
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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Tsukimi Luna
Why do i always reminiscent about how i used play an MMO and was having a lot of fun in it during its initial release...

I remember hanging out with my buddies
Dancing around just sitting around fooling around and maybe some dueling just for fun.

Waking up and checking my store first thing in the morning.

Setting up the store and leaving my computer on the whole night.

I remember meeting up with awesome people while i was solo-ing

I also met people who offered me help and let they let me join their party, then we become buddies

I never kept in touch with them and i feel slightly sad about it... :(

But when I re-install the game....

The feeling is never the same again....
I miss the 2008 Cabal Online
A lot....
The music is one of the most and best feature of the game.....
I cant forget it.

Cabal 2 is out, no matter how good it is..
I dont think it can replace the old Cabal Online.

Tanzklaue wrote:

I'm sorry, i forgot that rrtyui never plays.

Thank you for showing you didn't understand anything about what I posted last. Saves me the effort.
So playing a lot of maps and getting consistent ranks on it = skill ¿

Man, that Tarantino account of mine would be #1 then. Fucking getting consistent SS ranks #1 everywhere like a true boss. I guess PP was accurate after all. Because it's so hard to get an SS on a random map.
what the fuck is ppv2

Mr Color wrote:

He also probably gets 99% of his FCs/SS first try, which is actually something people forget because apparently drilling maps until you remember every circle = skill

The main point remains: he plays a lot of maps and ranks high in all of them, and thus that makes him rank high overall which is understandable
Same applies to many other players who are more consistent getting good scores with batshit insane maps and certain mods.

who do you think has more merit, a literally who that somehow managed to not die in FREEDOM DiVE, or someone who has consistent SS/S ranks in over 3000 maps and is ahead in score rank by over FIFTEEN FUCKING BILLION points
At least be fair to both sides; you're talking about the same guy who also SS'd Love Song, Pluto, Phase 1, and many more. And I'd hardly call that play of his "managing not to die."

And I thought the point of this dynamic ranking system was to deviate away from using the score system

why do you think WhiteWolf is #1
His scores are far more impressive; hardly any of Andrea's scores come close to his level.

play the goddamn game if you wanna rank high
You think everybody else isn't playing the game just because someone else has been playing more? This system is supposed to calculate skill, not track record. We already have the score system.
There's quality of scores and quantity of scores. On that last point, Andrea is miles ahead, which is what gives him this huge boost in rank -- he's played/ranked almost every god damn beatmap out there. Same applies to WhiteWolf, but he's #1 because he combines both aspects.
Just consistently being able to get FCs and high scores in every beatmap (he's more often in the top 50 than you'd think!) is the reason why he's given this huge performance boost.

Yes rrtyui has really amazing scores and perfs out there, but they're achieved after a massive amount of retries which literally tank the performance he gets from said scores. As it stands, he's not as consistent, even without mods, when playing beatmaps. It's the main reason why Taiwan beat Japan last OWC: they were more consistent.
me irl ?!?!?! :-)
feld is it really necessary to give away every single account you make
yes ?!?!?! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
they have no proof still?!?!?!


Static Noise Bird wrote:


NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Ja, du penner <3<3<3<

Seiuji wrote:

Ja, du penner <3<3<3<
god bless
helope filled
cha cha cha
gevulde vis
deine mama

sad,,, day
Yet the system ought to be prioritizing the quality of scores. Quantity simply proves consistency, and in Andrea's case it only proves consistency up to a certain level, where that level isn't all that high. I mean yeah sure, Andrea is a good player, but certainly not one deserving top 10. At the very least, there are many other players that set much better scores consistently enough.

Mr Color wrote:

It's not as if Andrea could've beaten Taiwan. If rrtyui were as consistent as Andrea then sure, but the only guy that had that much skill and consistency got himself purposefully banned.

rrtyui isn't consistent because he's playing the hardest maps, and despite that he's still capable of setting some of the best scores in the game. I agree consistency ought to mean something, but only as much as the skill it's backing. That said, Andrea hardly deserves the rank ppv2 says, and the same can be said of countless others.

Seiuji wrote:

me irl ?!?!?! :-)
go back to skype or something please
feld get out ur not krn
The thing is that skill is largely irrelevant in this. You have to understand how it plays out first. If you were to get a performance that is considered as groundbreaking, what would you get, 50pp tops? Probably exaggerating there, even. You do this on one map, two maps, ten maps, it's enough to be in the top 100.

On the other hand, you go play a regular map. You S it, maybe SS, perhaps top 50. You get 2-3 pp. you repeat the process until there are no more maps to play. You'll get a huge rank for it whether you like it or not. Is it faulty? No, you did decent on those score and are rewarded for them (a little bit, but you're rewarded still).

You're not farming, you're not drilling, you're just playing. You're not doing anything that could possibly weigh things in your favor.

And this is exactly it: the only reason why Andrea is so high is because he's gotten those ever so small rewards over and over and over. We're literally talking 1pp per 100 maps. If that's too much, I fear for the non pro players of this game. Give perfs the bigger chunk of the cake and everyone is stuck at 0pp forever except for a few 100/200 players.
wow u stoled mi sig
get a room fagits

Mr Color wrote:

the only reason why Andrea is so high is because he's gotten those ever so small rewards over and over and over. We're literally talking 1pp per 100 maps. If that's too much, I fear for the non pro players of this game. Give perfs the bigger chunk of the cake and everyone is stuck at 0pp forever except for a few 100/200 players.
That's not how it works.

PP's value changes as it piles up. If you keep setting the same kind of score over and over again you'll eventually hit a cap. That's the magic behind it. Just think about it: getting 100 pp at rank #30000 isn't the same as 100 pp at rank #200. It's exponential, not linear. That's why people aren't stuck at 0pp. That's why non pros can rise up; to a certain degree.

The thing is that skill is largely irrelevant in this.
And that would be the greatest flaw. Otherwise, what criteria is this ranking system based on? Like I said, we already have the score ranking for checking track record or—if you want to call it that—effort. What's pp out there for, then? What's the point when worse players are ranked higher than players better than them? How's that fair?
did not???

go fuck Reuben or sumthaNG XDXDXD
U foken fogets

Brian OA wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

the only reason why Andrea is so high is because he's gotten those ever so small rewards over and over and over. We're literally talking 1pp per 100 maps. If that's too much, I fear for the non pro players of this game. Give perfs the bigger chunk of the cake and everyone is stuck at 0pp forever except for a few 100/200 players.
That's not how it works.

PP's value changes as it piles up. If you keep setting the same kind of score over and over again you'll eventually hit a cap. That's the magic behind it. Just think about it: getting 100 pp at rank #30000 isn't the same as 100 pp at rank #200. It's exponential, not linear. That's why people aren't stuck at 0pp. That's why non pros can rise up; to a certain degree.

The thing is that skill is largely irrelevant in this.
And that would be the greatest flaw. Otherwise, what criteria is this ranking system based on? Like I said, we already have the score ranking for checking track record or—if you want to call it that—effort. What's pp out there for, then? What's the point when worse players are ranked higher than players better than them? How's that fair?
ppv2 is apparently there to show progression, not skill. what progression in this case is, how it is measured, why andrea does progress more than rrtyui, we don't know. we also never will know that because peppy won't ever reveal how his precious system works.

why you would need a progression system if you have a score ranking is also beyond me.
no fuck dig blatte jävel
Håll käft
Nej, gå iväg benjamin
whatever, it's all speculah at this point. Nobody knows what the hell they're talking about and that's the main reason why peppy is being very caustic on the matter.

I'll be laughing when people realize that 99% people that are mad that pp is disabled is because they farmed maps to get pp in the first place
can i just ask why those two niggers aren't banned yet

Static Noise Bird wrote:

can i just ask why those two niggers aren't banned yet
Kanye West
wtf failed.
"Eureka Seven" is an anagram of "Keanu Reeves"


Mr Color wrote:

whatever, it's all speculah at this point. Nobody knows what the hell they're talking about and that's the main reason why peppy is being very caustic on the matter.

I'll be laughing when people realize that 99% people that are mad that pp is disabled is because they farmed maps to get pp in the first place
you mean some people haven't realized that yet?

I thought Silynn was the one who gave it away for everyone to realize

GladiOol wrote:

So playing a lot of maps and getting consistent ranks on it = skill ¿

Man, that Tarantino account of mine would be #1 then. Fucking getting consistent SS ranks #1 everywhere like a true boss. I guess PP was accurate after all. Because it's so hard to get an SS on a random map.
it is incredibly hard andrea best player
Kanye West

thelewa wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

whatever, it's all speculah at this point. Nobody knows what the hell they're talking about and that's the main reason why peppy is being very caustic on the matter.

I'll be laughing when people realize that 99% people that are mad that pp is disabled is because they farmed maps to get pp in the first place
you mean some people haven't realized that yet?

I thought Silynn was the one who gave it away for everyone to realize

GladiOol wrote:

So playing a lot of maps and getting consistent ranks on it = skill ¿

Man, that Tarantino account of mine would be #1 then. Fucking getting consistent SS ranks #1 everywhere like a true boss. I guess PP was accurate after all. Because it's so hard to get an SS on a random map.
it is incredibly hard andrea best player
no, ryuu is the best player

Sethlied wrote:

"Average IQ of indigenous populations according to Lynn (2006)"

Apex wrote:

Sethlied wrote:

"Average IQ of indigenous populations according to Lynn (2006)"
oh I was wondering what that diagram meant.

Apex wrote:

Sethlied wrote:

"Average IQ of indigenous populations according to Christopher Poole (2006)"

Mr Color wrote:

Apex wrote:

"Average IQ of indigenous populations according to Christopher Poole (2006)"
He must be Chinese.
Kyonko Hizara

Seph wrote:

Now that's what I call adorable as fuck

Mr Color wrote:

Apex wrote:

"Average IQ of indigenous populations according to Christopher Poole (2006)"
haha le funny epic maymay 4chinz
my hero is moot
i give my life for moot
moot is life
moot is love
le 9gag army

summer is coming early this year
>now the dust has settled
top kek
aren't lolis cute?

Sethlied wrote:

le 9gag army
I think Sethlied is broken.
yeah me too
Kyonko Hizara
He's always been broke
Hi Kyonku <3
Kyonko Hizara
Hello Seiuji, person that I don't know

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I think Sethlied is broken.
I think your mother was broken after I was done with her.

Does she have two sets of eyebrows?
Tsukimi Luna

Best HP ever
Gachaman Crowds has weird art.
Lerche does weird drawings in general

I have spent a few minutes in that thing derp. The background music is annoying.
Blue Stig

Fabi wrote:

I have spent a few minutes in that thing derp. The background music is annoying.

Sethlied wrote:

haha le funny epic maymay 4chinz
Got a job interview at McDonalds on Sunday. I might be able to flip burgers + get money until I finish college, yay.
Kyonko Hizara

Kaona wrote:

Got a job interview at McDonalds on Sunday. I might be able to flip burgers + get money until I finish college, yay.
I went to work there as a joke once

Got a warning in my third day for spreading rumors that we use fired employees as patty meat, quit after the 15th of the month came by
i was a pizza delivery boy once, it was kinda fun tbh

Yoeri wrote:

Does she have two sets of eyebrows?
Aqo ... 73969.html

shit better change my osu password

didn't know monkey was so popular

I remember the amount of not data you could store on those things
I used to break those things open to see the wonders inside.
Kyonko Hizara

Ceph23 wrote:

I used to break those things open to see the wonders inside.
There are demons inside

On the topic of breaking, one of my friends had 20 spare sticks of RAM laying around, so his gf and him decided to spend like an hour throwing them and breaking them.

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

Ceph23 wrote:

I used to break those things open to see the wonders inside.
There are demons inside

On the topic of breaking, one of my friends had 20 spare sticks of RAM laying around, so his gf and him decided to spend like an hour throwing them and breaking them.
She sounds like an ass, not that I'm any better
Kyonko Hizara

South wrote:

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

There are demons inside

On the topic of breaking, one of my friends had 20 spare sticks of RAM laying around, so his gf and him decided to spend like an hour throwing them and breaking them.
She sounds like an ass, not that I'm any better
It wasn't her idea, it was his.
Mmmmm I'm retarded I didn't read the "and him" part. Sorry for that

South wrote:

I'm retarded
I dropped my chocolate wafer stick in my tea when I saw that the message on my performance rank told me to play for fun.
I then spent the next few wafer sticks refreshing the page to see all the different messages.
wafer sticks?
just saw I'll get first page post so I posted


found kriers
Kanye West
it looks too scary to be jriers

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

South wrote:

I'm retarded
ohhh that's where all these gifs were from
Kyonko Hizara

Apex wrote:

I was listening to some Beatles and these lyrics popped up:

Get Back - The Beatles

Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it wouldn't last.
Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass.
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back Jojo. Go home

That song is actually the namesake of the Jojos.
The Beatles knew Jojo before Jojo even knew he was Jojo.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a dadrocker's wet dream, there's a villain called AC/DC for fuck's sake.

Jarby wrote:

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a dadrocker's wet dream, there's a villain called AC/DC for fuck's sake.
Just wait until the Stands show up.

"Crazy Diamond!"
ducksama was in my mechanics exam today, gg.
we had to do some stuff with pressure and all that shit
I used to listen to mrs robinson and yellow submarine while playing unreal tournament

the same playlist also had abba and slipknot. don't judge. vermillion part 2 is a nice song.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Jarby wrote:

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a dadrocker's wet dream, there's a villain called AC/DC for fuck's sake.
Just wait until the Stands show up.

"Crazy Diamond!"
Doradora Josuke!

Dio-sama and Jotaro = Oraora get me all the time
What's sad is that there's probably a company out there that has found a legitimate way to drastically enlarge men's penises, but are helpless to reach customers.

Apex wrote:

I thought you would be surprised that I actually listen to the Beatles.

What songs did you expect to be in my playlist?
Apex Twin stuffs

Quaraezha wrote:

What's sad is that there's probably a company out there that has found a legitimate way to drastically enlarge men's penises, but are helpless to reach customers.
I was going to quote the treatment section from the micropenis article on Wikipedia, but it's actually kind of sad, just "I dunno give your kid testosterone oh and one time there was this guy who raised this boy as a girl against his will haha that kind of fucked him up huh"
Kyonko Hizara

UnderminE wrote:

Doradora Josuke!

Dio-sama and Jotaro = Oraora get me all the time
Not sure if I died from all the Jojo, or from all the adorableness

Seph wrote:


NoHitter wrote:

Seph wrote:

Uhhhhhhh........ I honestly don't know what to say........
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