
Nuke Option for Unsalvageable Beatmaps.

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Hi there!

There has been some internal discussion about the potential implementation of a nuke button for maps that are deemed to be unsalvageable.

Note: NOTHING IS FINAL so don't panic if this scares you.

Even if you disagree with the implementation, does anyone disagree that a nuke button should exist?

Why was this deemed to be necessary?

There are a few issues with the current veto systems we have in place.
  1. Vetoes for maps with quality issues are very time consuming to write and mediate. This makes it so that very few people are willing to actually go through this process.
  2. For maps with serious quality issues, vetoes are often not going to solve anything. Even if the veto mediation goes through, the mapper usually just resolves whatever example points that were posted in the veto, and in the end doesn't actually fix anything important.
  3. Some maps are just simply unsalvageable, but it's not appropriate to ask them to remap in a veto.
  4. BNs are scared to veto maps from the potential backlash.

How would this work?

The details are not implemented yet, however a general plan would involve something like an anonymous BN vote on a map. There are a few ways to go about it, but it mainly depends on whether we can get approval from the dev team to see if actual buttons could be added on the modding page or not.

If we can get additional buttons:
That makes things easier.
  1. There would be an additional upvote/downvote button for BNs only along with the Nominate/Disqualify/etc buttons.
  2. If a map were to get enough attention (let's say 1/4 of the entire BNG votes), site notifications could be sent out to the rest of the BNG members to vote or give their feedback.
  3. If a certain threshold is met (# of total votes, and vote %), the map will be nuked and may be unlocked by a NAT member should the mapper decide to fundamentally redo their map.
  4. In addition, this button will give us a rough understanding of the quality of beatmaps getting pushed through, to see which BNs should get extra brownie points :)
On the other hand, if we need to implement this with existing infrastructure (BN site):
  1. Map report function (anonymous, for BNs only) to submit concern for a map, or even just PM a member of the NAT directly. Minimal feedback is needed (just a sentence or two explaining the brief issues).
  2. Map will be screened by NAT first to see if concerns are valid enough.
  3. NAT will set up a vote on the BN site and ping the BN Discord to encourage them to submit their votes.
  4. If a certain threshold (see above) is achieved, then a post will be formulated on the discussion thread
Click here for a google doc with notes/details.


Potential abuse of this system?
Ideally the thresholds would be set to a pretty high point (because Nuking a map is a big deal!), and all reports coming in would be screened by NAT first to filter out the obviously silly ones.

This looks just like a veto!
Well, yes if we end up using the BN site for this, then yeah, that will be unavoidable. However, the main to focus on are: Less effort required from a single bn, Decisions are made democratically isntead.

If 30% of the BNG thinks a map should get ranked, then it should.

Wouldn't be useful because cases where a high % of BNs agree on something are really rare, and if a map is so bad for that to happen, it would be very easy to veto it and getting it stopped from qualifying.
Perhaps instead, we can change the veto system so it requires less specific reasoning and more general reasoning? Currently too much concrete example is required rather than just saying "this is jump spam garbage".

Prevents unconventional maps from getting ranked instead of targeting "bad" maps.

Just prevent this issue altogether by dealing with bad BNs.
Well, main metric for this would to see who nominated maps that got DQ'd, however, DQs of this type are not happening in general. Nukes that go through could also be treated as such metric.

-This section will be updated as the discussion progresses-

formatting is hard
sounds epic lets go
osu is saved
Sounds good to me
i dont get it
Nao Tomori
a) clearly not unanimous in conception cuz 2 ppl nominated the map so at least 2 bns like it
b) the entire point of a veto being hard to do is that unilaterally preventing a map from getting ranked and overriding a bunch of peoples' opinions should be hard to do because maps being ranked rarely actively hurt the game

this really just seems like something eph came up with in the shower and forced on y'all to propose i'd be surprised if you guys didn't understand why this is a subpar idea...
i really don't feel comfortable giving the current BN/NAT corps this type of power
is there any documentation for when and why the old nuke function was removed?
don't keep maps from ranked, literally everything that bns have shown interest in in "salvageable" in some way. maybe not for you personally but for the community as a whole it should be. thinking otherwise is just extremely elitist
almost guarantee this will almost literally never happen to a map lol

seems like the kind of thing ppl think they want but then when it exists it never gets used

not rly opposed ig, because it will never be used lol. tbh seems like a waste to even implement
I feel like this is a good idea but only in the rarest of circumstances (like this should only be used a few times a year AT MOST, more like 1-2 times a year).

A few concerns:

- Participation from BNs should be upped from at least half to 75%, or in the case of std, a static number (if 75% is too much)
- Amount of people voting yes should be ~75-80%, that means that at least 56% - 60% of the BNs have said that the map deserves to be nuked.
If this raises concern of BN circlejerking at this high percentage then your gamemode is already fucked.

- For nuking, NATs should have the final decision based on the BN vote. If BNs vote a map to be nuked, then the NAT decide on a simple majority whether they agree with the BN decision. This will ensure no abuse across the board for such a powerful feature.

Rest of it seems okay. Just make it an easy [Yes/No] answer for people voting. This shouldn't be used too much so BN/NATs becoming tired of voting should never be a concern.

Nao Tomori wrote:

a) clearly not unanimous in conception cuz 2 ppl nominated the map so at least 2 bns like it
b) the entire point of a veto being hard to do is that unilaterally preventing a map from getting ranked and overriding a bunch of peoples' opinions should be hard to do because maps being ranked rarely actively hurt the game

this really just seems like something eph came up with in the shower and forced on y'all to propose i'd be surprised if you guys didn't understand why this is a subpar idea...
>the entire point of a veto being hard to do is that unilaterally preventing a map from getting ranked and overriding a bunch of peoples' opinions should be hard to do...

vetoes have never been unilateral unless you're going to say that the BNG is one homogenous group that votes in line

>because maps being ranked rarely actively hurt the game

what lol? tons of maps being ranked actively hurt the game and the ones that are precedent-setting do immense and lasting damage. songs compilation and cbcc basically single-handedly ushered in the new era of farm that was so blatant and low-quality that any mapper with 15 braincells could rank a map.

the "everything is subjective and X doesn't matter argument" gave us so many insanely low quality maps that were pushed through with this justification because it wasn't quashed immediately, to the point where modern mapping discourse has devolved into a competition of who can stonewall the hardest/scream the loudest. (cxu guren no yumiya, every hailie map ever, etc etc.)

since when are two people more important than a plurality? since when did we just decide that everything that can get ranked should get ranked?
vetoes are already abused as hell and mostly dumb so whats better than to suggest a feature essentially being an escalated veto in power and function

here's a better idea perhaps: use vetoes the way they were supposed to be used, by stopping a low-quality or "objectively flawed" beatmap from getting past the qualified section, and not by just trying to veto minor issues or otherwise easily explainable fixes - this actually involves reasoning and rational, explainable thought into why a map is "unsalvageable" rather than just anonymously and secretly just potentially flaming a map without proper discussion

if this is properly used it's the exact same thing without the added need of a new feature, of added bureaucracy through the whole discord ping and vote corralling thing, and it actually has to argue why a map is bad or subpar instead of just anonymously reporting "this map bad lol" and then having other BNs in the same community who are probably aware of the report and map also go "this map bad yea" and stop something from getting ranked ad infinitum

nukes have not been a good idea in the past because of the amount of cases where they were either abused by the people in position of power, or just nuked something that was a perfectly fine (or even good) map due to the opinion of said people in power that the map was not adequate

having the nuclear option when the already bellicose option doesnt work is senseless
If this gets passed I'm actually quitting mapping for real
i think this would be a really good place for abuse you should totally add it to the game
if people take offense towards some mapset but dont wanna go through the effort of writing up a veto then thats their own problem lol
Wtf? just don't rank the map if it's bad lol.

Edit: If the map would be soooo unfixable, then it shouldn't be nominated and qfd in the first place... If that would happen the BNs are the problem and a Nuke button wouldn't help.
Akiyama Mizuki

mux wrote:

Wtf? just don't rank the map if it's bad lol.
Mapping drama rate declines to 0% 📉📉📉
Natteke desu
Wtf? just don't rank the map if it's bad lol.

Butylcyclobutyn wrote:

if people take offense towards some mapset but dont wanna go through the effort of writing up a veto then thats their own problem lol
Hard agree

Issues I have right now:

First off this ONLY fixes the FIRST issue you pointed out with the issues regarding vetoes and quite literally NOT the other 2. As you say this is a way in reducing """"time wasted"""" which this definitely does since u just get people to go "nuke? Yea? Ok cool" in essence

Second off apparently people don't realize that if there's something that is considered as a REALLY SERIOUS QUALITY ISSUE, but if 2 BNs STILL NOMINATED IT, then OBVIOUSLY the 2 BNs did not consider that EVEN NEAR CLOSE to a SERIOUS QUALITY ISSUE????? You would want know what EXACTLY is the serious quality issue, why THEY thought what U thought as a serious quality issue ISNT a serious quality issue, and figure out the root cause of the problem instead of going yea lool Nuke/veto time? Current veto system is literally just the BNG system going around in circles with some RNG sprinkled in it .

Also obviously this is not final but to be quite frank I have never seen what REALLY is considered as UNSALVAGEABLE or a SERIOUS QUALITY ISSUE aside for what you or I think whatever those words mean at certain contexts and What is THE BASIS of what BNS ARE VETOING OFF OF U KNOW......... so lol

Maybe instead create some form of system that is actually meant to create positive discourse of what is really an issue and what isnt instead and enforce standards for BN nominations off of that instead of shit like vetoes and this


also start fucking deciding if ranked is supposed to be a form of "quality standard" that BNs should be having or if its just "follow RC lol :P" and have that actually drilled into people's heads everywhere so we are all on the same page for once
maps dont hurt the game tbh, only some people that really care about ""quality"" that don't wanna voice the issues they have, community forgets about dumb maps in few weeks.
the problem i see is that people dont wanna voice their concerns that's all and i see why since the outcome is obvious for them, you basically trade a possible "fix" to the set for your sanity which adds up and ends up in you being tired as fuck, no good.
how to fix it? idk, maybe this thing would work or maybe it wont at all, it's a trial and error thing since vetoes don't seem to work anymore, mostly cuz they were overused with pretty minor things in the past ig
i'm a bit confused -- why is it titled "unanimous"? unanimous by definition means agreement by all people, but the doc specifies some non-unanimous (e.g. 75%) threshold

but i guess that's beside the main point lol
100% agree with Myxo

Something else I feel it's fair to add to the convo...

> We'd need to set a hard limit on a time frame for when/if we implement this, since doing this for ALL maps ever seems like an easy way to get into many (many) problems and discussions in regards to quality, and setting a hard time limit on this just makes this "Qualified 2.0".

> This feels like an easy way to get into "omg it's not popular so let's nuke" territory. If a high portion of the playerbase complains and all we need is this in order to start the vote, then what stops people from just rallying your friends to complain about a map they might just not understand so as to get it under the nuke process, wasting everyone's time.

Also I heavily disagree with the "rough understanding of the quality of beatmaps" part as well, but I wont get into a discussion on beatmap "quality" here, since I could go into a very long rant very quick...
sounds abusable
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Cychloryn wrote:

i'm a bit confused -- why is it titled "unanimous"? unanimous by definition means agreement by all people, but the doc specifies some non-unanimous (e.g. 75%) threshold

but i guess that's beside the main point lol
yeah you are right, unanimous is a bit misleading, the point is to have a large majority agreeing, so i will remove that word

awayuru wrote:

mux wrote:

Wtf? just don't rank the map if it's bad lol.
Mapping drama rate declines to 0% 📉📉📉
I mean u joke but this is quite literally possible with work on better systems for encouragement of discussion instead of these vetting system proposals
so if maps don't hurt the game why don't we just abolish ranking altogether and everyone is happy?

no map can hurt the game so we can just rank everything?

mux wrote:

Wtf? just don't rank the map if it's bad lol.
so true
Serizawa Haruki
How can you even propose this idea after not bothering to fix the veto system for years? This is just the same thing except worse. Maps being vetoed because of personal dislike is already an issue and the "require less reasoning" part only seems like an easier way for BNs to enforce their opinion while avoiding explanations and discussions.
Ur just preventing unconventional ideas getting pushed to ranked if this pass through, like if you have a mapper that maps something a majority of bn don't like it being in ranked but has in fact no quality concerns they can just nuke the map lol

basically another popularity vote system which will eventually break as well
Topic Starter

Serizawa Haruki wrote:

How can you even propose this idea after not bothering to fix the veto system for years? This is just the same thing except worse. Maps being vetoed because of personal dislike is already an issue and the "require less reasoning" part only seems like an easier way for BNs to enforce their opinion while avoiding explanations and discussions.
I don't see the issue here honestly, as far as I know, every time something like that has happened, the veto got dismissed after mediation.
rosario wknd
I'm struggling to understand how the sentiment "some maps are just simply unsalvageable" applies to maps that have been deemed acceptable by two nominators and subsequently qualified

Like sure some maps could suffer from extensive quality concerns but "simply unsalvageable" implies that no amount of work is going to fix them
Oh ye wanna mention one more thing

> Some maps are just simply unsalvageable, but it's not appropriate to ask them to remap in a veto.

This is utterly not true lol if the map is truly unsalvageable most bn who vetoes will definitely ask for a remap in the veto
cant wait for hailie maps to continue to go absolutely unchecked while this is weaponized against any and all creativity

yeah i dont support this garbage. why would i trust the same people who have allowed the ranked section to disintegrate this far to have this kind of power?

rosario wknd wrote:

I'm struggling to understand how the sentiment "some maps are just simply unsalvageable" applies to maps that have been deemed acceptable by two nominators and subsequently qualified
cuz basically some bns are bad and have low quality standards, i guess
Akiyama Mizuki

downpour wrote:

cant wait for hailie maps to continue to go absolutely unchecked while this is weaponized against any and all creativity

yeah i dont support this garbage. why would i trust the same people who have allowed the ranked section to disintegrate this far to have this kind of power?
my guy u still mad about tada kimi ni hare and it shows

Crissa wrote:

rosario wknd wrote:

I'm struggling to understand how the sentiment "some maps are just simply unsalvageable" applies to maps that have been deemed acceptable by two nominators and subsequently qualified
cuz basically some bns are bad and have low quality standards, i guess
so now we're letting them vote, without reasoning, to nuke other mapsets? sounds like a perfect recipe for disaster

Crissa wrote:

rosario wknd wrote:

I'm struggling to understand how the sentiment "some maps are just simply unsalvageable" applies to maps that have been deemed acceptable by two nominators and subsequently qualified
cuz basically some bns are bad and have low quality standards, i guess

sounds like there is an issue with personnel rather than the system, then?

awayuru wrote:

downpour wrote:

cant wait for hailie maps to continue to go absolutely unchecked while this is weaponized against any and all creativity

yeah i dont support this garbage. why would i trust the same people who have allowed the ranked section to disintegrate this far to have this kind of power?
my guy u still mad about tada kimi ni hare and it shows
who are you

tada kimi ni hare not being ranked was an absolute fucking joke given that no one gives a shit when farm maps do the same thing it was vetoed for (beatmapsets/667741#osu/1412812)

that doesn't make my complaint less valid. this is still a terrible idea and being like haha ur mad doesnt change that
Serizawa Haruki

Kibbleru wrote:

Serizawa Haruki wrote:

How can you even propose this idea after not bothering to fix the veto system for years? This is just the same thing except worse. Maps being vetoed because of personal dislike is already an issue and the "require less reasoning" part only seems like an easier way for BNs to enforce their opinion while avoiding explanations and discussions.
I don't see the issue here honestly, as far as I know, every time something like that has happened, the veto got dismissed after mediation.
That's absolutely not true but if you really think so that would explain why most abuse cases don't have any consequences.

Either way it feels like you can't decide whether BNs should be trusted or not because when 2 or more nominate a map their judgement is often put into question but when the same people vote on other maps they are fully trusted. Pick a lane.
the individual BN cannot be trusted to do a correct job but the plurality of BNs can be trusted to correct itself.

that's the principle behind any sort of group voting system lol
M i X
Honestly, I see the mere availability of the option as a deterrent to push maps of undesirable quality to the ranked status. Stance neutral on this.
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