
Bus Stop Mafia (Game Thread) [MAFIA WIN]

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Hoshimegu Mio

Welcome to Bus Stop Mafia!


  1. McEndu
  2. Yhuan Debeste
  3. samX500
  4. Pararunten
  5. Asian Warlord
  6. abraker
  1. igorsprite
  2. Penguin
  3. pentaqola
  4. bambinex
Very much dead
  1. Tad Fibonacci (Temporarily banned)

Driving Order

1. samX500
2. Asian Warlord
3. Pararunten
4. Penguin
5. abraker
6. McEndu
7. igorsprite
8. bambinex
10. pentaqola
11. Yhuan Debeste


1. #33E1F1 is the mod color for this game. Do not use it or any color similar to it.
2. Do not edit your posts.
3. Do not post at any other time other than the day phase.
4. There are 8 townies and 3 mafia members.


All role PMs are sent. Please confirm as soon as possible.

10/11 players have confirmed (pentaqola didn't).

Game start.

Game end.

I think it might be a good idea for all of us to role claim to start with
basically scum will stick out like a sore thumb once we know everybody's role
so town can pick mafia out one by one

meanwhile it's pretty much rng for mafia whether they will land a kill or not
so long as town doesn't always swap with all scum we can make scum shoot themselves to death by shear probability
that fact alone will deter scum from shooting themselves unless they are desperate

I also DO NOT recommend townies with shooting abilities to attempt shooting until after day 3 because you are very likely to hit town. I'd say to wait until few townies die to better the odds of hitting scum randomly
maybe after day 3 is too end game. After day 2 would make more sense
Oke, i'm town bus driver
There is a missing point.

Some night actions acts on passengers, so the following would act on B even if B is swapped with someone else (need to ask mod though):

You may also shoot one of your passengers.
You may choose to either heal or kill one of your passengers.
You may also choose to kill BOTH of your passengers.
So if mafia decides to NK someone they could let the buff driver do the dirty work (in case they have one).

Btw, I am vanilla
yes, I was wondering about that, who exactly are the passengers?
McEndu 😳

samX500 wrote:

yes, I was wondering about that, who exactly are the passengers?
I think that if you use your switch ability on A and B, then A and B are your passengers
I'm Armed Driver

forgot this exists, but im finally here
Joon Yorigami
vanilla driver owo
hol up do i have to say my role already?
im the werewolf
I now have a reason to believe I am wrong

The two night action examples contradict each other
vote: abrakerr
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Since people are confused, these are the steps of each drive:

1. Passenger selection

Suppose A and B are selected.

2. Ability selection

Suppose you use whatever ability you have on A.

The player currently in position A be targeted.

3. Swap

The player on position A will be swapped to position B, the player on position B will be swapped to position A, but the effect of the ability still gets carried with whoever the person in position A before driving was.

To conclude: Driving always targets positions, while special abilities involving passangers target the player on the position.
I still don't understand...
I'm gonna read it multiple times first to understand

Penguin wrote:

im the werewolf

Penguin wrote:

vote: abrakerr


vote: Penguin
@yyotta are townie roles exclusive? or can multiple people be the same role?
VOTE: Asian Warlord
I see we are all voting people for no reason.

Vote: Tad Fibonacci
Asian Warlord

McEndu wrote:

Btw, I am vanilla
Well, I’m a doctor

McEndu wrote:

VOTE: Asian Warlord
Vote: McEndu

pentaqola wrote:

hol up do i have to say my role already?
I recommend everyone does so we can weed out the scum. Town doesn't put itself into a disadvantage by revealing roles because of the massive rng that happens at night, making it hard for scum to aim at a specific person
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Penguin wrote:

@yyotta are townie roles exclusive? or can multiple people be the same role?
None of the roles are exclusive.
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

abraker: Penguin
Penguin: abraker
Asian Warlord: McEndu
Tad Fibonacci: samX500
McEndu: Asian Warlord
alright, ima say my role. i'm a doctor driver.

knowing my skillset, i really wish the rng won't fuck it up, but knowing how it is. chances are it could be useless

strategies are also barely helpful as it requires a lot of backup plans in case the rng goes bad. this is just confusing as fuck
i am armed bus driver

i wanted to confirm whether roles are exclusive or not before I cc'd abraker.

he's probably still lying tho, vote him out
I'm a town bus driver
I am alien bus driver.

Now we know at least one person from those who role claimed is lying because 9 of us claimed a role and there are only 8 town.

Sadly, the role claiming doesn't really do anything since the roles are not exclusive.
What we have so far:

igorsprite: vanilla
abraker: armed
McEndu: vanilla
Yhuan: vanilla
Asian Warlord: doctor
pentaqola: doctor
Penguin: armed
Pararunten: vanilla
samX500: alien
bambinex: ???
Tad: ???

@Tad roleclaim
Jacques Chirac
I'm a normie bus driver
@Tad Please claim
when are prods coming into effect?
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

abraker wrote:

when are prods coming into effect?
Already PM'd them.
Tad Fibonacci
I don't feel having my role revealed would be very beneficial at the moment.
I'll keep quiet about it for now.

You guys can vote for me if you so wish.
Vote: Tad Fibonacci
Jacques Chirac
Whatever we shouldn't take this in account cause roles aren't exclusive so someone could've totally lied and told a fake role. The fact that noone is a werewolf according to people's role reveal proves it quite well. But not wanting to say your role just makes you sus so yeah. I'll see if I vote for you later.
Tad Fibonacci
The way I see it, revealing your roles right from the start doesn't really help with anything.
Since roles aren't exclusive, there is literally no way of knowing if someone's role is true or not until they prove it by using their abilities.
Roles like armed driver requires you to kill someone to prove your role so it's pretty risky and doctor role requires you to revive people. We can use this to confirm people's role by having an armed driver kill someone and then have the doctor revive them, but that's a waste of an ability. So even though it's a unique role, it's not impossible to steal those roles if you're a mafia since they won't have to prove their roles until a special occasion arises.

So the easiest roles to claim would be either Alien or just normal drivers.

It's obvious that we can have multiple vanilla drivers and as alien, you have a perfect excuse if your role is ever to be revealed.
If I were a mafia it would be super easy for me to claim those roles and no one would bat an eye.
Sure, I'll be in the suspicious list too since those roles would be the easiest to assume. However, there are also quite a number of others who've also claimed those roles, so it's gonna be hard to track down who's lying and who's telling the truth. That's why I'm a bit against revealing roles since it will just gives mafias free info.
Mafias aren't afraid of us just killing off vanilla drivers and aliens to kill them in the process either, since they're the minority, meaning the chance of one of them being lynched is low if we kill off people randomly based on their roles alone.
That's why I think the majority of mafias have already claimed either alien or normal.

And now since I haven't claimed any role, if I were to be kept alive, I'd pose a threat to the mafias. They don't know my role, so they'd have 2 options.
1, keep me alive since I'm already suspicious, they want people to vote for me, but I'd pose a threat to them if I have an important role.
2, Kill me right away since they don't know my role and I could have a dangerous role.

However, I think they'd be more likely go with option 1 since even if I do have an important role, the chance of me using my ability to reveal one of them is still quite low since this is still the first round and they're still the minority.
So they'd probably would hope that I'd get vote off instead, so that they don't have to kill me and it would make people believe that they're down on 1 member.
And even if I've used my ability on one of them, my words won't be trusted since I'm already suspicious from the start.
Tad Fibonacci
Also I'd like to mention that there's a driving order.

So the switcharoo ability that everyone has can probably only be used when it's their turn to drive. So there can be only one person who can drive each and every night.
So this game wouldn't be as unpredictable as the description for role abilities would imply.
Which is a good thing since we can't really do anything logically if anyone can use the switch ability every single night.
Bambinex is a scum and tad the detective driver

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

Also I'd like to mention that there's a driving order.

So the switcharoo ability that everyone has can probably only be used when it's their turn to drive. So there can be only one person who can drive each and every night.
So this game wouldn't be as unpredictable as the description for role abilities would imply.
Which is a good thing since we can't really do anything logically if anyone can use the switch ability every single night.
from what I understood, the driving order is for when multiple people drive during one night, not for who get's to drive during said night.
vote: Pararunten
wait, will the roles revealed when you get voted off? or its a mystery like bambinex's game
i bet the one time we don't vote off Yhuan first is gonna be the time he's actually mafia

vote: Yhuan Debeste
For alien, I think we can check it day 2 by asking him/her who [name random person] targeted.

If the claimed alien says that A targeted B, and A counterclaims that he targeted C instead, we know the guy is fakeclaiming.

Penguin wrote:

i bet the one time we don't vote off Yhuan first is gonna be the time he's actually mafia

vote: Yhuan Debeste
I don't know but what is going on with the meta of Yhuan
Joon Yorigami

McEndu wrote:

Penguin wrote:

i bet the one time we don't vote off Yhuan first is gonna be the time he's actually mafia

vote: Yhuan Debeste
I don't know but what is going on with the meta of Yhuan
You don't know what I went through
Jacques Chirac

igorsprite wrote:

Bambinex is a scum and tad the detective driver
What's your reasoning on this ?

bambinex wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

Bambinex is a scum and tad the detective driver
What's your reasoning on this ?
No reason, but i'm feeling that you are a scum

Vote: bambinex
Jacques Chirac

But what proves that you aren't a scum yourself ?

bambinex wrote:


But what proves that you aren't a scum yourself ?
igorsprite is known for quickly changing views as a town
Not sure how igor plays scum
After all, scum at early game knows more than a town

igorsprite wrote:

bambinex wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

Bambinex is a scum and tad the detective driver
What's your reasoning on this ?
No reason, but i'm feeling that you are a scum

Vote: bambinex
hey... i have seen this before 👁👁
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
To clarify: The driving order is the order which people drive (if they submitted their actions) every night. Everyone gets to drive. Mafia's kill on the other hand is dependent on how many people submitted their night actions before the kill.

abraker wrote:

I think it might be a good idea for all of us to role claim to start with
basically scum will stick out like a sore thumb once we know everybody's role
so town can pick mafia out one by one

meanwhile it's pretty much rng for mafia whether they will land a kill or not
so long as town doesn't always swap with all scum we can make scum shoot themselves to death by shear probability
that fact alone will deter scum from shooting themselves unless they are desperate

I also DO NOT recommend townies with shooting abilities to attempt shooting until after day 3 because you are very likely to hit town. I'd say to wait until few townies die to better the odds of hitting scum randomly
I am new to mafia, so I want to know why does it work and how scum would stick out
Tad Fibonacci
Welp, guess this game is RNG then.

McEndu wrote:

For alien, I think we can check it day 2 by asking him/her who [name random person] targeted.

If the claimed alien says that A targeted B, and A counterclaims that he targeted C instead, we know the guy is fakeclaiming.
Another thing I hope for clarification: there is the (only one person's information will be given). Do alien get to know the target of only one or can it know all?
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
The alien driver only gets to know who one person targetted.

YyottaCat wrote:

The alien driver only gets to know who one person targetted.
A single person, of the alien's choice or randomly picked?

Pararunten wrote:

wait, will the roles revealed when you get voted off? or its a mystery like bambinex's game
hello? :(
And when some people dies, is it "A, Vanilla Bus Driver, was lynched day 1" or "A was lynched day 1"?
Jacques Chirac

McEndu wrote:

And when some people dies, is it "A, Vanilla Bus Driver, was lynched day 1" or "A was lynched day 1"?
that's exactly the same question but ok
yyotta answer pls

bambinex wrote:


But what proves that you aren't a scum yourself ?
Because yyotta said my role was vanilla town :v
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

McEndu wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

The alien driver only gets to know who one person targetted.
A single person, of the alien's choice or randomly picked?
It's a random. Roles of dead people are shown.

igorsprite wrote:

bambinex wrote:


But what proves that you aren't a scum yourself ?
Because yyotta said my role was vanilla town :v
Do not reference your role PM.
Jacques Chirac

igorsprite wrote:

bambinex wrote:


But what proves that you aren't a scum yourself ?
Because yyotta said my role was vanilla town :v
yeah but we have no proof she really said so and you're not lying.
vote: pentaqola

give me free healthcare
I lied about my role, i'm an armed driver. @YyottaCat i want to shoot bambinex.

Abraker or penguin are lying about their roles, i can't believe we have 3 armed drivers.
nah, that's cap.

If you were actually armed bus driver then you would know that you're only able to shoot your passenger at night.

vote: Igor
you're probably just pretending to be retarded again since it worked out for you so well the first time you were mafia.

Igor's post reeks of "fake town-slip"
Jacques Chirac
Man, congrats on completely wasting your ability, that you surely don't have anyway.

vote: igorsprite
Jacques Chirac
also that mean you are counterclaiming both abraker and Penguin, and I trust them a lot more than you.
Jacques Chirac
+ the fact that you change your role claim and opinion every 2 posts makes you look even more suspicious.

Penguin wrote:

nah, that's cap.

If you were actually armed bus driver then you would know that you're only able to shoot your passenger at night.

vote: Igor
Only at night? I was trying to create a tense moment, but after what you said this will not happen. I lied about been an armed driver btw :v
At least you guys can see my role when i die

Vote: igorsprite
classic mafia trying to pander for sympathy by voting for themself.

Vote him out boyos

Penguin wrote:

classic mafia trying to pander for sympathy by voting for themself.

Vote him out boyos
You are wrong
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Penguin: abraker
Asian Warlord: McEndu
Tad Fibonacci: samX500
McEndu: Asian Warlord
igorsprite: Penguin, bambinex, igorsprite
What the hell is going on for igor?

VOTE: igorsprite
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