How to post/rules
- Answer the title of the song or the character's FULL NAME and what anime/visual novel is it from.
- 1 map per post but only the fastest person who answered right get accepted. so only 2 map will get accept in every round.
- Answer one of it, I will mod the one who gets the right answer. Pick which one you want to answer.
- Make sure your star rating is higher then 12 if you think that your map is ready for bubble. If it's lower then 12, I'm going to mod it normally.
- If you use IDM please close it for awhile to make it stream in puush.If you open it, you probably going to download it.
- Write "HeatKai is moe" to show that you read the rules. hue
- example:SPOILER
- I want to have some fun while doing something.
- Singing is fun isn't it? =w=
- Trying to make an interesting queue and give it a try right now :3
- When I make another cover of anime song.
- When I'm not busy, It may take times because I'm not always free lately.