
Single tap or Alternating?

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Try single tapping on one finger, switching to the other when your finger gets tired. also, try not to press so hard and relax your fingers. Many times i get tired because i'm tapping too hard / my muscles are too tense.
Honestly, I think choosing to alternate on BPMs you can't singletap is like really lame.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I decided for myself that alternating because of too high speed would be equal to giving up.

Zarerion wrote:

Honestly, I think choosing to alternate on BPMs you can't singletap is like really lame.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I decided for myself that alternating because of too high speed would be equal to giving up.
Ok. Play Cider with singletap.
Kanye West

Zarerion wrote:

Honestly, I think choosing to alternate on BPMs you can't singletap is like really lame.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I decided for myself that alternating because of too high speed would be equal to giving up.

why does it matter as long as you're hitting the circles
I thought all the pros alternated, like, no matter what kind of patterns they played ;_;

meh, I'm having troubles alternating between singletapping and alternating, so I'll just stick to alternating

Aqo wrote:

Zarerion wrote:

Honestly, I think choosing to alternate on BPMs you can't singletap is like really lame.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I decided for myself that alternating because of too high speed would be equal to giving up.
Ok. Play Cider with singletap.
That's exactly what I'm practicing.

Kanye West wrote:

why does it matter as long as you're hitting the circles
Alternating simply doesn't satisfy me. It feels like I'm cheating. Dunno why.
It is all opinion really. I come from a background in rudimental drumming background, and alternating seems best for me (it is what the rhythms "feel like" in my mind). I will double tap stacked notes however, as I interpret them as doubles (diddles), also, some patterns seem like they should be played like certain rudiments (paradiddles for example). I think to someone without much drumming background, it would be much easier to play eighth note streams and jumps as single taps because you don't have to do any extra mental processing to figure out what finger you will wind up on ect. Also, I have noticed that mechanically, my streams were not even naturally (my middle finger actuates too soon). So I had to adjust that. If you single tap, you don't have to adjust as much.

That being said, I have been fooling around with single tapping things, It seems stressful to me, but perhaps better on jumps.

TL;DR -It is all opinion really. Alternating and rudimental play makes sense to me, but might be easier to learn single tapping from scratch.
I personally suggest you single tap. I single tap myself because I find alternating so much of a challenge, though it's more accurate. Single tapping can get you exhausted & will probably mess up your fingers but that's just coming from personal experiences. I think alternating is better if you're not that great at single tapping & single tapping is better if you're a fast player overall.

Also, Cider is very good for single tapping warm up (or at least I think so). Challenging but it's worth it. single tapping > alternating, imo.
Single tap... When you can single tap 320 bpm and everyone is all like "AMG DAT IS IMPUZIBLE" it's pretty funny.

Aqo wrote:

Ok. Play Cider with singletap.
I already have...

And this was a not even warmed up attempt with the BG lewl...
alternating > all

Zarerion wrote:

don't use this word when Aqo is around.

also this


(i play single, alternate, m/o, 4k, 3k, M1-K2 in consistent change to however i feel the song is going xP)

Aqo wrote:

Zarerion wrote:

Honestly, I think choosing to alternate on BPMs you can't singletap is like really lame.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I decided for myself that alternating because of too high speed would be equal to giving up.
Ok. Play Cider with singletap.
145 bpm 1/4s are fast, but it's not that hard to achieve if you practice single tapping speed.
I love 2013.

There are no longer "140bpm streams"
There is only "280bpm jumps"

Aqo wrote:

I love 2013.

There are no longer "140bpm streams"
There is only "280bpm jumps"
Well, yes. The players improve. And they will do that forever. Stuff that seemed impossible a few years ago is now child's play for the pros.
Which is why we should start to change our mapping as well. Pro's are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit, they need new challenges.

Zarerion wrote:

Pros are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit
You don't need to be pro to play DT Wahrheit it's easy :v
Kanye West

Aqo wrote:

Zarerion wrote:

Pros are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit
You don't need to be pro to play DT Wahrheit it's easy :v
if it's so easy, then why haven't you FC'd
well literally speaking, just playing DT Wahreit is something anyone can do. Just apply DT mod, start beatmap and well... good luck from there!

Aqo wrote:

Zarerion wrote:

Pros are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit
You don't need to be pro to play DT Wahrheit it's easy :v
Don't act stupid. Something that has only been FC'd by one person (and that person being Cookiezi) is not "easy".
You know that, and you do not need to start another discussion about that now.

kriers wrote:

well literally speaking, just playing DT Wahreit is something anyone can do. Just apply DT mod, start beatmap and well... good luck from there!
Forgot that no fail mod too

Zarerion wrote:

Aqo wrote:

You don't need to be pro to play DT Wahrheit it's easy :v
Don't act stupid. Something that has only been FC'd by one person (and that person being Cookiezi) is not "easy".
What I meant is that you're not bringing up a good example. There are harder maps that people play now. WahrheitDT is relatively easy compared to many other things "bored pros" play now.
I actually Singletap with jumps. and Sometimes in triple notes. My fingers dont cope up well with streams. XD

Zarerion wrote:

Which is why we should start to change our mapping as well. Pro's are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit, they need new challenges.
Wait. Wait what? If Wahrheit DT is too boringly easy, then the next step would be DTing a map harder than Wahrheit.

Purple wrote:

Zarerion wrote:

Which is why we should start to change our mapping as well. Pro's are getting bored lately, so they DT Maps like Wahrheit, they need new challenges.
Wait. Wait what? If Wahrheit DT is too boringly easy, then the next step would be DTing a map harder than Wahrheit.
Inb4 FREEDOM DIVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] with DT. (333.33 BPM streams~ /me whistles)

Winshley wrote:

Inb4 FREEDOM DIVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] with DT. (333.33 BPM streams~ /me whistles)
Tkiller singletapped [Another], so sounds reasonable to me!
Alternating is useful if certain beatmaps have hitcircles under spinners and mainly for streaming
I am only lvl85 noob noob but I hope this will help u cuz I always swap between single tapping and alternating
I dunno why I swap all the time but doing this made me see the pros and cons of both ways of playing
single tap gives me better accuracy in slower songs but I find it difficult to stream fast 3s when I need to go zxz zxz zxz and then into streaming zxzxzxz right away
alternating lets me survive longer on maps like 0108maps, but most of the time when I play slower songs I get rubbish accuracy using two fingers;;;
I know silvia has OP accuracy alternating, but I dunno... I just get bad accuracy whenever there is a bpm change in a song...T_T

Osama wrote:

CXu wrote:

Nah, jumps are easier with singletapping, lol.

^nuff said
I tried both and single tap is REALLY easier to do crazy high bpm jumps accurately or even without missing.
Too much practicing and grinding to be able to alternate with anywhere near the same accuracy and consistency as in single tap. That is a fact, face it bitches.
nope lel
I have chosen the route of single tapping over alternating, but I see some advantages of alternating. Single tapping over 285 bpm is really fking hard. That is about my physical max for single tap. But some maps, I can do the pen just fine, and they still don't seem too fast. Then I see someone DT it finally, and they are alternating. I think this will be my next challenge for learning new osu! skills. I don't think there is one "best" way to play the game, but certain situations call for certain playstyles I believe. I am convinced that after a year of playing this, you have to be somewhat flexible in your play. If I could give you advice, it would be to learn as many thing as you can and do whatever works best for the goal you are trying to accomplish.

Hope this helps!
I've been trying to practice double tapping alternating past few weeks because I got into a habit of single tapping and it sucks..
but i'm getting nowhere :D Any tips?
Dou you really mean double tapping and not alternating?
yeah alternating. thats what i mean
An obvious advice I could give you: change your current singletap finger and play everything until it become as good as the main one. Then change back. Keep changing singletap fingers gradually reducing time for each finger till you can change them on every note.
Warning: constant alternating increases your singletap speed (therefore streaming speed as well) much slower than taping with one finger would.
Practice single tap for both fingers
This way both your fingers become stronger and you will do better when alternating all time~_~
I get confused when I finish streaming with x button and need to hit a triplet starting with z button, so i practice single tap more often with middle finger.
this also helped me improve accuracy for alternating
[haha thanks for the edit]
Your tips helped me already! I was literally surprised at the accuracy increase when I was alternating

enik wrote:

Warning: constant alternating increases your singletap speed (therefore streaming speed as well) much slower than taping with one finger would.
Streaming involves two fingers, though. If only one of them can hit quickly, you're not going to be able to stream very well at all.

I actually noticed myself getting better at alternating as I got better at streaming lower BPMs.
Or you could kust use SilviA's method, always alt on everything.

Knickerus wrote:

enik wrote:

Warning: constant alternating increases your singletap speed (therefore streaming speed as well) much slower than taping with one finger would.
Streaming involves two fingers, though. If only one of them can hit quickly, you're not going to be able to stream very well at all.

I actually noticed myself getting better at alternating as I got better at streaming lower BPMs.
I think alternating just makes you too lazy for streams because you have to speed up x2 times both fingers. So you actually increase max fingers speed only on those streams but not regular 1/2 (as it would be in a case of singletapping), except if those 1/2 are very high bpm. And I'm pretty sure hitting quickly with one finger means you can hit almost as quickly with the other one since singletaping (not vibrating) 1/2 means you're able to stream 1/4 same bpm.

enik wrote:

And I'm pretty sure hitting quickly with one finger means you can hit almost as quickly with the other one since singletaping (not vibrating) 1/2 means you're able to stream 1/4 same bpm.
Does that mean that you single tap using your whole hand/arm?

I usually keep my hand relatively stationary when playing. I may just be doing it wrong, though.
you move differently to single tap as opposed to alternating

your 1/4 stream speed is no way equal to your 1/2 single tap speed, or even close
At least it's fair for me (i suck at singletap tho) and cookiezi (he said big money 1/2 is around his limits, but he can stream some 180+ bpm insanes dt).
this were discussed in this topic too. t/118324

who thinks I should merge.
those 1/2s are for a longer period of time though, the 180 bpm dt insanes he does only contains burst of streams that a lot of people can do

also merge would be good since they're basically the same topic
I single tap usually, but I obviously alternate for streams.
I alternate on everything and I have no problem streaming high BPM, learn to alternate everything and you'll never get tired on 300+ bpm 1/2.
i alternate all the time, but sometimes i use singletap if i see that alternating gives me bad accuracy.
I single tap everything, unless I really like a song that is too fast to single tap.

Single tapping does not increase your alternating speed
Alternating does not increase your single tapping speed

You single tap with either your wrist, or even better, your arm.
You alternate with your fingers

Otherwise you're doing it wrong in a way where you never get really good at it.

Jordan wrote:

I alternate on everything and I have no problem streaming high BPM, learn to alternate everything and you'll never get tired on 300+ bpm 1/2.
True, unless you're really going to dedicate to single tapping, you should alternate "everything". I can single tap 300bpm 1/2's, but it gets tiring after 15 minutes, even after playing similar games for years. Alternating is always better.
Kanye West
What's wrong with single tapping with your finger? I don't think you can say that some way that you/the majority of players don't use is the wrong way to do something.

Unless you're actually trolling, in which case you can ignore everything I just said.

Kanye West wrote:

What's wrong with single tapping with your finger? I don't think you can say that some way that you/the majority of players don't use is the wrong way to do something.

Unless you're actually trolling, in which case you can ignore everything I just said.
Corrected to what I originally meant.
Kanye West
So now you're saying it's impossible to get good at finger singletapping

You can be good even if you single tap with a finger, but you'll never compare against people who practice as much as you, but use better methods. Honestly, do you think track pad players can ever be better than tablet players?

Kanye West wrote:

Unless you're actually trolling, in which case you can ignore everything I just said.

BRBP wrote:

Honestly, do you think track pad players can ever be better than tablet players?
When trackpads catch up to tablets in quality. (Just wait a few years)

EDIT: To stay on topic.

I alternate, but sometimes tap twice on one finger. (Maybe my hand is dumb.) It's comfortable for me and after years of plays guitar/bass/rhythm games my fingers are already pretty durable. I can stream at about 210-220 when warmed up, a little bit faster when the streams are only in short burst. Idk if that is even a good speed for osu! play but w/e.

BRBP wrote:

You can be good even if you single tap with a finger, but you'll never compare against people who practice as much as you, but use better methods.
If you can't learn to single tap fast with your finger quickly doesn't mean it goes the same for everybody. I find single tapping with the arm and wrist very tiring and I can actually single tap faster using my finger rather than my arm/wrist.

enquire wrote:

I find single tapping with the arm and wrist very tiring and I can actually single tap faster using my finger rather than my arm/wrist.

BRBP says you can't do that. You're obviously just getting your second wind when you switch over.
There's something wrong with your quote, knick...

Enquire, you can of course single tap faster with your finger, but that's just lack of practice. Doesn't really matter if you aren't ever going to even try to single tap something like mendes, but after that "finger players" are out of discussion.

enquire wrote:

If you can't learn to single tap fast with your finger quickly
You replied "150 (very inaccurately)" to my thread about how fast you can single tap...
why would you want to singletap mendes anyway?

silmarilen wrote:

why would you want to singletap mendes anyway?

silmarilen wrote:

why would you want to singletap mendes anyway?
it always feels better alternating 1/4

BRBP wrote:

There's something wrong with your quote, knick...

Enquire, you can of course single tap faster with your finger, but that's just lack of practice. Doesn't really matter if you aren't ever going to even try to single tap something like mendes, but after that "finger players" are out of discussion.

enquire wrote:

If you can't learn to single tap fast with your finger quickly
You replied "150 (very inaccurately)" to my thread about how fast you can single tap...
I did say I can single tap 150 inaccurately, but what is really the point in practicing to single tap streams that fast? You are merely wasting time practicing something that is easier done alternating.
Miracle Lotus
I prefer singletapping over alternating.

Aqo wrote:

you got it all wrong

alternating = jumps is easier
alternating = you gonna suck at streams forever

don't alternate. jumps take no skill anyway. if you ever want to get anywhere in this game you have to only singletap all the time.

help, im really confuse right now, i dont really know what im gonna use, singletap or alternate ?... i started with the alternate with arm/wrist everything, because i think thats the best accurate for me but when i watch some replays, they use singletap and somtimes alternate when 1/3.... and i want to improve more, and i dont understand what jumps or streams your talking about.... xD.. sorry for my poor english -_-
Kanye West
Use whatever you're most comfortable with and don't listen to Aqo.

Honestly that's the answer to 75% of the questions on here.
i see, i just gonna stick with my method, thanks men..
Im alting but now im trying single tap after reading this thread.. hope it helps me improve ! :)
i freestyle, switching between both while playing. although i am a lot better at singletapping.

i find that a hybrid method of freestyling them both works best
I'm not sure which category im at yet...

I've tried singletapping instead of alting but in the end it became a mix or both and the problem with that is while im playing...
I cant decide to alt or singletap and screw up LOL
but then after a while maybe i'll get used to it..

I alt when its just a few sliders and notes
then singletap when the fast stuff comes out

but im not really sure which one to go for lolol
I singletap 90% of the time, and alternate during streams, triples, fast series of sliders, and general cf's which I can't even honestly play (see Scarlet Rose for the first 10 seconds).

mouse/kb users obligatory alt everything
Alternating seems so much easier to me, I feel it can be a little less accurate at times but if you just practice you can get over that obstacle.
I find alternating slightly more challenging to keep on beat, but it has more potential in streaming harder maps. I am very used to alternating and doing it for all my plays. It all comes down to each person's opinion.
alternating > single tapping
singletapping increases your stamina

CJHSparta wrote:

I find alternating slightly more challenging to keep on beat, but it has more potential in streaming harder maps. I am very used to alternating and doing it for all my plays. It all comes down to each person's opinion.

usa wrote:

Vuelo Eluko
i singletap to the point where ill watch the top 50 scoreboards on maps that are using no mod/hd/hdhr and people there will be alternating the parts i can singletap without any mess-ups... meh.
I prefer single-tapping, but if I can't singletap I alternate
I single tapped for AGES until recently I tried switching to alternating. Now I'm a full on alternator. To be honest it doesn't matter what playstyle you use as long as its comfortable for you.
i feel like alternating is better on like 190bpm and lower but above i think on some parts especially 220 or higher bpm streams you will be bad just my opinion tho
but i cant have that in the internet can't it?

usa wrote:


buny wrote:

as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us

winber1 wrote:

buny wrote:

as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us
i'll be sure to use that quote in my next running for president
Actually, here's something everyone forgot. I'm an alternating tapper and I have had no problem at all.
Single Tapping usually gets tiring because you are using one finger most of the time and all the pain will go to the one finger, you barely get to use the second
finger (except for streams and stacked notes).
In my opinion, alternating is better because you spread the pain to both fingers, as well as you can save stamina; however, one problem to this is getting your
fingers twisted up. To me, it depends on what finger you start on.

Angellect wrote:

Actually, here's something everyone forgot. I'm an alternating tapper and I have had no problem at all.
Single Tapping usually gets tiring because you are using one finger most of the time and all the pain will go to the one finger, you barely get to use the second
finger (except for streams and stacked notes).
In my opinion, alternating is better because you spread the pain to both fingers, as well as you can save stamina; however, one problem to this is getting your
fingers twisted up. To me, it depends on what finger you start on.
You get much less pain, if any, by tapping lightly.

buny wrote:

as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us
I tap with my butt by twerking.
single tap cause it makes you feel alpha!! anyways do whatever you feel comfortable.

loldcraft wrote:

Try single tapping on one finger, switching to the other when your finger gets tired. also, try not to press so hard and relax your fingers. Many times i get tired because i'm tapping too hard / my muscles are too tense.
I know this is an old tip but this actually works. Like even singletapping 8 notes per finger helps regenerate your stamina for the odd occasions where you need really fast singletaps; if you want to pursue singletapping in fast songs but only have stamina <200, singletap in groups.
E m i
fingers don't work like that

winber1 wrote:

buny wrote:

as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us
i'll be sure to use that quote in my next running for president
E m i

buny wrote:

winber1 wrote:

as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us
i'll be sure to use that quote in my next running for president
me too
noot noot
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