Hi everyone, I'm the web designer of osu! Statistics project (http://osustats.ppy.sh/)
This post is for (and only for) multi-language support and any suggestion to web interface.
Feel free to reply if you have any suggestion.
Please reply in English
Since I can only read Chinese & English, replies in any other language will make no sense to me.
I want to help translate osu! stats into my native language
Download the template language file here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/template/
(Also a plain text version here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/template.txt )
Template updated (2012 Dec 15):
# Changed the way showing "LANGUAGE translator: USERNAME", now using "PREFIX USERNAME SUFFIX
+ Added multiple translators support (example)
+ You can use 'extra_message' to show a message above logo (example) THIS IS NOT FOR AD!
Language should be auto selected (based on your client language) if not, please leave a reply.
Here are some points you need to take care of when translating:
0. No machine translation
Be sure only help translating osu! Statistics to the language you are really expert in.
1. Encoding
Please encode your language file in 'UTF8 without BOM'
Or at least you need to tell me the ANSI character set.
2. Language code
Language code looks like aa_bb, aa is for language code, bb is for country/area code. *both lower case*
Here is a list for language codes: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/codes/
For example: for English (United States), language code is en_us.
3. Spaces
Do NOT remove any spaces unless you exactly know what you are doing.
4. Single quotes (')
If you need to contain some single quotes, you need to add back slash before it (\')
For example: isn't should be isn\'t
5. What is "CustomOSpass" ?
Just ignore it. It's like a "secret password" systembut doesn't work anymore.
Once you are done, please rename it [languagecode].txt
You can either send it to me by e-mail RadarNyan@moe9th.com or using puu.sh/dropbox ... what ever.
I want to help improve exist translation
You can download all exist translation here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/all.tgz
This file will be updated after updating each translation.
I have some ideas about the web interface
Just make a reply, and I will consider adding them in further update.
Please note, this post is NOT for function requirements (use the original post: p/1959956)
This post is for (and only for) multi-language support and any suggestion to web interface.
Feel free to reply if you have any suggestion.
Please reply in English
Since I can only read Chinese & English, replies in any other language will make no sense to me.
I want to help translate osu! stats into my native language
Download the template language file here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/template/
(Also a plain text version here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/template.txt )
Template updated (2012 Dec 15):
# Changed the way showing "LANGUAGE translator: USERNAME", now using "PREFIX USERNAME SUFFIX
+ Added multiple translators support (example)
+ You can use 'extra_message' to show a message above logo (example) THIS IS NOT FOR AD!
Language should be auto selected (based on your client language) if not, please leave a reply.
Here are some points you need to take care of when translating:
0. No machine translation
Be sure only help translating osu! Statistics to the language you are really expert in.
1. Encoding
Please encode your language file in 'UTF8 without BOM'
Or at least you need to tell me the ANSI character set.
2. Language code
Language code looks like aa_bb, aa is for language code, bb is for country/area code. *both lower case*
Here is a list for language codes: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/codes/
For example: for English (United States), language code is en_us.
3. Spaces
Do NOT remove any spaces unless you exactly know what you are doing.
4. Single quotes (')
If you need to contain some single quotes, you need to add back slash before it (\')
For example: isn't should be isn\'t
5. What is "CustomOSpass" ?
Just ignore it. It's like a "secret password" system
Once you are done, please rename it [languagecode].txt
You can either send it to me by e-mail RadarNyan@moe9th.com or using puu.sh/dropbox ... what ever.
I want to help improve exist translation
You can download all exist translation here: http://osustats.ppy.sh/lang/all.tgz
This file will be updated after updating each translation.
I have some ideas about the web interface
Just make a reply, and I will consider adding them in further update.
Please note, this post is NOT for function requirements (use the original post: p/1959956)