
Nobuo Uematsu - The Dreadful Fight (Normal Fixed again)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 9:47:28 PM

Artist: Nobuo Uematsu
Title: The Dreadful Fight
BPM: 168.5
Filesize: 5880kb
Play Time: 02:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (3.07 stars, 210 notes)
  2. Hard (4.67 stars, 320 notes)
Download: Nobuo Uematsu - The Dreadful Fight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Finally done! Wow, this song has way too many different tempos...anyway this song is from my favorite game, Final Fantasy IV, the background is a screenshot of a ROM that I took of the fight with the Four Fiends (When this song plays), hope you like it, I'll make a normal version in a bit, I just want to see how this one goes. FFIVDS comes out in Japan on the 20th!
Edit1: Changed the end of the song to make it harder, it was way too easy for what came before it, also started a normal version, but right now it's just a copy and pasted version of Hard, so just wait, I'm starting it right now.
Edit 2: Changed some stuff in the middle of Hard mode to make it harder, however I have kept it still able to be S-Ranked, and I am about halfway through Normal mode
Edit 3: FInished with Normal mode, waiting for some mods to look at it
Edit 4: Fixed slider issues
Edit 5: Made normal mode much more consistent, somebody please check these two maps out
Edit 6: Switcehd to awp's fixed normal
Edit 6: Fixed the last(hopefully) problem of the beatmap!
Edit 7: Made the slider tick rate on hard go to 4 to go with the song and at give the song a higher max score
Oh my gawd this song is orgasmic. But you said favourite game of all time...this is either 4, or 6, and I can't remember which. It better be from FF6 because what's the deal with everyone liking FF4?

Any how, as I type this, the metronome is going and I think I've got it.

Wait, I was a tad off...lessee now...

No wait I was very off at first it's a dynamic BPM just see the attached osu and see what you think.

Thank you for all of these Nobuomaps btw

Download: Nobuo Uematsu - The Dreadful Fight (Cecilthemos) [Hard].osu
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It's FFIV, and I don't know what you're talking about, but FFIV is one of the most underrated games in the series, FFVI is the most popular pre-sony...anyway thank you so much. I'm going to spend as much time as possible into making this as this is the most deserving of the songs I've made so far.
Ahh, it makes sense, this isn't a full number bpm, I completely suck at finding these.
Well, FFIV was great in terms of story and music, but the gameplay was just so very stale. You take anyone's end-game file and they're all essentially the same thing. There's absolutely no character building content to it at all, apart from the handful of sidequests you can do. I mean, that's my only qualm with the game, but it's a big one.
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The fact that you have to play with what you're given is one of the things I like most about it, anyway, I uploaded the first half of the map if you want to try it out.
Oops, heh. Missed it at first. Beatmap #333! According to the server.

Anyhoo, I like what I see so far. The only issue is the combo which starts at 27:19 - some of the sliders have a beat overtop, while some others don't. The inconsistency doesn't seem necessary. Looking ahead, I think you may have just accidentally missed adding a note on the second slider (28:07). That's all, folks!
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Oh, thanks, didn't notice that. I'll fix and upload right away.
Also, Awp, you had a different bpm for the same sections later in songs, it didn't mess me up on one, since the difference was .10 but in the other the bpm was off by 2 and a half, so I have to resnap everything...still, thanks for getting it for me, just be sure to check that if the song repeats the bpms for repeating sections are the same.
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Holy crap peppy, I would've chosen another FFIV song had I known that was the BPM, but I'll make this work, you rock.
I'm not 100% confident in those sections btw - I always do this stuff in quite a rush, so feel free to make any adjustments as you see fit. Due to their short length, they should be relatively accurate, i think.

Good luck with this one.
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There's only one weird section, there's no problem, except in the editor it looks kinda weird because all of the notes fall on 4th notes instead of half notes, but all of the beats are perfectly on time.
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looks like no one's even going to comment until they can pass it...I should finish Normal mode...
I know the feeling. Hopefully I be gettin' back to this later today, though.
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Okay, thanks, I'll be working on Normal mode until then.
H'okay, ran through it, and it was fun. But I don't think it's quite good to go yet.

The sliders at 27:40 and 28:11 end a quarter-beat too early.

There's a slider at 47:14 that comes in a quarter-beat late; I think it sounds a lot better if it comes in on the half beat and ends on the whole.

The whole four-note section starting at 1:25:89 is a quarter-beat early. Same goes for the section starting at 1:28:64

This was probably your intention and was overlooked via an autosnap; that's my guess.

'Tachin' ma osu!

Haven't looked at Normal; FORGIVE MEEEEEEE

Oh, almost forgot to mention: maybe it's just me, but I find the whistle/finish sounds effects to be a LITTLE over the top.

It could just be the skin I'm using, as the Whistle and Finish notes are a lot more pronounced on it.

Download: Nobuo Uematsu - The Dreadful Fight (Cecilthemos) [Hard].osu
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awp wrote:

H'okay, ran through it, and it was fun. But I don't think it's quite good to go yet.

The sliders at 27:40 and 28:11 end a quarter-beat too early.

There's a slider at 47:14 that comes in a quarter-beat late; I think it sounds a lot better if it comes in on the half beat and ends on the whole.

The whole four-note section starting at 1:25:89 is a quarter-beat early. Same goes for the section starting at 1:28:64

This was probably your intention and was overlooked via an autosnap; that's my guess.

'Tachin' ma osu!

Haven't looked at Normal; FORGIVE MEEEEEEE

Oh, almost forgot to mention: maybe it's just me, but I find the whistle/finish sounds effects to be a LITTLE over the top.

It could just be the skin I'm using, as the Whistle and Finish notes are a lot more pronounced on it.
Okay, I'm about to go fix those slider issues, I'm glad you had fun, before making this one, I realized that my maps were really boring, so I tried to make this one fun.
Also, I try to make the sounds go with the song, and it doesn't feel over the top to me, but lets see what others think.
I attached an osu with those corrections in place

but whatever floats your boat, man @_@
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Wow...I seriously didn't even notice that...
Might want to cut back on the Gyshal Greens, dood.

In fact you better give them to me. For safe keeping, you see.
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I don't know if that's such a smart idea...
These things did cost a lot of money, and the guy said if I used them I could ride these giant chicken things...
In before page two.

Gave normal a spin while you're adjusting Hard. It's good for the most part, but there's a few spots where the timing's confusing. All I can really say is, try to make it more apparent whether we're on whole-beats or half-beats. (or as the case may be, half notes or quarter notes). Also, the hitobjects feel just a bit too large for my liking, but that's not my call.
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Working on a huge essay, I'll be sure to make the timing in Normal more consistent after I finish...if I'm not able to get it done tonight, it'll be done after I get home tomorrow.
Normal's pretty damned fixed. There's ONE thing I don't like about it though. At 51:50 you have a triplet, but at 52:59 you have only two notes. Where'd that other note go, dood? Still, pretty good work. Some of the shorter breaks seem like they'd be better off filled with a few notes though.

Also, the combo at 1:10:76 needs a bit of revising I think. It feels a bit awkward with the note placement (not spacing, but timing and usage).
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Yeah, I tend to put too many in as well.
Daaaaaaaaamn all these minute things:

The repeat slider at 35:98 should be coming in a quarter beat early at 35:89. Minute difference, but it's audible.

Moved the green combo atarting at 1 minute 85 to 76. Or did it start at 58? Either way, it didn't feel like it was timed right to me.

Moved the first two notes of the new timing section at 1:20:37 (or so, I can't mousewheel onto that tick for some reason) back a quarter beat to 1:20:30

Moved the two notes at 1:12:39 back a quarter note to 1:12:30.

Moved the four-note combo at 1:15:69 a halfbeat to 1:15:86.

At 1:35:48 switched hitcircles 3 and 4 around for consistency's sake.

Here ya go, osu...

Download: Nobuo Uematsu - The Dreadful Fight (Cecilthemos) [Normal].osu
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You just can't notice everything in one playthrough, can you?

I'm quite inconvenient like that. I think before, I was just doing an overview and finding major discrepencies, and this time I was like "okay time to nit-pick the hell out of this"
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So, do you approve of this new version?
Okay assuming you're talking about the .osu I attached and not the version I have after clicking "Update this beatmap to latest" then yes I approve. Stick that osu in and reupload and it gets a bubble awaiting ranking. You might as well bubble it yourself (on by behalf, of course) after the re-upload to hasten the ranking process.
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Uploaded new version
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
brings back memories lol...
Unranked (due to timing and slider errors)
Yoichi Sturmhimmel
General comment;

Please make an easier difficulty for me us crap players who can't play osu! normal at all very well.

Thank you!

Yoichi Sturmhimmel wrote:

General comment;

Please make an easier difficulty for me us crap players who can't play osu! normal at all very well.

Thank you!
You're looking at a map that was made in 2007 when mapsets didn't have the best difficulty spreads. Not to mention that it's currently unranked.
Yoichi Sturmhimmel
You can alternatively play the supercool Hyadain version of the song if you want to satisfy your Final Fantasy needs.
...why is this in the ranked forums?

Moving to the Help forum hoping nothing bad will happen... but it seems the star cannot be removed.

Gens wrote:

but it seems the star cannot be removed.
"WARNING: This map needs over 8 Star Priority" whoops? :v
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