
Split HardRock into two mods. Reading vs Accuracy [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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well iunno write what you think

Basically, there are two types of players. Players who focus more on accuracy, and players who focus more on speed.
Well to cut straight to the point: a ton of players enjoy the AR/CS aspect of HR as they enjoy reading and locking into notes fast, but don't enjoy the OD aspect that increases the accuracy difficulty, while for others it's exactly the opposite and they enjoy the harsher hit window but don't enjoy the reduced reaction time and aim difficulty increase.
Those two aspects should be broken down into two mods to create win-win for everybody.

HardRock: out

(no idea for a name) Increases AR and CS the same way HR does now, no effect on OD and HP
(no idea for a name) Increases OD the same way HR does now, no effect on HP/CS/AR

The whole increased HP aspect of HR sucks, nobody likes it and it doesn't contribute anything to the actual gameplay of the mod, it just makes it unpopular for multiplayer. HP should just stay as it is on maps.

What will happen to all existing HR scores? They'd be kept and instead of HR it'll display both new mods as if the player played with the two of them together, since it'd be exactly the same effect.

What about score multipliers?
You can just give the AR/CS mod a score multiplier of 1.00 (i.e. no bonus) :D and keep the original HR multiplier for the OD increase mod

lol dunno had this idea ;w; it's probably bad :D
I don't it's gonna be implemented if it's just gonna be 1.00x
I'm talking about the first mod you mentioned

Also I hope you don't mean replacing hardrock with this.
It should be an individual mod/sub-mod to hardrock.

You also have to think about the other game-modes as well

Aqo wrote:

lol dunno had this idea ;w; it's probably bad :D
I personaly don't feel the need to separate Hardrock into two sub mods.
Yeah, doesn't really seem worth it to split the HR mod up... it also feels less like win-win and more like potential for twinking, allowing people to freely take a higher AR without the OD, or to accept the OD like the old HR plays for the same score, yet have larger circles to play with than in the past. Does the smaller CS really make up for the benefit of not reading that comes with the cleaner high AR play (for the people that train to follow it)? Feels like unnecessary trouble.

Aqo wrote:

this idea

Aqo wrote:

This sounds too good to be true. I'll be able to play all those songs with low AR without the OD penalty (so it's pretty much making AR user definable).
Well aren't fast reading and being accurate is what HR is all about?
What a terrible idea.
i'll give it a couple more replies before i deny it. but i think the feedback is pretty clear on the matter :p

Aqo wrote:

Basically, there are two types of players. Players who focus more on accuracy, and players who focus more on speed.
Well to cut straight to the point: a ton of players enjoy the AR/CS aspect of HR as they enjoy reading and locking into notes fast, but don't enjoy the OD aspect that increases the accuracy difficulty, while for others it's exactly the opposite and they enjoy the harsher hit window but don't enjoy the reduced reaction time and aim difficulty increase.
I actually enjoy both D:

But I agree with you on this HP-Drain stuff. It isn't fun at all.
I think this would defeat the purpose of HR as a whole...
I suggested something similar to this on someone else's feature request but it was for easy mod. Generally meaning it could also be applied to this request thus giving the opposite effect but the same outcome.

My Suggestion from "Let's talk Easy mod"
I'm going to have to be "iffy" on this one... Half/Semi Support?

I wonder how this is going to affect other games modes...

I only play Taiko and everyone here is only arguing about one game mode without taking the others into consideration.. In Taiko we don't get the "3 life system" or the larger circles because they aren't needed.

As a Taiko player, I believe that the easy mod should be broken up into AR reduction and reduced HP drain because sometimes there's only portion of easy mod that we ACTUALLY need and the other is just making it overkill. Maybe, this could only be made for and only select-able in Taiko mode seeing as something like this would only be useful in Taiko.

They could be called:
Slow Learner -- Reduced AR
Painless -- Reduced HP Drain

For example, let's say Billy is playing a really hard map with complex rhythms in Taiko mode however the map creator made the map with AR4 and set the slider velocity pretty low making the map slow and easy to read. Well Billy only needs more "forgiving" HP drain so that he has a better chance at beating the map but Billy can only use the easy mod to get reduced HP drain and this includes reduced AR as well. Billy takes a gamble and ATTEMPTS to play the beatmap however Billy realizes that the rhythms aren't even readable anymore and look like a "smashed up piece of shit". In the end Billy fails the map and quits playing osu! forever....


BRBP wrote:

This idea is as stupid as splitting hidden into no approach circle & fading.
This works in theory, but in practice it does not.
lol, its what he wants it to accomplish that makes it stupid. If reworked it could probably be a better request :P
Freaking abuse at Taiko/CtB. If you know what I mean. :D
Hate the increased AR and CS? Or hate the increased OD? Then learn to play with it or don't use the mod.

I personally am weak against both, and I'll admit that I hate the increased OD more than the increased HR and CS. But I would rather serve HR mod as a challenge rather than trying to have it my own way such as splitting the features.

So yeah, no support
I personally disagree with this request, as far as I know (and I know it from EBA/Ouendan), Hard Rock has always been that annoying mod which pretty much makes you get Saiyan reflexes and a surgeon accuracy. Being able to SS (or even S sometimes) a map in HR is the proof that you can handle any situation, and this is why HR exists imo. Moreover, completely erase it would be impossible, this would simply destroy the current rankings of most of the beatmaps.

About simply adding the two mods... I'd still disagree, if someone is being frustrated by the Approach Rate, the Life Drain or the Overall Diff. of a +HR map, 99% of the time it's only because thiss player is not good enough to pass the map / not able to SS it so... Keep training or just don't use it, but do NOT split it.
I really don't get the point of trying to make an easier version of a mod supposed to be challenging.
I don't feel like this is so needed. :(
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Varetyr wrote:

I really don't get the point of trying to make an easier version of a mod supposed to be challenging.
Do you play multiplayer often?
More than other factors, the increased HP aspect of HR pretty much makes this a "singleplayer only" mod for 99% of the maps (I'm talking actual diffs here, not lowdiffs) which is a shame because a lot of people would've loved to play it more often.

Right now if you'd look at any mp rooms where the players use HR, those rooms are full of grays. It's not fun reading gray notes D:
HP drain really doesn't contribute anything to a rhythm game. HP shouldn't exist >_<
What do if want od and cs, but no ar.
>Use it with nofail
>don't use it on insane
>instead you can use DT
Multiplayer ? I only use it to get new maps, not to make my best scores.
Most of the time, adding mods means "PP farming" or "training". I bet you're not getting many points from multiplayer games nor train very much on only ONE play.
By the way, do you really play in rooms which add HR while playing Insane songs ? For some reason, I can hardly imagine this situation, since 50% of the people who fail a map (or even miss a note, sometimes) in multi just ragequit.

In a few words, it's true this makes HR mod a "singleplayer only" mod, but it still won't change, remember this game is mainly a solo game, it's not really as if you were playing a LoL game or sth...

Talking about "singleplayer only" mods, then what about Flashlight, it would be like asking to play with a better field of view with FL, because "people can't pass the map on first try, they don't see the notes :( :( ", which is pointless and kills the interest of the mod.
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Flashlight is not an mp mod. However DT and HR are exactly mods for mp. Some people don't play this game for ranks and play it for fun instead, and mp match results kinda get skewed over due to hp drain issues from HR.
AR : 1.01
HP : 1.00
OD : 1.02

ARHPOD : 1.06(current)
slightly late replying to this. but it doesn't seem people like this. plus splitting a mod into two easier mods seems a point pointless imo. so yeah. gonna deny. you can continue to defend at much you want. if i see anything valid, i may consider untagging :p
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nah this idea sucked from the start
This would be solved with the customizable easy mod (at a score penalty, but hey)
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