
LiSA - traumerei (TV Size)

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NewRulerNA wrote:

[Hall of Famer Kitsuneko's Hard]
  1. 00:06:660 (2) - 無理にoverlapさせてる感じがあり、BPM的にもちょっと不安なのでちょっと距離を開けてみてはどうでしょうか?
    ジャンプを入れてもこのポイントは比較的曲調が激しい部分なので浮くことはなく、流れも崩さないのでoverlapの解決も楽にすることができます。 IRCのアレの感じになりました
  2. 00:08:396 (1) - 00:08:238 - のonbeatからoffbeatに変わっていく流れをより強調するために、ここのスライダーをサークル2つに分離させるのはどうでしょうか?
    本当は00:08:238 ~ 00:08:554 - までが一つのセットになっているように感じたので、downbeatからスライダーの開始というのが一貫性などの要素を考えた上ではmod的な意味では安定はすると思いましたが、この変化が悪いわけではないのでこちらでも良いと思います。
    個人的には配置は00:07:607 (5) - の始点にスタックさせる感じが好きです。 Done
  3. 00:10:765 (1) - remove?
    00:20:870 - との一貫性という理由もありますが、分けるとボーカルとよりフィットする感じがあるのでこっちで揃えて行きたい所。 Done 抜いた分配置の整合性も取りました
  4. 00:15:817 (1) - ^ Done
  5. 00:28:923 ~ 00:29:396 - 音量ちょっと下げてこの辺にdrum-hitdrum使うのどう?ただの好み ノーマルのまま音量下げかな
  6. 00:32:238 (1,2) - 飛ばしたいのは分かるのですが、さすがにこれは飛び過ぎでは・・・?
    00:32:238 - と00:32:870 - の2箇所を比較するとほぼ同じ音量、強いて言えば後者のほうがほんの少しだけ音が小さい印象がありました。
    前の部分と同じ距離とまでは言いませんが、前者の1.5倍くらいの距離まで下方修正するのがベターです。 Done せやな・・・ 配置見直しました
Topic Starter


まず、Circle Sizeについて。最近のranked譜面のイージーを見ているとCircle Sizeは3が主流みたいです。確かにプレイしてて少し大きすぎるような気がしました。
あと、Approach RateとHP Drain Rateも2よりは3のほうがいいと思います。最近はイージーのレベルも上がってきてるのかもしれません。

00:10:133~00:12:028 ここの②と③のスライダー。②のスライダーの終点の高さと③のスライダーの高さは揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:54:344~00:55:607 ここの②のサークルと③のスライダー。よく見てみるよ②のサークルと③のスライダーの高さが線一本分だけずれていますね。②のサークルを線一本分だけ下にずらすか、あるいは③のサークルを線一本分だけ上にずらしたほうがいいと思います。
00:57:502~00:59:396 ここの①のサークル ②のスライダー ③のサークル。①と③のサークルは同じ高さに揃えたほうがきれいな配置になると思います。
01:02:554~01:04:449 ここの①と②のスライダー。①のスライダーの終点と②のスライダーの始点の高さを揃えているのであれば①のスライダーの始点と②のスライダーの終点の高さも揃えたほうがきれいな配置になると思います。
01:15:817~01:17:712 ここの⑤のスライダーと⑥の往復スライダー。⑤のスライダーの終点の中心と⑥の往復スライダーの中心を線で結んだときに縦にまっすぐになるような配置にしたほうがいいと思います。そのときに⑥の往復スライダーは今のように縦にまっすぐな形のままでお願いします。
01:22:765~01:28:212 ここの①の往復スライダーとスピナー。最後がスピナーの譜面の場合、その一つ前のサークルやスライダーは中心付近で終わってる場合が多いです。それは恐らく、スピナーを回すときに中心に細かく回す人が多いからだと思われます。なので①の往復スライダーもなるべく中心付近で終わらせるほうがいいと思います。



まずCircle Sizeについてです。ノーマルのCircle Sizeは3か4が主流みたいです。2だと少し大きいような気がします。

00:04:449~00:06:028 ここの①のスライダー②の往復スライダー。①のスライダーと②の往復スライダーの始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:06:344~00:06:660 ここの③のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:06:975~00:07:607 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:08:870~00:09:186 ここの③のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:09:502~00:11:396 ここの①②のスライダー。ともに始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:13:923~00:14:238 ここの④のスライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:14:554~00:15:186 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:15:817~00:16:133 ここの②のスライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置してみてはどうでしょうか?
00:16:449~00:16:765 ここの③のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:18:344~00:18:975 ここの③のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:20:870~00:22:133 ここの②のスライダーと③の往復スライダー。ともに横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:22:449~00:24:344 ここの①と②のスライダー。ともに始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:24:660~00:24:975 ここの①のスライダー。縦にまっすぐに配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:25:923~00:26:238 ここの③のスライダー。横にまっすぐに配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:27:817~00:29:396 ここの①のスライダーと②の往復スライダー。①のスライダーは横にまっすぐに②の往復スライダーは縦にまっすぐに配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:29:712~00:30:344 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:30:975~00:31:607 ここの②のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:32:238~00:32:870 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点は縦にまっすぐになるように配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:33:502~00:34:133 ここの②のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:37:291~00:38:238 ここの①と②のスライダー。ともに横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:39:817~00:42:028 ここの①と②と③のスライダー。すべて横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:42:344~00:42:975 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。線一本分だけずれています。
00:43:607~00:43:923 ここの③のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:46:133~00:46:765 ここの②の往復スライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:47:396~00:48:028 ここの①のスライダー。始点と終点の高さを揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:48:660~00:48:975 ここの③のスライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:51:502~00:51:817 ここの②のスライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:52:449~00:53:081 ここの①の往復スライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:53:712~00:54:344 ここの③のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:55:607~00:55:923 ここの②のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
00:58:133~00:58:449 ここの①のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:01:291~01:02:238 ここの③と④のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:07:607~01:09:817 ここの①と②と③と④のスライダー。すべて横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:10:133 ここの①のサークル。ここからnew comboにせず次の②の往復スライダーからnew comboにしたほうがいいと思います。
01:10:765~01:11:396 ここの②の往復スライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:12:660~01:13:607 ここの①と②のスライダー。ともに横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:14:870~01:15:502 ここの①の往復スライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:17:712~01:18:344 ここの①の往復スライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:18:975~01:19:607 ここの③のスライダー。始点と終点が縦にまっすぐになるように配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:20:238~01:22:765 ここの①と②と③と④のスライダー。すべて横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:23:238~01:24:186 ここの①の往復スライダー。縦にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。
01:24:660~01:24:975 ここの②のスライダー。横にまっすぐ配置したほうがいいと思います。

Hi :3 From my queue

  • There's no video in Kitsuneko's Hard.


  1. 00:10:133 - I think you missed a clap. Due to this clap style is the easiest way.And it fits on Easy diff.
  2. 00:15:186 - And this.
  3. 00:16:449 (3) - And this..
  4. 00:22:765 - Also this...
  5. 00:42:975 - With this....
  6. 00:54:344 (2) - This.....
  7. 00:59:396 (3) - Thi......
  8. 01:05:081 (3) - Ah I think it's finish this time. :O
  9. 01:15:817 - Back to clap.
  10. 01:18:344 - Again.
Arrangement & Design
  • Clear!!


  1. 01:24:975 - Clap.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:06:975 (1,2) - Place them like a uncompleted circle more.

    Yes, so once you do this the following slider3 should be moved slightly
  2. 00:09:502 (1,2) - Almost touched.
  3. 01:21:502 (3,4) - Like the track of 1 and 2,here 's my suggestion:

Kitsuneko's Hard

  1. 00:07:923 (6) - As I said in Insane, move the finish here(00:08:238 - ) to here(00:07:923 - )
  2. 01:24:975 - Clap.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:26:870 (4) - Consider move it away.
  2. 01:09:344 (3,4,5,6) - It looks like you place them randomly.
    My suggestion:


  1. 00:07:923 - I suggest add finish here and remove this 00:08:238 - . To consist with previous.
  2. 00:50:554 - I think you missed a finish here.
  3. 00:51:975 - From this, if I do I will add some claps.:
  4. 01:21:344 (4,1,2,3) - Sounds a little weird. How abou this?

    If you do so, I suggest :
  5. 01:24:975 - Add clap.
  6. 01:22:133 (5) - Add clap.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:18:502 (1) - Down 1 grid in lv4 and 00:17:712 (3,5,6,7) - Left 1 grid in lv4.
  2. 00:25:765 (1,3) - Not stacked perfectly.
  3. 00:49:923 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - :O I like it!
  4. 00:57:186 (5) - I recommend move the red tick outer.


Nice map!! starrrd 2 :D:D:D:D
Hi ^^
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue -- ROUND V

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
* No complaints in General.

*Easy, Hard and Kitsuneko's Hard -- all these are nice ^^

* This diff is nice too. Some little suggestion
00:10:607 (1,2) - The slider (2) could be like →

That's it ^^

Good luck on ranking! Get More few mods and then call a BAT ^^

Topic Starter
>putigame , Alarido , fanzhen
Thanks for modding :)
Thanks modders ('ω')っ
00:04:449 (1) - At the end, add clap
00:06:975 (2) - ^

For me, there is no other problems in the map. Good Luck and star!
hihi from my queue :3

let'su go !


- 00:30:975 (2) - what about same shape as 00:29:712 (1) - better imo '-'
- 00:46:765 (6) - move to x:84,y:152 better blanket then ...
- 00:48:028 (1,2,3) - what about move this to x:204,y:80, it put (2) on X axis so you can make a prefect symettry with (1) and (3) :3
- 01:03:817 (2) - same as 00:30:975 (2)
- 01:08:238 (2) - one grid down


this circle size for a normal ? @.@ CS +1 better imo >3<
- 00:06:975 (1,2) - what about this ?
- 00:17:396 (2) - move middle point to x:520,y:144 blanket
- 00:48:344 (2) - move to x:8,y:44 and then 00:48:660 (3) - to x:108,y:144 blanket with (1)

Kitsuneko's Hard

- 00:05:396 (3) - ctrl+g
- 00:36:975 (3) - ^
- 00:40:291 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - hum really hard for an "Hard diff" better to put reverse slider instead
- 00:51:028 (3) - delete this note,
- 01:18:344 (3) - ctrl+g
nothing else to say nice hard :3


- 00:12:975 (4) - stack with 00:12:028 (1) -head
- 00:21:502 (4,5,6) - move these note to x:263,y:175 (5) stack with 00:21:028 (2) -
- 00:26:396 (3) - not perfectly stack with 00:25:765 (1) - tail, intentionnal ?
- 00:26:870 (6) - ^
- 00:37:923 (3) - end point to x:240,y:312
- 00:44:238 (3,1) - i think you can improve this blanket x)
try this code
- 00:55:607 (4) - move to x:188,y:208 ?
- 01:06:975 (3) - same as before blanket can be improve
Ok that'all! I love your insane All of them /me runs xD

That's all for me :D Should be ready for ranked imo >3< ! good luck
Graveyard :(
  1. Increase AR by 1 tick to balance the difficulty settings.
  1. 00:45:502 (5) - This slider is touching the HP Bar, try to move it down a bit if possible.
  1. 00:47:396 (1) - This slider is touching the HP Bar, try to move it down a bit if possible.
~Kitsuneko's Hard~
  1. Increase OD by at least 1 tick, it's way too low for a Hard difficulty right now.
  1. 00:28:765 (6) - New combo here due to the new stanza and music change.
  2. 00:29:081 (1) - Remove new combo here afterwards.
  3. 00:40:291 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This stream totally doesn't belong to a Hard difficulty, please change it.
  4. 01:24:660 (3) - New combo to follow your previous comboing.
  5. 01:25:291 (1) - Remove new combo afterwards then.
  1. 01:14:238 (2) - It would be awesome if you could try to not overlap this slider with the previous one here.
  2. 01:19:765 (4) - This slider is way too high on the screen, move it down please.
Great map :3
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

  1. Increase AR by 1 tick to balance the difficulty settings.
  1. 00:45:502 (5) - This slider is touching the HP Bar, try to move it down a bit if possible.
  1. 00:47:396 (1) - This slider is touching the HP Bar, try to move it down a bit if possible.
~Kitsuneko's Hard~
  1. Increase OD by at least 1 tick, it's way too low for a Hard difficulty right now.
  1. 00:28:765 (6) - New combo here due to the new stanza and music change.
  2. 00:29:081 (1) - Remove new combo here afterwards.
  3. 00:40:291 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This stream totally doesn't belong to a Hard difficulty, please change it.
  4. 01:24:660 (3) - New combo to follow your previous comboing.
  5. 01:25:291 (1) - Remove new combo afterwards then.
  1. 01:14:238 (2) - It would be awesome if you could try to not overlap this slider with the previous one here.
  2. 01:19:765 (4) - This slider is way too high on the screen, move it down please.
Great map :3
All fixed.
thanks modding :)
The Unicode Title on Kitsuneko's Hard is different from the other difficulties, make sure to make it consistent so I can bubble this. :3
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

The Unicode Title on Kitsuneko's Hard is different from the other difficulties, make sure to make it consistent so I can bubble this. :3
fixed~ :D
Okay, this is good to go now. :3

Oh lol
Go! Go! :)
Romanized phrases should show how it is pronounced, by which i mean Source should be "Genei o Kakeru Taiyou".
- I'm not 100% sure about this, cause "wo" is way more familiar than "o". I don't mind at all even if you'd like to keep it unchanged.

Slider tick rate 2 is kinda pointless in this difficulty and it isn't consistant throughout difficulties.
00:00:660 - This section is way too loud imo since there's a lot of finishes here, how about reducing the volume by 20% or so?
00:30:975 (1,2) - Add more notes or use shorter sliders for this section? corresponding to 00:33:344 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - .
01:13:291 (3,4) - This pattern doesn't flow good imo because of its angle. How about rearranging it like this?
01:21:581 (3) - Remove this finish and add it to 01:21:502 (2) - instead? A finish on a blue tick doesn't sound good to me.
01:22:133 (7,8,9,10,11) - Make this stream curved and it'll flow better imo.
01:24:975 (6) - Feels too close to the previous slider to me, a jump here would be great.


The video isn't played in this difficulty.
00:00:660 - This section is way too loud imo since there's a lot of finishes here, how about reducing the volume by 20% or so?
00:18:186 (5,6,1) - Suggested rhythm: by pausing here the guitar sound will be more emphasized imo.
00:29:081 (3,4,5) - Scale the spacing up a little so it makes a small jump? it fits better with the melody and instruments imo. For example:
01:02:554 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is somewhat boring and repetitive to me because all of them are 1/2. How about using more 1/4 or 1/1 in order to diversify it? Same for 01:05:081 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - .
01:22:765 (1,2,1,2,1) - I'd remove all of these finishes if i were you because it's way too loud. And also by doing this the original melody can be more emphasized imo.

00:19:291 - Add a note here for a better transition and flow. Complicating rhythm before new stanza would be nice imo.
00:42:344 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1/1 and add a note to where the slider end originally was in order to follow the vocal which should be emphasized the most in the chorus section.
00:49:291 (4) - Looks too random imo. How about rearranging it like this?

00:45:502 (5) - This slider should be more curved to blanket the next slider better.
01:10:133 (1,2) - Each of these sliders should be shortened by 1/1 beat respectively imo because they are conflicting with the vocal.

Call me back for recheck!
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Romanized phrases should show how it is pronounced, by which i mean Source should be "Genei o Kakeru Taiyou".
- I'm not 100% sure about this, cause "wo" is way more familiar than "o". I don't mind at all even if you'd like to keep it unchanged. 変えました。

Slider tick rate 2 is kinda pointless in this difficulty and it isn't consistant throughout difficulties. fixed.
00:00:660 - This section is way too loud imo since there's a lot of finishes here, how about reducing the volume by 20% or so? fixed.
00:30:975 (1,2) - Add more notes or use shorter sliders for this section? corresponding to 00:33:344 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - . no~ スローパートだしここらで休憩入れてもいいかなと(良い配置思いつかなかった)
01:13:291 (3,4) - This pattern doesn't flow good imo because of its angle. How about rearranging it like this? fixed.
01:21:581 (3) - Remove this finish and add it to 01:21:502 (2) - instead? A finish on a blue tick doesn't sound good to me. fixed.
01:22:133 (7,8,9,10,11) - Make this stream curved and it'll flow better imo. fixed.
01:24:975 (6) - Feels too close to the previous slider to me, a jump here would be great. fixed.

それと短い譜面だからOD+1してもいいんじゃないかなーと思ったり、好みなのでお任せしますが。 8にしました。

The video isn't played in this difficulty.
00:00:660 - This section is way too loud imo since there's a lot of finishes here, how about reducing the volume by 20% or so?
00:18:186 (5,6,1) - Suggested rhythm: by pausing here the guitar sound will be more emphasized imo.
00:29:081 (3,4,5) - Scale the spacing up a little so it makes a small jump? it fits better with the melody and instruments imo. For example:
01:02:554 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is somewhat boring and repetitive to me because all of them are 1/2. How about using more 1/4 or 1/1 in order to diversify it? Same for 01:05:081 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - .
01:22:765 (1,2,1,2,1) - I'd remove all of these finishes if i were you because it's way too loud. And also by doing this the original melody can be more emphasized imo.

00:19:291 - Add a note here for a better transition and flow. Complicating rhythm before new stanza would be nice imo. fixed.
00:42:344 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1/1 and add a note to where the slider end originally was in order to follow the vocal which should be emphasized the most in the chorus section. fixed.
00:49:291 (4) - Looks too random imo. How about rearranging it like this? fixed.

00:45:502 (5) - This slider should be more curved to blanket the next slider better. fixed.
01:10:133 (1,2) - Each of these sliders should be shortened by 1/1 beat respectively imo because they are conflicting with the vocal. fixed.

Call me back for recheck!
thanks modding :)
01:24:975 - 僕ならここにclapつけます 音量70%くらいまで下げてもgood

Melophobia wrote:

01:24:975 - 僕ならここにclapつけます 音量70%くらいまで下げてもgood
Topic Starter
updated :D
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Melophobia wrote:

ありがとう~ :)
really love this anime
Kawayi Rika
Nice song and map ~

Here you go <3

Great mapset, Congrats :)
o3o congratz
Congratz!! This song ranked <3 :D
o/ rankd!
Gratzz!!! kusano and Kitsuneko!!!

MiLu wrote:

Gratz kusano :3
wow i thought you quit for good o.o

congratz on the rank :D
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Thank you very much, Rika and everyone :)
Congratz~ ^^
おめでとう :)
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