
Show full mod name in beatmap pages

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +12
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Full Tablet

darkmiz wrote:

I suggest making different color text like DT HD HR FL EZ
I agree long names > short names (on website).
When the change applied, I started to get myself confused because of the indistinguishable factor.

On easier diff, I find it harder to distinguish HD,HR,DT,FL with HD,HR,DT,SD because they have similar length, unlike the long name variant where I can compare easier even with just skimming through the leaderboard.

I also agree with the new player issue as well.

tl;dr: Supporting.

for non english users abbreviations are really demanding.. and strange
prefer to see full mod names if there is enough room
Support, worse readability now.
Why is it changed at the beginning anyways o.o

really hard to tell mod differences apart at a glance now, which is definitely a step back from what it was before.
I might be ok with the short names if they were color-coded with a distinguishing color per mod but otherwise bring the old back

There was no reason for this change
and it makes things worse
whhhyyyyy doooo thiiissss
don't do changes for the sake of changing things

darkmiz wrote:

I suggest making different color text like DT HD HR FL EZ
That's actually a very good idea. I'm quite neutral towards OP's request, but I support colors.
This is kinda off-topic, but... what is HF?

BRBP wrote:

Mara wrote:

This is kinda off-topic, but... what is HF?
I honestly can't remember the name of that o!m specific HD flip-over mod, maybe that?
Fade in, don't know what it's short name is.
It's HalfTime (Weirdly, it's not HT). FadeIn is FI.

This should explain what HF is.
Topic Starter

Mara wrote:

This is kinda off-topic, but... what is HF?
Perfectly on topic!

Mara wrote:

This is kinda off-topic, but... what is HF?
"have fun" lol
I can see a plausible reason: it might shave off several hundreds of bytes of transmitting data when one views the beatmap page. If there are like 100k views per day, peppy shaved off several tens of megabytes of data, reducing bandwidth.

If that (bandwidth conservation) isn't the reason though, I prefer colored short name over long name or short name. For me, it's easier to see. Heck; just use the standard mod pictures.

Or otherwise, adapted from some website: Always display all mods, in the same order. However, nonused mods can be grayed out. Something like this:

For variation mods (PF, NC, FI, the key mods), just replace the corresponding text:

The used mods can also be colored (obviously use dark colors, otherwise they aren't seen). To conserve space (horizontal space is important, some website says), some mods that negate each other (EZ-HR, NF-SD, HF-DT) can be put in the same spot:

Well. I just hope the above idea doesn't stray from the topic.
support, its just annoying to read now.

chaotic_iak wrote:

I can see a plausible reason: it might shave off several hundreds of bytes of transmitting data when one views the beatmap page. If there are like 100k views per day, peppy shaved off several tens of megabytes of data, reducing bandwidth.
had a good laugh
Are you sure you got confused with short name because of unreadable not unfamiliar?
I understand the use of short forms in game, due to a limited amount of space. However, a web browser does not share that restriction.

those wrote:

I understand the use of short forms in game, due to a limited amount of space. However, a web browser does not share that restriction.
The main content width is limited.

woc2006 wrote:

those wrote:

I understand the use of short forms in game, due to a limited amount of space. However, a web browser does not share that restriction.
The main content width is limited.
Did it ever run into any problems displaying 5 mods? If not, I really don't feel the change was necessary.
woc just understand this change is bad and it helps no real purpose at all (never saw any problem even while displaying 5000 mods).
Some users have 800x600 resolution. The maximum width of a browser's content for them is something like 770px. Currently the width is 860px, so the change hasn't succeeded. But much better than with full name mods, which I should expect to be around 900px.

If width reduction is the objective though, why don't there be more width reductions? Changing Report link to a warning sign and making the headers take less width (Accuracy -> Acc, Max Combo -> Combo, etc) for example.

Also @^: 5000 mods is like 20k px wide. Not that there is any combination of 5000 mods either.

chaotic_iak wrote:

Currently the width is 860px, so the change hasn't succeeded. But much better than with full name mods, which I should expect to be around 900px.
No, it's 864px whatever the length of the mod names. When full names were used, the other cells of the ranking table were automatically resized to be smaller.
I don't think we should care about those who use 800x600, really who the hell still uses such a low resolution?

chaotic_iak wrote:

Also @^: 5000 mods is like 20k px wide. Not that there is any combination of 5000 mods either.

chaotic_iak wrote:

Some users have 800x600 resolution.
Did you come here with a time machine from 1995?

According to researches it's very rare to have resolutions of 1024x768 or below today.
I would like long names back for the reason you mentioned (it's difficult to distinguish between things like HD/HR and newbies don't understand the acronyms).

But I think the mods that do not alter score should only be displayed on the in-game rankings as acronyms and removed from the web rankings.
Or at least: Append a character like * to the mod display for each player in the list using mods which do not alter score, and when that mod display is highlighted a label displays those additional mods.

So something like:
Hidden,HardRock,DoubleTime,Flashlight* with Label: SuddenDeath
Topic Starter

Primula wrote:

I would like long names back for the reason you mentioned (it's difficult to distinguish between things like HD/HR and newbies don't understand the acronyms).

But I think the mods that do not alter score should only be displayed on the in-game rankings as acronyms and removed from the web rankings.
Or at least: Append a character like * to the mod display for each player in the list using mods which do not alter score, and when that mod display is highlighted a label displays those additional mods.

So something like:
Hidden,HardRock,DoubleTime,Flashlight* with Label: SuddenDeath
Definitely agree'd on this.

just change to acronym when totalwidth is > XXX px, otherwise use long names
I once squeezed out the web leaderboard for this map, but it still didn't go to the extent of breaking the interface.

Winshley wrote:

I once squeezed out the web leaderboard for this map, but it still didn't go to the extent of breaking the interface.
I had to look in game to determine what "SO" was (SpunOut I'm guessing). <--- This is why its a terrible change. ;---;

Primula wrote:

Winshley wrote:

I once squeezed out the web leaderboard for this map, but it still didn't go to the extent of breaking the interface.
I had to look in game to determine what "SO" was (SpunOut I'm guessing). <--- This is why its a terrible change. ;---;
Yes, it's SpunOut.
Maybe try icons. Colored versions of the mod icons ingame might look alright shrunk down. That way you get the benefits of shape AND color to tell things apart. Right now there's neither.

darkmiz wrote:

I suggest making different color text like DT HD HR FL EZ
This could work if the letters were bolded to make the colors stand out more. At least in that example, I can't tell HD and HR apart very easily at a glance, and even if those colors are changed, the problem will resurface when all the other mods have to be added in.

If things are kept as they are now, at least add the long names as hovertext. It'll be easier to read and could aid people in learning these goofy abbreviations.
Those short names make scoreboards insanely annoying to look at. Please revert back already.

This is not a case of "give it time to get used to". You don't get used to this. It creates a strain on the eyes to try to distinguish mod combinations and it's just annoying and pointless. It was fine before... why did you change this ugh.

keep it this way, these guys are hillarious

Aqo wrote:

This is not a case of "give it time to get used to". You don't get used to this.
i lol'd
i'm already used to it :p
how to into small letters ughhh
I don't really approve, either. Also, HalfTime is HF on the web, but HT ingame (HT makes more sense, too)
haafu taimu
I did get used to short names myself, but it's still annoying to read at. =S

And I can't help myself but to read HF as "have fun" lol
Please tell me how this is pleasant to read?

I didn't even notice the NC score for the longest time because everything has 2 letters. And picking out HR scores is unnecessarily much work as well.
i read it just fine :<
But why make it harder than it could be? I want to be able to spot the different mod plays with just on quick look (which was possible before because of the different length of the mod names) and not spend way too much time on actually really reading the table.

Another solution could be adding colour codes to the mod names, for example HD HR DT FL NC EZ HT NF.
I don't think differentiating by color would be a good idea, as I know a few people with color deficiencies. This would just make things harder to read for them.
It was a big waste of space. It takes less time to read the mods the way they are now, and they don't take up a ton of space.
I disagree, it now takes a lot more time to read the mods because you have to actually read them instead of knowing what they are at first glance (due to length of the words).
And it wasn't even overly crowded or anything before, the space is not used for anything else now either.

TheVileOne wrote:

It was a big waste of space. It takes less time to read the mods the way they are now, and they don't take up a ton of space.
I didn't even have to take the time to read the mods before the change, I could just instantly recognize them. And I don't really see how space is a big problem here, it worked before, so why suddenly there is not enough space anymore? Or what is this newly created space going to be used for?

Where is all the extra space you were referring to?
from the opening post:

Please tell, how is that overly crowded?
It's going to screw up the alignment with other elements on the screen. You're cutting into the blue edge space on the page and the width of the edge space will be different from page to page. Maps that have plays with all the mods selected would stretch the page to fit the mods.
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