This map is very out of sync, sorry to tell you this. Basically, every beat in the song needs to be re-snapped to the beat. I suggest you set your beat snap to 1/1 since that's all you use and move your beats back and forth to make sure they're snapped correctly to the beat of the song. I suppose you changed the timing after making your beatmap and did not let it adjust. If you want me to be more specific here's a list of what I found was wrong:
-1:080: Beat slightly off, just need to re-snap it to the beat of the song
-5:181: Beat slightly off, just need to re-snap it to the beat of the song
-7:257: Beat slightly off, just need to re-snap it to the beat of the song
-7:770: Beat slightly off, just need to re-snap it to the beat of the song
-10:242: Slider needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-11:891: Beat needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-18:589: Slider needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-20:197 Beat needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-43:527 Slider needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-45:129 Beat needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
-51:775 Need to remove the unnecessary point of the slider and re-snap it to the beat of the song
-53:441 Beat needs to be re-snapped to the beat of the song
That's it, I think. I hope it's helpful.