Queue State: CLOSED - Autoclose within 3 pending requests (3/3)
Request you map here: https://osumod.herokuapp.com/Arach/request
Check the requests' status here: https://osumod.herokuapp.com/Arach/
Write something in this post when you have requested, this helps keeping the forum up when open
Hi everyone! Since I got a little more experienced and my previous queue was made 3 years ago, I decided to open a freshhhh new one, so here you are!
• Rule number 1: read the rules - I'll reject everyone who doesnt read what I wrote from now on (and before too)• I mod only in English. I can give explanations also in Italian but only in PM since I want everyone to be capable to understand what I modded.
• Only Taiko beatmaps or hybrid sets that contain Taiko diffs
• I don't have particular preferences about genres but it's really difficult that I will accept Hatsune Miku's songs because she really crashes my eardrums. P.S.: it doesn't mean that I will accept everything else, I have personal tastes too but they are not related to specific genres, it depends on the song, so feel free to try (but I might be a little more picky when I dont have so much time to mod)
• Be sure your mapset is in a PENDING STATE, I do not accept WIP or graveyarded mapsets, I can testplay them and give some tips, but for that you can write me in PM.
• If your mapset is for rank, be sure to have checked Taiko Ranking Criterias in this wiki before requesting
• you mod first and if your mod is a lazy mod (= without explanations/reasons), I can consider not doing my modding turn• Wait for the "Accepted" status before start modding (you will also recive a PM from me if I accept your M4M)
• I will mod only after I replied to your mod
• If you do not mod my map in a long time (starting from when I accept your req), I'll drop the request
My maps available to be modded:
- No one at the time
• No particular rule comes to my mind in this momentOTHER INFORMATIONS
• If you have to tell me something (whatever you want) PM me (I do not bite, trust me)• Your request has more possibilities to be accepted if you provide a very tiny description of your map to promote it in Mapper's comment (I don't really like "hi NM thx", I mean, you can put a little bit of effort to ask for a mod, especially if it's a NM)
• golden rule - ALWAYS BE KIND - If you are kind, people will be kind to you
• golden rule - SMILE - and have a nice day! o/