
supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年8月17日 at 13:31:18

Artist: supercell
Title: Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)
Source: Naruto Shippuuden
Tags: ED 泡沫花火 nagi yanaginagi ryo gazelle ending
BPM: 84
Filesize: 4511kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bubbles (2.73 stars, 97 notes)
  2. Fireworks (4.26 stars, 137 notes)
Download: supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
「supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)」
10th Ranked Beatmaps

SB by Sun Rainbow.
good :D
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Pending! >,<
Good luck! Mint-san ^^
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thanks 0.0

01:26:777 (1) - ctrl+g一下试试?

00:22:848 (1) - 速度变慢长度不变感觉有点违和
00:28:384 (3) - 离前一个滑条远一点试试?
00:52:134 (4) - 不那么弯应该会好看点,包着前一个滑条的外框那种。
00:55:706 (1,1,2,3,4) - 这段有点不懂,把里面的123换成一个四分拍长度的滑条如何?
Hey Mint :3 M4M from your queue~

Audio bit rate is higher than 192kbps which currently is 256kbps, convert it to lower
How about adding an easy? The song is relaxing and easy is really fit to it :)
No hitsound? D: just when I'm about to mod the hitsound --"

00:02:848 (1) - NC for the vocal start and to avoid some long combos for normal
00:28:563 (5) - use 0.75 SV here? fit with the vocal
00:49:991 (5) - NC for long combos too, 8 isn't exactly short on normal :o
00:55:348 (4,5,1) - How about to stack these three together in the (4) instead of (5)? It gives a better relaxing feeling and the straight line pattern on (4) and (5) isn't looked exactly good orz
01:01:420 (5) - NC?
01:05:705 (2) - NC here instead of 01:04:277 (1) - the vocal divides here
01:07:134 (3) - NC here too
01:12:848 (4) - bring this up a few grid to avoid that small hitburst overlap and get a better encirclement on o 01:11:063 (2) -

00:52:848 (1) - move this up to 212 220 for better blanket on the (3) slider hitburst and a higher jump which is fit with the current vocal. A bit more like this
00:52:848 (1) - add note here for a triplet? The current vocal is fit
01:07:134 (1,2) - hmm try to make it like this for better encirclement

Ummm I guess that's all, amazing map as always mint-san:3
Hope that will be useful to you and be ranked soon!

Like AnreFM says, the birate of the MP3 file is at 256kb/s and the maximum is 192kb/s. Here's one:

01:01:420 (5) - NC here?
01:12:848 (4) - ^?

00:28:384 (3) - Something like that?
Or remove the repeat and end the slider at 00:28:563

Good Luck and star!
Topic Starter

abdomsisn wrote:


01:26:777 (1) - ctrl+g一下试试?这会反flow吧

00:22:848 (1) - 速度变慢长度不变感觉有点违和 唔 我喜欢这样
00:28:384 (3) - 离前一个滑条远一点试试?如果放远感觉对hard太难了
00:52:134 (4) - 不那么弯应该会好看点,包着前一个滑条的外框那种。 感觉可以啊
00:55:706 (1,1,2,3,4) - 这段有点不懂,把里面的123换成一个四分拍长度的滑条如何?这个跟drum&piano


AnreFM wrote:

Hey Mint :3 M4M from your queue~

Audio bit rate is higher than 192kbps which currently is 256kbps, convert it to lower fixed
How about adding an easy? The song is relaxing and easy is really fit to it :) nope, normal is already easy
No hitsound? D: just when I'm about to mod the hitsound --" are you sure? please check it again

00:02:848 (1) - NC for the vocal start and to avoid some long combos for normal sorry but i don't follow vocal and it's no long combos for normal
00:28:563 (5) - use 0.75 SV here? fit with the vocal no, it's too hard for normal
00:49:991 (5) - NC for long combos too, 8 isn't exactly short on normal :o
00:55:348 (4,5,1) - How about to stack these three together in the (4) instead of (5)? It gives a better relaxing feeling and the straight line pattern on (4) and (5) isn't looked exactly good orz wat? it should be play better. looked means nothing.
01:01:420 (5) - NC?
01:05:705 (2) - NC here instead of 01:04:277 (1) - the vocal divides here
01:07:134 (3) - NC here too
01:12:848 (4) - bring this up a few grid to avoid that small hitburst overlap and get a better encirclement on o 01:11:063 (2) - ok

00:52:848 (1) - move this up to 212 220 for better blanket on the (3) slider hitburst and a higher jump which is fit with the current vocal. A bit more like this nope, on playing (3) is already disappear.
00:52:848 (1) - add note here for a triplet? The current vocal is fit are you sure? it's totally no fit anymore
01:07:134 (1,2) - hmm try to make it like this for better encirclement no

Ummm I guess that's all, amazing map as always mint-san:3
Hope that will be useful to you and be ranked soon!
i think you better see at playing but not on editing, but anyway thanks.


sheela901 wrote:


Like AnreFM says, the birate of the MP3 file is at 256kb/s and the maximum is 192kb/s. Here's one: fixed

01:01:420 (5) - NC here?
01:12:848 (4) - ^? nope

00:28:384 (3) - Something like that?
Or remove the repeat and end the slider at 00:28:563 no sorry, this note is follow piano

Good Luck and star!

thanks for mod!

  1. 加sliderborder (你懂
  2. Lead-in大概1秒
  3. countdown跟letterbox都去掉
  4. tag上ending
  1. 00:06:420 (4,1) - spacing突然縮小是怎麼回事o.o
  2. 00:18:563 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這整串的flow有點詭異 最直接的方法是把(3)掉頭然後移到(2)的頭上面去包(2)
  3. 00:24:991 (1) - NC? 把前面那個變速獨立出來
  4. 00:55:706 (1,1,2,3,4) - 我覺得你從慢速銜接到快速的pattern沒有處理的很好 (1,1)之間因為空了一小拍 所以給人一種還是慢慢的感覺 但這裡其實已經開始變快了 所以可能可以試著把00:55:706 (1) - 拉到藍線尾巴 然後00:56:757 (1) - 擺在00:55:706 (1,2) - 兩個之間弄一個等距
  5. 01:08:920 (4) - 變速所以加個NC唄 說實話這裡幹麻變速
  1. 00:51:063 (6,7) - 連成一個slider? vocal這邊也是連起來的
唯一美中不足的地方是副歌spacing能再擺開點 可以看看kpy的everlasting 其他都很好啦~
Topic Starter
fix some thanks~
High suggestion (unrankable in some cases)

I'd suggest to add the epilepsy warning since there are many fast fireworks in the chorus.

00:01:420 (1,2,3,4) - To improve this pattern you should keep the same distance from 00:02:134 (2) - this note to each slider, it would be really better esthetically in my opinion:
00:04:277 (1,2,3,4) - There are many jumps in this combo but why when starts 00:07:134 (1) - this one the spacing decreases? You should make as minimum a jump 00:06:420 (4,1) - here to emphasize the combo change.
00:12:848 (1) - You should add a note instead head-end even if you'll need to change the slider, there is a vocal note that I'd not leave out.
00:14:277 (3,4,1) - Keep the same distance between these sliders, the pattern would be a lot better in my opinion:
00:19:991 (3) - For a better flow you should flip this slider horizontally (CTRL+H):
00:21:420 (1,2,1) - Same as 00:14:277 (3,4,1) - for a better pattern.
00:22:848 (1) - Increase the volume of its reverse (15-20% would be fine), the vocals aren't so low.
00:30:706 (2,3,4,1) - For a better flow you should 00:31:420 (3) - flip this slider horizontally (CTRL+H) and move it at x:136 y:108. Then you should reverse 00:32:134 (4) - this slider (CTRL+G) to obtain the pattern below:
00:32:134 (4,1) - Add a note between these two sliders to follow the vocals.
00:52:134 (4) - Rotate this slider a bit (15°) to make it different from 00:51:420 (3) - this one
00:55:706 (1) - Increase the volume (15-20% would be fine).
00:59:991 (1) - This new combo is not needed since there is a combo consistency (new combo on each downbeat).
01:12:491 (5,1) - Add a note between these two elements to follow the vocals:
01:26:777 (1) - After 01:25:705 (3) - this slider, this one would flow really better if reversed (CTRL+G):

Use AR4 and OD3 to balance the difficulty spread

00:23:563 (6) - Increase the volume (15-20% would be fine), the vocals aren't so low.
00:28:563 (5) - Same as above for its end.
00:32:848 (1) - Remove this new combo to keep consistency (new combo on each 2 downbeats).
01:08:563 (5,6,7,1) - Since this is the easiest difficulty, you shouldn't map a pattern like this one, I don't know how much is it playable from a beginner. I'd unstack 01:09:277 (7,1) - these two elements.
01:24:277 (1) - As I said for 00:32:848 (1) - remove this new combo to keep consistency (new combo on each 2 downbeats).
Topic Starter
thanks for mod, almost fixed :D

just one thing: that volume setting is really fine for me so sorry...
irc mod
11:15 cheesiest: hey
11:15 mintong89: hey
11:16 cheesiest: so like
11:16 cheesiest: your mapet
11:16 cheesiest: mapset*
11:16 *cheesiest is editing [ supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size) [Fireworks]]
11:16 mintong89: thanks o.o
11:16 cheesiest: can I do an IRC mod real quick?
11:16 cheesiest: or would you like me to post a forum mod?
11:16 mintong89: sure
11:16 cheesiest: which one? :3c
11:16 mintong89: irc :3
11:17 cheesiest: 00:05:348 (2,3) - i think you should make the 2 a slider
11:17 cheesiest: that is 1/2 long
11:18 cheesiest: so you delete 3
11:18 cheesiest: 00:06:063 - and put a circle here
11:18 cheesiest: and then for 00:06:420 (4) -
11:18 cheesiest: i think you should delete it and put a circle on 00:06:420 -
11:19 cheesiest: and a slider that is 1/1 long on 00:06:777 -
11:19 cheesiest: and delete 00:07:134 (1) -
11:19 cheesiest: and take away 1 repeat on 00:07:491 (2) -
11:19 cheesiest: and then move 00:07:491 (6) -
11:20 cheesiest: to start at 00:07:848 -
11:20 mintong89: ..
11:21 cheesiest: ;~;
11:21 mintong89: 00:07:134 (1) - i put a note at here because have a piano sound here
11:21 mintong89: btw i prefer this
11:21 mintong89:
11:22 cheesiest: ok :3c
11:22 cheesiest: 00:08:563 (7) - i think you should add a repeat
11:22 cheesiest: because like her voice is kinda like together
11:22 cheesiest: for those 3 notes
11:22 cheesiest: and ofc you have to 00:09:277 (8) - delete this or something
11:23 cheesiest: maybe put a circle here? : 00:09:634 -
11:24 mintong89: hmm ok
11:25 cheesiest: 00:12:848 (1) - the slider's first part (1/2 of the slider) looks like it's leaning in more towards the red point
11:25 cheesiest: the point at 196, 160
11:25 cheesiest: should be moved 1 to the left (grid size 4) to make it move a bit more smoothly
11:26 cheesiest: 00:16:420 (2) - and then the same thing w/ this
11:26 mintong89: ok
11:27 cheesiest: move the point at 136, 176: 1 to the left
11:27 cheesiest: maybe you can do something different with this slider: 00:22:848 (1) -
11:27 cheesiest: the map is slow enough that it shouldn't cause problems but
11:27 cheesiest: idk i thing that can be handled better
11:28 mintong89: nope, first the NC can show the SV change
11:28 cheesiest: 00:32:134 (4) - this should be extended by 1/4 more
11:29 mintong89: ..1/4?
11:29 cheesiest: yeah
11:29 cheesiest: so the slider is 3/4 long
11:29 mintong89: can you use screenshot? i'm really bad on english (
11:29 mintong89: sorry ><
11:29 cheesiest: it's ok :3c
11:30 cheesiest:
11:30 mintong89: hmm ok
11:30 cheesiest: ofc, you have to move it around so that it's not a big jump to 00:32:134 (4,1) -
11:31 cheesiest: other than that
11:31 cheesiest: i think it's a really good diff
11:31 cheesiest: (-:
11:32 cheesiest: that's all i have for the fireworks diff
11:32 mintong89: thanks :D
11:32 cheesiest: and now we can do the bubbles diff
11:32 *cheesiest is editing [ supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size) [Bubbles]]
11:34 cheesiest: well hmm
11:34 cheesiest: i don't really have any problems with the bubbles diff
11:34 cheesiest: (-:
11:34 cheesiest: so ya
11:34 cheesiest: nice mapset (-:
Hi, from #modreqs cause of yanaginagi


00:31:420 (3) - What about use Basic hit whistle end slid ? Sounds good imo

00:37:134 (2,3) - Add circle between them for follow voice a bit ? That's don't ruin the dificulty i think.

00:56:757 (1) - Why clap ? This circle don't deserve it

01:14:634 (6) - Whistle this one ?

01:20:705 (7) - Whistle the whole slider ( for sliderslide )

01:24:277 (1) - NC ?

Nice one


00:32:134 (4) - Same than previous dif, basic hit whistle ?

00:58:563 (1) - Whistle with finish ?

That's all, short song short mod :(
Topic Starter
almost fixed thanks!
Irie Miyuki
quick mod (卖个萌


00:28:384 (3) - reverse那里去掉whistle吧

00:43:920 (1) - ctrl+g一下?

00:56:935 (2,3) - 我是觉得去掉finish比较好 要不就加条绿线把声音变小点? o.o

00:59:813 (4) - 蓝线clap听着怪怪的 后同 而且带上前面的finish和后面的底鼓一共连着了三次是不是有点..

01:08:920 (1) - 建议把后面的finish也换成clap


00:57:114 (2) - silder头加finish

00:59:991 (3) - 结尾的finish建议去掉跟后面保持一致

01:01:420 (5,6,7) - 我觉得把这里节奏换成1/1 slider - note - 1/1 slider的感觉更好点..

米桶又要rank 毫无人性
Topic Starter
大多都fix了 谢谢 :)
Hi Hi mint-chan ~ sry my poor mod and adjourn modding ;_; nowadays so busy =3=


  1. You're not used SB\white.jpg. you should delete it or insert it.


  1. 01:20:705 (7) - Slider's passing whistle was intended?
  2. 01:26:777 (1) - This slightly overlap of slider's start point and end point looks bad to play IMO. how about move nodes to more visible?


  1. 00:37:134 (3) - A little bad flow. Ctrl + G?
  2. 00:42:134 (2) - I think, this slider is hard to read. almost beginner players might think number 1 is 1/2 slider one. how about change distance to like x0.7?
  3. 01:08:920 (1) - This part hasn't anything tempo change. so, changed SV was not matched up this sound IMO.
  4. 01:26:777 (1) - Same as normal.
Sry ;_; I can't found much things. take me plz ! so nice SB ! /me runs
Topic Starter
fixed some thanks ;w;
Hi~ Mint :3
Random mod =w=/
Most suggestions~ :3

00:15:706 (5) - Maybe curve this slider?, This way you can also make a nice blanket with 00:17:848 (6) - :3
01:20:705 (7) - Imo this should be a finish on the head (Same finish you used here: 00:58:542 (1) - )
01:22:491 (2) - Listen closely to music: Remove whistle from head and add finish, and add whistle to end

00:42:134 (2) - Not sure about this one but this might confuse some players o-o, Since this distance differs alot from the other parts with the same rythm
00:52:134 (4) - ctrl+G flows better imo
01:12:670 (6) - add note to follow vocal o-o?
01:20:705 (4) - Same suggestion as in Bubbles

That's all :3
lol shitty mod ;.; haven't modded in 3 weeks =w=
Mint pro mapper =w=/
Topic Starter
fix some thanks ><
00:57:114 (4,5) - I really doubt these 1/8 sliders, they don't fit the music at all. I think 1/4 is enough

01:09:455 - I would add 2 notes or a short slider at here to follow the drum, and I don't really understand why low speed slider is using before here..

others all fine.
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

00:57:114 (4,5) - I really doubt these 1/8 sliders, they don't fit the music at all. I think 1/4 is enough ok~

01:09:455 - I would add 2 notes or a short slider at here to follow the drum, and I don't really understand why low speed slider is using before here.. fixed

others all fine.
thanks for mod ><
Topic Starter
妮妮最好了 ><!
Gogo !
supercell <3 gogo mint :3
go mintong! =w=
Pro mint. Go! Go! I really like calm song ^^
go mint >3<
oh god already bubbled ;_;

you can use your ticket on other songs

good luck mint :D
Removed some slowdown sliders what didnt follow the song correctly and also became confusing due to being identical size to some sliders next to it what was much faster, remapped them sliders to follow what the mapper told me they was origially meant to follow, just now they follow it correctly.

00:04:277 (1,2) - changed spacing at this point to follow the music and flow of the overall map better
00:08:563 (3,4,1) - same with this one, respacing to follow and flow better since the current spacing was kinda broken

these are pretty big changes so im best to rebubble, will try and help you find a bat to check
Topic Starter
thanks >,<
Ranked by Faust ><"

Oyatsu wrote:

Ranked by Faust ><"

IRC log:

Removed all the un-needed timing sections. This is just plainly 84 BPM.

20:19 mintong89: hi 0.0
20:20 mintong89: i requested mod at morning
20:20 Faust: ;?
20:20 mintong89: umm...Utakata Hanabi
20:20 *mintong89 is listening to [ supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)]
20:21 Faust: I know.
20:21 mintong89: do you remember?
20:21 mintong89: oh ok
20:35 Faust: why do
20:35 Faust: you have an extra timing section
20:35 mintong89: really?
20:36 Faust: yeah
20:36 mintong89: ...
20:36 Faust: 00:56:777 - the one around here
20:37 Faust: remove it
20:37 mintong89: you mean red timing?
20:37 Faust: that's what I mean
20:37 Faust: by timing section
20:37 mintong89: oh wait
20:37 mintong89: ok
20:37 mintong89: deleted
20:39 Faust: delete the next one as well
20:39 Faust: there's only 1 red section at 1,420
20:39 Faust: lol
20:40 mintong89: ...?
20:40 Faust: ?
20:40 mintong89: umm i have multi red timing because offset change?
20:40 Faust: sigh
20:41 Faust: you don't have any extra timing sections
20:41 Faust: at all
20:41 Faust: this song doesn't need them
20:41 Faust: it's just 84 BPM at 1,420 offset
20:41 Faust: that's all
20:42 mintong89: hmm ok then
20:42 mintong89: fixed~
20:47 Faust: updated ?
20:47 mintong89: wait
20:47 mintong89: updated

Topic Starter
thanks again~ :)

Faust wrote:

Oyatsu wrote:

Ranked by Faust ><"

IRC log:

Removed all the un-needed timing sections. This is just plainly 84 BPM.

20:19 mintong89: hi 0.0
20:20 mintong89: i requested mod at morning
20:20 Faust: ;?
20:20 mintong89: umm...Utakata Hanabi
20:20 *mintong89 is listening to [ supercell - Utakata Hanabi (TV Size)]
20:21 Faust: I know.
20:21 mintong89: do you remember?
20:21 mintong89: oh ok
20:35 Faust: why do
20:35 Faust: you have an extra timing section
20:35 mintong89: really?
20:36 Faust: yeah
20:36 mintong89: ...
20:36 Faust: 00:56:777 - the one around here
20:37 Faust: remove it
20:37 mintong89: you mean red timing?
20:37 Faust: that's what I mean
20:37 Faust: by timing section
20:37 mintong89: oh wait
20:37 mintong89: ok
20:37 mintong89: deleted
20:39 Faust: delete the next one as well
20:39 Faust: there's only 1 red section at 1,420
20:39 Faust: lol
20:40 mintong89: ...?
20:40 Faust: ?
20:40 mintong89: umm i have multi red timing because offset change?
20:40 Faust: sigh
20:41 Faust: you don't have any extra timing sections
20:41 Faust: at all
20:41 Faust: this song doesn't need them
20:41 Faust: it's just 84 BPM at 1,420 offset
20:41 Faust: that's all
20:42 mintong89: hmm ok then
20:42 mintong89: fixed~
20:47 Faust: updated ?
20:47 mintong89: wait
20:47 mintong89: updated

Only re-bubble. Omg >:(
Omg >:(
Topic Starter
...don't angry at my maps please :(
And I'm too late again, like srsly ;__;
AIBAT is giving me something very small.

AIBAT wrote:

'Sliderborder' in [Bubbles] is misspelled. Change it to SliderBorder.
'Sliderborder' in [Fireworks] is misspelled. Change it to SliderBorder.
Please change this and call me back!
This is a really nice map! :)
Topic Starter
thanks :)
congrats kawaii mintong ^___^
mintong san congratz~!

Azure wrote:


Azure wrote:

Gratz~! lol
Aha. FInally. Congratz! mint!~ :)
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