We currently have this rule in our ranking criteria in osu!mania:
You are not allowed to put more than 6 notes simultaneously.
Considering most keyboards use USB connections which do not allow 7 simultaneous presses, we make this rule to help more people enjoy the game.
I'm against this rule.
This rule is limiting o!m mapping strictly and it can never achieve its effect despite of how we tighten this rule. We don't and can't satisfy all keyboards for best availibility. It's no good and have side effect, so we should abandon this rule.
This rule restricts o!m maps strictly.
You may not see the effect on 7key maps very seriously(But there are still a few examples). But when 8key come in place and SP+6K is not allowed, these mappers would just go crazy. (Actually many mappers have already complained about this rules in public spaces.)
This rule can NOT avoid USB keyboard beeping by a-lot-of-keys-pressing-together. In other word, this rule is useless against its goal.
Playing this converted map with USB keyboard and you'll easily figure out why.
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/31419 (On Collab difficulty convert map)
And there are tens of maps that USB keyboards would fail.
Everything begins when 4 keys release and 3 notes pressed at the same time.(Or similar things)
Players cannot release their former pressing finger away from keyboard really fast, causing their un-released key press conflict with the newly-pressed key press.
You may say that "It's easy to avoid using 7key at the same time. Just slightly separate these notes it would be OK to press like this."
But HOW SLIGHTLY? Actually 1/2 separates ARE NOT ENOUGH on some long key pressing length keyboard to make these keyboards having ability to press these notes perfectly. It's extremely hard to satisfy these keyboards!
You may say that "People may press keys very rapidly in order not to make another key pressed down when the first key is not raised up." But believe me, people would just go crazy to do so before they buy a new keyboard. (They need faster than FD[FD] key releasing speed to do so in nearly every song!) It's unreasonable to force players play super-tricky presses because they are using USB keyboards, right?
You may say that without this rule, these keyboards may be in harsher condition.
Some of them ARE in harsher disadvantage. But do we have to satisfy them all? Some of them are just too hard to be satisfied.
Consider this: "For there are mouse that is very hard to click 2 times in a second (Actually they do exist!) we should ban every 120+ streams. " That is the same logic.
We may have much less interesting thing in o!m in order to support the poorest keyboard. (Nearly every hard or higher diffs, including many conversion, even currently ranked maps, have styles that are not suitable for extreme long key press keyboards.)
One of great example on 7key is as this G59 song:
At 2:01, there are one situation that 2 sliders are released, 3 sliders which represent a chord group of some synth instrument are pushed and 2 other notes representing strong drum hits are there.
These 5 notes have their own meaning, without any one of the notes, this some fall incomplete.
7key at the same time is seldom used and are mostly appearing in insane difficulties. It is used with great care and every of them are full of reasons. Starters are not going to touch them until they become expert,so we should not worry about overusing of this style and trouble to beginners.
What do you think?
You are not allowed to put more than 6 notes simultaneously.
Considering most keyboards use USB connections which do not allow 7 simultaneous presses, we make this rule to help more people enjoy the game.
I'm against this rule.
This rule is limiting o!m mapping strictly and it can never achieve its effect despite of how we tighten this rule. We don't and can't satisfy all keyboards for best availibility. It's no good and have side effect, so we should abandon this rule.
This rule restricts o!m maps strictly.
You may not see the effect on 7key maps very seriously(But there are still a few examples). But when 8key come in place and SP+6K is not allowed, these mappers would just go crazy. (Actually many mappers have already complained about this rules in public spaces.)
This rule can NOT avoid USB keyboard beeping by a-lot-of-keys-pressing-together. In other word, this rule is useless against its goal.
Playing this converted map with USB keyboard and you'll easily figure out why.
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/31419 (On Collab difficulty convert map)
And there are tens of maps that USB keyboards would fail.
Everything begins when 4 keys release and 3 notes pressed at the same time.(Or similar things)
Players cannot release their former pressing finger away from keyboard really fast, causing their un-released key press conflict with the newly-pressed key press.
You may say that "It's easy to avoid using 7key at the same time. Just slightly separate these notes it would be OK to press like this."
But HOW SLIGHTLY? Actually 1/2 separates ARE NOT ENOUGH on some long key pressing length keyboard to make these keyboards having ability to press these notes perfectly. It's extremely hard to satisfy these keyboards!
You may say that "People may press keys very rapidly in order not to make another key pressed down when the first key is not raised up." But believe me, people would just go crazy to do so before they buy a new keyboard. (They need faster than FD[FD] key releasing speed to do so in nearly every song!) It's unreasonable to force players play super-tricky presses because they are using USB keyboards, right?
You may say that without this rule, these keyboards may be in harsher condition.
Some of them ARE in harsher disadvantage. But do we have to satisfy them all? Some of them are just too hard to be satisfied.
Consider this: "For there are mouse that is very hard to click 2 times in a second (Actually they do exist!) we should ban every 120+ streams. " That is the same logic.
We may have much less interesting thing in o!m in order to support the poorest keyboard. (Nearly every hard or higher diffs, including many conversion, even currently ranked maps, have styles that are not suitable for extreme long key press keyboards.)
One of great example on 7key is as this G59 song:
At 2:01, there are one situation that 2 sliders are released, 3 sliders which represent a chord group of some synth instrument are pushed and 2 other notes representing strong drum hits are there.
These 5 notes have their own meaning, without any one of the notes, this some fall incomplete.
7key at the same time is seldom used and are mostly appearing in insane difficulties. It is used with great care and every of them are full of reasons. Starters are not going to touch them until they become expert,so we should not worry about overusing of this style and trouble to beginners.
What do you think?