
Boa - Duvet Remix

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 9:49:36 PM

Artist: BoA
Title: Duvet Remix
Source: Serial Experiments Lain
Tags: anime
BPM: 93.05
Filesize: 2705kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Drowning (4.4 stars, 230 notes)
  2. Fading (2.61 stars, 148 notes)
  3. Falling (1.44 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Hurting (awp) (4.53 stars, 231 notes)
  5. Losing (4.92 stars, 354 notes)
Download: BoA - Duvet Remix
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
uh yeah this is the real map...i keep self-modding it so hopefully its actually good this time :P

all diffs updated except for awp's (ill have to wait on him for that)

added [Help Me To Breathe] but hitsounds arent quite done yet >_> i need to go to bed~

uploading with softer hitvolume before attempting to implement custom claps >_>

custom claps in [Help Me To Breathe] - will finish other difficulties (save awps) later

reup'd with all difficulties rehitsounded

Difficulty names come from the chorus of the song

random edits yay

whyme edits

removed [Losing] and renamed [Help Me To Breathe] to [Losing]
hi SFG
lets concern both design/timing issues, shall we?
Semi-Naz-eeemod GO!!!

[All Difficulties]
yeah, your BPM/Offsets aren't really matching in the difficulties
I like the timing from the diffs that start directly on the first beat (i.eee. [Drowning])

*moved* - reinsert breaks, I've noticed 2 as you can see

00:32:806 (break) - reinsert?
01:09:55 (2) - this doesn't look like an E??? but thanks for tryin'. this one was even closer 01:26:32 (2) -
01:30:191 (break) - reinsert?

01:58:92 (2) - this is pretty, long/boring?
02:10:52 (3) - align this with (1)
02:18:26 (3) - ^

01:32:32 (4,5) - yep, like in [Losing], these are not "well" aligned in triangle form, try moving each one individually to the right once. then align the following circle(s)
01:40:38 (7) - start 1/4 later / not parallel
01:45:70 (4) - 1/4 later, I'm not too sure

[Hurting (awp)]
first, your timing sections here aren't inherited ??? why is that, is it there for a reason??? no? then inherit them
second, diff ends later than others

00:30:884 (break) - odd, this break begins slightly inside the hitcircle, and ends . . . pretty early, try reinserting it
01:22:47 (1,2,3) - idk, not too bad, maybe stacking the ends of these sliders?


01:25:06 (1) - align this with (6), I came back to this diff once I tried [Drowning] and saw that this was aligned
01:32:16 (3,4,5) - this combo is not equidistant, I suggest making it in triangle form (huh?), try moving (4) one level 3 grid to the right, then move (5) in the same order, one to the right. Also, be sure to move the align the next hitcircle/circles
01:35:54 (7) - this feels like it should be spaced a bit further, no? it is further on the timeline, don't you think?
01:40:38 (6) - I feel it should start 1/4 later, as seen in awp's difficulty. Also, this is not parallel to (5), if you look closely, the line in (6) is not a straight diagonal, but (5) is
01:45:54 (4) - personally I think this should begin a bit later, 1/4 later, or even 1/8, you decide, maybe keep it as is, this is just my suggestion that it starts early ------- oh, and 1 level 3 grid right, so it aligns with (3) and looks like an 8
02:23:09 (7) - hum, reverse this?

alignment issues don't really matter

wow, I spent a lot of time with this mod, hopefully you can find something useful here ;D
I had fun with [Losing] & [Hurting] (the only ones I've played)
well, you now, naz-eeemod = good map :D
Big ol' star for SFG.
I think the hitsounds could be a tad softer and maybe you should find a custom hitsound that's sorta like the clap but fits more?
Too tired so I'll just nazi.

Offset of 10251 ms (about). I was wondering why I got a buncha 100's while play testing... (Played the hardest difficulty.) Hurting's timings (awp's) seems more accurate, so you can use that if you choose.
Dark blue combo colour is kinda difficult to see due to its lack of contrast with the left side of the background image.

Failing [sic]
Spinners may be tiring. Haven't playtested.

01:00:53 (3,4) - Replace under 00:58:27 (2).
01:45:98 (3) - Replace under 01:43:08 (2).

00:14:14 (2) - Replace under 00:13:17 (1).
01:37:96 (1,2,3) - Positioning isn't perrrfect.
01:44:73 (1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe h-flip?
02:02:46 (4) - Replace under 02:01:17 (3).

00:11:88 (3) - Replace under 00:10:92 (2).
00:15:75 (3) - Ugly with 00:15:59 (2) overlapping and non-overlapping parts.
00:28:00 (2) - Replace under 00:27:03 (1).
00:45:41 (6) - Replace under 00:44:12 (5).
00:46:22 (3,4,6,7) - Replace under 00:44:12 (5).
01:05:40 (3) - Replace under 01:04:43 (2).
01:11:20 (4) - Replace under 01:10:23 (3).
01:13:78 (4,5) - Replace under 01:12:49 (3).
01:26:35 (2,3,4,5) - Spacing inconsistencies.
01:29:26 (3) - Replace under 01:28:29 (2).
02:02:14 (6,7,8,9,10) - Positioning isn't perrrfect. I.e. it's not symmetrical.


00:22:66 (2,3) - Replace under 00:20:56 (1).
00:25:24 (5,6) - Replace under 00:24:43 (4).
00:26:53 (3,4) - Replace under 00:26:04 (2).
Meh, just do it for all the sliders. Or maybe I'm crazy.

00:11:88 (3) - Replace under 00:10:92 (2).
00:28:00 (2) - Replace under 00:27:03 (1).
01:05:24 (3,4) - Replace under 01:04:43 (2).
01:52:31 (5,6) - Replace under 01:51:50 (4).
01:58:89 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Positioning isn't perrrfect.
02:14:37 (4,5) - New combo on one of these?

Help Me To Breathe
Rename to "Help Me Breathe" maybe? Dunno what the meaning behind the name is. xD

00:13:79 (7) - Replace over 00:14:11 (1).
00:28:62 (1,2,3,4) - Positioning isn't perrrfect.
00:42:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Positioning isn't perrrfect.
00:58:93 (2) - Move slightly left. Like, one or two pixels. =S
01:25:70 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Positioning isn't perrrfect. I.e. it's not symmetrical.
01:36:34 (8) - Replace over 01:36:50 (9).
02:06:97 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as 01:25:70.
Hitsound nazi mod~.....


00:10:23 (1) - I don't like the whistle start
00:19:26 (4) - get rid of end whistle? (held notes don't work well with that hitsound imo)
01:00:53 (3) - get rid of the clap here (so it sounds like 01:05:36 (4,5,1,2) more), plus it felt too "fast"
01:46:95 (2,3,1,2,3) - I don't like how the claps seem to randomly speed up
02:05:97 (1,1,1) - don't use finish on all three notes (not spinners), maybe just last one, and whistle the other two?
OR I would've turned all three to claps
02:12:74 (3) - clap seemed too random, unless you did the claps ^, then extend this 1/2
02:16:29 (1,1) - if you did those ^, add claps to the notes here as well (not spinners)
02:20:48 (4) - I'd also prefer clap on end instead of finish
I sorta feel there might be too many whistle hitsounds for such a slow map
And don't speed up the claps randomly


00:42:83 (1,3) - add whistles? (to start of 3)
02:18:90 (4,5) - I don't like how this sounds the same as the last combo's end
I felt barely any rhythm from the claps and when I did feel some sort of beat, then it gets ruined in the next random clap...

00:20:26 (1) - clap here? (start of slider)
00:43:48 (3,4) - this makes it sound like there are upcoming claps following up, but there weren't...
00:56:05 (1) - get rid of first clap?
00:57:02 (2,4) - add claps to ends?
01:14:43 (1) - I don't like how the claps seem randomly start here (then disappears for a combo)
01:31:19 (1) - clap please?
01:36:03 (7) - the end clap sounds bad
01:41:83 (11) - this clap is very lonely~
01:57:95 (1) - random claps (at least get rid of first one)
02:01:17 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - the hitsounds here don't flow from anything, it just seems like random speed up
02:12:78 (4) - Don't like the claps here
02:20:84 (5,7) - ^
02:27:61 (1) - ^ (just the first one)
There like... mmm... no flow to where the claps start and end in this diff..
I liked how it sounded during from 01:21:84 to 01:36:03, your own beats sounded nice there

Lots of own beats, it sounds fairly nice, but I don't like the rows of normal-finish used.
I'd ask you to get rid of the following finish hitsounds please?
00:13:79 (8) - ^
00:14:92 (12) - ^ (first part)
00:15:41 (1) - ^
00:23:14 (1) - ^
00:25:72 (1) - ^
01:09:09 (5) - ^ (first part)
01:25:05 (7) - ^
02:05:99 (4) - ^
02:13:73 (5) - ^?
02:16:31 (4) - ^ (move finish to 5 instead)
02:17:60 (3) - ^ (move to end of 4 instead)
02:20:17 (3) - ^
01:39:23 (4) - add whistle?
02:24:37 (1) - the ending is too loud?
Normal hitsounds too loud for this map~ just lower the volume a bit please


00:24:46 (6) - this clap seemed totally random
02:22:13 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't like this
Argh, the flow of the claps comes and goes in this one... and most of the stuff in Drowning can apply here, too.

Help Me To Breathe- (uhh, you don't need the "To")
00:05:11 to 00:09:95 - I love how this sounds~ but I think those customs claps don't belong when she starts singing
^ Actually that applies to the whole song, those claps don't seem to fit with vocal
And the normal hitsounds should be a lot quieter so it flows better with those custom claps?
01:55:14 (4) - random 1/8 beat sounded weird...
02:11:83 (1) - random normal sound..
02:22:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - can't say I like this either
I almost like the hitsounds for this one... still 2/3 of the song, the last 1/3 sounded random to me

*looks up on huge list*
Wow, um.. you have all the right to hate me for this post... :?
Okay, in general, your claps come and go~ the whistles were fairly fine, and finish was okayish
You could get non-creative and just place claps on every second or third white tick (with the offset you set, its every red tick it seems) or, if you listen carefully, you can hear a slight clap-ish sound in the music, you could add claps to those. (Like 00:12:53, 00:13:81, 00:15:10, 00:16:39.... which ends up on every second red
I'd say get rid of all the whistle-sliderslide hitsounds~
Side-note- redo breaks~
Topic Starter
For the titles of difficulties, they come *directly from the chorus* like so

help me to breathe
I have lost it all

no more questions about that plz
Really, this map is crazy! I like it so much...

You get a star!

use offset 5079 and make sure all difficulties have the same offset :p

00:10:24 - no need to overlap offsets. Just put S+Custom 1 on the normal offset. You can remove the inherited one then :)

01:04:43 (3,4) - stack these 2 it looks weird the way it is now
01:36:99 (1) - remove new combo =)
01:46:02 (4) - same as the comment @ 01:04:43

01:47:31 (1) - remove new combo

no problems here :)

wow tiny circles :( (no problem just personal preference)
00:50:57 (1) - remove new combo
01:29:26 (3) - new combo
01:47:31 (1) - remove new combo

good job. starred =)
Some of the errors posted are suggestions, not directions. Edit to what you see fit.

Sidenote: Might want to double check the offsets beween all of the difficulties. [Falling] has an 10,239ms offset, [Fading] & [Drowning] has an 5,117ms offset, there's a 5,093ms offset for [Hurting (awp)], 10,273ms offset for [Losing], and 4,469ms offset for [Help Me To Breathe]. The main question is which offset will you use as the standard for the maps? Also, the maps need Tags.

[Falling] (Done)

Looking smooth so far (No noticable errors).

[Fading] (Done)

Sidenote: The offset is out of sync.

00:15:11 (5,1) - Slightly misleading stack...
00:46:70 (1,2) - Might want to move this up just a bit...
01:03:46 (1,3) - Mirco-alignment difference.
01:22:49 (1,2,3,4) - If it is possiable to move this up a bit, (3) and (4) wouldn't bottom out.

[Drowning] (Done)

Sidenote: The offset is out of sync.

00:18:33 (1,2) - Are these supposed to be closer or more far apart?
00:26:07 (1,1) - ^
01:24:58 (5,6,1) - Kinda bottomed out there...
01:40:38 (7) - Sounds a bit early....
01:45:54 (4) - ^
02:11:49 ~ 02:13:26 - Is the hitsounds supposed to jump from soft to normal then to soft again? It sounds a bit odd to me...
02:21:97 ~ 02:23:26 - ^

[Hurting (awp)] (Done)

Make sure to check into the offset issue. The timing sounds fine, but not the settings.

01:47:61 (8,9,10) - (9) looks a bit squished in....

[Losing] (Done)

Remember to check the offset...

01:24:58 (5,6,1) - Bottomed out.... and (1) is not lined up with (6).
01:26:84 (4,5) - Spacing difference... (Compared to 01:26:35 (2,3) ).
01:45:54 (4) - Sounds a bit early....
02:02:14 (6,7,8,9,10) - Uneven pentagon.
02:11:65 ~ 02:12:62 - Normal hitsounds?

[Help Me To Breathe] (Done)

Please check on the offset here too.

01:09:43 (3,4) - Some difference in spacing (Compared to 01:09:27 (2,3) ).
01:16:69 (1,2) - Some difference in spacing (Compared to 01:16:21 (5,6) ).
01:21:85 (1,2) - ^ (Similar to 01:16:69 error).
01:25:72 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - (9) seems to be the odd one of this shape...
01:48:29 (1,2,3) - The shape looks a bit odd...
01:48:94 (4,5,6) - ^
01:55:14 (4) - "Wondering" note... :o (Not snapped within timing)
02:03:12 (1,2) - Some difference in spacing (Compared to 02:00:54 (7,8) ).
02:06:99 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - (9) seems to be the odd one of this shape here too...
02:15:38 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The formation is uneven.
02:23:44 (9) - Tail-end bottomed out...

Stickynote: Its a good song, though it sounds better mainly with soft hitsounds. Also, the whistles in [Hurting (awp)] around the end felt a bit over done. The offset issue should be taken care of ASAP and don't forget to add Tags to the maps. I'll give this map a star.
Topic Starter
note that i am only posting the comments i do not wish other mods to repeat

whymeman wrote:

Some of the errors posted are suggestions, not directions. Edit to what you see fit.

[Drowning] (Done)

01:40:38 (7) - Sounds a bit early.... It sounds exactly in time with the lyrics
02:11:49 ~ 02:13:26 - Is the hitsounds supposed to jump from soft to normal then to soft again? It sounds a bit odd to me... and explain to me again how this could possibly happen by accident?

[Losing] (Done)

02:02:14 (6,7,8,9,10) - Uneven pentagon. intentional
02:11:65 ~ 02:12:62 - Normal hitsounds? again, this is something that just doesnt happen by accident

[Help Me To Breathe] (Done)

01:09:43 (3,4) - Some difference in spacing (Compared to 01:09:27 (2,3) ). this is caused by grid snap, but is not unintuitive. You should learn to recognize grid snap distance variations as you mod more, but i wouldnt point them out unless they either look obviously wrong or unintuitive
01:55:14 (4) - "Wondering" note... :o (Not snapped within timing) according to the lyrics, 3 is on a blue tick and 5 is on a white, and 4 is exactly halfway between. Therefore this required 1/8 snap for 4 to be 3/8 of a beat beyond 3

Stickynote: Its a good song, though it sounds better mainly with soft hitsounds. Also, the whistles in [Hurting (awp)] around the end felt a bit over done. The offset issue should be taken care of ASAP and don't forget to add Tags to the maps. I'll give this map a star. thank you ^_^
01:13:76 (3) - This is not a perfect horizontal flip of 2.

00:51:19 (1) - Make this part of the next combo please.
01:27:94 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not spaced correctly.
01:32:78 (1) - Please make this part of the combo beforehand.
01:46:64 (1) - Same as ^.
01:49:86 (3) - Out of spacing to the 2. A little nazish.
01:51:15 (4) - Same as ^ but more nazish. this is seen by the difference it is from4 - 5 to 4 - 3.
02:05:02 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - From this point onward you have everything out of spacing in 1/2 beats compared to here: 00:14:11 (2,3,4,5)
02:22:10 (1,1,1,1) - This is spaced correctly but not correct tin combing.

00:26:04 (1) - Make this part of the next combo please.
00:47:97 (1,1,1) - Please make this all one combo in itself.
00:56:03 (1) - Please make this part of the combo beforehand.
01:14:72 (2,3) - Linear sliders don't fit much to the rest of this map....
01:25:04 (1) - Don't make this a single combo.
01:46:32 (5,6,7) - Slight nazi on how much each is overlapped.
01:47:29 (1) - Make this part of the combo beforehand please.
01:47:93 (1) - Make this part of the next combo please.
01:55:67 (1) - Make this part of the combo beforehand please.
01:57:92 (1) - Same as ^.
02:03:41 (1) - Don't make this a single combo.
02:22:756 Please lower the volume of normal hitsound areas like this to sound with the music.

Hurting (awp)
00:14:92 (12) - Not spaced as 10 to 11 is closer then 11 to 12.
00:15:41 (1) - Make this part of the combo beforehand.
01:07:96 (3) - Not spaced to the 2 correctly.
02:07:60 (1,2,3) - Make all this part of the combo beforehand.
02:17:92 (1,2,3) - Same as ^.

Losing - WAY too similar to Drowning
00:27:01 (1,2) - make this part of the combo beforehand.
00:49:26 (1,2,3) - Same as ^.
00:56:03 (1) - Don't make this a combo alone.
01:06:02 (6) - Move this to the right y 1 lvl 3 grid unit please.
01:14:73 (2,3) - These linear sliders don't fit as the rest of the song has curving sliders.
01:25:05 (1) - Don't make this a combo alone.
01:47:29 (1) - Make this part of the combo beforehand.
01:55:67 (1) - Same as ^.
02:03:41 (1) - Don't leave this alone as a single combo.
02:28:24 (1) - Make this part of the combo beforehand please.

Help Me To Breathe
00:51:22 (1) - Don't leave this alone as a single combo.
01:14:43 (1) - Same as ^.
01:47:65 (1,2) - Same as ^.
01:55:71 (1) - Same as ^.
01:57:96 (1,2) - Same as ^.

EDIT: You know Nexon made a MapleStory event for BoA?
My archaic pre-inherited pre-clap-sampleset beatmap has been rejuvenated enjoy

Download: BoA - Duvet Remix (Saturos-fangirl) [Hurting (awp)].osu
02:23:88 (1) - this spinner should start at 02:23:72 and end at the time it already is before the change.

[Hurting (awp)]
02:29:52(1): I think it'd be convenient to add a timing section at this time with no hitsound volume.

01:17:95 (3) - consider checking the spacing

00:14:76 (4) - consider checking the spacing
01:07:31 (1) - consider removing new combo

Aaand star. I couldn't find anything else without trying to go nazi.
You told me to mod this but I vomited multiple times when I saw/heard it. There's no reason to have 6 difficulties for a song that is garbage, but that's just my opinion yeah?

The timing is so completely odd, that it makes it somewhat unplayable. 2 out of 3 hard/insane-ish difficulties have tiny circles, and are fairly similar. Drowning copies patterns from Losing, and at first I thought they were the same map until I realized they weren't, Losing has a bunch of filler in comparison.

tl;dr - because of the odd timing / snapping or whatever this is, it makes it impossible for me to play through the map and create constructive criticism. Also, 6 difficulties seems very very very very unnecessary. Consider cutting at least one.

have a star though, good luck
1. Odd timing where? Sounds alright to me actually. If Closing In was rankable, this is, too.
2. One difficulty was cut (Losing), SFG changed "Help me to breathe" to "Losing".
3. Minor modding over IRC
4. Bubble.

Larto wrote:

1. Odd timing where? Sounds alright to me actually. If Closing In was rankable, this is, too.
2. One difficulty was cut (Losing), SFG changed "Help me to breathe" to "Losing".
3. Minor modding over IRC
4. Bubble.
Actually I have some valid arguments against the ranking of Closing In.
00:18:95 (3,4) - make 3 and the start of 4 parallel to 1,2
01:13:76 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 2
01:16:33 (4) - " "
01:55:02 (3) - make the same distance from 1 as 2 is

00:55:06 (7) - align with 6?
00:59:25 (5) - make the same distance from 6 as 4 is (few pixels off)
01:26:01 (2) - align the start with 1?
01:28:59 (3) - make the same distance from 2 as 1 is
02:10:50 (3,4) - make parallel to 1,2
02:15:33 (3) - align with 1

00:55:38 (7) - make a horizontal reflection of 6
01:03:12 (3) - make the same distance from 2 as 1 is
01:11:82 (1) - it looks sort of ugly with this note being partially overlapped by 3
01:34:87 (4,5,6) - the spacing here is confusing
02:02:76 (10) - can you make the spacing between 7 and 8, and 9 and 10 equal?
02:07:27 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 3

01:25:04 (7) - new combo to show the change in timiing
01:44:38 (5) - align with 3?

Drowning (These small circles are irritating):
00:11:88 (5) - make the same distance from 4 as 3 is
00:29:29 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 2
00:51:86 (2) - make the same disance from 1 as 00:51:22 (1) is
00:57:67 (5,6,7) - might want to make similar to 2,3,4
01:12:82 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 1
01:36:52 (9) - is it legal for the 8 to cover up the repeat sign
02:16:18 (9) - align with 7

Nice beatmap. Star.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

Actually I have some valid arguments against the ranking of Closing In.
If you're referring to the stacks, they don't have anything to do with this map, so there's no problem with this map. I can't really see what's weird about this map's timing. Also, I forgot to bubble it it seems and now blissfulyoshi has modded it..
Have a star for the meantime until you fix what needs fixing.

actually it was already assimilated, i just forgot to kudosu him.
Okay, everything still looks good, bubble goes.
Everything checks out, played all the difficulties and there was nothing weird, spacing is fine throughout, timing is great, and max scores and whatnot are grand. After carefully looking through Losing in edit mode, I feel comfortable ranking this.

So I shall.
Really, Unlike foulcoon I actually like the song ._.

well Hmmmm which I actually played this earlier, I only played the hardest diff, which I liked . . . but. . . uhhhh how did this get ranked 01:36:48 (9) - hidden slider (really I was enjoying a 99.00 percent until I missed at this)
Oh wait I see how it got ranked, duh Larto and Dakey ranked it of course :P
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
well in my opinion I can't see the rebound, and I was told multiple times to not do that in maps
sorry if I'm wrong

Ooops and if I said hidden slider, I meant rebound point, please don't hate on me, but I'm really really sure that is illegal
yeah I have to agree with EEeee on this one..

on losing, the repeat of 01:36:48 (9) - is almost totally hidden by 01:36:32 (8) (enough to make me miss on it when playing for the first time.) and if you go on edit you can easily see its covering the repeat..

On any other map this would make it unrankable, why not on this one? :/
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

yeah I have to agree with EEeee on this one..

on losing, the repeat of 01:36:48 (9) - is almost totally hidden by 01:36:32 (8) (enough to make me miss on it when playing for the first time.) and if you go on edit you can easily see its covering the repeat..

On any other map this would make it unrankable, why not on this one? :/

let me put it this way: when i look at maps for rankability, i both allow and somewhat encourage this type of behavior. the alternative would be to change the shape/direction of my slider, and it was intentionally placed that way for the purpose of fitting the music. The other alternative is messy overlap, which rubs me the wrong way.
That slider is 100% unrankable, for the record.
BoA is the K-pop singer.
Where is original? T . T
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