
Wiklund - Wing Beats

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 29 april 2009 at 00:13:26

Artist: Wiklund
Title: Wing Beats
Tags: chip chiptune 8bit wiklund wing beats v0xtrot
BPM: 173
Filesize: 8849kb
Play Time: 02:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. CheZDa's Normal (4,52 stars, 189 notes)
  2. Easy (3,78 stars, 131 notes)
  3. Hard (5 stars, 376 notes)
Download: Wiklund - Wing Beats
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A WIP by me. Timing-check and suggestions are very welcome. I'm going to edit combos/placement later, don't worry.
^ old shit, moved to pending and ready to fight for rank. :P

EDIT1: Removed the 4 spinners at the start, inserted break instead. Edited temporary combos and hitcircle placement so people could start playing the map. Still working on it though.

EDIT2: Came further on the map, changed some placement, changed some more combos, etc. Also updated with a spinner (I heard you must have at least one to get ranked.)

EDIT3: Made the current diff [Hard] and added tags.

EDIT4: Steadied the BPM from .02 to .00 - I should stop following blindly after BPM analyzers. :P


EDIT5: Came a bit further on hard, uploaded for consult.
EDIT5B: Came further again, wanted to upload for more input.
EDIT5C: Came even further.


EDIT6: "Finished" [Hard], still haven't looked through minor things as spacing and stuff yet. Making easier diffs now.
EDIT7: Got a new offset from Hikato, going with this at the moment. Also switched name to just [Hard]. Put a slider there 4 requirement as well.
EDIT8: Updated the hitsounds a bit, might tone them down even more -> Added CheZDa's difficulty (thanks bro :D) and also changed some things he mentioned in IRC. Changed the drain, still experimenting a bit with difficulty. Comments on this subject please. ;o



EDIT9: Made it a bit easier by stacking all the dududun hitcircles, instead of putting them in lines (I don't know the techincal stuff, but you know, red tick-blue tick-white tick, for example. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!). Also fixed some shit that looked odd.


EDIT10: Tried to fix what Skyripper mentioned, which triggered some placement nazi in me. I tried to get it as consistent as I could. Also changed the combos. should be right now. Also edited Chez' diff ;oo

EDIT11: Fixed Skyrippers second mod. ;o


EDIT12: Fixed some faulty hitsounds and bumped. :o


EDIT13: Made an Easy difficulty.


EDIT14: Fixed what Tapdancingmetroid mentioned. Most of it. Read more in the thread.
EDIT14B: Moar. Also fixed one tedious hitsound in Hard that bothered me.


EDIT15: Fixed a misplaced note Vytabilus pointed out.
EDIT16: Fucked around with difficulty.
Eh not sure about the offset, but the timing seems to go like this:

BPM: 173
Offset: 2,805

Also, just one quick issue.

01:04:19 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - if you could change this and make it more readable, that would be great. As it stands its a bit weird, especially on the first set of 3
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I changed the BPM from .02 to .00, sounds better. Anway, I fixed the area you mentioned, but I'm going to wait with confirmation on the offset. Thanks! :) Kudos.
I say Offset 3.165. I SS'd the start of the map with that Offset.

Otherwise, neat.
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That offset sounds consistent enough, Larto. Used and kudos'd ;o
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Wow. 2 BAT stars... Orz.

Good Luck
Offset: 2,818 ^o^ Sounds fine with that.

Nice map. :)
Timing seems right.
There aren't any beats off right now.

Only thing I can say is that you make more combos as the ones you have are way too long at some places:
01:16:34 (5) - Make a new combo here
01:22:41 (13) - ^
01:39:92 (8) - ^
01:42:70 (8) - ^
01:45:47 (8) - ^

You get the idea.
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I'll check the combos and stuff later. First priority for me will probably be fixing the hitsounds. Gotta tone down on the whistle bro. Also thanks all, for your helpful posts and comments and etc etc.
Here's the normal... You better give me kudosu for all the irc modding I did, like the spinner and whatnot. :roll:

Download: Wiklund - Wing Beats (v0xtrot) [CheZDa's Normal].osu
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Yeah, you helped me out alot! :D Thanks, also thanks for the difficulty. Moving to pending now, don't think I'm going to make an easy.
nice map... kinda makes my head spin (too much 8bit for me?!?)... but a nice map anyway
i was in trance when i heard this first time..
Map is good stuff and fun to play :)
liked chezda's normal too ^^
1 more overall difficulty, 1 more hp drain rate

00:27:44 (9) - this is a little far from the slider, check spacing
00:50:33 (2,3) - both of these 1 grid down in grid level 3
00:51:02 (5) - two grids up
00:53:45 (4) - this 4 isn't spaced properly (way too far from 3). I suggest bringing it the appropriate distance from 3 and then moving up the end anchor point up so spacing is matched on the 1 in the next combo
00:55:18 (4) - one grid left
01:08:36 (2) - 2 grids left, 1 grid up
01:22:93 (15) - remove this
01:23:10 - add note here (new combo)
01:25:70 (8) - move this to 01:25:88

Normal is perfect. Hard just needs a little more work. Make my changes and see about optimizing your combo colors. Make sure you change combo colors whenever you have a jump (none in this, just saying) and when the music is changes or advances. I notice you have several combos that start sort of random-like.

FYI: your map was fun and I appreciate that ;)

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:21:37 (8) - new combo
00:27:09 (8) - bottom anchor point 1 grid right (grid level 3)
00:32:47 (8) - new combo
00:41:83 (6) - new combo
00:44:95 (7) - new combo
00:50:33 (2) - 1 grid left, 1 grid up
00:56:92 (11) - new combo
00:57:78 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:65 (4) - new combo
01:02:64 (12) - new combo
01:09:40 (7) - new combo
01:14:95 (14) - new combo
01:39:23 (1) - new combo
01:39:92 (1) - new combo
01:40:62 (6) - new combo
01:42:00 (5) - new combo
01:43:39 (12) - new combo
01:44:78 (5) - new combo
01:46:17 (11) - new combo
01:47:55 (5) - new combo
01:48:94 (12) - new combo
01:50:50 (5) - new combo
01:55:18 (7) - new combo
01:55:36 (1) - remove new combo
01:56:05 (4) - new combo

sorry to nazi this. some of these are to simply improve the look of the song. most of them are combos that were too long or weren't quite with the song
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Done ^
Bubbled. Preview point could be placed somewhere better, though.
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You'll probably think I'm retarded but, how do I set prev points? ;o
In editor, select the Timing dropdown menu. It's right at the bottom, make sure you're on the spot you want to set as preview.
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Did it already ;o
Spacing and stuff is fine, but it's really not very easy. Try avoiding things that might be confusing to a beginner player, such as sliders on top of other sliders (00:45:823) and making some of the rhythms a bit more intuitive.
Fine. :3
The first combo is a bit long. Make it two separate combos.
Popping the bubble until things are fixed.
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Mm, fixed the thing on hard (only combo during the intro I forgot to split), also the overlapping sliders. But I don't want to change easy's melody. I tried making it something different, instead of the classic "put notes on white snaps, follow rhythm"-map you can put on any song. I hope it'll get ranked anyway! Gave kudos and updated map.
I have no problems with different and interesting rhythms, even on easy difficulties, but there are a few bits that are kind of confusing. For example, the beat at 00:49:985 would make more sense moved half a beat back (onto the red line). Also the Jump at 1:16:864 is fairly confusing, since most beginners will likely try hitting those beats with the same timing as the notes in the previous combo. You may want to consider moving the first two notes in this combo a bit farther away from the last note in the earlier combo.
Having said that, I'm still very fond of the map and the neat rhythms it provides, but you still have to keep in mind that it is an easy difficulty.
I'm keeping this starred until the previously mentioned stuff is fixed or at least discussed.
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Nah, I tried my best fixing what you said. I fixed some of the jumps that I had forgot to correct. Moar kudos.
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vytalibus wrote:

@ Tapdancingmetroid: I've had some discussions with v0xtrot about Easy, and I've made some changes as well. Honestly, I think Easy was never "too hard for beginners", so I'm a bit puzzled as to what you saw that made you pop the bubble.

Easy is now a bit easier nonetheless. I don't know about you, but I consider it readable by beginners at least.
I felt that some of the parts had some weird rhythms that would probably be confusing to newer players. It probably could have been passed given the low drain rate and whatnot, but I still felt that the rhythms were a bit strange for an easy difficulty.
Anyway that stuff is fine now, so I'll rank this. :D
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