<-- post to read <-- Twitter post
On request by Ephemeral
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=14 <-- referring an QA extension/Adding a branch
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=15 ^ Me at the same time basically stated a similar thing in detail in a document
CONS ^ was similar to QAT and tried it before didn't work/don't want to repeat anything and lack of interest still
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=59 my adjustments on -White's post
Basically about making a third group w/no BN benefits for non-bns to do QAH to add incentive instead of relying on BNs who don't want to do it.
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=46 ^ the original
CONS ^ No point in doing this after being BN, Having to trust non-bns is risky even with considering they can't dq, not as reliable as a BN doing it, rewards can be considered iffy,etc.
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=85 <--- abolishing the system
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=126 ^ my tl;dr version why just abolishing it isn't the best idea
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=107 ^ the full version + just be me
explaining the same thing in my document a bit better
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=123 <-- refers to having QA as a group making RC proposals and such
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=130 ^ basically rejecting it as RC is fine as is
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=139 QoL changes could add <-- Twitter post
On request by Ephemeral
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=14 <-- referring an QA extension/Adding a branch
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=15 ^ Me at the same time basically stated a similar thing in detail in a document
CONS ^ was similar to QAT and tried it before didn't work/don't want to repeat anything and lack of interest still
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=59 my adjustments on -White's post
Basically about making a third group w/no BN benefits for non-bns to do QAH to add incentive instead of relying on BNs who don't want to do it.
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=46 ^ the original
CONS ^ No point in doing this after being BN, Having to trust non-bns is risky even with considering they can't dq, not as reliable as a BN doing it, rewards can be considered iffy,etc.
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=85 <--- abolishing the system
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=126 ^ my tl;dr version why just abolishing it isn't the best idea
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=107 ^ the full version + just be me
explaining the same thing in my document a bit better
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=123 <-- refers to having QA as a group making RC proposals and such
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=130 ^ basically rejecting it as RC is fine as is
community/forums/topics/1268711?n=139 QoL changes could add