
How much do YOU play Osu?~

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I was just looking through the rankings (because I can't be bothered doing much at the moment - Lazy Moment), and I checked on who had played the most BMaps. Bia, a Brazilian member of Osu! has played near 42k BMaps. That is INSANE! Especially for only 10ish months of play. His first month of playing (which was really only for a week - 24~31 JULY) saw him playing roughly 3k BMaps. Obviously, he had played songs over and over, but to know that someone could play THREE THOUSAND BMaps in a week... That's... crazy...

I, myself, have only achieved around 700 BMap plays a week. I would play more, but being a student, and having a life, makes it hard. I tend to keep track of how many BMaps I play during the week, so that I can show-off to my friends how much I don't have a life when I'm home xD Yeah. I'm wierd.

Anyway!!~ I want to know how often YOU play.
Here's the question: During your usual week, how many BMaps do you go through?

Let us know!~
I mostly play CtB, but so far I've played 1,440 maps.
5 times a week.

As in 1 song per day for 5 days.
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I reckon to keep a healthy Osu! life, you need to keep up your play count. Keep your hand(s) practiced. Make sure that you're ready for anything that may pop up in a song ^-^

That's what I think, at least.
With xFire on?

Over 1000 hours. Just over 1000 though. Total? About 1300-1500 hours.

I just play it when I feel like it, so I just "play" it a lot. Often just leave it open and chat, though.
SkyE, we all know this is a sadistic and lame attempt to increase your post count.

ok 1,215.
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This is actually... Wait.. No, you're right xD

By the way.. I'm actually asking how much your play count is per week..

I actually just want to let people show-off their life-less-ness xD

People who play more than 1k per week.. That's lifeless xD

SkyE- wrote:

This is actually... Wait.. No, you're right xD

By the way.. I'm actually asking how much your play count is per week..

I actually just want to let people show-off their life-less-ness xD

People who play more than 1k per week.. That's lifeless xD
You don't need to xD so much. I don't think you're laughing hysterically every time you post. If you are, then you need help :|

Derekku Chan wrote:

. I don't think you're laughing hysterically every time you post. If you are, then you need help :|
I laughed out loud when I read your post. Do I need help? :|
8 or more times each day. More than 90 songs daily. Only CtB.
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I reckon I'd need help if I were to start having play counts of over 1k per week.
Until then!~ xD I'm fine and dandy!

Rhythm is Just a *Click* Away!!~ -twitch-

SkyE- wrote:

I reckon I'd need help if I were to start having play counts of over 1k per week.
Until then!~ xD I'm fine and dandy!

Rhythm is Just a *Click* Away!!~ -twitch-
I read that as "over 1k post counts per week. I died a little inside.

@Larto: No. *insert comment about lolgay here* <3
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(That downgrade of play doesn't mean I'm not as devoted to osu! as I am now ;-;)
haha. yay. i play alot. i cant count hours but pretty much around 5 hours a day, everyday.
about 20 maps a month, I'm guessing
I vary from 200 plays a month to 1000+ plays a month. It depends on a lot of things. Nowadays it's mostly around the 500 range.
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sup guys

alot alot uh im living in osu and i have nothing else to jk. most of it retry and a couple multiplayers :P

This just turned into a "post your play history chart" topic.

Oops :lol:
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People are too lazy to type something... So they refer to the history... T-T


SkyE- wrote:



May doesn't have that much since I joined on the 30th. But with what I see in June, I've been playing quite a lot, but I've been busy with my map lately.

People are too lazy to type something... So they refer to the history... T-T

the more you talk the less you play,
now gimme back the 2 minute you stole from my life, so i can play more :P
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One month.. 4.5k+....? WOAH!!!!
This is how lazy I am.

I just posted a link. Didn't bother to even crop the picture or put [img] tags or what.
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I play often when i'm bored.
I play alot when i need ranks/score.
I play multi when i'm in the mood for multi.

some factors that make me play or not:
-mood of my tablet(at that second,she just went insane beacause she don't like my constant Airspinning.)
-mood of my stylet(wich some times go into a perpetual click mode,wich make things pretty hard.(but wait,i can beat lemon tree with that : O!...maybe.)
-my mood.Sometimes i'm just too nervous to play.(if you spectate me one day you'll see that my hand is barely always shaking anyway)
-my connection mood u_u i don't think i need to develop here.
-krius is online and we both try to score more than the other to keep our place at the french national top10.
-and of course previewed events in eal life make m play less.

some factors that make me play or not:
-mood of my tablet(at that second,she just went insane beacause she don't like my constant Airspinning.)
-mood of my stylet(wich some times go into a perpetual click mode,wich make things pretty hard.(but wait,i can beat lemon tree with that : O!...maybe.)
-my mood.Sometimes i'm just too nervous to play.(if you spectate me one day you'll see that my hand is barely always shaking anyway)
-my connection mood u_u i don't think i need to develop here.
-krius is online and we both try to score more than the other to keep our place at the french national top10.
-and of course previewed events in eal life make me play less.

by the way,i don't have much playcount beacause if fc on the first or second time a lot of the maps i play.

CNF's Play History is the best.

Well, I play osu everyday.
Detective Tuesday
3 weeks ago
Detective Tuesday has updated the beatmap "John Mayer - Belief"
You haven't heard from me since.

As you can see, I played insanely much last fall. Now, if me take a look at the whole history, we note that my play count fell heavily the time after. Why? This is when I started to mod. in February I became a BAT. Trying to keep up with both playing and modding at the same time in the following two months, my play count is comparatively high, but now I've kinda given up on my rank.

Stared at the end of January, though I believe it was the beginning of June that made tablets freak out. May was when I started getting into trying to map songs.

Expect a huge spike around July... Unless I get a job. :|

You can notice, at April I sucked really badly, so I didn't played much, practiced some more at May and played A LOT within a month, at the end of May, my main HDD had bad sectors and I couldn't access my computer and play, at June, well school's back here at my country and well, I couldn't be on osu! 24/hours anymore.

...Huh. Guess I've stopped playing for a long time now. Feels shorter than 5.5 months, but whatever.
shh Saturos get out

get out before sfg sees you

Todesengal wrote:

shh Saturos get out

get out before sfg sees you
Yeah lol.

And I could bet Saturos raised 90000000001 ranks on that December 07. Eep.
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I play osu when I must play
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