yo, I'm komi and I have been an active modder for around half a year now. I'm currently under Davvy's modding mentorship and trying to improve my modding skills at the same time I seek to help charters take the best out of their maps. I have a really wide variety of musical interests so you can submit any kind of song to me and I'll give it a listen with no exceptions, but even then I'm very picky deciding what charts I actually work on modding.
I currently can produce my best mods on 4K where most of my playing and modding time is condensed; on the other hand, I'm less likely to be able to address playability and patterning issues on 6-9k.
My mods seek to be intensive and extensive, covering everything from musical representation, to hitsounding, onto objective RC and metadata issues. If you would like some samples of my way of working, feel free to check, for instance, my work on Quaoar or Chromology
- Your map must have clear mapping intentions and you must be able to explain all your layering and patterning choices.
- Each difficulty of your set to be modded must be 100% complete (no WIPs).
- In case your map is hitsounded, a hitsound difficulty must be provided.
- Avoid requesting generic maps. This includes generic jumpstream, chordjack or any other map which doesn't try to take the best out of the chosen song.
- I won't systematically deny anime songs as I'm likely more of a weeb than you but please make sure your map is thoughtful and not "anime for the sake of anime".
- Only one request per month. Exception: if the last map was requested less than a month ago but has since then been qualified, cooldown resets and you may request again.
Personal Preferences
These are general guidelines and not vinculant to whether I will actually accept/deny your map. Exceptions exist to every rule!
↑ Jazz, rock or any anisong I find musically interesting
↑ Detalied but crystal clear patterning
↑ Hybrid-patterned charts
↑ Spanish/latin american artists
↑ Focus on PR
↓ Unclear layering
↓ Vocal dump
↓ Generic or overly simple/unthoughtful patterning
↓ No hitsound difficulty (if applicable)
↓ Bemanicore
↑ Jazz, rock or any anisong I find musically interesting
↑ Detalied but crystal clear patterning
↑ Hybrid-patterned charts
↑ Spanish/latin american artists
↑ Focus on PR
↓ Unclear layering
↓ Vocal dump
↓ Generic or overly simple/unthoughtful patterning
↓ No hitsound difficulty (if applicable)
↓ Bemanicore
Artist - Song Title:
Difficulties/Mod focus: (full spread/specific difficulties/metadata/hitsounding/etc.)
Description: Why did you choose this song? How would you describe your layering choices? Why would this be a good addition to the ranked section? You can be brief or write a 20-page essay, I'll read it all with pleasure.
Beatmap Link:
Metadata Links: only needed if they aren't posted in the beatmap discussion or description, and the song isn't FA licensed
format ready for copy-pasting
[u][b]Artist - Song Title:[/b][/u] [u][b]Difficulties/Mod focus:[/b][/u] [u][b]Description[/b][/u]: [u][b]Beatmap Link[/b][/u]: [u][b]Metadata Links[/b][/u]:
Send me the funniest meme or video you have seen during the past month, this queue needs a bit of comedy I swear
I'll start:

I'll start:
Note: As I know non-native English speakers may have trouble providing good descriptions in English, you are also allowed to write your request in Portugese, Spanish, Japanese or Italian
As soon as I see your request I'll move it into my Trello, where you will be able to see your request status in real time. I will provide concise reasons if I reject or put in hold any requests, and will gladly engage on discussions about any of them through my discord (Komirin#9568).