Eveyone put an image, and I want to be popular so I made this.
Well I open this queue, because why not, I am really noob at this so please, if you are a great mapper, don't expect too much.
- I will acept any song, if I don't lilke the song I will try, but don't expect too much, if I hate the song I'll let you know and give you a ticket for another try.
- For now only TV-Size maps (No more than 2m drain), in the future I will acept even marathon, but not now.
- No more than 4 diff, I will not mod Taiko CTB or Mania, sorry, maybe in the future.
- If you read all of this s*** please rate the previous post's signature with 1-5 (when 1 is really bad, and 5 is perfect).
- If you don't I will skip you without any advice.
M4M is https://osu.ppy.sh/s/334025
If I don't mod your map within 1 days after you modded mine, SEND ME A FORUM PM.
Two mods, only one map per person, any, only TV size for now.