
[added] Watching Top 40 replays through Friend/Country scoreboards

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +38
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I'm pretty sure this was requested before, but I couldn't find the thread...
I want top 40 replays to be accessible through the supporter ranking lists. I always play with Friend Ranking and it happens quite a lot that I see an interesting (top 40) score by one of my friends, want to watch the replay, and then notice/remember that they aren't available. Having to switch to global ranking, search for the score, and switch back to friend ranking every time is an unnecessary bother. It's not even like this would add any additional server load or anything since the replays are already saved, the game would just need to display the button.

And I know other topic existed about this... but only for top1 of country. Friends will mostly likely NOT included.
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Well, I'm not asking for more replays to be saved.
Only that we can watch replays that are top 40 (and thus have replays already saved) from the custom scoreboards.
The country top rank thread wants to save the #1 replay of each country in addition to top 40 scores, so it's something completely different.
oh right. so say you got Rank #11 on map x. i could watch that replay from Friends/Country scoreboards without having to swap to global scoreboards?
Oh I misunderstood, sorry.
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This would mean storing every replay by every player ever. That's about 9TB of data and would require high amounts of IO to keep up with new records. Based on the ratio of supporters, and the chances of a support watching a replay, only about 0.1% or less would ever be accessed.
peppy, you misunderstood as well. this request is watching top 40 global scores, through the friends and country scoreboard
I got #32 on global ranking
My friend with supporter goes to friend ranking, and sees me #1 in it, but since I've achieved #32 on global ranking he IS ABLE to watch my replay, because it's saved. That's what this request wants.
Hmm, that's a relatively expensive lookup actually. I'll look into whether it is possible.
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Oh, didn't realize that actually causes any significant server strain.
Wouldn't it just be a single server request to check for a replay every time you click on a score (which doesn't happen too often)?
But then again, I have no clue how all that database stuff works. Thanks for considering it anyway :D
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I hope this is possible.
This may be a long shot, but...

I vaguely recall reading that peppy was looking into utilising p2p for beatmap (?) distribution. If the project hasn't been dropped, is it possible to look at using p2p to distribute replays in the future? eg Top XXX Ranked replays (per map) will be automatically saved locally at players device, while the server handles DB/Tracker work. The server can keep the Top40/50 replays as is.

Hopefully this can help reduce the server storage requirement and even broaden the range of replays available to everyone. Apology in advance if the idea is unrealistic; computer/IT isn't my field afterall.
N i k k i
If you would make it this way, osu! has to syve every replay, because everybody can be your friend.
I think i'll be to much for sou! itself.

N i k k i wrote:

If you would make it this way, osu! has to save every replay, because everybody can be your friend.
I think it'll be to much for osu! itself.
you misunderstand

Marcin wrote:

I got #32 on global ranking
My friend with supporter goes to friend ranking, and sees me #1 in it, but since I've achieved #32 on global ranking he IS ABLE to watch my replay, because it's saved. That's what this request wants.
Small example with pictures, say I want to watch Nashmun's score. (He is #2 overall)

With Friend Ranking: gives me this :

With Global Ranking: gives me this :

What the requests wants: gives me this

I think this is a good idea really.
N i k k i

deadbeat wrote:

N i k k i wrote:

If you would make it this way, osu! has to save every replay, because everybody can be your friend.
I think it'll be to much for osu! itself.
you misunderstand

Marcin wrote:

I got #32 on global ranking
My friend with supporter goes to friend ranking, and sees me #1 in it, but since I've achieved #32 on global ranking he IS ABLE to watch my replay, because it's saved. That's what this request wants.
Ahh i see.
I thought this is even possible.
But thanks for the explaination
This will eventually be added – the framework for it is already in place.
wonderful \:D/
I guess it's harder to implement then we all thought O.o

Luna wrote:

I want top 40 replays to be accessible through the supporter ranking lists. I always play with Friend Ranking and it happens quite a lot that I see an interesting (top 40) score by one of my friends, want to watch the replay, and then notice/remember that they aren't available. Having to switch to global ranking, search for the score, and switch back to friend ranking every time is an unnecessary bother.
I don't know when this got added but you've been able to view top 50 replays in Friend (aswell as Selected Mods & Country) Ranking for a very long time already. Since recently (on the cuttingedge build at the very least) you can even view replays in said ranking panels as long as the user is in the top 250 Global Ranking.

Marking as added.
Since when?
I honestly never even know this was a thing O.o
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