Coming from mania specific discussions and osu! wide discussions concerning this topic, the consensus is that removing spreads will only benefit the osu!mania game mode.
Why this is important:
There are concerns that this may leave lower difficulties neglected. There is good reason to believe that will not happen due to the following reasons:
Why this is important:
- Many good maps by various mappers are being left in graveyard because mappers refuse to map difficulties they don't feel like doing.
- Graveyard was never intended to be permanent storage
- Loved was never supposed to be a dump of maps that couldn't make it to ranked
- There is a concerning number of unranked maps being used in mania tournaments. See first bullet point as to why.
There are concerns that this may leave lower difficulties neglected. There is good reason to believe that will not happen due to the following reasons:
- It's still easier to rank lower difficulties than harder difficulties due to complexity. Ranking easy diffs also offers new mappers a good entry point to get into ranked mapping.
- There are BN that are concerned that easy diffs will be neglected. Then it begs to reason they would focus to nominate easy difficulties
- If you go to beatmap listing, you will be able to find maps that have full spreads and have their highest difficulty something a player would be able to do within the first month.
current RC for reference
____current RC wrote:
- All game modes within a beatmap must form a spread starting from the lowest difficulty level dictated by the song's drain time. For difficulties above the lowest required difficulty level, the spread cannot skip any difficulty levels and there cannot be any drastically large difficulty gaps between any two difficulties.
- If the drain time of each difficulty is...
- ...lower than 3:30, the lowest difficulty of each included game mode cannot be harder than a Normal.
- ...between 3:30 and 4:15, the lowest difficulty of each included game mode cannot be harder than a Hard.
- ...between 4:15 and 5:00, the lowest difficulty of each included game mode cannot be harder than an Insane.
proposed RC wrote:
- All game modes within a beatmap must form a spread starting from the lowest difficulty level dictated by the song's drain time. For difficulties above the lowest required difficulty level, the spread cannot skip any difficulty levels and there cannot be any drastically large difficulty gaps between any two difficulties.
- osu!mania beatmaps do not require spreads. This is to allow for easier approachability to osu!mania mappers of different upbringings.
- If the drain time of each difficulty is...
- ...lower than 3:30, the lowest difficulty of each included applicable game mode cannot be harder than a Normal.
- ...between 3:30 and 4:15, the lowest difficulty of each included applicable game mode cannot be harder than a Hard.
- ...between 4:15 and 5:00, the lowest difficulty of each included applicable game mode cannot be harder than an Insane.