
Shuggie Otis - Aht Uh Mi Hed

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A few things I could point out, but they're nazi and are fine as they are, so i won't mention it. One thing I can suggest though it go a little bit easier on the claps. For a nice relaxing song the claps are really loud and there's quite a few of them. Maybe lower the volume and/or reduce the amount of claps.



Maps pretty cleaned up, not much modding I can do ^^ songs really nice btw!
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yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

A few things I could point out, but they're nazi and are fine as they are, so i won't mention it. One thing I can suggest though it go a little bit easier on the claps. For a nice relaxing song the claps are really loud and there's quite a few of them. Maybe lower the volume and/or reduce the amount of claps.



Maps pretty cleaned up, not much modding I can do ^^ songs really nice btw!
Thanks ^^
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-You can up the hit volume a bit more.


00:56:04 (1) - Place back around 1/2 beat, extend by 1/2 beat.


-Lower hp drain 1 please.

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Thx kingcobra52! :D
Resnap everything on the difficulties. I noticed a few notes being a bit off.

01:28:35 (1) - Move the starting point back to the white tick.
01:33:46 (1) - Move the starting point forward to the red tick.

You're almost there.
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00:20:08 (3) - one more repeat?
00:47:86 (1) - clap?
00:49:03 (1) - ^
01:17:68 (5) - ^
01:33:75 (5) - whistle
01:34:05 (6) - whistle for slider beginning
01:41:06 (3) - clap
01:41:65 (7) - ^
01:41:94 (9) - ^
03:06:72 (1) - ^
03:30:69 (4) - finish

hm some people say it needs less claps but i think adding these hitsounds would sound nice. not really sure about them though ,_, they are just suggestions ^^
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Yes wrote:

00:20:08 (3) - one more repeat? Done~
00:47:86 (1) - clap? I prefer the way it is now :P
00:49:03 (1) - ^ ^
01:17:68 (5) - ^ Ok
01:33:75 (5) - whistle Ok
01:34:05 (6) - whistle for slider beginning Ok
01:41:06 (3) - clap Ok
01:41:65 (7) - ^ Ok
01:41:94 (9) - ^ Wow, this sounds really good :D
03:06:72 (1) - ^ Ok
03:30:69 (4) - finish I prefer how it is now :P

hm some people say it needs less claps but i think adding these hitsounds would sound nice. not really sure about them though ,_, they are just suggestions ^^
Thanks for modding ;)
Pretty good map.

The only breaks are in the first half. You might want to spread them out more.

First of all, The difficulty of the map is anything but relaxing :P

01:20:60 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I find these really irritating to decipher. That's not really saying much though, so it's not really important :P
02:02:11 (1) - This slider could be more symmetrical and neat.
02:12:05 (2,3,4) - You can't tell which beat is the slider.

Otherwise, wonderful.

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Thx for modding, and for the star ;)
I'm not a picky modder. These are just suggestions!

00:57:80 (Break) - Damn thats one long break. D; Add something to shorten it please! :D
01:37:56 (1) - Please change this, it's kinda boring. D; (Even though Easy is usually boring. ;p)
02:24:33 (1) - ^

00:57:22 (Break) - Kinda long too. :(
02:15:56 (1) - Yawn...? (Boring, change it up a bit!)
02:37:92 (7) - Pull back 1/2th and extend 1/2th?

02:02:11 (1) - Length 1/4th? (So that it ends at 02:06:794)
02:06:79 (2) - If ^ remove this.
02:07:08 (x) - If ^ add a beat here, and on the following blue tick.

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Thx, I fixed some things ;)

Here are my suggestions, all hitsounds the spacing plays well to me:


00:21:84 - Add a beat?
01:16:51 (2) - Clap the end of the slider so it matches, 01:14:17 (1) -
01:32:29 (1) - Clap
01:54:80 (3) - Remove the clap at the end of the slider so it matches, 01:53:93 (2) -
02:16:14 (3) - Remove the clap at the start and then put a clap and every other beat like at 02:20:82 (3) -

00:15:12 (2) - Add a clap instead of finish.
00:17:45 (2) - ^
00:24:47 (2) - Clap end of slider.
00:42:01 (2) - Clap middle beat.
00:45:52 (3) - Clap
00:56:924 - 01:13:149 - Very long break, you could do something here, but I'm going to stop being captain obvious.
01:15:04 (4) - Clap end of slider.
01:22:94 (2) - Clap
01:36:68 (3) - Clap
03:02:63 (8) - Finish?


01:21:77 (10) - Finish?
01:52:76 (1,2,3) - Align these sliders?

That''s all, this was a really relaxing and peaceful map, star!

fine to me


fine to me


01:28:20 (8) - spacing is too close to (7)
01:33:75 (5,6) - this part was iratating to play because the combo makes it so blind, maybe find a better way to put these 2 notes?

very good maps, star :)
set a preview time for all difficulties
use bpm 102,61

02:02:11 (1,1) - recovery time is too short
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mrtn wrote:

set a preview time for all difficulties
use bpm 102,61

02:02:11 (1,1) - recovery time is too short

Thx for modding!! ^^
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Source? Tags?
Consider changing the background colour to white or the off-white in the background image.
I would remove the countdown; it doesn't really fit.
You don't have a storyboard, so you can delete the .osb file if you'd like.
Consider adding inherited sections to change hitsound volume, some parts are too quiet.

NOTE: Many of the things below might just be a byproduct of the fact that this isn't the average kind of song to beatmap to. Take things with a grain of salt.

Spinners felt inappropriately placed.


If you keep the countdown, don't make it half-speed here.

00:21:055 (4) - This might sound better 1/2 later.
00:55:076 (1) - Awkward time, maybe shift it 1/2 later, although that'd make it awfully short.
02:20:084 (3,4) - Move these 1/2 earlier?

Felt really empty, although that may just be a byproduct of the song.


00:46:098 (3) - Shorten by a repeat, and add a note on 00:49:032?
01:28:079 (2,3), 01:33:076 (2,3,4) - Sudden increase in spacing? Please fix.
01:55:011 (3,1,2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.
02:20:025 (2) - Move this 1/2 back, add a note where it was.
02:30:078 (1) to 02:47:073 (1)- Here, the notes feel counterintuitive. Consider remapping it a different way.
02:58:026 (1) - Random increase in spacing again, although it's a bit more predictable here.
03:05:028 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - These didn't really seem to fit.
03:14:063 (1) - Once again, mapping feels a bit weird from here to the end.


This isn't the hardest map around, 8m might be a bit much.
I dislike the small hitcircles.

00:25:093 (2,3) - Line up with 1?
01:27:004 (2,3,4) - Sudden change in spacing here, I recommend not doing this and keeping 1/4s touching.
02:02:012 (1) - The length of this slider felt awkward.

Overall, I felt that Relaxing! felt the best out of all the difficulties in terms of flow.

Have a star.
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thanks for modding!
Hola Amigos!

Fix this FIRST!!
I think BPM is 102,63 (Remember, resnap all note first and make sure all difficulty is set this BPM)
Use 1/4 Beat Snap Divisor (Remember, resnap all note first too and make sure all difficulty is this beat snap divisor)

00:44:076 (4) - Move backward to white tick
00:46:022 (1) - Move backward to white tick
00:50:090 (2) - ^
00:56:016 (1) - ^
01:27:000 (2) - Move backward to red tick
01:33:014 (1) - Move forward to white tick and extend 01:36:006
02:10:041 (1) - Move backward to white tick
02:11:058 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - Move backward to white tick

00:56:062 (2) - Remove clap hitsound and add finish hitsound

00:07:081 (5) - Make parallel

I think this song is comfortable for Me
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Thanks for modding <3
its ok for me
Wow, I have not checked this map in a long time

Remove all commas in the tags since they are not needed.
I would probably remove of the current tags since they are already covered in the artist and title field.
You could put the album name "Inspiration Information" as the source. If it is not the source, add it to the tags.

Combo mod:
00:30:318 (1) - remove new combo to be consistent with 00:20:964 (3)

Combo mod:
02:19:351 (1,2) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2 to follow the lyrics?

Normal mod:
01:20:596 (4,5,6,7,8) - lower stack leniency to the 2nd notch to make this look nicer

Combo mod:
00:06:641 (1,3) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow the music better
I did not understand how you added combos to this diff. It seemed sort of random, so I stopped doing combo modding after I went a little bit into the song.

The song is a lot better than I remember it.
Call me back after you finish these mods so I can see if this is ready for a proto-bubble.
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Ok, done! Also I fixed some combos in Relaxing!

Thanks, blissfulyoshi ^^
Sorry, forgot a few things in my previous mod

00:34:411 (1) - remove new combo to be consistent with 00:25:057 (4)

00:06:641 (1) - remove new combo to be consistent with 00:04:303 (6)
00:11:903 (8,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new to 8 to be be consistent with 00:16:580 (1)?
I feel like I am forcing my style upon you, but I don't understand how you added combos too much in this diff. As a result, I am not going to combo mod the rest of the diff.

Everything else looks fine to me, so fix these things and I'll probably give you a proto-bubble.
I am also surprised that I never starred the map. Star.
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Ok, Done! and I fix again some new combos in Relaxing!, I think it's ok now ;)

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Lizbeth wrote:

I suggest you to use normal-hitclap, instead of soft-hitclap using a custom override. sounds better imo. then low the volume a bit.

I prefer soft-hitclap, but thanks for the suggestion ;)

Lizbeth wrote:

02:58:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i sonsider this mini jumps, dont do it on normal diff
Oh come on, do I have to remove this?? I think it's the best part of this diff >_< And it's not that hard...

Thanks for the modding ^^

sesito71 wrote:

Lizbeth wrote:

I suggest you to use normal-hitclap, instead of soft-hitclap using a custom override. sounds better imo. then low the volume a bit.

I prefer soft-hitclap, but thanks for the suggestion ;)

Lizbeth wrote:

02:58:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i sonsider this mini jumps, dont do it on normal diff
Oh come on, do I have to remove this?? I think it's the best part of this diff >_< And it's not that hard...

Thanks for the modding ^^
Is not extremely necessary to remove it, i guess this change on spacing isn't too drastic, anyway let see if anyone else complains about it.
Offset feels more around 523~524; check it and tell me what do you think about it.
The last time I suggested a BPM of 102.62, but now I get 102.627. Please check this.

Also, low stack leniency looks ugly in my opinion, but I guess it can stay. Just sayin'.

Hmm, the mini-jumps Lizbeth mentioned seem pretty fitting to me... the normal difficulty was already getting harder anyway.


01:40:473 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - The spacing gets messed up because stacking moves the notes up.

That's it, I guess. I'm still wondering about the BPM though, let me see if I can get a timing pro for you.
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Gens wrote:

Offset feels more around 523~524; check it and tell me what do you think about it.
The last time I suggested a BPM of 102.62, but now I get 102.627. Please check this.
I think it sounds fine how it is now, I tried the timing you said and it sounds similar to the one I'm using now >_<


01:40:473 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - The spacing gets messed up because stacking moves the notes up.

argh, how can I fix this? D:

thanks for the modding ^^
I had Zekira to check timing; (s)he approves of the current timing, so I guess it's alright.

sesito71 wrote:


01:40:473 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - The spacing gets messed up because stacking moves the notes up.

argh, how can I fix this? D:
Just move that stack down, silly. :P
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haha, but not only down, I had to move it to the left too xD

thanks anyways Gens :D
Set up some things through IRC. Proto-bubbled! :)
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yeahhhh! thank you very much Gens!!!! :D
~overdrive modding~

No offence but I'm like 99% sure that this timing is off
If you check the timing around 2 minutes or so, it's offbeat.
I think bpm 102,61. Once bancho works again I'll see if I can get a good timer to check it.

cyclone's guess is 102,61 aswell but he only looked at the map partially so don't hold him to it.

Personally I think 102,61 works best for the map.
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OK, fixed!
Kim Jin Seok
Good :)

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Who popped the bubble!!!! :evil:
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sesito71 wrote:

Who popped the bubble!!!! :evil:
i don't know but rebubbled.
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Thank you very much, mrtn :roll:
Wow. I remember modding this a while back. hehe.


00:24:184 (2) - Would you consider moving this so that the burst from 00:23:015 (7) doesn't cover the repeat as much? (test the map here and you'll see what I mean)

Just 1 suggestion. Whether you fix or not, I'll rank afterwards.
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Fixed, thanks! ^^
I consider above just a minor fix, so I'll rank. :)
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