
Hirano Aya - Unnamed World

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Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 09, 2009 at 2:24:23 PM

Artist: Hirano Aya
Title: Unnamed World
BPM: 162
Filesize: 4979kb
Play Time: 02:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.91 stars, 141 notes)
  2. Hard (4.78 stars, 369 notes)
  3. Insane (4.94 stars, 544 notes)
Download: Hirano Aya - Unnamed World
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This song is the first ending from Nijuu Mensou no Musume.

Ok. So I just whipped this up. Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, as it is my first map and I'll appreciate criticism. Making maps are almost as fun as playing them :P. I'm working on normal now, and I'll do the other difficulties later.
I'm now done with normal, waiting for some feedback on it, will start hitsounds soon. (Stars are appreciated :3)

If you want quick kudosu, mod this map :]

Removed changelog because no one cares.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

blissfulyoshi wrote:

This is actually not bad for a first map.

BPM is fine
Offset: 7213

It seems like the lack of distance snap is not that bad on this map, so I won't complain much about it

00:07:21 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6) - make all of these have the same spacing
00:49:80 (4,5,6) - align these with the end of 3
00:53:41 (7,8) - space these 2 correctly
01:00:73 (4,5,6,7) - y is there an increase in spacing?
01:02:39 (1,2,3) - space correctly
01:05:36 (4) - space correctly

I would recommend you distance snap your streams because 00:23:50 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) has a different spacing than 00:25:54 (1,2,3)

Other than that add some hitsounds.

Since I feel nice this morning, have a star.
I fixed almost everything you found a problem, but I don't quite understand the bolded statement :3.
Spasing between 00:23:50 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and 00:25:54 (1,2,3) different.

Something bother me with offset... Try 7 189, please.

Don't use so many whistles and finish... And go to the song setup>audio, then decrease sample volume. Too loud.

Not bad for first beatmap, really, but spacing... Use distance snape better.

00:10:18 (9) - Add new combo.
00:10:92 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:12:40 (7) - Clap here.
00:13:30 (break) - Why you put break on vocal part?... It's your map, but...
00:24:96 (9) - Finish.

Please, pm me, then you fixed spacing and finish other diff, and I remod it. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
eeemod GO!!!

01:00:70 (4,5,6,7,8) - (4) is a not correctly spaced to (3), I missed here cause I hit the note later than it was, you can move it 2 level three grids up and one to the right, I'm guessing that should fix it enough
01:03:29 (3) - end 1/4 tick back
01:05:33 (4,5,6,7,8) - again, but this time (4) is too close to (3), just move about 1 level 3 grid to the right
01:07:003 (x) - break goes here, k thx
01:20:151 (x) - maybe here too
01:38:85 (4) - got an X here too, move (4) closer to (3) plz, (what's up with these 4s n' 3s?)
02:05:522 (x) - break DEFINITELY goes here, unless it's a WIP and you're planning on mapping here???
02:24:133 (x) - break
03:02:00 (1) - too close to the following (2,3), 4 level 3 grids to the right should make it much better
03:10:70 (8) - kinda like this ^, 4 grids down please

you need more difficulties in order for rankage.

that being said, it's pretty good for a first map, spacing stayed consistent MOST of the time

starring for effort, keep it up
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
Thanks eee, I will take care of what you found when I get back from school, then tennis , thanks a lot :].
Sleep Powder
00:09:04 (1) - Remove New Combo Here
00:10:15 (9) - New Combo Here
00:10:89 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:44:04 (7) - I don't like this here...
01:06:63 (8) - Hitsound this?
Hmm needs more hitsounds in some areas
Try to avoid overlapping things unless you make it look nice by making a pattern or something.

Seems good for your first beatmap though.
Great Beatmap!!:33
The pace was great, and great choiceon the paths and beat~ :)
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
Thanks fishcaek :]. I made this map to get reactions like that, lol.
Swweeeet :o

When we played it and I didnt know the creator, I actually thought it was a ranked map.
[deleted user]
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Great beatmap dude! It's sweet!!! XD :)
massive whistle overuse imo X.X remember you dont have to put a hitsound on every other note =x (though im guilty of that on some of my maps >.>)
(02:20:52 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - almost makes you forget theres vocals behind this)

01:38:11 (1) - Personally prefer you dont have this under the fading slider. 1 its easily avoidable and 2 i just dont like stuff under fading stuff ^ ^ It plays fine where it is tho, it never broke my combo so theres that too.
01:58:67 (10,1,2) - spacign doesnt reflect timing very well here.
02:21:81 (4,5) - ^
02:26:26 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - strange combo placement compared to the rest of the map?

thats it, hitsounds need some work imo ._. still watching
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

fufe wrote:

massive whistle overuse imo X.X remember you dont have to put a hitsound on every other note =x (though im guilty of that on some of my maps >.>)
(02:20:52 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - almost makes you forget theres vocals behind this)

01:38:11 (1) - Personally prefer you dont have this under the fading slider. 1 its easily avoidable and 2 i just dont like stuff under fading stuff ^ ^ It plays fine where it is tho, it never broke my combo so theres that too.
01:58:67 (10,1,2) - spacign doesnt reflect timing very well here.
02:21:81 (4,5) - ^
02:26:26 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - strange combo placement compared to the rest of the map?

thats it, hitsounds need some work imo ._. still watching
Yeah, I know. I suck with hitsounds apparently, I'll work on it when I can, but I have finals so :/
Edit: So I ended up changing all the hitsounds :]
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Whee, WIP...

01:03:29 (3) - Move closer to (2).
02:03:11 (5) - Fix this slider.

That's off the bat right now...

Some things I really noticed in [Normal] was that it got very cramped when the 1/2 beats were added in, such as 00:59:96 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) . This might confuse a fledgling player...

You might even need an easier difficulty....Never mind, you will need an easier difficulty. :P

Perhaps you can rename Normal to Hard and Hard to Insane sometime later?

I'll wait for your [Hard] to be complete. :3
Ok, I was also thinking of renaming Normal to Hard. I'll probably trust you, and make normal into hard, maybe I'll make the notes smaller, or something to that effect. I need mods like this from well traversed players, so thanks a lot.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

The hitcircle size is fine. I personally dislike small hitcircles, heh.

...Though you may want to up the HP Drain, on [Normal], that is.
Is this regardless if I'm changing the difficulty or not, or if I'm keeping it on normal?

Nakata Yuji wrote:

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

The hitcircle size is fine. I personally dislike small hitcircles, heh.

...Though you may want to up the HP Drain, on [Normal], that is.
Is this regardless if I'm changing the difficulty or not, or if I'm keeping it on normal?
If [Normal] will be your lowest difficulty, then it's okay to keep the HP Drain. If you're going to have an easier difficulty, but still named [Normal], I think an HP drain around the middle area would work best. If you're renaming it to [Hard], then up the HP drain a lot (So it's more to the right).

(no kds for this post)
Good song, but the name of the song is wrong. the real song title is "Unnamed World". Google it if you don't believe me :P
There seems to be missing a break time in Normal 02:05:707 ->


-01:00:336 (3) Glitch? I don't see the circle 3
-02:56:077 (2) Shorten this a tick

Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

Mianki wrote:

Good song, but the name of the song is wrong. the real song title is "Unnamed World". Google it if you don't believe me :P
There seems to be missing a break time in Normal 02:05:707 ->


-01:00:336 (3) Glitch? I don't see the circle 3
-02:56:077 (2) Shorten this a tick

Holy shit, you're right. I know it's unnamed world, I just named it wrong, thanks a lot :3. I have no clue how I misspelled it, or how I even let it slip for so long, but I'll change it when I get home today.
i could do alot nazi modding here but that not my style.
So i'm only pointing out the obvious.

00:35:52 (2,3) - spacing error
00:44:41() - useless break
00:55:52 (6,7) - spacing error
01:00:33 (3) - spacing error
01:00:52() - add circle
01:10:15 (2,3) - spacing error
01:20:15() - useless break
01:31:14() - ^
01:40:15 (7,8) - put thos 2 further away from 01:39:41 (6)
01:55:52 (6,7) - spacing error
02:19:87() - why iy here nothing but a bunch of breaks?
03:05:52 (7,1) - spacing error

00:44:31() - useless break
01:20:33() - ^

[Hard] is harder then [Insane] right now.
Finish Insane properly

[Hard] lacks a bit creativeness but its ok i guess.
[Insane] needs some more work.

Couldn't star it yet because [Insane] isn't done.
Sleep Powder
00:11:44 (1) - Take out New Combo here
00:11:63 (9) - Add it here
00:24:22 (1) - Spacing here ( move a bit away from 4 )
00:25:89 (1) - Spacing is wrong...move away from 2
00:35:70 (3) - Spacing is wrong...move closer to 2
00:38:85 (1) - ^ move closer to 2
00:55:70 (7) - Move this down a bit like around 2-3 on level 3 grid
00:52:74 (4,5,6,7) - Spacing doesn't seem right...
01:00:33 (3) - o_o delete and replace circle...or whatever you had there lol

Try using the same distance snap throughout the whole beatmap.
Most of this is just spacing errors.
You don't need to space it by hand.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

animask wrote:

00:11:44 (1) - Take out New Combo here
00:11:63 (9) - Add it here
00:24:22 (1) - Spacing here ( move a bit away from 4 )
00:25:89 (1) - Spacing is wrong...move away from 2
00:35:70 (3) - Spacing is wrong...move closer to 2
00:38:85 (1) - ^ move closer to 2
00:55:70 (7) - Move this down a bit like around 2-3 on level 3 grid
00:52:74 (4,5,6,7) - Spacing doesn't seem right...
01:00:33 (3) - o_o delete and replace circle...or whatever you had there lol

Try using the same the distance snap throughout the whole beatmap.
Most of this is just spacing errors.
You don't need to space it by hand.
I am using the same distance snap though.
Also, @RyuuKun, the useless breaks are there on purpose, just thought I'd let you know. Thank you both for the mods.
what purpose could such small breaks with such a small hp drain rate serve?
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
More spacing errors (indicating general locations):
00:24:22 (1,2) -
00:28:48 (1,2) -
00:53:29 (6,7) -
00:59:22 (6,7,8) -
01:12:92 (1,2,3) -
01:27:74 (1,2,3) -
01:33:85 (3,4,5,6) -
01:40:15 (7,8) -

I don't really like your lack of distance snap or small circles, but if that is you style, I guess I can go with it.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

blissfulyoshi wrote:

More spacing errors (indicating general locations):
00:24:22 (1,2) -
00:28:48 (1,2) -
00:53:29 (6,7) -
00:59:22 (6,7,8) -
01:12:92 (1,2,3) -
01:27:74 (1,2,3) -
01:33:85 (3,4,5,6) -
01:40:15 (7,8) -

I don't really like your lack of distance snap or small circles, but if that is you style, I guess I can go with it.
Again, I have used distance snap on insane, and I don't know how I'm getting these errors, does it have to do with grid size?
EDIT: I'm going to bold the one that you marked as an error that I can't fix with distance snap on. I don't know what is going on but my grid size is at small, as I have no clue what level 3 or whatever means.
Pretty much. Sometimes Grid Spacing + some Distance Snapping = Inconsistent times...

You just have to use your best judgment, which will come in time. ^^
I suggest not using black as a custom color, since it's hard to see it on the background. Perhaps a different shade of grey?

01:00:52 (2) - This is a slider that starts and ends at the same point in time...
01:06:63 (5) - Break after this?
01:38:11 (1) - I don't recommend putting notes behind a slider on Easy.

01:38:11 (1) - Perhaps slightly more acceptable on Hard, but I still am leery of this overlap.

Woah, big jump in difficulty. Perhaps you could rename "Hard" to be "Normal" instead.
01:00:33 (3) - Also a slider that starts and ends at the same point in time.
01:34:04 (4,5) - Hmm - the fact that these overlap when they have the same timing as the notes around them looks odd.

Looks like it's shaping up to be pretty good. I look forward to the non-WIP version.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

K2J wrote:

I suggest not using black as a custom color, since it's hard to see it on the background. Perhaps a different shade of grey?

01:00:52 (2) - This is a slider that starts and ends at the same point in time...
01:06:63 (5) - Break after this?
01:38:11 (1) - I don't recommend putting notes behind a slider on Easy.

01:38:11 (1) - Perhaps slightly more acceptable on Hard, but I still am leery of this overlap.

Woah, big jump in difficulty. Perhaps you could rename "Hard" to be "Normal" instead.
01:00:33 (3) - Also a slider that starts and ends at the same point in time.
01:34:04 (4,5) - Hmm - the fact that these overlap when they have the same timing as the notes around them looks odd.

Looks like it's shaping up to be pretty good. I look forward to the non-WIP version.
Thanks, I will make your changes as fast as possible.

Also, I was told to remove breaks in small areas such as the one you recommended me to put in. I really don't know who to trust at the moment, but for easy, I put it in.
on insane try filling up the 2nd long break and use soft sound to fill up the 3th

>>> all the things i could have placed here..but they are so small i just fixed them myself :lol:

Download: 7489 Hirano Aya - Unnamed

i will starthis after you applied the changes

:!: :idea: U mind if i also add my WIP(work in progress) difficulty ^^ :idea: :!:

Hirano Aya - Unnamed World (Nakata Yuji) [x3nsane].osu

not doing this :| ...i will do a diff for you on another song..this is too hard for myself..(i'm no good at insane's :lol: )
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

x3ns0r wrote:

on insane try filling up the 2nd long break and use soft sound to fill up the 3th

>>> all the things i could have placed here..but they are so small i just fixed them myself :lol:

[attachment=0:02217]7489 Hirano Aya - Unnamed[/attachment:02217]

i will starthis after you applied the changes
Really, thanks a lot for that attachment, it helped a lot :].
Anyways, I'm going to get working on insane, so thanks a lot :]

EDIT: I will add your difficulty when you're done with it, to save me some time. Rest assured, I will add it once you are done.
went over your new insane and made some changes

Download: Hirano Aya - Unnamed World (Nakata Yuji) [Insane].osu

:arrow: [02:08:670] Removed the long breaks You may need to adjust that part to your own mapping style :lol:

:arrow:[02:38:299] don't repeat the same pattern here...listen and place the hitsounds to the melody is my suggestion

:arrow: [03:04:688](3,4,5] stay on 1/4th on this...sounds better cuz there aren't bpm changes that need 1/6th at this small section
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

x3ns0r wrote:

went over your new insane and made some changes

[attachment=0:770f9]Hirano Aya - Unnamed World (Nakata Yuji) [Insane].osu[/attachment:770f9]

:arrow: [02:08:670] Removed the long breaks You may need to adjust that part to your own mapping style :lol:

:arrow:[02:38:299] don't repeat the same pattern here...listen and place the hitsounds to the melody is my suggestion

:arrow: [03:04:688](3,4,5] stay on 1/4th on this...sounds better cuz there aren't bpm changes that need 1/6th at this small section
I looked at it, and I changed back what I didn't like. Looking for your feedback on what I did again though :D
Very nice :lol:

00:23:85 (2,1) - Spacing.
00:25:70 (1,2) - ^
00:31:63 (1,2) - ^
00:33:29 (3,4) - ^
00:38:85 (1) - This note should be here 00:39:04. Fix spacing, if you do this.
01:11:81 (3,4) - Nazi. Down a bit.
01:32:92 (1) - Place this note here 01:33:11.
01:43:67 (3,4) - Nazi. Down a bit.

00:07:18 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Don't use claps on all notes.
00:51:44 (1,2) - Spacing.
02:32:92 (4,1) - ^
02:56:07 (2,3) - ^

00:07:55 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:09:04 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:10:52 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:11:81 (3,5,7) - ^
00:30:33 (7,8) - Spacing.
01:04:41 (1,2,3) - Fix spacing.
02:07:00 (1,2,3) - Wtf? Sliders bug? Delete notes and place it again.

Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

tieff wrote:

00:23:85 (2,1) - Spacing.
00:25:70 (1,2) - ^
00:31:63 (1,2) - ^
00:33:29 (3,4) - ^
00:38:85 (1) - This note should be here 00:39:04. Fix spacing, if you do this.
01:11:81 (3,4) - Nazi. Down a bit.
01:32:92 (1) - Place this note here 01:33:11.
01:43:67 (3,4) - Nazi. Down a bit.

00:07:18 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Don't use claps on all notes.
00:51:44 (1,2) - Spacing.
02:32:92 (4,1) - ^
02:56:07 (2,3) - ^

00:07:55 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:09:04 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:10:52 (3,5,7) - Claps.
00:11:81 (3,5,7) - ^
00:30:33 (7,8) - Spacing.
01:04:41 (1,2,3) - Fix spacing.
02:07:00 (1,2,3) - Wtf? Sliders bug? Delete notes and place it again.

Thanks so much, I think the intro for insane a lot better now. Strange though, I remember not having most of those spacing issues, because I checked them over before :/.
Your map is very good ! Here are some of my opinions and suggestions though


1:32:744 - I think add 1 more beat here will make it blend more with the background music.
2:01:633 - 2:02:003 - I think if you add a slider here, it sounds better with the background vocal.
2:07:003 - I am not sure about this group of 3 notes. I re-hear it many times, and I think it sounds better if you move this 3 notes 1/8 faster (to the left on the timeline)
2:07:188 - The 3rd note you accidentally put as a slider. Resnap it.
2:40:151 - I think it sounds better if you put a clap sound here together with whistle. (3rd note)
2:43:114 - Same
2:46:077 - Same


2:01:077 - 2:01:448 - Same reason in Insane, a slider may make it sounds better here.
2:01:633 - 2:02:003 - Same.

Other than that, all are nearly flawless. The opening sounds really good. Starred.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Yay Unnamed World, hopefully you will accept my modding since I like this song~


Whoa... Overall I feel that you overmapped certain parts resulting in those parts being really difficult, but the actual
focus of the song is rather empty. I would revise the design for this difficulty because you have a lot of empty spots. I noticed that you follow the vocals very closely so perhaps you can invent some of your own beats into instrumental parts to add some variety.

In terms of hitsounds you created a good pattern but I personally feel that it's really noisy because of all the whistles; up to you though.

I think for a lot of your rapid succession clicking patterns it would be better if you split them into streams instead. Sizes of 3-5 or even longer should sound good and make it easier/more fun. This is your Insane difficulty afterall, you can use the single fast clicking patterns in your Hard instead and have streams/stacks here.

Artistic advice: Adjust some of your long and linear sliders, it'll make the map more pleasing to the eyes but if you don't want to, that's okay.

00:44:225 - Reinsert this break time, it'll lengthen. I would actually suggest putting a spinner here instead of such a short break.
01:07:003 - Reinsert this break time as well.
01:20:059 - Do you really need this break? I'd put a spinner here.
01:22:55 (5) - Ow my ears.
02:03:11 (5) - This slider's shape really bothered me...but not a big problem.
02:27:74 (4,5) - Space these 2 out further, it really tricked me.
03:11:26 (10) - Just use a finish on this slider perhaps? Sounds really noisy.


Uh...turn down overall difficulty, please. Why is your Hard difficulty 10/10 for overall and Insane 8/10? I'd suggest 7~8/10. Artificial difficulty isn't fun. I understand your spacing is very clustered but in my personal opinion that in of itself should be adjusted.

Same general points as in the above. You don't have to follow the vocals 100%.

00:25:52 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I would personally space these out more, you have a lot of these patterns all clustered together and I personally think it looks terrible.
00:44:225 - Reinsert break time.
01:07:003 - Reinsert break time. You know what? Just go through all of your difficulties and reinsert the break times or change the really short ones into something else, like a spinner.
01:40:33 (8,1) - I wonder why you didn't put a break here or something since you seem to enjoy short breaks, but if you changed the ones I mentioned earlier then you can probably make use of a short break here. Pure drain time here as it is.


Your difficulty settings made me smile XD

00:23:48 (1,2,1,2,3) - Turn these into the same combo.
00:55:33 (3,4) - Suggest a spinner in between.
01:07:003 - Fix this break time.
01:20:151 - Fix the break time or do something else to this part.
01:30:707 - Why do you have so many breaks ;_; Fix this.
01:33:11 (1,1,2,3) - Change to same combo.

You seem to really hate spinners, but I'm sure most of your short/random breaktimes could've been better used as a spinner. Keeping a couple short breaks for a maping style like yours is okay though, but you should definitively considering re-mapping most of your short breaks.

Have my star.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji

Mystearica wrote:

Yay Unnamed World, hopefully you will accept my modding since I like this song~


Whoa... Overall I feel that you overmapped certain parts resulting in those parts being really difficult, but the actual
focus of the song is rather empty. I would revise the design for this difficulty because you have a lot of empty spots. I noticed that you follow the vocals very closely so perhaps you can invent some of your own beats into instrumental parts to add some variety.

In terms of hitsounds you created a good pattern but I personally feel that it's really noisy because of all the whistles; up to you though.

I think for a lot of your rapid succession clicking patterns it would be better if you split them into streams instead. Sizes of 3-5 or even longer should sound good and make it easier/more fun. This is your Insane difficulty afterall, you can use the single fast clicking patterns in your Hard instead and have streams/stacks here.

Artistic advice: Adjust some of your long and linear sliders, it'll make the map more pleasing to the eyes but if you don't want to, that's okay.

00:44:225 - Reinsert this break time, it'll lengthen. I would actually suggest putting a spinner here instead of such a short break.
01:07:003 - Reinsert this break time as well.
01:20:059 - Do you really need this break? I'd put a spinner here.
01:22:55 (5) - Ow my ears.
02:03:11 (5) - This slider's shape really bothered me...but not a big problem.
02:27:74 (4,5) - Space these 2 out further, it really tricked me.
03:11:26 (10) - Just use a finish on this slider perhaps? Sounds really noisy.


Uh...turn down overall difficulty, please. Why is your Hard difficulty 10/10 for overall and Insane 8/10? I'd suggest 7~8/10. Artificial difficulty isn't fun. I understand your spacing is very clustered but in my personal opinion that in of itself should be adjusted.

Same general points as in the above. You don't have to follow the vocals 100%.

00:25:52 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I would personally space these out more, you have a lot of these patterns all clustered together and I personally think it looks terrible.
00:44:225 - Reinsert break time.
01:07:003 - Reinsert break time. You know what? Just go through all of your difficulties and reinsert the break times or change the really short ones into something else, like a spinner.
01:40:33 (8,1) - I wonder why you didn't put a break here or something since you seem to enjoy short breaks, but if you changed the ones I mentioned earlier then you can probably make use of a short break here. Pure drain time here as it is.


Your difficulty settings made me smile XD

00:23:48 (1,2,1,2,3) - Turn these into the same combo.
00:55:33 (3,4) - Suggest a spinner in between.
01:07:003 - Fix this break time.
01:20:151 - Fix the break time or do something else to this part.
01:30:707 - Why do you have so many breaks ;_; Fix this.
01:33:11 (1,1,2,3) - Change to same combo.

You seem to really hate spinners, but I'm sure most of your short/random breaktimes could've been better used as a spinner. Keeping a couple short breaks for a maping style like yours is okay though, but you should definitively considering re-mapping most of your short breaks.

Have my star.
Thanks for the help, I'll get to changing up my maps maybe tomorrow, I'm kind of busy today :3

EDIT: I must of made some mistake with the difficulty on hard. Thanks for pointing that out too.
Topic Starter
Nakata Yuji
Could I please have this resurrected please?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions, you don't have to fix, your choice.
Orange: You don't have to fix too, but is better if you do it.
Red: You have to fix this for sure!

Starts Suggestions:

- Set a preview point on all difficulties.


00:39:059 (2,3) - Spacing. Too close.
00:44:004 (1) - Really hard spinner for an easy map.
01:33:011 (1) - A note after spinner is too hard for an easy map.
01:33:048 (1) - Remove new combo.


00:34:004 (8) - Delete this and add again.
01:58:011 (10) - New combo.
01:58:067 (1) - Remove new combo.
03:05:070 (1) - ^
03:06:026 (2) - New combo.
03:10:052 (7) - ^


00:54:059 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing.
01:01:081 (10) - New combo.
01:02:037 (1) - Remove new combo.

01:07:009 (1) - Never start spinners on blue lines.
01:20:005 (1) - ^
01:35:005 (1) - 1/6 forward.

01:40:033 (8) - Add break after this note. Much suggested.
01:58:011 (11) - Remove new combo.
01:58:067 (1) - New combo.
03:10:052 (7) - ^

Preview points.


01:11:081 (3) - Move up 1 grid?
01:27:000 (4) - Stack on the endpoint of 3?
01:34:041 (3) - Left 1 grid?
01:40:033 (7) - New combo?
01:43:067 (3) - Add a note before this one?
01:45:070 (2) - Down 1 grid?

00:49:078 (4,5,6) - Move these a bit to the left?
00:56:063 (9) - Stack on 8's endpoint?
01:01:007 (5,6,7) - Left a grid?
01:04:078 (3) - Move to the right?
01:32:092 (1) - A grid left?
02:21:081 (4,5) - Move closer.
02:29:041 (5,6) - Move down?
02:52:092 (1,2) - A grid down?
02:59:004 (1) - Stack onto where the start of 6 was before?


00:24:041 (2,3,4,5) - A bit unnatural compared to the rest of the smooth curve.
00:37:009 (1,2) - Doesn't really fit.
00:38:085 (1,2) - ^
00:43:011 (6,7) - Up a grid?
00:57:055 (1,2,3) - Ouch antijump.
01:55:052 (6,7,8) - Spacing seems a bit uneven.
02:14:059 (9) - Not stacked very well.
02:28:011 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Line up with the 4 before it?

Have a star! :)
Wizard Of Orz
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
NOOO, why's this graveyarded :(
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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