Before I start, I want to say that I'm happy that the responsible people have forwarded my please about this topic and want to thank them for this.
Now to come back to the question ,,
What do you guys, the community think should happen? What steps should be taken to try and get more maps modded by the community and ranked?".
In my opinion there should be a Team available which is responsible for the game modus Taiko, to ensure that more 'proper' Taiko-sets are getting ranked in a reasonable time-line.
The reason for this is to give people(which are at the beginning rather player than mapper) a feeling of how a 'proper' Kanta/Futsuu/Muzukashii/Oni should be mapped, which knowledge they can apply in later stages(if they become mapper or modders) on their own maps or mods. Without enough ranked Sets -which could cover a larger area of songs like for example
high/low BPM-,
1/3- or
unique pattern-maps- people will be not able to learn how to map/mod for difficulties in certain situation, such as ,,
How am I able to map/mod a Kantan on a BPM of 220?". The experienced would be not reached fast enough.
Speaking of fast, it is indeed possible to rank nowadays Taiko-sets with the current Team. But if we look at the time-line maps are getting ranked, the progress for people who want to learn how to map/mod is rather chastening and could be increased by having a specific Team. Also when considering the last 3 cases(unrank, etc.) which happened in the last 2 weeks, the performence isn't that well as some of us would this wish to be.
To be able to express my opinion about this problem better, I would like to show an example: map recieved a decent number of mods and has been even bubbled, but if we look at my mod: - it might astonish some people right now, as it astonished me as well.
The mod shows mostly unrankable or not Kantan worthly patterns which would probably lead to an unrank. So some people will probably think ,,
how could this happen?". Mainly it is not because of the modding, it is rather due to unexperience in the difficulties which is effected by the less amount of ranked Taiko-sets who could serve as example for these mappers/modders. This effects of course the knowledge of mapper/modder and makes the modding at this point suffer a lot. There is no real reference at all.
Sure, there can be made guides how to map these diffs(which I'm going to make
really soon), but this would be just a part of what we would actually have to do for mapping/modding. After all there are many cases(like high BPM maps) which are still unclear for most mappers and needs to be enlighted by an higher amount of ranked Taiko-sets.
I also have to say, that Taiko is by far more complicated as some people might think about. The drum can be seen e.g. as an beat-following instrument which is depending on the song, but it can be also used as additional instrument which makes the mapping on its own way to a complex system of stanzas, patterns, SV,..., and their interaction together. So is it hard to map a Kantan for a song, if mappers follow only the beat which contains 1/3 beats or different spaces, which makes the Kantan automaticly to a Futsuu or sometimes even to a easy Muzukashii. In this case the mapper has to think about another style which he probably isn't aware about, due to less experience(btw my previous example reflects this case pretty good).
I talked now about a Team and its possible(and positive) effect to modding/mapping and ranking. But the question about,
how to get people to mod is still remaining, right? Especially what about the experienced Taiko Mappers.
First of all we can't hide the fact that experienced modders are fading out. This has various reasons, as for example reallife realted things and etc..
Mappers like lepidopodus are gone/inactive, but they mediated their knowledge to other people which should do the same to the up-coming mappers/modders. But what if the experienced mappers don't have enough 'examples' to teach the new generation? What if these experienced modders fade out as well and were not able to mediated their knowledge much enough? Another gap of unknoweldge and a decrease of proper taikos or increas of unranks appears,
which is nowadays the case.
So we should give these experienced mappers a chance by helping them to spread their view, especially in the most importand phase, which is right now the case with the easier diffs and the Taiko-sets.
True, I have to say that our community is also kinda lazy when it comes to modding. But it has also something to do with the experience people can bring of. The less they can find 'issues' in a map, the less they are motivated because, they think their modding is 'crappy', but especially here it comes to, to be able differ for your-self iif this was really 'crappy' or if the mapper actually mapped his map in a proper way. People are
insecured in many aspects.
Actually, I can clearly see that many people in our community are
interested in modding and mapping because, I'm reciving day for day about 10 requests and a dozen of "Test-Play" requests. BAT's are also contacting me to check bubbled maps to ensure having no unrank or problems, so I can confidently say that the interestet for learning mapping/modding taiko is available.
But one person can't do so much at once, which is the reason having a a little team would work good, which is also able to reward mappers with a rank in their maps.
Since I'm a bit in a hurry I will enshorter the rest for now:
As MMzz said, BATs have to take care of osu! as well, so they can't concentrate on taiko well enough or often enough, and those BATs who are even experienced in Taiko have unfortunaley no time due to various reasons(real-life, osu, etc.).
(even now 5 contacted made requests while I was writing this)