
My pause buttons are ugly

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So i'm trying to skin from the ground up. And this means that I have to create every element i can possibly skin. Unfortunately, my buttons are ugly. I dont know what's wrong with them, but its just bad.

I just need tips on what I can do to make my pause buttons better, like any criticism to make them look better.

Here's what they look like:

They're not this big but they seem flat
Add a shadow or a bottom outline to make it pop more if it's to flat for your liking
Well it all depends on what kind of a skin you're going for. It's important to have all the elements working together nicely, similar colour scheme and shapes all around, for menus and gamemodes alike.

If the flatness is an issue, I'd try adding a subtle glow effect and shadow on the buttons, something like this (not the fanciest example but you get the idea):

What I'd do, I'd probably limit the use of colours, but this opinion is sorta biased since I'm not much of a fan of too colourful skins. But like I said, that's a matter of personal taste.
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Thanks for the comments, good things i could try as i havent really thought about those

Also thanks for bringing up the fact that the buttons arent really fit for the theme for my skin, kinda created these buttons to be standalone without thinking of the bigger picture
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