but your complete incompetence still makes you fail at making maps.

I wish to be able to sleep one hour and have the energy 12 hours of sleep would normally give me.
Granted, you get your energy, but since you're always pumped up after 1 hour, you can't feel your body becoming overworked. You crumble to dust.

I wish we wouldn't repeat wishes.
Sleep Powder
Granted but you cannot wish again because every wish has been wished before.

I wish for a wish that hasn't been wished before.

Here's your volcano made from volcanoes

I wish for a less painful internet connection
Granted, the pain is now transferred to a little kitty

I wish to release the kitty of its pain
Granted, it goes to you and rust45. YAY! :D

I wish people knew I wasn't a retard.

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WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

Granted, it goes to you and rust45. YAY! :D
It was granted, and you think I'M the retard.

I wish that I wouldn't have to get a high rank to be known around here...
Wizard Of Orz

WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

I'M the retard.
All I read.

supergarlic wrote:

I'M the retard.
All I read.
Wizard Of Orz
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(Going off of Weegee's post)
Granted, but you don't need a high rank in the first place and the Genie kills you for making a useless wish.

I wish topics derailed less.
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Topic Starter
Granted but now all the topics are topics you hate talking about.

I wish for a new TV.

Metruzero wrote:

Granted but now all the topics are topics you hate talking about.

Granted but it's a new crappy TV.

I wish that Forum Games/Random were separate forums.
Granted, but all the games derail and get sent to random anyway.

I wish to never get songs stuck in my head unless I want them to.
Granted but trolls don't get wishes granted for being subatomically-brained /b/tards that cannot prove anything.

I wish rust knew that if I were a tard (as in stupid), that his brain would be well below subatomic.
Wizard Of Orz

strager wrote:

It can't be called a brain if it's subatomic, idiot.
Ignoring the drama and since Weegee's wish is nothing good to go off of, I'll just grant my own.

Granted, but when the song gets stuck in your head, it never leaves, even after other songs get stuck in there, eventually your brain blows up from too many songs playing at once.

I wish Weegee would quit being a drama fag.
I just saw the last few Weegee posts.

Granted, but Weegee takes it up a notch and sends you a PM filled with smilies and size=200 font about his feelings.

I wish for the Mibbit client to work.
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granted but your ISP cut off the internet

I wish the old topic was back
granted but,

I wish for friends on Mario Kart Wii(C) that are not hackers, cheaters, liars, idiots, cheap, perverted, mean, rude, trolls, cyberbullies, or imaginary. >:3 Beat that, bitches.
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you what your what? The genie didn't see the word "wish" in there, so he didn't do anything.

I wish that I have the determination to finish all my homework as soon as I get home from school.
Granted, but it takes so long you have no freetime.

I wish I had more holidays in the year.
Sir Minelli
Granted! Just kidding!

I wish I could find gold coins at the end of a rainbow :'(
Granted but they weren't the kind of gold coins you were expecting.

I wish we wouldn't get flooded again
granted, you get burnt by lava.

I wish, that my school, wouldn't have such a stupid librarian (she's new) with such stupid rules on backpacks on the hooks in the library, the loaner laptops, the laptops in general, the laptop's image that she likes to use so often to reimage everyone's laptops, and every other stupid thing she does, I wish would just go away.
TL;DR: Granted but you suck

I wish this wish was corrupted.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Granted, but some of the cops are awesome at touhou/any other bullet hell game and weave through them before shooting you(irony), which automatically stops the wish.

I wish I didn't have to wish after a corruption.
Sleep Powder
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Branted but yôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô

I wììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì
Granted but your wish has already been corrupted, in terms of data.

I wish that the genie spontaneously combusted.
Granted but you get caught in the explosion.

I wish I could take it easier.
Granted but the genie kills you for the avatar-involving joke known as Yukkuri you can't take it any easier than you already are, due to having a Reimu(Green) Yukkuri Avatar.

I wish for the full and whole value of Pi. Not the food, not the pie chart, just the numerical Pi.

Pi as in
Granted, but what you showed was not the Genie killed you for wishing for the value of something that does not exist.

Seriously, what is that?

I wish that I had the motivation to map.
Granted, you suck

I wish this wish was wished before
Granted, but it ended just as disastrously as last time. With you being attacked by birds. And a savage chimpanzee. Seriously, who keeps a pet chimpanzee?

I wish for a pet chimpanzee to be the best osu! player ever.
Granted. 24,320 people get banned all at the same time, depleting of its' intelligent population.

I wish SRB2 2.0 was backwards-compatible so I wouldn't have to recolor everything to make it look right.
You made a grammar error.
No wish for you.

I wish Weegee wasn't a retard.
Granted, but it's weegee so he went back to a retard a second after your wish.

I wish for pie.

I wish Weegee would stay smart after my previous wish.
Granted but I was smart in the first place. 1 grammar error does not mean you're stupid. >.>

I wish for an explanation on why you call me a tard. (Anything involving my avatar, signature, or name will result in the poster getting a roundhouse kick to the face.)
Wizard Of Orz
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Granted but all of the atoms in your body are positively charged, so in turn, so you attract lightning.

I wish for proof of Supergarlic's so-called reason.
Granted, but it was there the whole time, you are just blind to it.

I wish for wishes that don't come true.
Granted but Wiis fall from the sky and kill you, negating your wish.

(...You guys are just doing this because I'm based off of Weegee aren't you?)

I wish rust45, Wojjan, strager, supergarlic and 5ku115 acually had brains.
Granted but they're brains are turned off.

I wish everyone would stop being dicks and asses.
Granted. Now, everyone's being vaginas and boobs.

I wish that I had an apple.
Granted but it has a worm in it. Wat?

I wish people would stop calling me a tard.
Granted, you idiot

I wish Weegee wasn't so bloody oblivious.
Granted, but now he's thick headed.
I wish Weegee would go away.
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