thanks -Umi- and xXCrystalMoonAnimXx for modding ><
-Umi- fix some
xXCrystalMoonAnimXx fix about 70%
-Umi- fix some
xXCrystalMoonAnimXx fix about 70%
thanks for moddingkajiyatta wrote:
M4M from PM
almost suggestions
00:36:424(2) y:240 better same as previous (3)'s height fixed
00:29:624 unnecessary green line fixed
00:14:024 add a note here since the music enough hears. no, it will break the pattern after this
01:16:824(2,4) stack better and move notes like this no, the current one maybe easier for FL player
01:03:024(4) stacked on slider's end may stop the flow of map, maybe move away better. e.g.) fixed
00:13:024 add notes here to follow the music. no, I want to have break after spinner
00:01:424(2) Ctrl+G, the tiny jump makes the flow more nicely no, I don't want it more hard D:
01:05:424(2,3)^ ^
01:17:224(3,4) stack notes seems a bit weird, so replace slider and jumping. like this? sure
already so many mods... so I son't have to say much more. good luck & star
15:56 Xinely: btw irc mod?
15:56 P A N: ok
15:56 Xinely: easy
15:56 Xinely: 00:46:822 (2) - x:152 y:320 better imo
15:56 Xinely: sorry
15:56 Xinely: i mean x:156 y:316
15:57 P A N: ok fix
15:57 Xinely: btw you need softsliderslide for avoid aa sound like "sreeeeet" in 00:47:622 - 00:48:022 -
15:57 Xinely: to make it clear
15:58 Xinely: yap need softsliderslide2
15:59 Xinely: you can take in my map about sliderslide and rename soft-sliderslide2
15:59 P A N: ok
16:02 Xinely: 01:18:822 (4) - move it 88,212
16:02 Xinely: it's hard to catch for newbie, straight better
16:02 Xinely: fix spacing after this :P
16:03 P A N: oh god D:
16:03 Xinely: ;3;
16:03 Xinely: easy done
16:05 Xinely: still in easy? i will wait ~
16:06 P A N: ok
16:06 P A N: spacing fix
16:06 Xinely: go to normal~
16:06 Xinely: 00:11:622 - remove finish ><
16:07 P A N: ok
16:07 Xinely: 00:20:822 (2) - 252, 236? spacing 1,05x is it okay but if i were you i will avoid that :P
16:08 P A N: hm.. I think i not fix about spacing in normal
16:08 Xinely: ok
16:08 P A N: because i have easy already? D: is it okay
16:08 Xinely: ok ok
16:10 Xinely: 00:26:822 (1,3) - make this same shape slider
16:10 Xinely: it's better xD
16:10 Xinely: you can remove (3) and copy paste from (1)
16:10 P A N: omg
16:10 P A N: how can i miss this
16:11 Xinely: ctrl+H and ctrl+G XD
16:13 Xinely: 00:52:822 (2) - 208,260
16:14 P A N: fix
16:14 Xinely: 00:54:822 (2) - spacing 1,20?
16:15 Xinely: 1,21 i mean
16:16 Xinely: and 00:58:422 (2) - spacing 1,16 <-- fix this~
16:17 P A N: ok
16:19 Xinely: 01:17:222 (3) - 164,176 for branket :3
16:20 Xinely: 01:22:822 (1) - ctrl+H this for better flow?
16:20 Xinely: wait, ctrl+J i mean X_X
16:20 P A N: lol
16:21 Xinely: bakanely -w-
16:21 P A N: ahh no ><
16:21 Xinely: normal done
16:22 P A N: ok
16:23 Xinely: hard, irc with you or with Guest diff mapper?
16:23 P A N: me
16:23 Xinely: ok
16:24 P A N: the own mapper nearly to quit osu >_>
16:24 Xinely: 00:00:822 (2) - NC this for consistency
16:24 Xinely: Q_Q
16:24 P A N: k nc
16:25 Xinely: 00:06:322 - remove finish?
16:25 P A N: ok
16:27 Xinely: 00:12:822 - i really suggest for add slider from here until 00:13:022 -
16:27 Xinely: feels empty
16:28 P A N: and swap nc with 00:13:222 - ? 0.0
16:29 Xinely: yap
16:33 Xinely: 00:20:222 (1) - ctrl+h and put in 248,112
16:33 Xinely: so far after spin suddenly in that
16:33 Xinely: make insta miss ~
16:34 Xinely: 00:25:022 (5) - add note in 116,184.. feel empty
16:36 Xinely: 00:53:222 (4) - ctrl+H
16:37 P A N: 00:25:022 - nah is this ok
16:37 Xinely: 00:56:822 (1) - finish
16:37 Xinely: okay ~
16:40 Xinely: 01:04:422 (3) - personally, i want to add jump in here with ctrl+G
16:40 P A N: ok ctrl g done
16:41 Xinely: 01:09:222 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - btw why spacing suddenly different (1,00x) in here?
16:41 Xinely: i don't think it's fit
16:41 Xinely: i prefer still with normal spacing 1,1x
16:42 P A N: oh... god
16:42 Xinely: 01:17:622 - finish ~
16:42 Xinely: fix that spacing ~ it's awkward
16:43 Xinely: and last 01:27:222 (4) - NC for consistency
16:43 P A N: ok, maybe when u mod Insane
16:43 P A N: I will fix hard's spacing? D:
16:44 Xinely: fix that first
16:44 Xinely: i will wait (:
16:44 P A N: oh thank you
16:44 Xinely: yw (:
16:46 Xinely: tell me when done in hard ~
16:46 P A N: ok ><
16:48 P A N: meh what do think about this jump
16:48 P A N: is it to hard for hard?
16:48 Xinely: it's okay imo
16:48 P A N: ok then
16:49 Xinely: eh submit?
16:50 P A N: submit hard D:
16:50 P A N: or no
16:50 P A N: I cancle it now
16:50 Xinely: omg lol
16:50 Xinely: i didn't finish mod
16:50 Xinely: insane now?
16:50 P A N: ok I cancle it
16:50 P A N: lol
16:50 P A N: sure
16:50 Xinely: insane
16:50 Xinely: 00:01:422 (2) - ctrl+G this, deathly 1/4 jump Q_Q
16:51 P A N: haha
16:51 P A N: ok done
16:52 Xinely: 00:14:622 (4) - deathly 1/4 jump too Q_Q
16:52 P A N: A_A
16:53 Xinely: 00:26:222 (1,3) - swap NC please
16:53 Xinely: ~
16:54 Xinely: 00:28:822 (1) - remove NC
16:55 Xinely: 00:32:222 - maybe add note here
16:56 Xinely: 00:36:022 (1) - ctrl+G better flow imo
16:56 Xinely: 00:42:422 (1) - ctrl+H~
16:57 Xinely: 00:58:422 (5) - NC for consistency ~
16:58 Xinely: 01:14:422 (5) - same as above
16:58 Xinely: 01:17:222 (3) - i think prefer ctrl+G
16:59 Xinely: 01:27:422 (4) - oh lol 1 grid left
16:59 Xinely: eh? i mean right Q_Q
17:00 P A N: lol
17:00 Xinely: 01:28:622 (4) - 1 grid left
17:00 Xinely: done it
จิ๊บไปหลับเดี๋ยวมาคงดูให้แหละ lol ดิฟหอยกาบ Clam ASP's HARDP A N wrote:
All fixed, thanks so much frostmourne ><
อื้อCrystilonZ wrote:
จะได้ฟองแล้ว O_O ดีใจด้วยล่วงหน้า
ALLFIXEDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!Kawayi Rika wrote:
Finished mod ~!
Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions[AsprikaQ's Hard]
- 00:39:022 (6) - The spacing a bit suddenly,move to X:392 Y:384,it's followed 1.5 distance. fixed
- 00:56:822 (1,2,3,4) - Missing symmetrical,please use this code. fixed
132,192,58022,1,0,0:0:0:0:- 01:26:822 (3) - Add new combo and Remove new combo 01:27:222 (1).
- 00:08:422 (3) - Move 1 gird right,symmetrical 00:07:222 (1) - . fixed
- 00:47:622 - You are forgot add clap to here. fixed
- 01:08:022 (3) - How about move to X:24 Y:192,flow much better. fixed
- 01:25:622 (2) - Add new combo and Remove new combo 01:25:022 (1).
- 01:09:222 (4,2) - Move 1 gird left,symmetrical 01:07:622 (2) - .
Call me back ~