
Ichiko - Magic of Love

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 4:38:27 PM

Artist: Ichiko
Title: Magic of Love
Source: Maburaho
Tags: Ichiko magic of love maburaho
BPM: 152
Filesize: 11668kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Kazuki (animask's Easy) (3.19 stars, 110 notes)
  2. Kuriko (Hard) (4.74 stars, 218 notes)
  3. Maiho (DJPop) (4.98 stars, 255 notes)
  4. Yuna (Normal) (4.23 stars, 174 notes)
Download: Ichiko - Magic of Love
Download: Ichiko - Magic of Love (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Fixed all nice and good!

This map is NOT easy D=

00:13:045 - (3)
00:15:609 - (6)~(7)
00:19:554 - (6)~(1)
00:32:177 - (8)~(1)
00:40:067 - (6)
00:42:237 - (8)~(1)
00:58:805 - (3)~(1)
01:06:694 - (2)~(4)
Wrong spacing.

00:14:820 - (6)
00:29:613 - (5)
00:33:558 - (6)
00:52:887 - (5)
01:09:456 - (6)
Add new combo.

01:25:826 - (S)
Spinner's starting point mustn't overlap the previous note.


00:20:935 - (2)~(4)
01:01:566 - (4)~(1)
01:07:878 - (8)~(1)
01:11:033 - (11)~(1)
01:18:923 - (4)~(1)
Wrong spacing.

00:23:893 - (6)
01:06:497 - (5)
01:09:456 - (7)
01:15:767 - (6)
01:22:079 - (6)
Add new combo.

01:25:826 - (S)
Spinner's starting point mustn't overlap the previous note.


00:20:935 - (3)~(4)
00:39:673 - (4)~(5)
Wrong spacing.

00:35:925 - (8)
00:54:465 - (9)
Add new combo.

01:25:826 - (S)
Spinner's starting point mustn't overlap the previous note.

AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 3381

Tags:anime magic of love ichiko maburaho
Modded on IRC.
00:03:36 (3) - New combo.
00:05:73 (2,3) - Move these further away from 00:06:51 (1,2).
00:06:51 (1,2) - Have these go up instead of down.
00:16:78 (1) - Bad spinner! Replace with a hit circle at 00:18:36 (end of current spinner).
00:34:94 (1) - Nudge this to the left.
00:37:11 (7) - Not sure why a 3x repeating slider is here. Maybe a 2x repeating, each segment being longer?
00:41:05 (4,5,6,7,8) - Move these to the left so (4) is diagonal to (3).
00:42:24 (1,2) - Delete.
00:54:67 (1) - Bad slider.
01:03:36 (6) - Add this to the right of (5).
01:03:55 (7n) - Nudge this to the left. Thus, (5, 6, 7, 8) overlap and progress to the right.
01:08:88 (3,4,5) - Move these down?
01:15:20 (4,5,6,7,8) - Great opportunity for a buncha 1/2's here. Apparently you don't want that. =]
01:25:86 (6) - Unstack by moving down and right.
01:25:96 (1) - End at 01:27:63 (and kill the hit sound (silence using timing points).

Many of your sliders are too long (by 1/2) and should be split up into a shorter slider and a hit circle. I'm sure it's just style, but it bugs me.
00:03:75 (5)
00:06:91 (4)
00:10:07 (4)
00:11:65 (2)
00:13:23 (4)
00:14:80 (1)
00:15:99 (4)
00:45:00 (6) - Add an extra hit circle 1/2 after the added one.
00:47:37 (4)
00:48:16 (6)
00:57:44 (3) - Would help the visibility of (4), too.
01:03:75 (8)
01:05:33 (2)
01:06:91 (4)
01:10:07 (4)

Blah! Hard has this. Okay. >_>

00:11:45 (3) - Looks slightly off in position. A tad to the right, maybe?
00:13:03 (7) - Looks slightly off in position. A tad to the left, maybe?
00:14:41 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I like your use of Finishes here. =]
00:16:58 (1) - Bad spinner. Same suggestion as in Easy.
00:27:63 (1) - Kill first segment/repeat.
00:54:67 (1) - Bad spinner.
01:00:00 (4) - Eh?
01:03:36 (7) - Another hit circle here, between (7) and (9n).
01:14:21 (4) - Too close to 01:13:23 (3). Move down.
01:22:30 (7) - Another hit circle here, between (7) and (9n) and over the end of 01:22:70 (10n).
01:25:96 (1) - Same suggestion as in Easy.

00:02:35 (9,10) - New combo.
00:11:03 (5) - Move closer to 00:11:23 (1).
00:16:58 (1) - Bad spinner. Same suggestion as in Easy.
00:27:41 (6,1) - Eh? Make this the same as in Normal.
00:29:19 (4) - New combo.
00:34:91 (5) - Delete, maybe?
01:03:33 (7,8,9) - Spread out, like in 00:58:40 (4,5,6).
01:15:57 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - IMO these should be closer together. (12) should probably be unstacked from (11).
01:26:03 (1) - Same suggestion as in Easy.

Kiai mode doesn't work here. You're taking up more that a third of the song with it! Combined with the video, I can hardly play on Insane (which would otherwise be fine with me, really).

Loving the colours, by the way. =]
Modding again. =] I like this map. =X

00:02:37 (1,2) - I dislike the placement of these. Maybe towards the middle, going left to the next combo?
00:13:03 (3) - Needs to be closer to (4). Maybe move the end of (2) over to the right?
00:15:59 (2,3,4,5) - Move these down so the end of (1) touches (2).
00:18:36 (1) - Unstack with (2). Continue the wave up.
00:19:74 (1) - Don't align this with 00:19:54 (7); it's confusing.
00:58:82 (4) - Hidden under (3). Move 00:58:82 (4,1,2,3) to the right a bit?
01:05:33 (2) - Straiten out the last segment so it's parallel to the first segment of (4).
01:06:91 (4) - Make the first segment longer and the second segment shorter so that 01:08:29 (1,2) are aligned below 01:08:88 (3,4,5), perhaps? Looks funky when they're not aligned.

00:11:05 (1) - Move diagonal to (2) to match 00:12:63 (5,6,7,8)?
00:33:36 (6) - I would add a note here, between (5) and (7n).
00:37:11 (7) - Nudge to the right to align its end with 00:38:49 (1).
01:18:95 (4,1) - These are pretty far apart...

00:22:48 (1) - Clap.
00:33:53 (7) - Move up.
00:34:52 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:34:91 (13n) - New combo.
00:39:65 (5) - Horizontally align with end of 00:39:06 (4).
00:40:05 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move to the right so 00:40:05 (6) is aligned with 00:39:06 (4).
00:41:82 (9) - New combo.
00:42:22 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:44:19 (4) - New combo.

On the end spinners, why not silence them? The hit sound sounds weird.
Many thanks for killing Kiai mode. I can actually FC it. =D
Video offset: -480 ms (I think -- dunno how to officially grab it.) looks about right. May need more fine-tuning.

Download: Wangan Midnight - Stream Of Tears Tranced Mix (Devil_Cosmo) [Yasora's Normal].osu
Nazi modding engaged

00:06:91 (3) - spacing
00:08:29 (1) - non intuitive jump
00:13:23 (4) - spacing
00:15:59 (2) - non intuitive jump
00:44:61 (5) - move one grid down to align with (3)

00:06:91 (3,6) - Stack the start of (6) with the end od (3)
00:09:48 (1) - too close from (8)
00:11:25 (2) - spacing
00:13:03 (7) - small spacing
00:15:20 (4) - move one grid up
00:15:79 (7) - move one grid left
00:45:00 (6) - spacing , too close
01:14:21 (4) - spacing , too close
01:19:15 (1) - Jump... non intuitive

00:18:33 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Verify alignment, it can be really prettier
00:41:03 (3,4) - align this vertically with (1)?
00:43:01 (1) - move one grid down

Anyway, nice map
Lets see what I can find for this one...

Yuna (Normal) (Done... )

00:06:91 (3,1,2) - The section at the end of the slider could be strightend out a bit to make it look more neat.
01:05:33 (2,3,4) - The juncion between then end of (2) to (4) looks a bit funny. It can look a bit better after strightening this out.
01:08:88 (3,4,5) - This row isn't lined up with (2).

Clean and simple. Great job :-3

Kuriko (Hard) (Done... )

00:19:74 (1) - Maybe you can line this up with (7)?
00:24:67 (8,9,10) - (10) looks oddly postitioned and not lined up with (1).
00:32:17 (1) - Maybe this can line up at the end of (5)?
00:38:49 (1) - This could line up with the end of (7).

That's all that I see on this that could be a problem.

Rin (Insane) (Done... )

00:39:65 (5) - A bit misaligned with the slider end of (4).
00:49:72 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing here is kinda confusing to me (._.) ;;

I think the jumps on this is reasonable since it is the "insane" level unless someone says otherwise.

Sticky Note: Clean and well done. The vid is also in good quality too. :)

Star for effort.
Looks good. =]

01:14:21 (4,1) - Move closer.

00:01:76 (6,7) - Spacing doesn't match spacing of other hit cicles, but I'm fine with that.
00:02:35 (9) - New combo?
00:12:61 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move these a tad to the left so 00:12:61 (4,5) align with the end of 00:11:62 (3). (Yes, very Nazi-ish.)
00:14:19 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Similarly, move these a tad to the left (more) so 00:14:19 (8,1) align with the end of 00:13:20 (7).
00:19:12 (5,6,7) - Tricky. I'm tired so I didn't get this the few times I attempted to play. x_x But good for Insane.
00:33:33 (6) - Align with the end of 00:32:94 (5) (super Nazi).
00:39:65 (5) - Align with end of 00:39:06 (4) and start of 00:40:05 (6).
01:20:51 (5) - Finish sounds weird all alone. Either add more hit sounds in this area or remove the finish.


And this:

strager very carefully wrote:

Video offset: -480 ms (I think -- dunno how to officially grab it.) looks about right. May need more fine-tuning.
Sleep Powder
pretty fun map. the jumps seem fine to me.
won't be long until this gets ranked (so long as the mods see it)

star'd (can't find the star icon D:)

Download: Ryu - Sakura Reflection (SnowWhite) [Mold's Insane].osu
Sleep Powder
...another remake...bleh :P

Download: Ichiko - Magic of Love (ztrot) [animasks easy].osu
UFO Donut
nice song i don't really see any flaws
just passing by to star
00:10:07 (4) - make this symmetrical?
00:11:65 (2) - ^
00:11:45 (1,2,3,4) - spacing consistancy?
00:19:74 (1) - jumps in Normal? o0
00:35:33 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - too much clap
00:38:49 (1) - align over end of 7
00:51:32 (5) - finish?
00:54:67 (1) - ^
01:01:98 (1,2) - improper stacking
01:06:51 (3) - ^
01:08:29 (1) - align horizontally w end of 5
01:16:38 (8) - finish
01:17:57 (1,2) - kill whistle
01:19:15 (1,2) - ^
01:20:73 (1,2) - ^
01:22:70 (8) - finish
01:25:96 (1) - ^ and end 1/2 beat later to match Kuriko

00:04:74 (4) - either align horizontally with the end of 3 (move down a bit) or with the vector of the slider (move up a bit)
00:15:20 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - needs claps as well as finishes
00:19:74 (1) - align horizontally with 7
00:20:33 (2) - ^ w 1
00:20:92 (3) - ^ w 2 or hey turn on grid snap for this 7,1,2,3,4 and thatll help a lot...grid level 3 if you dont have it set
00:24:67 (8) - stack on fading 5?
00:32:17 (1) - align w end of 5
00:32:17 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - clap overuse
00:38:49 (1) - align under 7
00:45:00 (6) - can you make this form an equilateral triangle with 4 and 5? and make it symmetrical maybe :P
00:46:38 (1) - align w 6
00:48:16 (6) - symmetry?
00:51:71 (1) - uh spacing?
00:54:67 (1) - finish
00:59:01 (1) - hitsound
01:00:59 (3,4,1) - judging by timeline 1 should be halfway between 3 and 4? its really not atm
01:22:70 (8) - make this symmetrical please, if you change no other slider to make symmetry change this one

00:08:86 (4) - align above 3, then move 5,1,2,3 to correspond, this should let you put 4 directly underneath 1,2,3? maybe not quite, fiddle with this a bit cus i know you can make it work :P
00:14:19 (8) - align over 7
00:20:31 (2) - align horizontally with 6 (move down)
00:23:27 (4) - looks bad half-under fading notes
00:32:15 (1) - align under 5
00:40:64 (1) - align under 6
00:42:22 (1) - align w 5
00:57:02 (1,2,3,4, end) - why is this entire section devoid of hitsounds? add them in plz

overall not a bad map, had a LOT of alignment issues and some hitsound stuff but everything else is correct and fairly well-done.
Kazuki (easy) animask style:

Capitalize the 'e' in easy.

00:19:75 (1) - This doesn't go along with anything.
00:30:40 (4) - ^
00:37:10 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:45:09 (1) - Move end forward to red tick and start back to white tick.
01:06:69 (4) - New combo.
01:11:42 (4) - New combo.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
:p Starred
I promised that I'd star this if the offset discrimination through my nazi'ing was less than 5 ms.

...and it was. I got 778, while he used 774. D:

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
[Kazuki (Easy) animask style] (Done...)

00:38:64 (1,2,3,4) - The shape of this section looks a bit funny. If this was more even, it would look better.
00:40:42 (1) - You can try to evenly match this with the end of (4) for the neatness.
00:59:16 (1,2,3) - This needs to be a bit more even in its shape.
01:03:10 (1,2,3) - ^
01:05:07 (2,3) - Incorrect spacing. ( Compared to 01:05:86 (3,4,5) )
01:09:02 (7) - Looks a bit too close to (6).
01:09:81 (1) - This could have a bit more space away from (7).
01:12:17 (5,6) - Maybe my eyes are fooling me, but did the spacing change after (5) with some of the other notes after?

** I figured out why it sounded weird near the end..... the BPM on this difficulty is .10 higher then what its supposed to be (152 BPM). Make sure to get that checked ASAP.

[Yuna (Normal)] (Done...)

00:10:05 (4) - If you are able to even out the end of this slider with 00:09:06 (4), it should make it look more neat.
00:19:33 (6) - Its sticking out of the formation a bit.
00:44:59 (5) - Its a bit lower than (3). Try to raise this up a tiny bit.
00:48:14 (6,1) - That's an odd jump to me....
00:50:51 (3,5) - These two are lower than (1). Try to raise these a bit.

[Kuriko (Hard)] (Done...)

00:04:72 (4,1,2) - Spacing differences.
00:15:18 (4,5,6,7) - The shape here looks a bit funny because of (7).
00:18:34 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - There are multiple small spacing differences in this section.
00:19:72 (1,2,3,4) - Questionable jumps....
00:22:88 (2,3,4,5) - Not evenly shaped.
00:24:65 (8,9,10) - Not evenly spaced.
00:30:77 (5,1) - There are two ways you can try making this look better. 1.) You can just move (1) down long with the others or move (5) up to (1) with the others with it to match the end of the slider with the hitnote or 2.) Try to bend (5) or shape it a bit better to match the end with (1).
00:42:22 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Err..... what happened to the spacing here?
00:52:29 (3,4,5) - You might want to get (5) lined up with the (3,4) stack.
01:01:76 (1,2,3) - You might want to find a better place for this stack since it looks a bit odd with the slider in front of it.
01:09:65 (8,9,10) - I think this is okay for the shape and how the notes are placed...
01:18:93 (4) - Not evenly lined up with (3).

[Rin (Insane)] (Done...)

00:00:77 (1) - Its not lined up with (3).
00:08:87 (4) - Try to line this up with (3).
00:19:72 (1,2,3,4) - Interesting jump......
00:26:63 (4) - This isn't lined up with (3).
00:28:40 (2,3,1) - This stack isn't lined up with (1), but you could line up (1) with the stack by moving it or moving the stack itself.
00:30:77 (5) - Could line up with (4) for the neatness.
00:37:09 (5) - If then end of this slider can move down just a bit, it would look even to (1).
00:49:72 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks like these are just randomly placed.....
01:06:10 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Looks a bit clutterd up..... :|
01:19:52 (3) - Not lined up with (2).

My Thoughts: Most of the errors i've seen its based on the spacing and the "shape" of how the notes are placed. If you can fix those errors, you map shouldn't have any problems being ranked.
Nice to meet you ztrot. I hate your song choice but the map is fantastic. ;D
Your sprites, sir.

Not a single thing.

(These are just suggestions :) )
00:46:468 - Feels like an empty gap that should be filled :P
01:03:34 (6) - Add beat here?
01:15:97 (7) - ^
01:21:89 (6) - ^
01:22:29 (8) - ^
01:25:44 (5) - ^

00:27:62 (1) - Move to 00:27:81 (1) and delete 1 reverse.
01:03:34 (7) - Add beat here?

00:04:72 (4) - Maybe stack this on top of the end of 3 (slider) Looks nicer imo.
00:27:62 (1) - Move to 00:27:81 (1) and delete 1 reverse.

Nice map, Starred!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Epic thing's coming :P

Download: Magic of Love.part1.osu
Download: Magic of Love.part2.osu

Don't forget to fix this setting.

AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 3343

Tags:anime magic of love ichiko maburaho

//Background and Video events
1,-644,"Magic of Love.avi"


Who is Maiho?

Maiho Kurioka (栗丘 舞穂 ,Kurioka Maiho?)

Maiho is another of Kazuki's classmates. Maiho was introduced in the original novel just as the script for the anime series was finishing. At first, Shinichiro Kimura, director of the anime series, wanted to bring Maiho into the series but decided to focus on the relationships between Kazuki, Yuna, Kuriko, Rin and Chihaya, though Maiho does make an appearance in the final episode. According to Newtype USA, Maiho has the ability to neutralize magical powers. Because of this, she often tags along with Kazuki in order to keep his magic in check, much to Yuna's irritation.

Voiced by: Chiemi Chiba (Japanese), Cynthia Martinez (English)

Credit: Wikipedia
Topic Starter
[quote="DJPop"]Epic thing's coming :P

Epic is not the Word my friend this is so Epic.
There needs to be a new word for this map xD
very nice DJPop how did you get it to sound like that tho?
very nice DJPop how did you get it to sound like that tho?
Storyboarding script in the .osu file ;)

Despite its short length, that's an annoying song~
Also I read a little about the anime and the main character basically uses 1/8th of his life for the sake of a girl's LUNCHBOX. WTF. And another 1/8th to make it snow during the summer, again for a girl. WTH.


I really can see no problems...except two minor quibbles that you can ignore:

Change Easy's name to Kazuki (animask's Easy)? The other way is a bit long.
The mp3 pops at the beginning, which surprised me, since this is a recent song. Trying to change this may shift the offset a little though, so it may be more trouble than it's worth.

Get back to me on these two and I think this could be bubbled soon.
UPDATE: Bubbled.
I like it. : D Star'd.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sorry, nazimod time. Sorry for the long post, it's really a lot of repetition, don't worry.

Maiho (DJPop):
Honestly, I'd like the constant clap if it were a lot less dominant. It's overpowering the song itself, and that's never good. >: Please fix this.

Anyways, time for modding.

A lot of combo number changes. :x
-00:03:34 (3) - New Combo mark.
-00:03:73 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:04:92 (3) - New Combo mark.
-00:05:31 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:06:50 (3) - New Combo mark.
-00:06:89 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:08:08 (3) - New Combo mark.
-00:08:47 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:10:25 (1) - ^
-00:11:23 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:11:63 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:12:81 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:13:21 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:14:39 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:14:79 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:54:46 (1) - ^
-00:55:44 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:57:02 (5) - ^
-00:57:42 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:58:60 (3) - New Combo mark.
-00:59:00 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:00:18 (3) - New Combo mark.
-01:00:58 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:01:76 (3) - New Combo mark.
-01:02:15 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:03:93 (1) - ^
-01:04:92 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:05:31 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:06:50 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:06:89 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:08:08 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:08:47 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:11:23 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:11:63 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:12:81 (3) - New Combo mark.
-01:13:21 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:14:39 (3) - New Combo mark.
-01:14:79 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:16:56 (1) - ^
-01:17:55 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:17:94 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:19:13 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:19:52 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:20:71 (4) - New Combo mark.
-01:21:10 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.

Why did I make all of these changes? Just take a look at where the changes were made. They help the map make a bit more sense (since the first two notes of each of her phrases are not part of the previous phrase, quite clearly :p). Other than those and the clap, very structurally sound.
(Why did I do nothing about 01:10:25 (1)? There is no smooth transition for that, number-wise D: )

Rin (Insane):
-00:02:35 (1) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:03:34 (1,2) - Remove the Claps.
-00:04:72 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:04:72 (4,1) - Line up with 3's endpoint (since you had everything perfectly aligned before, just going for consistency~); respace the stuff after it to fit this stack's new position.
-00:06:30 (5) - Clap goes here.
-00:06:50 (1,2) - Remove the Claps.
-00:07:88 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:10:05 (4) - Remove all hitsounds on this (including the one on the slider track), then put a Finish on the start point ONLY.
-00:11:04 (5) - Clap goes here.
-00:12:62 (4) - ^
-00:12:81 (5) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:14:19 (8) - Clap goes here.
-00:15:38 (5) - Remove the Finish.
-00:16:56 (1) - Clap goes here.
-00:20:31 (2) - Line this up with 1.
-00:22:48 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark and add a Whistle.
-00:22:88 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:27:62 (1) - Make this symmetrical.
-00:29:19 (4) - New Combo mark, remove the Clap from the endpoint.
-00:30:77 (5) - Remove the Clap from the first repeat.
-00:32:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Remove the Claps.
-00:34:92 (5) - New Combo mark.
-00:35:90 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:38:87 (3) - Remove the Clap.
-00:39:06 (4) - Remove the Clap from the starting point.
-00:40:05 (6) - Remove the Clap from the endpoint.
-00:44:19 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-00:44:59 (5) - Clap goes here.
-00:46:37 (1,2,3) - Remove the Claps.
-00:47:35 (4) - Remove the first two Claps.
-00:52:88 (5,6) - Remove the Claps.
-00:53:67 (7,8) - Claps go here.
-00:54:46 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark, add a Finish to the starting point, add a Clap to the endpoint.
-00:55:44 (2) - New Combo mark.
-00:58:40 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:59:98 (6) - ^
-01:01:56 (4) - ^
-01:02:55 (4,5) - Remove the Claps.
-01:03:54 (9) - Clap goes here.
-01:06:50 (7) - New Combo mark.
-01:10:05 (12) - Add a Whistle.
-01:11:04 (13) - Add a Clap.
-01:12:62 (8) - ^
-01:14:19 (4) - ^
-01:15:58 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 10,11,12 should be the only ones with Claps.
-01:20:51 (5) - Add a Clap.
-01:25:84 (8) - Replace the Clap with a Finish.

I'm being forced off right now, but I'd feel bad if I left you with nothing for tonight. I will get the other three for you tomorrow evening. I popped the bubble, anyways, like I was going to do. Just drop me a forum PM with a reminder, please.
Topic Starter
ok i got half way threw mod almost done and i solved a problem that SB clap somehow started playing in my diff so i killed the SB clap all together and will this not get bubble un less i change everthing i mean this was a little extream in my op
im gonna follow it althouth some part really made me upset and that's kinda hard to do i mean i fell like it not my map anymore
:( im gonna stop for now just hit me up with a pm you probly gonna forget tho
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
I'm sorry DJPop well i'll leave your diff to you ok?
Sir Minelli
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

DJPop wrote:

About combo color, I usually make the new combo every 4 beats. If play in Tag Coop with 4 players they can easily understand when their turns come and end the song with 4th player playing.
But about claps, I'm thinking how to fix them...
I did that. I just changed the way it's phrased to make it musically correct and still play the same way.

Pasonia wrote:

I should add that hitsounds modding should be an opt-in opt-out process, unless the BAT has a strong reason why the hitsounds has to be changed. I haven't looked at this map but even I would have been unhappy if someone kept wanting me to change my hitsounds to his whim and fancy. No offence to you Mogs, but this isn't nazi, hitsounds modding is more to your whims and fancies already.
I think you should know better than this, so I'll say this: I never note changes without a strong reason to do so.
I discussed this with him in IRC, that his hitsounds just sounded like they were thrown together on a whim and sounded incredibly out of place most of the time. That, and he wanted me to help fix combo numbers and hitsounds for the most part, anyways.

To say it's to my own whims and fancies, however...the thing is, I'm going off of what they have previously established and am just helping them tidy it up. That doesn't mean that'd be how I would do things, necessarily, but you have to realize, sometimes things just flow the way they do.

This will be an official mod post as soon as I finish the other three difficulties.

*=definitely don't have to do this if you don't want to

Kuriko (Hard):
-00:04:92 (1,2,3) - Remove the Claps.
-00:06:50 (1,2) - ^
-00:08:08 (5) - Remove the Clap, add a New Combo mark.
-00:09:06 (8) - Add a Clap.
-00:09:46 (1,2,3) - Remove the New Combo mark from 1 and remove the Claps.
-00:11:04 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:11:23 (2,3) - New Combo mark on 2, remove the Claps.
-00:12:81 (6,7) - ^, except New Combo mark on 6.
-00:14:19 (9) - Clap goes here.
-00:14:59 (2) - Remove the Finish.
-00:14:79 (3) - Add a Finish.
-00:15:18 (4,5,6,7) - Remove the Claps.
-00:15:97 (8) - Remove the Clap from the starting point.
-00:16:56 (1) - Add a Clap here.
-00:20:31 (2) - I'd line this up with 1.
-00:27:62 (1) - Make this symmetrical.
-00:29:19 (4) - Remove the Claps.
-00:30:77 (5) - Remove all but the last Clap.
-00:32:15 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:32:55 (3) - ^
*-00:33:54 (6) - Nudge this back 1/2 a beat, then place a clicked beat on 00:33:738.
-00:34:13 (7) - Clap on the endpoint.
-00:35:31 (2) - Remove the Clap.
-00:35:90 (4) - ^
-00:36:69 (6) - ^
-00:42:22 (1,2) - Remove the Finishes.
-00:44:19 (4) - Line up with 2 and 5 and remove the Clap.
-00:44:98 (6) - Finish on starting point, Clap on endpoint.
-00:46:37 (1) - Remove the Clap from the endpoint.
-00:46:96 (2,3) - Remove the Claps.
-00:47:35 (4) - Remove the Clap from the starting point.
-00:48:14 (6) - Replace the Clap on the starting point with a Finish.
-00:52:88 (5,6,7) - Remove the hitsounds from these.
-00:54:06 (8) - Clap goes here, only a Clap.
-00:54:46 (9) - Finish goes here, only a Finish.
-00:57:02 (1,2) - Remove the Claps.
-00:58:40 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:58:60 (5) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:58:80 (6) - Reallign with 4 and 5.
-00:59:00 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark, then realign with 6.
-00:59:59 (3) - Realign with 2.
-00:59:98 (4) - Add a Clap.
-01:00:18 (1,2) - Remove the Claps.
-01:01:56 (4) - Clap goes here.
-01:04:72 (10) - ^
-01:06:30 (4) - ^
-01:06:50 (5) - New Combo mark.
-01:07:88 (8) - Clap goes here.
-01:09:26 (6,7,8) - Remove the Claps.
-01:11:04 (11) - Clap goes here.
-01:12:81 (1,2) - Remove the Claps.
-01:14:19 (4) - Clap goes here.
-01:15:18 (4) - ^
-01:15:580 - Beat goes here.
-01:15:77 (6,7) - Remove the Claps.
-01:17:35 (10) - Clap goes here.
-01:18:93 (4) - ^
-01:20:51 (4) - ^
-01:20:90 (2,3) - Remove the Finish from 2, place it on 3.
-01:21:896 - Beat goes here.
-01:22:48 (7) - Remove the Finish.
-01:24:65 (1,2,3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-01:25:84 (6) - Remove the Clap, add a Finish.

That's the first edit to this post, just to provide something to work off of while I continue to mod the other two will come when I DON'T have to struggle to stay awake.


Yuna (normal):
-00:03:73 (3) - Remove the Whistle from the end of the slider.
-00:05:12 (1) - Remove the Clap from the starting point.
-00:05:90 (3) - Add a Clap.
-00:06:69 (2) - Remove the Clap.
-00:06:89 (3) - Remove the Clap from the starting point and the Whistle from the endpoint.
-00:08:47 (2) - Add a Clap.
-00:08:87 (3) - Remove the Clap.
-00:09:46 (1) - ^
-00:13:01 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:14:59 (5) - ^
-00:14:79 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:16:56 (5) - Remove the Clap.
-00:28:80 (2,3,4) - Remove the Claps from all, add a New Combo mark to 4.
-00:29:59 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:30:77 (4) - Remove the Finish, add a Clap to the end of the slider.
-00:32:15 (1,2,3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-00:33:54 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:34:33 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-00:35:31 (2,3) - Remove the Claps.
-00:35:90 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-00:36:69 (6) - ^
-00:38:47 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remove all hitsounds from this.
-00:40:44 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - The only beats with hitsounds should be 6 (Clap), 7 (Clap), and 8 (Finish).
-00:41:23 (5) - This should be stacked on 4, with the way you mapped this phrase.
-00:44:19 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-00:44:98 (6) - Remove the Finish from the endpoint.
-00:47:15 (3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-00:51:30 (5) - New Combo mark.
-00:51:69 (1,2,3,4) - Remove the New Combo mark from 1 and remove the Claps.
-00:54:06 (4,5) - Add a Clap and a Finish onto each one respectively. (Only one sound per beat)
-00:54:65 (1) - Finish goes here.
-00:57:42 (3) - Remove the Whistle from the endpoint.
-00:58:80 (4,1,2,3) - Line these all up with the endpoint of 3.
-00:58:80 (4,1) - 4 has a New Combo mark, 1 does not. 1 also has a Clap.
-00:59:59 (3) - Clap goes here.
-01:00:58 (3) - Remove the Whistle from the endpoint.
-01:01:96 (1,2) - Line up with the endpoint of 3; you can respace the stuff after it to make it look exactly the same, just shifted over a bit.
-01:02:15 (2) - Clap goes here.
-01:02:75 (4) - ^
-01:03:14 (5,6) - ^
-01:05:31 (2) - Replace the Clap with a Whistle.
-01:06:50 (3) - New Combo mark.
-01:08:47 (2) - Clap goes here.
-01:09:46 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:09:85 (3) - Clap goes here.
-01:11:63 (2) - ^
-01:12:22 (4) - ^
-01:14:79 (3) - ^
-01:15:38 (5) - ^
-01:15:77 (6) - ^
-01:16:17 (7) - ^
-01:17:94 (3) - Replace the Whistle with a Finish.
-01:19:52 (3) - ^
-01:21:10 (3) - ^
-01:21:50 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-01:22:68 (8) - ^
-01:24:65 (1,2,3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-01:25:64 (5) - Replace the Whistle with a Clap.
-01:25:84 (6) - Replace the Whistle with a Finish.

Kazuki (Easy):
-Should be called Kazuki (animask's Easy)
-00:03:14 (3) - I don't see why this should be here if you just increase the gap between 2 and the next 1.
-00:05:12 (1) - This would look neater if it was aligned with 1.
-00:07:48 (2) - Align with 1.
-00:10:25 (3) - Remove the Clap, add a Finish.
-00:11:83 (3) - Remove the Clap, add a Whistle.
-00:13:40 (3) - ^
-00:14:98 (3) - Remove the Clap, add a Finish.
-00:16:56 (1) - Add a Finish.
-Delete this first break, map until 00:19:725. It feels awkward to have it end where it does.
-00:33:14 (3) - Remove the Finish.
-00:34:33 (4) - Replace the Whistle with a Finish.
-00:37:09 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:41:23 (2) - Make the second to last slider point have a Clap, ,make the last one have a Finish.
-00:52:88 (1) - Add a Finish.
-00:55:44 (1) - Replace the last Whistle with a Clap.
-01:05:90 (3) - Space this more evenly (further away).
-01:09:85 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:10:64 (2) - New Combo mark.
-01:13:01 (6) - ^
-01:23:27 (1) - Clap goes here.
-01:24:06 (3) - ^
-01:25:25 (1) - I'm not a fan of this ending. Really, I think it should be changed to something less obtuse-feeling. What, exactly? I'm not sure, just not this.
-01:26:04 (1) - Finish goes here.

Done modding this finally. Sorry for the wait!
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Change normal-hitclap.wav

Download: Magic of Love.osu

DJPop wrote:

AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 3343

Tags:anime magic of love ichiko maburaho

//Background and Video events
1,-644,"Magic of Love.avi"
Fix on Kazuki (Easy) animask's easy.
Topic Starter
that file does nothing it is blank or i'm not seeing something
The easiest difficulty is STILL not called Kazuki (animask's Easy) instead of Kazuki (Easy) animask's Easy.
Topic Starter
sry i changed it
There's one small hitsound I want added, but I can deal without it.

Topic Starter
For some reason my map has no sound anymore even tho the mp3 is there it seems that the L in love is lower cased now i didn't change it i swear but only way to fix is to make the l into a L on the .mp3 i need this unranked for a moment to do so.

ztrot wrote:

For some reason my map has no sound anymore even tho the mp3 is there it seems that the L in love is lower cased now i didn't change it i swear but only way to fix is to make the l into a L on the .mp3 i need this unranked for a moment to do so.
I just deleted the \osu!\osu!.db

Then restarted the game .

The sound came back.
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