
Epik High - One

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 at 6:11:02 PM

Artist: Epik High
Title: One
Tags: K-Rap Hip-Hop Ji Sun Loveholic Shinxyn Starrodkirby86
BPM: 135
Filesize: 4867kb
Play Time: 02:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Relax (4.26 stars, 277 notes)
  2. Rough (4.69 stars, 473 notes)
  3. Soft (2.81 stars, 195 notes)
  4. Tough (4.89 stars, 575 notes)
Download: Epik High - One
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Shinxyn's [Rough] added.
Starrodkirby86's storyboard added.

Comments & criticism always appreciated!
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Thank You Lizbeth! Do you have any suggestion on where to end it? I couldn't find a good spot, so I did the whole song.

Glad you enjoyed it! :)
what about at 2:49:035? is the beginning of the last break... the next part of the song have the same rhythm, so is turn repetitive imo.:)
check out, u decide

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Sounds weird ending it there. I left it as it was. D: Thanks for looking! :)
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Thank You! :3
I don't know what diff this is yet, more like a easy normal imo Okay, its normal diff
I'm complete normal, and don't feel like mapping more... maybe later, but yea..

I decided to map the whole song~

Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) [Rough].osu
00:23:24() - how about a circle here?
03:07:24 (1,5) - 2 grids to the left (on grid lvl 3)

wow its great :)
i wishe'd i was so creative :P

hold on my star
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01:06:80 (1) - this slider one level 3 grid down
01:25:24 (2) - one level 3 grid up (if not intentional)
02:41:47 (1,1) - both of them one level 3 grid up (if not intentional)
02:43:24 (3) - this slider 1 level 3 grid down

can't give you another star but i still like it :)
00:35:249 (3): I would suggest moving the endpoint of this slider off of the beginning point for (1). I missed it because I did not know it was a slider. :P Example
01:19:694 (1): Sounds like the slider needs to be extended one more repeat.
01:30:583 (): I think this sounds better with one new note here. Example
02:34:360 (1): Again as above, I would suggest adding a extra repeat.
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Thanks both of you :D! Some of the spacing you mentioned Ryuukun was intentional and Doctortoxn, the extended repeats and adding notes I didn't do. I just can't get the feel of it D:.

But thanks for looking! :)
:D These are just suggestions. No hard feelings. ;)

00:47:24 (3) - (Matter of personal preference) Perhaps you replace this slider with a Reverse selection of Slider (1).
01:06:80 (1) - Move 1 up on Grid Level 3.
01:43:02 (3) - Stack this under (1). (aka move 1 to the right on Grid Level 3)
02:22:80 (3) - Make this a straight line with (1) and (2) maybe?

00:37:24 (2,3) - Make these symmetrical. Move (2) to the right on Grid Level 3 or Move (3) to the left on the same level.
01:10:13 (2) - Move 1 to the left on Grid Level 3.
01:11:47 (6) - Same as above.
01:20:13 (x) - Add beat here?
02:04:36 (5) - (Optional) New combo?
02:34:80 (x) - Add beat here?
02:49:02 (x) - Add beat here?

In tags, change J-Rap to K-rap. Epik High is a Korean band (I think they did a song in Pump it Up). You can add Hip-Hop, Ji Sun, and Loveholic in the tags too. (Ji Sun is the female singing in the song from the band Loveholic).

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00:04:36 (3) - This is a little hard to distinguish as a slider thanks to 1's hitburst. I caught it, but that may qualify as a hidden slider in some people's books.
00:26:58 (7) - Now THIS slider took me by surprise. It's completely hidden by 4's hitburst until the very last second.
00:35:47 (5,1) - Consider moving the new combo from 1 to 5? The jump is pretty sudden, makes it a little more sightreadable this way.
00:49:69 (1) - 2nd repeat is hidden by 7's hitburst
01:55:24 (7) - you know what I'm talking about by now :P
02:05:24 (5) - ^
02:44:13 (7) - ^^
03:14:80 (1) - Erg, this comes in so much later than all of the other patterns like this ;_; Not really wrong, just mean :P

OHHH I just now realized why you put all of those big stacks in the same spot xD

I think this map needs an easier difficulty, right now Relax is 4.24 stars, which is a bit much for the easiest diff...

I love maps that have big distance snap changes like in Hard. This definitely gets my star :D
Unfinished Storyboard on [Hard]. Will do tomorrow.

Insert this into your song folder:

Contains .osb and images.

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0_o wrote:

00:04:36 (3) - This is a little hard to distinguish as a slider thanks to 1's hitburst. I caught it, but that may qualify as a hidden slider in some people's books.
00:35:47 (5,1) - Consider moving the new combo from 1 to 5? The jump is pretty sudden, makes it a little more sightreadable this way.
02:05:24 (5) - ^
02:44:13 (7) - ^^
03:14:80 (1) - Erg, this comes in so much later than all of the other patterns like this ;_; Not really wrong, just mean
Only things I didn't change. I don't feel these sliders are hidden or hard to notice. As I've watched a lot of people play the map and not miss them. If more people complain about them, I'll change it then.
Throughout the map, new combo's are given whenever a new phrase in the song starts or if it differs somehow. If I changed the new combo to 5, it would go against that. D:

Thanks for looking through the map and the star ^o^! I'll try making an easier difficulty.

@Starrodkirby86: I LOVE the storyboard you made! :D

Thanks both of you! :)

EDIT: Shinxyn's Rough added!
sent my diff via msn
I know there might be a tad bit too many spinners, so... feel free to complain about that, if so, then I'll change it~ (sorry for being lazy on those parts >_<;
Adding a star, that's about all I can do seeing as how I can't map myself.
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Haiiiiii Nexy-chan!!! <333

01:09:249 (1) - Use 0.0x distance snap without Grid snap to align it perfectly under last slider.
02:37:027 (6) - ^

Lookin' guuuud!


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Thank You! I hope the BATS don't mind the 0 stack leniency on Hard. As I need it because without it, the map looks ugly :cry: !

00:05:02 (1,2) - i wouldn't use this stacks on easy
00:51:25 (1,2) - ^
00:53:03 (1,2) - ^
00:54:80 (1,2) - ^
00:56:58 (1,2) - ^
00:58:36 (1,2) - ^
01:00:14 (1,2) - ^
01:01:91 (1,2) - ^
01:09:25 (1,2,3) - ^
01:25:25 (2) - remove this circle. Remember that it is a easy difficult
02:05:25 (2) - remove this circle and lengthen the slider up to in the red indent in the divisor Beat Snap divisor (1/4)
02:05:91 (1,2) - i wouldn't use this stacks on easy
02:07:69 (1,2) - ^
02:09:47 (1,2) - ^
02:11:25 (1,2) - ^
02:13:03 (1,2) - ^
02:14:80 (1,2) - ^
02:16:58 (1,2) - ^
02:30:58 (3,4) - ^
02:33:91 (1,1) - remove these circles and anticipate the slider to four indent (white) in the divisor Beat Snap divisor (1/4)
02:43:47 (2) - remove this circle. Remember that it is a easy difficult


00:03:47 (1) - align this one with 00:03:91 (1)
00:07:03 (1) - align this one with 00:05 :47 (1)
00:54:58 (2) - new combo
00:56:36 (2) - ^
01:01:69 (2) - ^
01:13: 03 (1) - undo new combo
01:17:03 (2) - new combo, 01:16:36 (1) - undo new combo
01:23:69 (1) - undo new combo
01:27:25 (1) - ^
02:09:25 (2) - new combo
02:11:03 (2) - ^
02:16:36 (2) - ^
02:38:36 (1) - undo new combo
02:41:91 (1) - ^


00:07:47 (2) - new combo
00:25:25 (1) - move this one tick up
00:56:36 (4) - new combo
00:59:25 (3) - ^
01:00:14 (4) - ^
01:00:36 (1) - undo new combo
01:01:02 (3) - new combo
01:01:92 (1,2,3) - anticipate these circles two indent (red) in the divisor Beat Snap divisor (1/4)
01:50:80 (2) - new combo
01:51:25 (2) - ^


00:21:62 (2) - new combo
00:22:36 (2) - ^
00:22:80 (2) - ^
00:36:14 (2) - ^
00:36:58 (2) - ^
01:50:80 (2) - ^
01:51:25 (2) - ^
03:16:14 (6) - ^
03:33:25 (1) - ^
03:36:80 (1) - ^
03:40:36 (1) - ^

Really good job ;) grats :lol: Starred!!!!!
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Thank You! I didn't agree with everything you said, but did some of it. Also in [Hard], you told me to put new combo marks on something that already had a new combo to begin with. o.o

D: your too popular. people actually play your maps when you make them. Anyways you already saw me playthrough heres the star lol
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3 things to say about this



star for you
Played Hard in a multiplayer game.

Loved it.

One thing which annoyed me was the approach circle speed. Turn it down one notch maybe? Maybe I'm just tired.
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Thank you for the stars.

@strager: It becomes hard to read if I make the overall difficulty lower. + I hate all circle speeds lower than what I already have.

Really fun map.
More please! :D xD
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- You can change the Background color to black, even if there's a background... While the thumbnail is loading, the background color shows up and... Yeah, just for a nice touch.
- Stack Leniency: 0. I don't like it.

Cool, cool.

Did you use Ease? I can't notice any...
Oh yeah, so I tried adding it, But I couldn't without messing things up, so... Your choice.
Just sayin', Ease could be pretty cool if you used it.

Umm what, I messed up with the SB, now I can't update it without redownloading. wtf? D:

Don'tcha think the spacing is abit too much for beginners?

I say :D even tough that's not a word.

- Tags are different from the rest of the difficulties. It just bothers me~
- Increase Stack leniency abit? Alot maybe.

01:19:69 (6) - Kiiiinda hidden slider.

Well yeah, there are some places where the spacing is kinda ugly. It needs to be nazied. Since I'm not a nazi, I'll just leave you a warning. However, if you talk about playability, it's cool.

I say :D again.

Well, I suggest you start searching for a BAT instead of just bugging normal users. It's perfectly bubbleable as is (If you ignore the Stack Leniency).
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That's another thing, what happened to hard, it says "not submitted." Hope that gets fixed because that was the one I liked the most.

nsane wrote:

That's another thing, what happened to hard, it says "not submitted." Hope that gets fixed because that was the one I liked the most.
Hard just got its name changed to Rough, that's all ;)

And I'll edit this into an official Soft mod sometime in the near future, though I will say that even though I do like it, I do kind of agree with Gens that x1.5 spacing is tough for an "Easy" difficulty... Maybe make the circles 1 notch smaller so you can use a smaller snap without it looking cluttered?
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0_o wrote:

nsane wrote:

That's another thing, what happened to hard, it says "not submitted." Hope that gets fixed because that was the one I liked the most.
Hard just got its name changed to Rough, that's all ;)

And I'll edit this into an official Soft mod sometime in the near future, though I will say that even though I do like it, I do kind of agree with Gens that x1.5 spacing is tough for an "Easy" difficulty... Maybe make the circles 1 notch smaller so you can use a smaller snap without it looking cluttered?
Actually, Hard got renamed to "Tough". Either redownload or just grab the .osu file and put in the folder and delete the Hard.osu. Rough is Shin's version. I'll try making Easy easier.

Nexy wrote:

0_o wrote:

nsane wrote:

That's another thing, what happened to hard, it says "not submitted." Hope that gets fixed because that was the one I liked the most.
Hard just got its name changed to Rough, that's all ;)

And I'll edit this into an official Soft mod sometime in the near future, though I will say that even though I do like it, I do kind of agree with Gens that x1.5 spacing is tough for an "Easy" difficulty... Maybe make the circles 1 notch smaller so you can use a smaller snap without it looking cluttered?
Actually, Hard got renamed to "Tough". Either redownload or just grab the .osu file and put in the folder and delete the Hard.osu. Rough is Shin's version. I'll try making Easy easier.
Really, when I played "Rough" it was like a wholly different difficulty.
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Yea Rough is Shinxyn's version. The Hard you're looking for nsane is called "Tough" now.

Still on waiting on Kirby to finish to the SB before I try to get this bubbled. <3! :)
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Thanks Kirby :)!!!

Please re-download to get the rest of the storyboard along with some other changes!
omg! .. you did it again nexy <3

nice map ;)
my stars for u always ;)
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Before you make these updates...
Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) [Tough].osu
Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) [Rough].osu
Change the .osu to these here. They have the latest storyboard fixes.

Then copy the text in this file and put it into your .osb (Or rename it as an .osb, whatever):
Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) - Copy.osu

After that...

00:30:80 (1) - Move 2 to the right on Grid Level 3.
00:32:58 (1) - Make it a horizontal mirror of the one above.
01:19:24 (1) - Ugh...I feel like this ends prematurely.

01:10:36 (1) - Add a repeat?
01:12:13 (1) - Add a repeat?
01:16:13 (9) - Looks ugly, overlap-wise.
01:51:24 (3) - Move 1 down on Grid Level 3.
02:44:80 (1,2,1,1,1,1) - You should make the notes nearby by the (EH) image on there. :3

I really disliked the spinners in [Rough]. Just saying...

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Thanks for stars again! And thank you Kirby for doing all this work O_O! :) :) :)
- Tough
03:46:36 (1,1,1) - To be honest, I think it would be better if you deleted these and let it end from there. My only problem in this difficulty. I'm not demanding you change it, but that's my opinion for ya.

- Rough
Redo the breaks here, as I am feeling kind of lazy to list the ones that are off, haha.

- Relax
Same problem with the breaks, haha.

- Soft
No problems here.

Nice map. :D
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This is easily the best map I've modded so far today. Bubb+star.
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Thanks! Please don't rank this yet. Still want to make some changes to the storyboard.
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The storyboard is awesome 8D
The map is fine, too, so *star*
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Thank You both :)! Again please don't rank this yet, still making changes to storyboard.
great map, for some reason the storyboard lags me sometimes, but it must be my computer.

tick tick star!
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SB fixes are done. Okay to rank this or bubble pop ._.!

EDIT: The SB lags some people at a certain part, still trying to get that sorted out. >_<!! No Rank Yet Plox!
strager helped a bit, and doing some final fixes, I think this works:

Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) [Rough].osu
Download: Epik High - One (Nexy) [Tough].osu

Lag problem = gone ?

(Lots of stuff in IRC, stuff I did myself, yeah yeah)

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Lag problem should be gone, big thanks to Starrodkirby86 and strager(^gave kudos to him for helping in irc).

Hopefully this is rankable now. :)
lag problems should be fixed, but for people with bad computers or vista

turn of frame limiter. if it still lags, you might have to reboot osu or your computer.¨¨

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02:26:58 (1) - comes too fast after spinner, it broke my combo and is a flat out is an easy thing to fix, just shorten the spinner and save some people some grief :3

01:56:69 (2) - mind putting it in line I hate that pattern with great firey intensity.
02:01:91 (6) - Kinda hard to see, maybe change combo colors here 02:01:24 (4) to make it a little more visible i dunno.
02:43:47 (3,4,5,6,7) - tidy up the spacing


Great map and good use of teh storyboardan. This song is aptly named.
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lukewarmholiday wrote:

01:56:69 (2) - mind putting it in line I hate that pattern with great firey intensity.
02:43:47 (3,4,5,6,7) - tidy up the spacing
The 2 is in line and the (3,4,5,6,7) don't have any spacing problems. I did the other changes.

Thank You! Glad you liked it :)!
02:01:24 (1,2,3) - hard to read
02:47:24 (1,2,3,4) - ^

01:02:58 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - hehe let`s use some green lines (picure)
02:17:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
Line1 100% volume
Line2 70% volume
Line3 50% volume

WOW you use rarely stack
hidden players will hate you
don`t worry about it
it`s rankable

throw a star
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Thank You Alace and leimi! :)
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All fixed, glad you enjoyed it and thank you :)!
Finally! Nice job Nexy. Glad to see this finally get ranked!
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Thanks! :)
Oh, man!!
This isn't J-pop..
It's K-pop.
I like Epik High.
Maybe this is one of my favorite songs lol
I love you!
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