
Simple Plan - Astronaut

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月27日 at 18:24:21

Artist: Simple Plan
Title: Astronaut
Tags: Get Your Heart On! Zero__wind
BPM: 148
Filesize: 3990kb
Play Time: 02:15
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.37 stars, 152 notes)
  2. Insane (4.95 stars, 374 notes)
  3. Normal (4.15 stars, 199 notes)
  4. Zero's Hard (4.75 stars, 324 notes)
Download: Simple Plan - Astronaut
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It's my First map,umm

Now the black history in Graveyard.Maybe some day I'll remind of it.

Zero's Hard 100% Thx to Zero__wind !

So it is just a practice for how to make a map
After over 5k pc(now over 7k8k) ,I thought it may be a chance to learn about it.
Map Log
12.12.9 Fix timing bugs in current diffs.// Reset offset to correct one.
12.12.13 Recheck timing.// Improve and finish Hard with SE according to modding advice.
12.12.14 Finish Normal with SE.
12.12.15 SE Improved.And Improved,And Improved
12.12.21 Easy diff Added.
12.12.31 Easy Finished.
13.1.1 New diff Added.
13.1.2 New diff Finished.Replaced the former Insane.
13.1.13 Storyboard Added.SB Beautified

00:38:070 (2) - Slider not in red line
00:38:881 (4,5) - Slider reverse point not in red line
00:42:124 (1) - 00:42:935 (2) -
00:43:746 (3,4,5,6) -
00:48:205 (1,2,3) -
and almost all the later sliders end incorrectly

i thought i could becauze you changed SV in accident lol
just check them
Topic Starter

Onikun wrote:


00:38:070 (2) - Slider not in red line
00:38:881 (4,5) - Slider reverse point not in red line
00:42:124 (1) - 00:42:935 (2) -
00:43:746 (3,4,5,6) -
00:48:205 (1,2,3) -
and almost all the later sliders end incorrectly

i thought i could becauze you changed SV in accident lol
just check them

Thank you for modding Normal :D
Hi Banana Here From 百度pending吧


Hard没加 Preview Time,所有难度应一致来的

hard是准备做完另一段还是现在这样note就摆完了呢 如果是后者 你需要:
用cooledit把最后一部分在合适的位置剪掉 最好能配上渐出效果(不过后来看了一下好像直接切掉就行..自带渐出) ranking rule says it
个人建议把后面剪掉 第一张图开太长很累

00:29:614 - 第一段kiai从这里开始 两个难度保持一致 结束在00:57:182
01:39:344 - 另外的建议是 如果不准备再map另一段 可以考虑再加一段kiai,方法是这里去掉kiai,然后另一段kiai从01:57:182到02:15:020
不管怎么改 两个难度kiai要一致

按G把grid size调成最小修排列

作为第一张图 我觉得这个难度的级别已经超过基础的playable了
节奏比较有想法 排列是经验问题不过跳的处理上很有感觉 音效听着还比较自然 除了个别短的往返滑条我不是很喜欢 嗯
00:09:344 (3) - 建议是去掉所有往返然后在00:09:750补一个1/1的slider
00:11:574 - 这边有吉他 建议加个圈
00:26:371 (9) - 排列上我只能给建议说尽量排满整个playfield 比如现在这个就明显应该把arrow放到右边去 最好是右上,要调整的不只是这一个 还是那句话 经验问题 抱着娱乐消遣心态打图的时候稍微注意一下别的图是怎么处理排列的
00:50:493 (1) - 这边歌词是round 下一个滑条歌词是and round,个人感觉跟一次就可以了 第二个还是长滑条效果不是很好 另外圆用现在三个锚点的滑条重新拉一下
00:54:750 - 这里缺个圈
00:55:155 (1) - 一个转盘够了 改成从00:55:358开始跟vocal 前两个并一起 第三个本来就可以去掉
01:24:750 (1) - 转盘对应silence的部分 建议加绿线降低点音量
01:45:020 (13) - 这边combo数数到13我就不吐槽了 这个滑条的尾巴上对应i'm的开始 i'm虽然唱的声音比较低但是就这么空出来还是有点奇怪 建议滑条开头移到现在结束的时间点 然后在原开头时间放个圈stacked(还有 为什么这个滑条中间有这么多锚点///)
01:54:750 - 其实这个break可以map掉
01:47:047 (1) - 这两个圈的建议同前面 另外里这个圈应该在1/2之后开始
02:15:020 (8) - 原曲就一个洞就结束了 目测这个往返滑条是自创的 不过效果不好...这边其实就可以结尾了 如果还是想留着转盘可以考虑再转一条长白线


相对Hard,Normal水准就一般了 不过不是技术问题 是姿势..啊 知识问题
这首歌的Normal其实很好弄 只要一直跟着吉他放 选择性删掉几个太难的然后去掉又不至于影响的note就行
另外做Normal的时候基本关grid snap 开spacing为1.0*的distance snap放到底 然后排列和节奏没大问题就不会有人挑

00:03:669 (1,2,3) - 这三个开头打头的直接一个2/1滑条扫过去就行
00:07:723 (2,3,4) - 这个也可以直接扫过去
00:27:182 (1) - 这种长度的spinner肯定会被挑 还是在这里改一个1/1滑条比较好
00:54:750 - 后面的(1)放这边来
如果说这个图Hard的节奏是按1/2为单位,加上一些1/4三连修饰的话 Normal的节奏应该是1/1 然后修饰是靠1/2 最无脑的方法是单位摆满..居然效果还不错 但是空拍用的好能让map上一个档次
00:25:560 (5) - Normal间距不是 ds 一定会被往死里挑 当年我不想改一定是想多了//
00:47:858 (7) - 遮挡和overlap什么的也干掉..

嘛 稍微解释一下术语向的文字.. 不保证说明清楚...
1/1是上方时间轴一个白线长度 出现的是分数类推
spacing为1.0* 按alt的时候右上的部分显示变成distance spacing,用于修改ds(distance snap)下

能想到的就这么多 还有问题可以pm问我或者在游戏里面抓我 咱有空的话怎么都行 只要不嫌我啰嗦(咦
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

Hi Banana Here From 百度pending吧


Hard没加 Preview Time,所有难度应一致来的

hard是准备做完另一段还是现在这样note就摆完了呢 如果是后者 你需要:
用cooledit把最后一部分在合适的位置剪掉 最好能配上渐出效果(不过后来看了一下好像直接切掉就行..自带渐出) ranking rule says it
个人建议把后面剪掉 第一张图开太长很累

00:29:614 - 第一段kiai从这里开始 两个难度保持一致 结束在00:57:182
01:39:344 - 另外的建议是 如果不准备再map另一段 可以考虑再加一段kiai,方法是这里去掉kiai,然后另一段kiai从01:57:182到02:15:020
不管怎么改 两个难度kiai要一致

按G把grid size调成最小修排列

作为第一张图 我觉得这个难度的级别已经超过基础的playable了
节奏比较有想法 排列是经验问题不过跳的处理上很有感觉 音效听着还比较自然 除了个别短的往返滑条我不是很喜欢 嗯
00:09:344 (3) - 建议是去掉所有往返然后在00:09:750补一个1/1的slider
00:11:574 - 这边有吉他 建议加个圈
00:26:371 (9) - 排列上我只能给建议说尽量排满整个playfield 比如现在这个就明显应该把arrow放到右边去 最好是右上,要调整的不只是这一个 还是那句话 经验问题 抱着娱乐消遣心态打图的时候稍微注意一下别的图是怎么处理排列的
00:50:493 (1) - 这边歌词是round 下一个滑条歌词是and round,个人感觉跟一次就可以了 第二个还是长滑条效果不是很好 另外圆用现在三个锚点的滑条重新拉一下
非常感谢你的建议~ :)

Kiai已经统一,Preview time我检查了下,发现两个diff都有黄线不过差了一个红白线的距离orz……

已修正到00:50:493 (1) ,“and round”暂时想不到梗_(:з」∠)_

  1. 在特殊位置的Spinner都做了降音处理
  2. 将一个不必要的Break取消并mapped
  3. 调整了一些排列
  4. 补充做完了音效



Nc=new combo

00:31:278 (3,4,5) - 用弯滑条效果会好很多
00:35:535 (1) - 你这滑条是跟的哪个轨...不合节奏
00:37:967 (7) - 不合节奏
00:43:237 (4,7,9) - NC
01:06:954 (5) - 嗯...好吧是奇葩了点;_;
01:09:589 (5) - 杜绝这种形状的滑条(扭成一团非常不好看)
01:13:440 (8) - 不合节奏
01:14:657 (1,3) - 同杜绝
01:19:319 (4) - 杜绝
01:26:211 (3) - 拉圆滑点
01:27:021 (5) - 杜绝...
01:27:832 (1) - 输入ctrl+c在输入ctrl+v然后输入ctrl+h最后输入ctrl+g/.\
01:31:684 (8) - ctrl+g
01:35:738 (1,2,3) - 听着别扭,不适合的节奏
01:38:778 (6) - 不合节奏
01:40:197 (4,7) - Nc
01:46:684 (7) - 杜绝
02:08:170 (3) - ...
02:09:792 (1) - 杜绝

00:11:612 (2) - 放在1下面
00:11:612 (2) - 太丑
00:14:044 (5) - ^
00:36:139 (7) - 不适合的节奏
00:54:990 (1) - 1放在2上面

合理利用distance snap(选中一个物件,在作图界面的右上角会显示他对上一个/下一个物件的间距)

质量还不行,不过我相信你能remap出高质量的图 :)


正好我蛮喜欢这首歌 就顺便来凑个热闹
我打过你这hard了 我也必须说这绝对是insane=。=
流畅感还可以 不过想rank很多细节还不到位
我们都是新mapper 共勉了
有兴趣的话你也看一下我的pending图 互相学习了就当
Topic Starter

lkx_shore wrote:

Nc=new combo

00:31:278 (3,4,5) - 用弯滑条效果会好很多
00:35:535 (1) - 你这滑条是跟的哪个轨...不合节奏
00:37:967 (7) - 不合节奏
00:43:237 (4,7,9) - NC
01:06:954 (5) - 嗯...好吧是奇葩了点;_; 我的审美弱爆了
01:09:589 (5) - 杜绝这种形状的滑条(扭成一团非常不好看) 我只是觉得……这样扭上去也许会提示player要跳的方向(揍)
01:13:440 (8) - 不合节奏
01:14:657 (1,3) - 同杜绝 有点像蛋蛋诶
01:19:319 (4) - 杜绝
01:26:211 (3) - 拉圆滑点 更像像蛋蛋了诶
01:27:021 (5) - 杜绝...
01:27:832 (1) - 输入ctrl+c在输入ctrl+v然后输入ctrl+h最后输入ctrl+g/.\ note铺到这边的时候我还不会这个技巧,后面就会了orz
01:31:684 (8) - ctrl+g
01:35:738 (1,2,3) - 听着别扭,不适合的节奏 这里是想跟歌词,当时没什么好梗就随便摆了下
01:38:778 (6) - 不合节奏
01:40:197 (4,7) - Nc
01:46:684 (7) - 杜绝
02:08:170 (3) - ... 这个稍微调了下,原来很多用不着的锚点的确很蠢,主要是想表现WO~W这里的~时,有个小转折
02:09:792 (1) - 杜绝
  1. 如上,已全部修改
  1. 修改完毕~
  1. 需要强化审美……嗯……
  2. 正在学习跟音轨,有时候会不自觉的跟歌词,所以我在想要不要搞点off vocal的版本强制自己跟旋律
00:03:707 这首歌真正节奏开始是这里 建议你在这里往前滚一小节4拍加上你第一个时间点
00:03:504 NC
00:11:815 (2,3) - 平行好点 复制第一个粘贴然后CTRL+G就反过来了
00:18:707 NC
00:19:112 (2,3) - 改成两个白线上的NOTE或者白线到白线的滑条好点
00:20:734 (5,1,2,3) - 好好摆放下
00:25:598 (6,7,8) - 摆放 注意分布在整个区域
00:28:842 NC
00:32:085 (4,1,2,3) - 难看
00:46:680 (6,1,2) - 都挤到一起了往左边放放
00:48:301 (2,3,4) - 难看 要不就错开点 要不就左到右右到左 搞点弧度都行 弧度的拱形可以对着(抱着)也可以背对着(拱对拱)
00:54:990 (1,2) - 这里改改2号滑条怪怪的
01:02:896 (1,2,3) - 难看
01:17:491 (4,5,6) - 往下移点都挤在一起了
01:24:788 转盘感觉这里开始好点 转盘前加点别的
01:32:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 难看
02:03:302 (1,2,3) - 难看

00:31:274 (3) - 这里就音乐的感觉看没有转折你用这种折线形的滑条不合适 改个圆滑点的
也可以开始圆形后面直线 考虑到和你后面00:32:089 (4) 这个的衔接
00:35:531 (6,7) - 改改摆放
00:40:599 (1,2,3,4) - 难看 至少对称
01:00:869 (3,5) - 难看
01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - 最好弄五角星 别随手摆
01:19:927 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 形状好好摆摆 主要就是距离弄一样了
01:20:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这三个还有01:21:143 (6) - 这个的开头部分弄个四边形或者菱形多好
01:31:278 (7) - 三个节点就行了
01:31:684 (8) - 这个去掉 选中你做好的01:31:278 (7) - 然后CTRL+C CTRL+H CTRL+J
01:32:089 (9,10,11,1,2,3) - 弄点形状什么的
01:38:373 (5) - 难看
01:44:251 (3,4,5,6) - 错开点 还可以考虑拱形交错
比如你第一个是上下上(拱形)第二个下上下 第三个上下上这样打起来也舒服
01:52:359 (2,4) - 至少弄对称了啊 CTRL+J
Topic Starter

zweiii wrote:

00:03:707 这首歌真正节奏开始是这里 建议你在这里往前滚一小节4拍加上你第一个时间点
00:03:504 NC
00:11:815 (2,3) - 平行好点 复制第一个粘贴然后CTRL+G就反过来了
00:18:707 NC
00:19:112 (2,3) - 改成两个白线上的NOTE或者白线到白线的滑条好点 修正为两个Circle
00:20:734 (5,1,2,3) - 好好摆放下
00:25:598 (6,7,8) - 摆放 注意分布在整个区域 DS所限,摆不出多漂亮的样子了orz
00:28:842 NC
00:32:085 (4,1,2,3) - 难看
00:46:680 (6,1,2) - 都挤到一起了往左边放放
00:48:301 (2,3,4) - 难看 要不就错开点 要不就左到右右到左 搞点弧度都行 弧度的拱形可以对着(抱着)也可以背对着(拱对拱)
00:54:990 (1,2) - 这里改改2号滑条怪怪的 为了对应歌词
00:57:423转盘这里开始00:59:247这结束 没有提前1/2的必要,4/1的Spinner我觉得正好
01:02:896 (1,2,3) - 难看
01:17:491 (4,5,6) - 往下移点都挤在一起了
01:24:788 转盘感觉这里开始好点 转盘前加点别的 考虑到是Normal,如果这里另加一个1/2Circle接3/1的Spinner,似乎不符合Normal的标准,干脆就保持原有的5/1长一些
01:32:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 难看
02:03:302 (1,2,3) - 难看

00:31:274 (3) - 这里就音乐的感觉看没有转折你用这种折线形的滑条不合适 改个圆滑点的
也可以开始圆形后面直线 考虑到和你后面00:32:089 (4) 这个的衔接
00:35:531 (6,7) - 改改摆放
00:40:599 (1,2,3,4) - 难看 至少对称
01:00:869 (3,5) - 难看
01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - 最好弄五角星 别随手摆 这就是五角星谢谢
01:19:927 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 形状好好摆摆 主要就是距离弄一样了 已改成两个三角形
01:20:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这三个还有01:21:143 (6) - 这个的开头部分弄个四边形或者菱形多好 三连弄菱形??Slider开头弄四边形?
01:31:278 (7) - 三个节点就行了
01:31:684 (8) - 这个去掉 选中你做好的01:31:278 (7) - 然后CTRL+C CTRL+H CTRL+J
01:32:089 (9,10,11,1,2,3) - 弄点形状什么的 我能摆个直角三角形lol
01:38:373 (5) - 难看
01:44:251 (3,4,5,6) - 错开点 还可以考虑拱形交错
比如你第一个是上下上(拱形)第二个下上下 第三个上下上这样打起来也舒服
01:52:359 (2,4) - 至少弄对称了啊 CTRL+J
  1. Normal和Insane都已经修改完毕,部分提议我持保留意见(见红字)

BG 调成800*600
两个diff的offset 需要统一 将ins与Normal统一 改成2085 这样重音才能落在长白线上 注意:调整offset后所有物件和绿线均需要resnap
去掉倒数 留着它感觉很蛋疼
或许考虑换一下combo color 而不是用default
在每个diff的F4 - General - source中添加专辑名Get Your Heart On!
每个diff中的Kiai Time都不对 Kiai 必须从长白线开始 所以第一段Kiai应该从00:29:652 - 而不是从00:29:551 - 开始 结束时间要求不是特别精确 应该结束在00:57:220 - 这里比较好
第二段Kiai 应该开始在01:26:409 - 结束在01:53:976 - 你现在的第二段Kiai删掉 从歌曲构成来讲 那部分属于 bridge 不是Chorus

音乐中本身有鼓点的地方 最好改成normal sample 像现在这样一路soft过去不太合适

00:03:707 (1) - 加finish?
这首歌的节拍【主歌部分关系不大 因为节奏很弱】副歌部分 我觉得不应该是两条一个clap的拍子 应该是 normal normal clap soft这种节奏型
比如从副歌开始的地方举例吧 首先 副歌部分应该在绿线上调成Normal的hitsound 少部分需要用soft的直接改sampleset 不需要再加绿线 然后假设现在所以hitsound都是Normal的了 00:29:653 (2) - 头上的finish 保留 尾巴改成soft 00:30:058 (3) - 去掉clap 00:30:463 (1) - 头加clap 尾去掉clap并改成soft 00:31:679 (3) - 去掉clap 00:32:085 (4) - 头加clap 尾去掉clap并改成soft 基本上就是这种感觉 后面的就循环这个节拍就可以 一定要注意碎拍子要调成soft 不然会很乱
00:36:950 (4,5,1,2) - 注意不要不自觉地去跟vocal 要保持上一条中描述的那个节拍
00:40:599 (4,1) - 这种形状不太美观 考虑把1的头往下挪一些 然后做成一个开口向上的弧线 避免与4接触 像你现在这种 挨着 但又只是歪歪扭扭地碰到一点儿的状况容易让图显得很乱 我明白你是因为要遵循DS 所以弄成这样了 不过还是要想办法尽量把它排好的
01:04:315 (4,5,6) - 不要这样试图跟vocal 像01:04:517 - 这种音乐中本身就带有鼓点的位置最好不要是空拍 无论在什么难度下 所以这个地方的设计最好改一改
第二段副歌的节奏如法炮制 希望你学会了

以下的mod还建立在你的图当前的offset上 做完其他修改后最后改offset以免看不懂下面的mod
ins不开DS关系不大 但是像00:08:778 (1,2,3,4) - 这种连续的【头尾相接的】地方 一般最好还是要开DS 除非你在特定地方刻意想放变速移动梗
00:37:967 (7) - 弧度一致
00:42:021 (4) - ^
01:13:440 (8) - ^
01:14:657 (1,3) - ^ 啊太多了……你自己看着改吧=。= 挑滑条挑得我困死了
00:55:399 (1) - 这种地方要加finish音
01:53:981 (1) - 开头finish
01:09:589 (5) - 不美观 不要这么弯 3点画弧即可
02:13:440 (3,4,1,2,3) - 完全没节奏的感觉=。=想想办法改排版 或者利用好hitsound
ins的排版我没很多想说的 没什么很不好的地方 副歌部分节拍也和Normal一样保持 区别在于这个diff你调成soft的物件会多一些 因为有很多碎拍
01:29:657 (1,2,3) - 这种3个单拍 可以考虑把它们放得很近 这也不失为一种不错的梗

就这样吧 要改得东西不少噢 加油吧 我要去睡觉了=。=摸了一夜的图……
话说你现在不是缺个hard diff么 不介意的话我试着做一个看看
01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - 最好弄五角星 别随手摆 这就是五角星谢谢
我是说要旋转出来的那种 你的不是正五边形嘛不过问题也不是很大2333
01:20:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这三个还有01:21:143 (6) - 这个的开头部分弄个四边形或者菱形多好 三连弄菱形??Slider开头弄四边形?
我指的是01:20:332 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这三个还有后面那个滑条开始的位置这四个点就是你打的时候经过的那四个点
刚问群里的大神了 他们说只要打得爽就行了 有时候不用太在意形状 果然是我想多了么啊哈哈~
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

BG 调成800*600
两个diff的offset 需要统一 将ins与Normal统一 改成2085 这样重音才能落在长白线上 注意:调整offset后所有物件和绿线均需要resnap 不知道你是不是下的最新的版本(我凌晨有过更新),offset已经能改成2085了
去掉倒数 留着它感觉很蛋疼
或许考虑换一下combo color 而不是用default Normal的Combo Color已经和Insane统一
在每个diff的F4 - General - source中添加专辑名Get Your Heart On!
每个diff中的Kiai Time都不对 Kiai 必须从长白线开始 所以第一段Kiai应该从00:29:652 - 而不是从00:29:551 - 开始 结束时间要求不是特别精确 应该结束在00:57:220 - 这里比较好
第二段Kiai 应该开始在01:26:409 - 结束在01:53:976 - 你现在的第二段Kiai删掉 从歌曲构成来讲 那部分属于 bridge 不是Chorus

就这样吧 要改得东西不少噢 加油吧 我要去睡觉了=。=摸了一夜的图……
话说你现在不是缺个hard diff么 不介意的话我试着做一个看看
  1. Kiai时间已经调整(其实我对乐理基本不懂…
  2. 专辑名已添加
[Sound Effects]
  1. Normal和Insane都添加完毕
  2. Normal整个重做,Insane就重做了两段副歌,因为我觉得两段主歌和最后一段就24clap也挺好,毕竟节奏很紧凑(我才不会说我懒了)
  1. Guest Diff大欢迎~但求不嫌弃

edit:12.16 0:27
  1. Guest Diff大欢迎~但求不嫌弃
那我重新下载一遍去试试看吧 尽量周末两天把大体的弄出来



答:统一1.0x间距,Easy可以1/1摆满,Normal 1/2适当摆摆




kiai time的线一定要对齐,否则unrank


00:03:707 (1) - 加finish (finish的用法有很多,大白线加finish就是其中一种
00:10:193 (2) - 加finish
00:11:815 (2) - 滑条尾部的clap呢?
00:12:626 (3) - ^
00:12:626 (3,4) - 这样是不是美观点?多用这种滑条.
00:14:045 (5) - 拉到00:14:449就好停了
00:20:734 (5) - 把4拉好,然后把4旋转180度再ctrl+g,哦对,这里别折回了.不然打1的时候会很绕
00:25:598 (6) - NC
00:27:220 (8) - 在00:27:625开始
01:23:165 (5) - 没拉好
01:32:895 (3) - 用滑条在这起,带到01:33:301
01:47:286 (1) - ..
01:53:165 (1) - nc,折返跳一般加nc提示
01:58:030 (6) - 很绕手
02:11:003 (6) - ^
02:11:814 (2,3) - 砍了重做吧
00:29:045 (1,2,3) - 这样堆起一坨是不好看的...你可以这样摆来试试

kiai time部分的美观性比以前好多了.可在我的标准看来还不过关.多试试拉弯滑条吧

00:36:139 (3) - 漏了clap.2/4clap一般情况下一个都不能漏
00:42:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 都拉弯点,会好看很多
00:51:139 (7) - 漏clap
00:55:193 (2) - 在00:55:395 (3) - 开始,并且加上finish
00:55:193 (2,3) - 不错,对称的确会美观,只可惜你2对不上节奏
00:56:409 (3) - 头尾都加上finish
01:00:464 (1) - finish
01:04:315 (4,5,6) - 都加上whistle (whistle通常用来强化这个音.可以用在歌曲感情部分深的地方/起伏处
01:02:895 (1,2,3) - 不知道normal能不能这样摆,但是善良点比较好lol
01:08:572 (5) - 这种的确不好看啊...;_;扭成一团我想没多少人会喜欢,而且扭曲得太厉害还会导致看不清滑条轨迹.
01:17:491 (4,5,6) - 这里就挺好的,但把6换成←↙↓这样弯的滑条就完美了
01:19:923 (3,5) - 如果弧度不是很大的滑条,一般都是放中间的,你放在边缘的话最好还是拉成弯点的
01:23:976 (1) - 在01:25:598停,顺便调调绿线
01:39:383 (1,2,3) - 折滑条最好红点放在滑条的正中间开始折.你这样折的话红点放在1/4处,曲度要在30~45度之间才好看
01:54:179 - 加上break time

第二个kiai time也只是因为滑条不够弯所以显得有点...拉弯点就不错了

00:03:706 (6) - 头finish
00:03:706 (6,7,1) - 不好看
00:04:516 (1,2,3) - 这样也不太好看,这种情况一般是这样叠
00:31:274 (3) - 这种滑条还可以这样折
00:37:962 (6) - 不合节奏,在00:38:166起,带到00:38:571还是正确的带过方式
00:40:193 (7,8,2,3) - 叠好
00:40:193 (7,8,2,3) - 全都对称小跳会好很多

Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

00:03:707 (1) - 加finish?
这首歌的节拍【主歌部分关系不大 因为节奏很弱】副歌部分 我觉得不应该是两条一个clap的拍子 应该是 normal normal clap soft这种节奏型
比如从副歌开始的地方举例吧 首先 副歌部分应该在绿线上调成Normal的hitsound 少部分需要用soft的直接改sampleset 不需要再加绿线 然后假设现在所以hitsound都是Normal的了 00:29:653 (2) - 头上的finish 保留 尾巴改成soft 00:30:058 (3) - 去掉clap 00:30:463 (1) - 头加clap 尾去掉clap并改成soft 00:31:679 (3) - 去掉clap 00:32:085 (4) - 头加clap 尾去掉clap并改成soft 基本上就是这种感觉 后面的就循环这个节拍就可以 一定要注意碎拍子要调成soft 不然会很乱
第二段副歌的节奏如法炮制 希望你学会了

根据建议将两段副歌的音效修改成了 N-N-NClap-S效果拔群~




音效还没插lol 懒逼
Topic Starter

lkx_shore wrote:




答:统一1.0x间距,Easy可以1/1摆满,Normal 1/2适当摆摆




kiai time的线一定要对齐,否则unrank


00:03:707 (1) - 加finish (finish的用法有很多,大白线加finish就是其中一种
00:10:193 (2) - 加finish
00:11:815 (2) - 滑条尾部的clap呢?
00:12:626 (3) - ^
00:12:626 (3,4) - 这样是不是美观点?多用这种滑条.
00:14:045 (5) - 拉到00:14:449就好停了
00:20:734 (5) - 把4拉好,然后把4旋转180度再ctrl+g,哦对,这里别折回了.不然打1的时候会很绕
00:25:598 (6) - NC
00:27:220 (8) - 在00:27:625开始
01:23:165 (5) - 没拉好 不明白?是要拉直吗?
01:32:895 (3) - 用滑条在这起,带到01:33:301 no~我觉得原地挺好
01:47:286 (1) - ..
01:53:165 (1) - nc,折返跳一般加nc提示
01:58:030 (6) - 很绕手 努力想出来的梗了啦
02:11:003 (6) - ^
02:11:814 (2,3) - 砍了重做吧
00:29:045 (1,2,3) - 这样堆起一坨是不好看的...你可以这样摆来试试

kiai time部分的美观性比以前好多了.可在我的标准看来还不过关.多试试拉弯滑条吧

00:36:139 (3) - 漏了clap.2/4clap一般情况下一个都不能漏 已换用别的SE
00:42:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 都拉弯点,会好看很多
00:51:139 (7) - 漏clap 已换用别的SE
00:55:193 (2) - 在00:55:395 (3) - 开始,并且加上finish
00:55:193 (2,3) - 不错,对称的确会美观,只可惜你2对不上节奏 ok
00:56:409 (3) - 头尾都加上finish
01:00:464 (1) - finish
01:04:315 (4,5,6) - 都加上whistle (whistle通常用来强化这个音.可以用在歌曲感情部分深的地方/起伏处 已换用别的SE
01:02:895 (1,2,3) - 不知道normal能不能这样摆,但是善良点比较好lol ok
01:08:572 (5) - 这种的确不好看啊...;_;扭成一团我想没多少人会喜欢,而且扭曲得太厉害还会导致看不清滑条轨迹.
01:17:491 (4,5,6) - 这里就挺好的,但把6换成←↙↓这样弯的滑条就完美了
01:19:923 (3,5) - 如果弧度不是很大的滑条,一般都是放中间的,你放在边缘的话最好还是拉成弯点的
01:23:976 (1) - 在01:25:598停,顺便调调绿线
01:39:383 (1,2,3) - 折滑条最好红点放在滑条的正中间开始折.你这样折的话红点放在1/4处,曲度要在30~45度之间才好看
01:54:179 - 加上break time

第二个kiai time也只是因为滑条不够弯所以显得有点...拉弯点就不错了

00:03:706 (6) - 头finish
00:03:706 (6,7,1) - 不好看 no
00:04:516 (1,2,3) - 这样也不太好看,这种情况一般是这样叠
00:31:274 (3) - 这种滑条还可以这样折 已经改成其他的梗了,不过这样的折法学习到了
00:37:962 (6) - 不合节奏,在00:38:166起,带到00:38:571还是正确的带过方式
00:40:193 (7,8,2,3) - 叠好
00:40:193 (7,8,2,3) - 全都对称小跳会好很多 已经忘了你在看到这4个时它是什么样了,我貌似改过很多次,现在的看来还不错



irc mod~
21:55 XiaoP_GJ: 0.0
21:56 qkenan: 0.0
21:56 XiaoP_GJ: -v-
21:56 qkenan: =ω=
21:57 XiaoP_GJ: 好无聊- -
21:57 XiaoP_GJ: 啥都打不动
21:57 qkenan: 我刚下了2G歌包,正在挨个往游戏里拖w
21:58 XiaoP_GJ: - -
21:58 qkenan: 打不动就来帮我mod图
21:58 XiaoP_GJ: 我游戏30G了...
21:58 qkenan: 我只有15G
21:59 XiaoP_GJ: - -
21:59 XiaoP_GJ: 我不会MOD图
21:59 XiaoP_GJ: 我对音效一窍不通- -
21:59 qkenan: _(:з」∠)_
22:00 qkenan: 除了音效,也可以提点别的意见啦
22:00 XiaoP_GJ: 简称骗kds吗- -
22:00 qkenan: 2wpc总有点自己对图的看法的吧
22:00 qkenan: 排布啊,节奏啊
22:00 XiaoP_GJ: np给我- -
22:00 qkenan: 任何建议都是有益的,谈何骗kd呢
22:00 *qkenan is listening to Simple Plan - Astronaut
22:12 qkenan: 呼呼,I难度正好是ar8
22:12 XiaoP_GJ: 拙计
22:12 XiaoP_GJ: HD水平- -
22:13 qkenan: hd不好打,你可以直接dt
22:15 XiaoP_GJ: 跪
22:15 XiaoP_GJ: DT打不了
22:15 qkenan: _(:з」∠)_
22:21 XiaoP_GJ: tags里面要加上GD作者的ID- -
22:21 qkenan: 哦哦
22:22 XiaoP_GJ: 另外我建议hard AR+1 OD+1
22:22 XiaoP_GJ: 跪了
22:23 XiaoP_GJ: 你用的1/3拍?
22:23 qkenan: 没啊
22:23 qkenan: 我还驾驭不了那么高端的节拍
22:23 XiaoP_GJ:
22:24 qkenan: 也许是你手滑了?
22:24 qkenan: 我真没用1/3
22:24 XiaoP_GJ: 跪了
22:24 XiaoP_GJ: 又出那种按不了的BUG了
22:24 qkenan: 今天的新bug?
22:25 XiaoP_GJ: 一直都是这样
22:25 qkenan: 进出edit就bug?
22:25 XiaoP_GJ: 没
22:25 XiaoP_GJ: 没事了
22:25 XiaoP_GJ: 下面那些没用的蓝线可以删了- -
22:26 qkenan: 那是当初插节奏时的进度……插一段就加个bookmark
22:26 XiaoP_GJ: 现在可以删了- -
22:26 qkenan: 哦
22:30 XiaoP_GJ: 00:43:639 这个note感觉没放好
22:31 XiaoP_GJ: 距离感觉有点不对
22:32 XiaoP_GJ: 我第一次打的时候这里有点难受
22:32 qkenan: 好,我用旋转重做下,当时貌似是目测着做三角跳的(躺
22:33 XiaoP_GJ: 可以考虑改成两个小四角
22:36 qkenan: 嗯……后面也有三角跳,那就改掉这个
22:49 XiaoP_GJ: 看QQ
22:49 XiaoP_GJ: 游戏搞着搞着就打不得字
22:50 qkenan: 看到了,正在改~



Zero's hard的质量不错,但还是有unrank的梗(22号下午我再mod),总体难度偏向简单insane.(这作图技术进步速度好像飞升啊)

Topic Starter

lkx_shore wrote:




Zero's hard的质量不错,但还是有unrank的梗(22号下午我再mod),总体难度偏向简单insane.(这作图技术进步速度好像飞升啊)




A small mod :D
As usual, only suggestions, I don't force you...

00:11:409 (1) - Stack it maybe on 00:10:193 (2)?
00:29:044 (1,2,3) - Don't like how it is, more spacing between the notes?
00:42:220 (1,2) - Symmetry please.
01:15:058 (6) - Take it down Like that maybe
01:29:653 (2) - Appreciatively x:156 y:64
01:38:774 (6) - Up
01:49:923 (3) - Bad flow, move it to the left

00:17:084 (1,2) - Exchange their places.
00:39:382 (2,3,4) - Don't stack please
01:37:355 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Really weird jumps
01:59:652 (9) - Stack or put it away

00:08:773 (1,2,3) - Align them maybe?
00:51:948 (4) - Why not round like 00:50:530 (1)?
01:47:286 (1) - ^ because I see it more like a rugby ball...
02:05:125 (4) - Symmetry

That's all :D
Hope I was usefull
Topic Starter

Nanika133 wrote:

A small mod :D
As usual, only suggestions, I don't force you...

00:11:409 (1) - Stack it maybe on 00:10:193 (2)? ok
00:29:044 (1,2,3) - Don't like how it is, more spacing between the notes? Sorry,because Normal must keep the same spacing
00:42:220 (1,2) - Symmetry please. ok
01:15:058 (6) - Take it down Like that maybe I stretched it
01:29:653 (2) - Appreciatively x:156 y:64 Considering about the symmetry,some early notes moved to fit them
01:38:774 (6) - Up Sorry,because Normal must keep the same spacing
01:49:923 (3) - Bad flow, move it to the left ok

Normal: Maybe you mean the diff of 'Zero's Hard' ? I'll tell him
00:17:084 (1,2) - Exchange their places.
00:39:382 (2,3,4) - Don't stack please
01:37:355 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Really weird jumps
01:59:652 (9) - Stack or put it away

00:08:773 (1,2,3) - Align them maybe? ok
00:51:948 (4) - Why not round like 00:50:530 (1)? cuz this slider is not as long as that,so it can only be shaped like current
01:47:286 (1) - ^ because I see it more like a rugby ball... fixed
02:05:125 (4) - Symmetry ok

That's all :D
Hope I was usefull
Thanks for your advice XD
hi, sorry to have written in Japanese.

00:12:625 (1) - 00:14:247 (2) 次のcircleへの方向が悪いので、カーブを直す

00:15:057 (3) 下に移動した後、上方向は変わりすぎなので左上ぐらいにする

00:17:490 (3) ずれているので、もう少し下 or 右下に配置 (move circle to lower right)

01:26:409 (1)  01:23:976 (1) にあわせて中央にしましょう (move center)

01:26:409 (1) - 01:28:030 (1) きれいに重ねたほうがいいと思います。 01:28:030 (1)を右に移動?(overlay)


00:06:949 (1) - 00:11:004 (4)
00:23:571 (4) - 00:26:815 (7)
00:30:463 (1) - 00:34:923 (4)
01:02:895 (1) - 01:05:530 (3)
01:09:383 (1) - 01:16:680 (3)

00:11:409 (1) ニューコンボを消す (remove new combo)

00:12:626 (3) ニューコンボ (new combo)

00:15:463 (1) - 00:17:085 (3) 重ねる、難しくなるようなら配置を変える

00:45:869 (5) new combo
00:47:896 (1) remove new combo
00:48:301 (2) new combo

00:54:787 (1) このサークルを消して一休みするなどを所々いれるといいかもしれません。 (remove circle and next new combo)

02:06:545 (7) new combo?
02:08:166 (1) remove new combo?
02:10:193 (3) new combo?
02:11:612 (1) remove new combo?

02:12:220 (2) どうせなら中央揃え ( not center )

Zero's Hard

コンボが長い (it long combo)
00:02:693 (1) - 00:03:706 (1) スタートはじめにこれは難しすぎます。Hardの難易度ではありません。 (this is Insane which is not Hard)

00:04:112 (2) - 00:04:517 (3) 遠い違和感のあるジャンプです (it far ,not jump)
00:08:166 (3) - 00:08:368 (4) 同じ ( same)
少し距離を短くするといいかもしれません。 (it over 2.0x please change under 2.0x)

1. 全体的にジャンプ単発が多い。 近い単発と遠い単発で差をつけるときれいになると思います。

2. 重ねたほうがいいところが数多くあります。見直してみてください。  ex( 00:09:381 (3) - 00:11:003 (2) )

Insaneと難しさおよび開始のパターンが同じです。 作りかけ? (change Difficulty)
Topic Starter

Sherry wrote:

hi, sorry to have written in Japanese.

00:12:625 (1) - 00:14:247 (2) 次のcircleへの方向が悪いので、カーブを直す ok

00:15:057 (3) 下に移動した後、上方向は変わりすぎなので左上ぐらいにするまあ、そんなにはないと思います

00:17:490 (3) ずれているので、もう少し下 or 右下に配置 (move circle to lower right)正確な場所がよくわからないので、ちょっとそう移動しました

01:26:409 (1)  01:23:976 (1) にあわせて中央にしましょう (move center) ok

01:26:409 (1) - 01:28:030 (1) きれいに重ねたほうがいいと思います。 01:28:030 (1)を右に移動?(overlay) ok


00:06:949 (1) - 00:11:004 (4)
00:23:571 (4) - 00:26:815 (7)
00:30:463 (1) - 00:34:923 (4)
01:02:895 (1) - 01:05:530 (3)
01:09:383 (1) - 01:16:680 (3)

00:11:409 (1) ニューコンボを消す (remove new combo) ok

00:12:626 (3) ニューコンボ (new combo) ok

00:15:463 (1) - 00:17:085 (3) 重ねる、難しくなるようなら配置を変える ok

00:45:869 (5) new comboこのかずのNotesはやり直しました
00:47:896 (1) remove new combo ^
00:48:301 (2) new combo^

00:54:787 (1) このサークルを消して一休みするなどを所々いれるといいかもしれません。 (remove circle and next new combo)いいえ、SEがありますから

02:06:545 (7) new combo?
02:08:166 (1) remove new combo?
02:10:193 (3) new combo?
02:11:612 (1) remove new combo?All fixed

02:12:220 (2) どうせなら中央揃え ( not center )このぐらいでは大丈夫だと思います

Zero's Hard
  • これ、GDなのでGuestにお伝えします
コンボが長い (it long combo)
00:02:693 (1) - 00:03:706 (1) スタートはじめにこれは難しすぎます。Hardの難易度ではありません。 (this is Insane which is not Hard)

00:04:112 (2) - 00:04:517 (3) 遠い違和感のあるジャンプです (it far ,not jump)
00:08:166 (3) - 00:08:368 (4) 同じ ( same)
少し距離を短くするといいかもしれません。 (it over 2.0x please change under 2.0x)

1. 全体的にジャンプ単発が多い。 近い単発と遠い単発で差をつけるときれいになると思います。実はこれ、試作品なのでこのままで置くと思います。あまり変更したくないです

2. 重ねたほうがいいところが数多くあります。見直してみてください。  ex( 00:09:381 (3) - 00:11:003 (2) )ok

Insaneと難しさおよび開始のパターンが同じです。 作りかけ? (change Difficulty)原因は上の言うのです
  • Modしてくれてありがとうございます
这你妹=。= 日文?

Nanika133 wrote:

Normal: Oh my diff is so simple that it looks like a Normal =.=
00:17:084 (1,2) - Exchange their places. nope, I want to make those notes clockwise
00:39:382 (2,3,4) - Don't stack please changed placement
01:37:355 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Really weird jumps attcually it was decortely designed =.=
01:59:652 (9) - Stack or put it away stacked properly
Thx for your mod~

Sherry wrote:

Zero's Hard

コンボが長い (it long combo) fixed, Add NC totally again fromthe start to the end
00:02:693 (1) - 00:03:706 (1) スタートはじめにこれは難しすぎます。Hardの難易度ではありません。 (this is Insane which is not Hard) changed pattern

00:04:112 (2) - 00:04:517 (3) 遠い違和感のあるジャンプです (it far ,not jump) hmm, I intended to make gap-jumps like this, so.. sorry for not changing
00:08:166 (3) - 00:08:368 (4) 同じ ( same) ^
少し距離を短くするといいかもしれません。 (it over 2.0x please change under 2.0x) the BPM is not high and the sv neither, so 2.5x is not that unfriendly I think. I've got some friends playtested this and it worked out fine for players who are not pro
Thx for your mod~
My diff has been updated by qkenan
So~ welcome more mods~
Hi~ Banana here from QQ (啦啦啦


PreviewTime: 28746
Tags:Astronaut Simple Plan
PreviewTime: 28804
Tags:Astronaut Simple Plan Get Your Heart On! Zero__wind

Astronaut 以及 Simple Plan 已经是Artist 和Title了 从tag中删除
专辑名填tag, Source 留空

已经用不到的bookmark可以考虑删了 我强迫症犯了挑一下


这次挑细节(slap 不是 就是把没注意的高级玩意拿出来说一下..
00:04:517 (2) - blanket包的时候稍微花点功夫修一下 而且这个滑条尾巴和上一个combo的(5)靠的比较近 视觉暂留什么应该是懂的 于是我改成了这样,包圆弧可以参考收缩那个圈
再啰嗦两句 mod接多了找泡的时候 没什么可挑的话 排列细节看着舒服的话比较容易泡
00:07:963 (6) - 既然是绕圆弧了 干脆把上面的复制粘贴然后转180°跳一下?这边似乎跳着打着舒服
00:08:976 (8) - 咱也直白点..嗯 不喜欢这种stack 而且在一句结尾的时候移动方向突然反着拐回去有点不合适 推荐的位置是下一个combo的(5)
00:16:679 (2) - 我不喜欢这种stack 嘛 用的好确实打起来会有乐趣 不过移动角度应该是比stack这种排列上的东西优先度高 有那么多地方可以放为什么一定是stack 比如这里 我就想把它放到 x:488 y:231 去
嘛 倒是可以理解成咱用stack用的不好所以才这么说 ...
细节问题:00:16:476 (1) - stack的话 可以把这个删了然后重新摆 滑条也是 这边开头拉过去然后ctrl+g 我强迫症又犯了

突然想起来有点事..然后这次先不要给kd 下次我补起来再说
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

Hi~ Banana here from QQ (啦啦啦


PreviewTime: 28746
Tags:Astronaut Simple Plan
PreviewTime: 28804
Tags:Astronaut Simple Plan Get Your Heart On! Zero__wind

Astronaut 以及 Simple Plan 已经是Artist 和Title了 从tag中删除
专辑名填tag, Source 留空

已经用不到的bookmark可以考虑删了 我强迫症犯了挑一下啦啦啦~_(:з」∠)_


这次挑细节(slap 不是 就是把没注意的高级玩意拿出来说一下..
00:04:517 (2) - blanket包的时候稍微花点功夫修一下 而且这个滑条尾巴和上一个combo的(5)靠的比较近 视觉暂留什么应该是懂的 于是我改成了这样,包圆弧可以参考收缩那个圈 fixed,有时候懒了就没做到非常贴切._.
再啰嗦两句 mod接多了找泡的时候 没什么可挑的话 排列细节看着舒服的话比较容易泡 还没见过泡的路过
00:07:963 (6) - 既然是绕圆弧了 干脆把上面的复制粘贴然后转180°跳一下?这边似乎跳着打着舒服180°直接成对角跳了诶……只稍微增大了这两个slider的间距
00:08:976 (8) - 咱也直白点..嗯 不喜欢这种stack 而且在一句结尾的时候移动方向突然反着拐回去有点不合适 推荐的位置是下一个combo的(5)no,‘sel~f’,这样跳未尝不可,而且之前是2/2的Slider,之后还有一个空拍,并不难
00:16:679 (2) - 我不喜欢这种stack 嘛 用的好确实打起来会有乐趣 不过移动角度应该是比stack这种排列上的东西优先度高 有那么多地方可以放为什么一定是stack 比如这里 我就想把它放到 x:488 y:231 去no,这点小地方堆叠真不算什么啊……
嘛 倒是可以理解成咱用stack用的不好所以才这么说 ...
细节问题:00:16:476 (1) - stack的话 可以把这个删了然后重新摆 滑条也是 这边开头拉过去然后ctrl+g 我强迫症又犯了待定

突然想起来有点事..然后这次先不要给kd 下次我补起来再说
Hi there, from my mod queue.

I noticed that the spinner at 02:15:056 (1) in all diffs (except Zero's Hard) ends at 02:16:679. I think it would be better if it ended at 02:18:301 instead.

00:50:733 (1) Copy and paste this slider here?
00:54:787 (1) Move the start of this spinner to 00:55:598?
01:16:679 (4) New combo.

00:15:869 (2) Move this to (92, 70), like this:
00:17:085 (3) Why not stack this on top of 1? Decrease the stack leniency if you don't want the "stack effect" to occur.
00:20:733 (5,6) Distance between them is x1.11. Please move them closer a little.

00:55:395 (1) Move start of spinner to 00:55:598 and add a circle here with same position as 00:54:786 (1)?
01:11:814 (6) New combo.
01:12:219 (1) Remove new combo.
01:22:557 (2,3) Ctrl + G.

I hope this helps! Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

PROGUY wrote:

Hi there, from my mod queue.

I noticed that the spinner at 02:15:056 (1) in all diffs (except Zero's Hard) ends at 02:16:679. I think it would be better if it ended at 02:18:301 instead.:arrow:i made the spinner earlier

00:50:733 (1) Copy and paste this slider here? :arrow: remapped
00:54:787 (1) Move the start of this spinner to 00:55:598?:arrow:
01:16:679 (4) New combo.:arrow:ok

00:15:869 (2) Move this to (92, 70), like this:
00:17:085 (3) Why not stack this on top of 1? Decrease the stack leniency if you don't want the "stack effect" to occur.:arrow:ok
00:20:733 (5,6) Distance between them is x1.11. Please move them closer a little.:arrow:ok

00:55:395 (1) Move start of spinner to 00:55:598 and add a circle here with same position as 00:54:786 (1)?
01:11:814 (6) New combo.
01:12:219 (1) Remove new combo.
01:22:557 (2,3) Ctrl + G.:arrow:Sorry I deleted this diff,the previous ’new' replaced it as Insane

I hope this helps! Good luck! :)
THX for you mod
Hi there, from my queue.
* = Slightly more suggested than others.


  • * Unsnapped timing points (in the format: current timing points => correctly snapped timing points) These may or may not apply to all difficulties, but they were in some and they need to be snapped:
    00:28:804 => 00:28:841
    01:00:425 => 01:00:463
    01:57:119 => 01:57:220
    02:15:020 and/or 02:15:108 => 02:15:057
    I think it would lead to a better introduction if the difficulties started at 00:03:301 instead, since that's where the guitar starts. Just a thought.

  • 00:09:787 (2) Maybe have a 1 beat slider and then a circle a beat later, instead of a 2 beat slider.
    00:11:003 (3) Extend this by a beat? It kind of feels odd having a three beat gap, coming from 2 beat gaps earlier.
    * 00:27:625 (1) I feel that it would be much better if this was extended to 00:29:652
    01:20:733 (3,4) Its generally not a good idea to have more than one repeat on a slider in an Easy or Normal. Also, you could have made these symmetrical, if you decide to keep it that way.
    * 01:28:030 (1,2,3) Keep it in a triangle like 01:26:409 (1,2,3) for the sake of consistency.
    01:37:760 (5) Just a thought, but you could make a diamond shape with this, 2,3, and 4 like this (Not perfect, but you'll get the idea).
    01:41:814 (1,2) I think that 2 should be the new combo, not 1.
    01:45:057 (1,2) ^
    01:56:409 (1,2) Kind of like I suggested in the beginning, deleting these two might lead to a better introduction from the break.
    * 02:00:057 (3,1) I think a better rhythmic pattern would be (circle-2 beat slider-circle) instead of (2 beat slider-1 beat slider). If this is done right, it would still take up the same amount of space.

  • 00:03:503 If you are going to keep the introduction, I suggest that you add a circle here since you're following the lyrics and there's a lyric here so without one (or without something to occupy the space), it doesn't feel right.
    00:12:626 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) Just a thought, but it might be better if you continued to follow the guitar here to keep consistency with the verse.
    00:18:706 It would follow the guitar better if you added a circle here. It feels too empty without one and doesn't feel right.
    00:38:976 (3,4) See 01:20:733 (In Easy)
    00:43:841 (3,4) Maybe this might be a better rhythm?
    00:56:409 (5) You should probably change the rhythm to a 1 beat slider and then a circle a beat later instead of a 2 beat slider.
    01:04:314 (1) Something doesn't fit right with the rhythm. I suggest than you delete this slider, and add two circles (at 01:04:112 and 01:04:517 )
    01:09:383 (1,2,3,4) See 00:12:626 Above
    01:16:680 (3) Kind of nazi, but I think it might look better if this was on the same y-axis as 2.
    01:19:923 (3) Maybe make a zig-zag type pattern like this?
    01:44:044 It might improve the rhythm if there was a circle here, and then 01:45:058 (1) was left with just a circle at the start point instead of a 1/2 repeat slider.
    01:51:545 (1) I don't feel like this spinner fits too well.
    01:56:410 (1) Like I've said previously, it might improve the introduction from the break if this was deleted, or at least just leave a circle at the endpoint.
    01:57:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 02:00:058 (1,2,3,4) I think it might be better if these were consistent in rhythm, but it might be fine as is. It was just bugging me.
    * 02:05:734 (5,6) These should probably be stacked to keep consistency with 02:04:112 (2,3)
[Zero's Hard:]

  • 00:02:693 (1,2,3,1,2) If you're going to keep the introduction, I suggest that you keep these at the same distance spacing. Also, the new combo for the blue combo should start at 3, not 1.
    00:06:544 (2,3) This jump isn't really necessary, imo.
    * 00:13:436 (3) It would be much better if this ended at the red tick (a 1/4 beat earlier) instead of the blue tick.
    00:36:949 (5) Might be better if it was something like this instead? (The screenshot is not intended to be perfect, it is just to give you a general idea.)
    * 00:39:382 (2) Please use a normal distance spacing between 1 and 2. It give the impression that 3 is a 1/2 beat away as well, making it really awkward.
    00:52:760 (4) Basically the same general idea as ^ But I'm not quite sure...
    00:59:449 (1,2,3,1,2) See 00:02:693 Above
    01:26:004 (2,3) Maybe you forgot to use the same spacing here as the spacing between 1 and 2?
    01:45:868 (1) I was expecting this to be around a similar y-axis as 3 and 4 according to the pattern set by 01:43:841 (2,3,4,1) and 01:44:449 (1,2,3,4) -
    * 01:49:720 (3) I think it would flow more smoothly with the rhythm if this was deleted.

  • 00:03:706 (1) If you are going to keep the introduction, I think it would look better you would continue the zigzag pattern here from 00:02:693 (1,2,3,4,5)
    00:06:139 (1,2) This seems weird stacked. Maybe either unstack this or stack this with 3.
    00:06:747 (4) I'm not sure if that big of a jump is needed. You can use the 1.8X distance space if you want, but it might not be too important, I just thought I might as well point that out.
    00:12:625 (1,2) Maybe just stack with 3?
    00:29:145 (2) This isn't needed, so I suggest that you just remove it. (Although I do personally like it as is)
    00:30:564 (4) ^
    * 00:32:895 (2,3) Imo, it would sound better if these were shortened to the red ticks. It sounds too weird when ending on the blue ticks.
    * 00:39:787 (4,5,6) There is no reason (that I could see) why the endpoints should be silenced, ESPECIALLY when it wasn't done on 00:39:382 (3)
    00:39:382 (3) to 00:55:598 This feels too empty. Add something please.
    * 01:36:139 (1,2,3) See 00:39:787 Above, except that 5 obviously doesn't need to be silenced so you can ignore the last part.
    Honestly, I think you over mapped it a little with all those unneeded triplets (like the ones discussed earlier). Try and only use them where you see them fit with the music/rhythm (if they are all going with the rhythm, then sorry about that. :( )
Sorry for taking so long, I was kind of busy. Good luck with mapping. :)
Topic Starter
Reply to CrestRising's Mod

CrestRising wrote:

Hi there, from my queue.
* = Slightly more suggested than others.


  • * Unsnapped timing points (in the format: current timing points => correctly snapped timing points) These may or may not apply to all difficulties, but they were in some and they need to be snapped:
    00:28:804 => 00:28:841
    01:00:425 => 01:00:463
    01:57:119 => 01:57:220
    02:15:020 and/or 02:15:108 => 02:15:057 :arrow:fixed
    I think it would lead to a better introduction if the difficulties started at 00:03:301 instead, since that's where the guitar starts. Just a thought.

  • 00:09:787 (2) Maybe have a 1 beat slider and then a circle a beat later, instead of a 2 beat slider. :arrow:ok
    00:11:003 (3) Extend this by a beat? It kind of feels odd having a three beat gap, coming from 2 beat gaps earlier.:arrow:ok
    * 00:27:625 (1) I feel that it would be much better if this was extended to 00:29:652
    01:20:733 (3,4) Its generally not a good idea to have more than one repeat on a slider in an Easy or Normal. Also, you could have made these symmetrical, if you decide to keep it that way. :arrow:ok
    * 01:28:030 (1,2,3) Keep it in a triangle like 01:26:409 (1,2,3) for the sake of consistency.:arrow:i think make them a little different better
    01:37:760 (5) Just a thought, but you could make a diamond shape with this, 2,3, and 4 like this (Not perfect, but you'll get the idea).:arrow: yeah,sure
    01:41:814 (1,2) I think that 2 should be the new combo, not 1.:arrow:no,combo followed by vocal also ok
    01:45:057 (1,2) ^:arrow: ok
    01:56:409 (1,2) Kind of like I suggested in the beginning, deleting these two might lead to a better introduction from the break.:arrow:not big problem
    * 02:00:057 (3,1) I think a better rhythmic pattern would be (circle-2 beat slider-circle) instead of (2 beat slider-1 beat slider). If this is done right, it would still take up the same amount of space. :arrow:ok

  • 00:03:503 If you are going to keep the introduction, I suggest that you add a circle here since you're following the lyrics and there's a lyric here so without one (or without something to occupy the space), it doesn't feel right.:arrow:ok,remapped
    00:12:626 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) Just a thought, but it might be better if you continued to follow the guitar here to keep consistency with the verse. :arrow:vocal better
    00:18:706 It would follow the guitar better if you added a circle here. It feels too empty without one and doesn't feel right. :arrow:ok
    00:38:976 (3,4) See 01:20:733 (In Easy) :arrow:ok
    00:43:841 (3,4) Maybe this might be a better rhythm? :arrow:ok
    00:56:409 (5) You should probably change the rhythm to a 1 beat slider and then a circle a beat later instead of a 2 beat slider. :arrow:ok
    01:04:314 (1) Something doesn't fit right with the rhythm. I suggest than you delete this slider, and add two circles (at 01:04:112 and 01:04:517 ) :arrow: no
    01:09:383 (1,2,3,4) See 00:12:626 Above :arrow:I can't hear guitar here XD
    01:16:680 (3) Kind of nazi, but I think it might look better if this was on the same y-axis as 2. :arrow: ok
    01:19:923 (3) Maybe make a zig-zag type pattern like this? :arrow: yeah~
    01:44:044 It might improve the rhythm if there was a circle here, and then 01:45:058 (1) was left with just a circle at the start point instead of a 1/2 repeat slider. :arrow: Oh,that's Nice!
    01:51:545 (1) I don't feel like this spinner fits too well. :arrow:ok,shorten it
    01:56:410 (1) Like I've said previously, it might improve the introduction from the break if this was deleted, or at least just leave a circle at the endpoint. :arrow: not big problem
    01:57:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 02:00:058 (1,2,3,4) I think it might be better if these were consistent in rhythm, but it might be fine as is. It was just bugging me. :arrow: fixed
    * 02:05:734 (5,6) These should probably be stacked to keep consistency with 02:04:112 (2,3) :arrow:ok

  • 00:03:706 (1) If you are going to keep the introduction, I think it would look better you would continue the zigzag pattern here from 00:02:693 (1,2,3,4,5) :arrow: no, for jump
    00:06:139 (1,2) This seems weird stacked. Maybe either unstack this or stack this with 3. :arrow: remapped
    00:06:747 (4) I'm not sure if that big of a jump is needed. You can use the 1.8X distance space if you want, but it might not be too important, I just thought I might as well point that out. :arrow: shortened the distance
    00:12:625 (1,2) Maybe just stack with 3? :arrow: no need to do so
    00:29:145 (2) This isn't needed, so I suggest that you just remove it. (Although I do personally like it as is) :arrow: moved
    00:30:564 (4) ^ :arrow: no
    * 00:32:895 (2,3) Imo, it would sound better if these were shortened to the red ticks. It sounds too weird when ending on the blue ticks. :arrow: the ends have been slienced
    * 00:39:787 (4,5,6) There is no reason (that I could see) why the endpoints should be silenced, ESPECIALLY when it wasn't done on 00:39:382 (3) :arrow:some time points for slilence removed
    00:39:382 (3) to 00:55:598 This feels too empty. Add something please. :arrow:yeah,added
    * 01:36:139 (1,2,3) See 00:39:787 Above, except that 5 obviously doesn't need to be silenced so you can ignore the last part.
    Honestly, I think you over mapped it a little with all those unneeded triplets (like the ones discussed earlier). Try and only use them where you see them fit with the music/rhythm (if they are all going with the rhythm, then sorry about that. :( ) :arrow:In fact I'm considering about the problem,I'll try to pay attention to it
Sorry for taking so long, I was kind of busy. Good luck with mapping. :)
Thx for your mod !
Hi~ :)
mod from my Mod Queue~

offset要不要設在 1273 比較符合你現在nc的配置而且是跟著人聲下



00:06:544 (3,4)- 突然的跳?
00:08:976 (8)- 放在7下面會擋也沒有規律 所以對玩家來說很不好讀
00:11:003 (5,6)- 6既然前面是空拍 不如繼續下在白線上(note)
00:15:057 (7)- 同00:08:976 (8)- 所說,建議不要擋住 而且這裡是否該NC..?
00:16:476 (1,2)- 沒有疊好阿
00:19:720 (2)- 擋
00:22:355 (2)- 擋...做的跟3同方向不是很好嘛"
00:23:976 (5,1)- 接的很奇怪
00:25:395 (3,4)- 突然跳
00:31:476 (7)- 放別的地方吧
00:42:016- 感覺空拍 而且..下一個距離這麼遠OAQ?!
00:43:637- 可以加個note
00:45:057 (2)- 改成跟1一漾長的slider
00:47:185 (2)- 刪掉? 然後00:46:881- 加個note
00:50:632 (2)- 多餘的...dele?
00:51:745- 為何要降低vol...
01:17:490 (4)- 間距不對..
01:18:503 (7)- ..擋
01:16:273 (7)- ^
01:16:476- add note
01:25:902 (2)- dele
01:32:084 (3)- 擋...為什麼你都喜歡這麼遮呢;<
01:32:490 (5,1)- 突然的跳
01:47:591 (5)- 不必要的note
01:51:949 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1)- 這是怎麼弄的0.0...教教我w
(想法很好可是...沒必要因為finish而nc orz)
01:54:179- 01:55:193- 刪掉break time? (在時間軸右鍵)
01:55:598 (1,2,3)- 呃....不知道怎麼說=A=
02:12:625 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1)- 同前面

排版需要再多試試>_< 加油有進步空間!!
[Zero's Hard]

00:04:720 (2)- dele改成00:04:922- 的note
00:06:341 (1,2,3)- 不好讀(擋住了)..可以試排在別的地方
00:07:355 (5)- 後移然後 00:07:355- note?
(或是00:06:949 (4)- 反折一次)
00:12:017 (4)- 往後移然後原來的地方加個note
00:13:030 (1,2,3)- 試試(刪掉1.2然後3後面)做成這樣..


要吃飯了...有空再mod吧 >_<

good luck!

yanlu wrote:

[Zero's Hard]

00:04:720 (2)- dele改成00:04:922- 的note 没有改=。=想保持和后面一致的空拍-跳的结构
00:06:341 (1,2,3)- 不好讀(擋住了)..可以試排在別的地方 这个其实是为HDmod设计的=。=none的话……都能打hard了 这点遮挡还带NC的应该大丈夫吧 而且我完全是顺手摆的=。=顺时针转个圈而已
00:07:355 (5)- 後移然後 00:07:355- note?
(或是00:06:949 (4)- 反折一次) 这个提案我觉得比上面的好
00:12:017 (4)- 往後移然後原來的地方加個note 这个还要下面那条我都按着你说的改了 然后发现你是想跟歌词里的单词发音……但是我跟的是伴奏=。=所以不太想打乱了节奏型……
00:13:030 (1,2,3)- 試試(刪掉1.2然後3後面)做成這樣..

00:31:679 (7) - 会被前面的击打判定挡住arrow,会被挑unrankable
00:39:990 - 完全消音slider尾巴也是会被挑unrankable...
01:53:926 - 没用到的绿线

00:52:354 (7) - 我十分想吐槽没stack好的各种note 删了再放一个 如果是和滑条尾巴stack 滑条从要stack的地方出发重新拖一次然后选中ctrl+g 这种细节自行check
01:41:003 (1) - 反人类
[Zero's Hard]
音效音量有必要再调整 第一条kiai前后没理由差这么多 后面稍微大了 前面小了很多
01:17:490 - 若干无用绿线
00:06:341 (1) - (1,2,3)等边三角形?
00:24:382 (6) - 这么一串都whistle好吵,长白线的地方加个绿线改s音效
00:50:125 (4) - 往右下移 (5)反向
00:52:760 (4) - 一样的间距 节奏不同 前面00:39:179 (1,2) 看起来还不太容易坑 这边各种stack就ng了 改起来也不是很难建议还是改了
01:17:490 (1) - 反人类
01:27:220 (2) - ng的间距(大概看了下 这里开始有很多读图不清楚的地方 请test三次然后self check)
00:02:693 (1) - 作为normal其实可以直接1/1滑条
00:13:233 (2) - whistle怎么断了?红线也得放 (最偷懒的whistle下发是全红线我会乱说)
00:49:922 (4) - edit有一种功能叫旋转 crtl+shift+r 120°
01:04:314 (1) - 可以考虑将开头改圈 然后原来尾巴的地方拖一滑条到下一个滑条的位置 节奏变化太大的normal会不好刷ss
01:57:220 - 烧了这根草
01:55:357 - 烧草

Topic Starter
Reply to yanlu's mod

yanlu wrote:

Hi~ :)
mod from my Mod Queue~

offset要不要設在 1273 比較符合你現在nc的配置而且是跟著人聲下 :arrow:虽然nc跟人声,但是节奏还是跟的吉他,所以不打算动

不過如果有跳或是其他特別變化可以在加nc來提示 :arrow:我会注意的

還有你沒有bg2.bg3...就叫"BG"好嗎lol :arrow:随手写的名字而已lol
幫你稍微切了.但因為這圖本身解析不高所以... :arrow:原图分辨率还是很高的,我自己加了黑边之后才修成现在的分辨率,现在osu对bg的支持也很奇怪有时候会拉伸有时候又不会……所以先这样不动好了……

00:06:544 (3,4)- 突然的跳? :arrow:稍微改近了一些
00:08:976 (8)- 放在7下面會擋也沒有規律 所以對玩家來說很不好讀 :arrow:没觉得有啥不好读……毕竟之前都是1/2节奏啊
00:11:003 (5,6)- 6既然前面是空拍 不如繼續下在白線上(note) :arrow: Added
00:15:057 (7)- 同00:08:976 (8)- 所說,建議不要擋住 而且這裡是否該NC..? :arrow: 已NC,但是不打算改遮挡
00:16:476 (1,2)- 沒有疊好阿 :arrow:试着对准了一些……不过已经不大看得出来了吧?
00:19:720 (2)- 擋 :arrow:no
00:22:355 (2)- 擋...做的跟3同方向不是很好嘛" :arrow: 放在了Slider头上
00:23:976 (5,1)- 接的很奇怪 :arrow:诶?
00:25:395 (3,4)- 突然跳 :arrow:修整了前几个note的spacing,统一了一下
00:31:476 (7)- 放別的地方吧 :arrow:no
00:42:016- 感覺空拍 而且..下一個距離這麼遠OAQ?! :arrow:就是远才空了一拍……
00:43:637- 可以加個note :arrow:ok
00:45:057 (2)- 改成跟1一漾長的slider :arrow:ok
00:47:185 (2)- 刪掉? 然後00:46:881- 加個note :arrow:ok
00:50:632 (2)- 多餘的...dele? :arrow:ok
00:51:745- 為何要降低vol... :arrow:感觉配合Slider会好听一点…
01:17:490 (4)- 間距不對.. :arrow:fixed
01:18:503 (7)- ..擋 :arrow:no
01:16:273 (7)- ^ :arrow:fixed
01:16:476- add note :arrow:ok
01:25:902 (2)- dele :arrow:ok
01:32:084 (3)- 擋...為什麼你都喜歡這麼遮呢;< :arrow:因为接下来世界是几个连着的1/2嘛,而且这个梗也不是第一次了
01:32:490 (5,1)- 突然的跳 :arrow:改近了一点
01:47:591 (5)- 不必要的note :arrow:deleted
01:51:949 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1)- 這是怎麼弄的0.0...教教我w 间距放大就是每摆一个circle就加0.1x的ds,缩小则反之……感觉是没什么用处的小技巧呢……
(想法很好可是...沒必要因為finish而nc orz) 应该……不要紧吧?
01:54:179- 01:55:193- 刪掉break time? (在時間軸右鍵) :arrow:no,我有很强烈的“这里一定是break!”的感觉_(:з」∠)_
01:55:598 (1,2,3)- 呃....不知道怎麼說=A= :arrow:改了
02:12:625 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1)- 同前面

排版需要再多試試>_< 加油有進步空間!! 谢谢~我会努力的!

要吃飯了...有空再mod吧 >_<

good luck!

  • Thx for your mod !
Reply to Banana's mod

Banana wrote:


00:31:679 (7) - 会被前面的击打判定挡住arrow,会被挑unrankable :arrow:
00:39:990 - 完全消音slider尾巴也是会被挑unrankable...[/color](嘛,rules这么麻烦我只是提一下..妥协一下改40%好了):arrow:fixed
01:53:926 - 没用到的绿线 :arrow:fixed

00:52:354 (7) - 我十分想吐槽没stack好的各种note 删了再放一个 如果是和滑条尾巴stack 滑条从要stack的地方出发重新拖一次然后选中ctrl+g 这种细节自行check :arrow: 谨遵指导
01:41:003 (1) - 反人类 :arrow:fixed

00:02:693 (1) - 作为normal其实可以直接1/1滑条 :arrow: 直接删掉了,决定从吉他声开始
00:13:233 (2) - whistle怎么断了?红线也得放 (最偷懒的whistle下发是全红线我会乱说):arrow:SEfixed
00:49:922 (4) - edit有一种功能叫旋转 crtl+shift+r 120° :arrow:ok
01:04:314 (1) - 可以考虑将开头改圈 然后原来尾巴的地方拖一滑条到下一个滑条的位置 节奏变化太大的normal会不好刷ss :arrow:虽然有变化,但是是滑条所以没啥影响吧
01:57:220 - 烧了这根草 :arrow:fixed
[Easy]全部绿线改一倍速然后sv1.2 改了……但是似乎节奏也不对了……
01:55:357 - 烧草 ok

  • Thx for your mod !
Mod request from our queue ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. Storyboard lyrics contains unecessary transparency. Crop them as minimal as they could.
  2. Some of the storyboard lyrics blends too much to BG and render it rather invisible, fix please. Maybe try adding drop shadow/glow/stroke or smf like that?
  1. 00:29:652 - end - Slider ends are unsnapped. Seems that you make an SV change and then changed it after you make the sliders, so now it rendered wrong. Be careful when utilizing SV changes, ok.
  2. 00:03:706 (1) - RNC
  3. 00:04:517 (2,1) - Stack these?
  4. 00:24:382 (4) - Curve assymetric. Fix please.
  5. 00:35:328 (4) - ^
  6. 00:53:166 (3) - Clap on slider start?
  7. 01:55:193 - Remove break here?
No problems found.

Zero's Hard
  1. 00:16:274 (5) - Drum finish on slider end?
  2. 00:23:166 (5) - Drum finish on slider start?
  3. 00:24:382 (6) - Whistle sounds unfitting here o3o
  4. 00:27:625 (8) - ^
  5. 00:39:179 (1,2,3) - Totally no, this is jump annd then anti-jump. Breaks flow too much here
  6. 00:46:882 (3) - Move to 00:47:084 - and remove repeat?
  7. 01:21:139 (7,8) - Again, whistle sounds unfitting.
  8. 01:26:409 (1,2) - spacing
  9. 01:26:409 (1,2,3) - overlap o3o
  10. 01:50:733 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - confusing imo
  11. 02:11:003 (3,4) - spacing
No problems found.

I love the song :3 so I'm giving you my star o3o
(╯ ´ ・ω ・`)╯ 彡

Good luck!
Hi From Mod team/M4M(Taiko/Osu), guest diff (Taiko/Osu/CTB)
Please ignore my modding!

00:29:652 - ~ End - To align the slide line.

00:09:383 (1) - NC remove
00:10:193 (2) - NC
00:18:098 (1) - Arrow Remove?
00:19:922 (5) - NC?
01:00:869 (2) - Slide the tail Clap add
01:02:895 (1) - Slide head Clap add
01:04:314 (1) - Slide the tail Clap add
01:06:139 (1) - Clap
01:07:761 (4) - Slide head Clap add
01:09:383 (1) - ^
01:12:625 (2) - Clap
01:13:030 (3) - Slide head Clap and tail Finish
01:19:923 (3) - Slide head Finish
01:20:734 (4) - Clap
01:22:356 (1) - Slide head Clap
01:23:166 (3) - Slide head Finish
02:13:436 (6) - NC and Silde all finish?

01:49:720 (3,4) - Interval
very good :D

01:16:780 (2) - remove? (Nothing bit)
Then please Clap work.

Ranked Hope!
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

Mod request from our queue ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. Storyboard lyrics contains unecessary transparency. Crop them as minimal as they could.
  2. Some of the storyboard lyrics blends too much to BG and render it rather invisible, fix please. Maybe try adding drop shadow/glow/stroke or smf like that? :arrow: I'll look for some time to make it.Modifying pictures takes time.
  1. 00:29:652 - end - Slider ends are unsnapped. Seems that you make an SV change and then changed it after you make the sliders, so now it rendered wrong. Be careful when utilizing SV changes, ok. :arrow: I'll pay attention.All fixed
  2. 00:03:706 (1) - RNC :arrow: ok
  3. 00:04:517 (2,1) - Stack these? :arrow: ok
  4. 00:24:382 (4) - Curve assymetric. Fix please. :arrow: fixed
  5. 00:35:328 (4) - ^ :arrow: fixed
  6. 00:53:166 (3) - Clap on slider start? :arrow: yeah,I just forgot :P
  7. 01:55:193 - Remove break here? :arrow: not necessary
No problems found.

No problems found.

I love the song :3 so I'm giving you my star o3o
(╯ ´ ・ω ・`)╯ 彡

Good luck!
Thx for you and your mod~

-Kirito wrote:

Hi From Mod team/M4M(Taiko/Osu), guest diff (Taiko/Osu/CTB)
Please ignore my modding!

00:29:652 - ~ End - To align the slide line. :arrow: Yeah,All fixed

00:09:383 (1) - NC remove
00:10:193 (2) - NC :arrow: not necessary
00:18:098 (1) - Arrow Remove? :arrow: no,to follow the guitar
00:19:922 (5) - NC? :arrow: ok
01:00:869 (2) - Slide the tail Clap add
01:02:895 (1) - Slide head Clap add
01:04:314 (1) - Slide the tail Clap add
01:06:139 (1) - Clap
01:07:761 (4) - Slide head Clap add
01:09:383 (1) - ^
01:12:625 (2) - Clap
01:13:030 (3) - Slide head Clap and tail Finish :arrow: Finish Added
01:19:923 (3) - Slide head Finish :arrow: Finish Added
01:20:734 (4) - Clap
01:22:356 (1) - Slide head Clap
01:23:166 (3) - Slide head Finish :arrow: Finish Added
02:13:436 (6) - NC and Silde all finish? :arrow: ok
:arrow: Sorry but I don't like the clap for normal here,'cuz I think them a little too noisy

01:16:780 (2) - remove? (Nothing bit) :arrow: ok
Then please Clap work.

Ranked Hope!
Thx for you and your mod~
Mod Request

  • General

    Offset: 2070 (Sounds much better.). Do not forget to resnap the timing points!
Thats really all i can say.

Good Luck!
Hi from the Queue!

General SB

"In this search" is correct lyrics of "Lyric_In the search for someone else .png"
"I'm deafened by the silence" is the correct lyrics of "Lyric_I'm deaf from all the silence .png"
I suggest to make the lyrics white or more bright since you cant see the text fully


00:07:760 (1) - Remove NC
00:21:544 (1) - ^ add on next element
00:49:922 (5) - NC
00:51:544 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:922 (5) - NC remove next
01:50:328 (5) - ^


00:54:382 (4) - Stack this with the preview circle
00:56:409 (1) - Remove NC


00:02:895 (2,3) - Ctrl + G them to make a better transition
00:37:760 (3,4) - Delete these and put the next slider here 00:37:760 - to fit up with the vocal 00:38:976 - Then add a circle here
00:42:220 (1) - Imo this is a too big jump, Ctrl + G it and move it up

00:59:651 (2,3) - Like 00:02:895 (2,3) -
01:07:355 (1) - Spacing, dont make such an antijump
01:45:868 (1) - Move this a bit lower, since its going into the HP Bar
02:12:828 (1,2,3,1) - This is totally invisible, move them up or down where you can see them better
02:15:159 (1) - Let this spinner end at 02:18:301 - since you did on other diffs too


00:39:280 (2) - Delete this note, doesnt fit
00:42:220 (1,2,3) - I suggest to make a 1/2 reserved slider instead of this pattern
00:51:747 (5) - Vocal starts at 00:51:949 -
00:53:267 (4) - Delete this circle, doesnt fit here
01:09:280 (2) - ^
01:12:321 (3) - ^
01:29:652 (1,2,3,4) - Sorry but did you map here totally blind? This doesnt fit at all and breaks the flow fully
02:05:632 (4) - Delete this circle
02:07:862 (2) - ^
02:11:105 (6) - ^

Send me a PM once youre done
Topic Starter

BounceBabe wrote:

Hi from the Queue!

General SB

"In this search" is correct lyrics of "Lyric_In the search for someone else .png"
"I'm deafened by the silence" is the correct lyrics of "Lyric_I'm deaf from all the silence .png"
:arrow: these fixed
I suggest to make the lyrics white or more bright since you cant see the text fully :arrow: after I replied to inverness's mod, I've made the lyrics brighter and surrounding with little light.I don't think lyrics need to be bright enough, becauze it might disturb the playing


00:07:760 (1) - Remove NC
00:21:544 (1) - ^ add on next element
00:49:922 (5) - NC
00:51:544 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:922 (5) - NC remove next
01:50:328 (5) - ^ :arrow: All done


00:54:382 (4) - Stack this with the preview circle
00:56:409 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: all done

Hard :arrow: I'm waiting for the guest's response
00:02:895 (2,3) - Ctrl + G them to make a better transition
00:37:760 (3,4) - Delete these and put the next slider here 00:37:760 - to fit up with the vocal 00:38:976 - Then add a circle here
00:42:220 (1) - Imo this is a too big jump, Ctrl + G it and move it up

00:59:651 (2,3) - Like 00:02:895 (2,3) -
01:07:355 (1) - Spacing, dont make such an antijump
01:45:868 (1) - Move this a bit lower, since its going into the HP Bar
02:12:828 (1,2,3,1) - This is totally invisible, move them up or down where you can see them better
02:15:159 (1) - Let this spinner end at 02:18:301 - since you did on other diffs too


00:39:280 (2) - Delete this note, doesnt fit
00:42:220 (1,2,3) - I suggest to make a 1/2 reserved slider instead of this pattern :arrow: fixed
00:51:747 (5) - Vocal starts at 00:51:949 - :arrow: fixed
00:53:267 (4) - Delete this circle, doesnt fit here
01:09:280 (2) - ^
01:12:321 (3) - ^
01:29:652 (1,2,3,4) - Sorry but did you map here totally blind? This doesnt fit at all and breaks the flow fully :arrow: ok
02:05:632 (4) - Delete this circle
02:07:862 (2) - ^
02:11:105 (6) - ^ :arrow: all unnecessary circles removed
Send me a PM once youre done
Thx for your mod !

Banana wrote:

[Zero's Hard]
音效音量有必要再调整 第一条kiai前后没理由差这么多 后面稍微大了 前面小了很多 后面比前面大才是对的 因为verse1根本没有鼓点而verse2有 不是么
01:17:490 - 若干无用绿线 又加了几条 这样就有用了 不知道当时怎么会做乱套了
00:06:341 (1) - (1,2,3)等边三角形? fixed
00:24:382 (6) - 这么一串都whistle好吵,长白线的地方加个绿线改s音效 还好 我已经特意为了whistle降低音量了
00:50:125 (4) - 往右下移 (5)反向 fixed
00:52:760 (4) - 一样的间距 节奏不同 前面00:39:179 (1,2) 看起来还不太容易坑 这边各种stack就ng了 改起来也不是很难建议还是改了 fixed
01:17:490 (1) - 反人类 大改
01:27:220 (2) - ng的间距(大概看了下 这里开始有很多读图不清楚的地方 请test三次然后self check) 改了一个地方 其他的还好 我从来都会自己测很多次的 而且是开HD测
Thx for your mod

inverness wrote:

Zero's Hard
  1. 00:16:274 (5) - Drum finish on slider end? you're right I think I mistapped a W as an E
  2. 00:23:166 (5) - Drum finish on slider start? nope, I don't feel like that
  3. 00:24:382 (6) - Whistle sounds unfitting here o3o =.= I think it's alright, I lower the volume of it after all
  4. 00:27:625 (8) - ^ also not changing
  5. 00:39:179 (1,2,3) - Totally no, this is jump annd then anti-jump. Breaks flow too much here Q^Q they used to stack, and was critisized, and they seperate, still NG...I'll reconsider abotu the jump. Not coming up with good ideas now
  6. 00:46:882 (3) - Move to 00:47:084 - and remove repeat? atually you got the same opinion with me. I was just thinking about changing it like this
  7. 01:21:139 (7,8) - Again, whistle sounds unfitting. not changing
  8. 01:26:409 (1,2) - spacing changed pattern
  9. 01:26:409 (1,2,3) - overlap o3o now they might be OK
  10. 01:50:733 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - confusing imo not really, theyre just clockwise
  11. 02:11:003 (3,4) - spacing
changed pattern
Thx for your mod~

-Kirito wrote:

01:49:720 (3,4) - Interval this is consistent to the former jumps, with 2.50x
very good :D ^_^
Thx for your mod~

BounceBabe wrote:


00:02:895 (2,3) - Ctrl + G them to make a better transition sorry I don't feel like that
00:37:760 (3,4) - Delete these and put the next slider here 00:37:760 - to fit up with the vocal 00:38:976 - Then add a circle here
00:42:220 (1) - Imo this is a too big jump, Ctrl + G it and move it up[/color] yeah your're right, fixed in another way
00:59:651 (2,3) - Like 00:02:895 (2,3) - also not changing, sorry
01:07:355 (1) - Spacing, dont make such an antijump
01:45:868 (1) - Move this a bit lower, since its going into the HP Bar change the slider's shape a bit and now it's fine
02:12:828 (1,2,3,1) - This is totally invisible, move them up or down where you can see them better I suppose it's only for the HDmod player the notes with differnet combo color with the slider may not be so confusing in Hard diff I think.
02:15:159 (1) - Let this spinner end at 02:18:301 - since you did on other diffs too[/color] fixed, honestly I didn't even notice this consistency problem
Thx for your mod~
all done
Overall its fine now, will put this on his list then
Hello M4M Mod :3


(*) 00:04:517 (3) - This note is not making a perfect blanket, would recommend to move x:300 and Y:168
if you do this check the snap distance of the following notes
(*) 00:05:328 (4) - BAD FLOW , This note might confuse new players would recommend moving to another part.
(*) 00:08:571 (2) - another BAD FLOW return to the place where they had placed notes, bad flow, plays very badly recommend moving forward and not backward
(*) 00:19:112 (1) - ^
(*) 00:11:814 (5) - you could form a nice pattern if you moved the slider ax: 306 Y: 180 looks better :3
(*) 01:39:382 (1,2,3,1) - personally hate this for an easy :S


(*) 00:05:328 (4) - This note is being covered by this 00:04:112 (2) -
(*) 00:34:923 (4) - ^
(*) 00:18:706 (2) - I do not like to recommend anything this pattern moving from place
(*) 00:26:815 (8) - This note move it to X: 447 Y: 176 to form a perfect stack
(*) 00:48:301 (2,3,4) - this is not a perfect stack Check it please


(*) 00:02:693 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think this is too uncomfortable to play u.u
(*) 00:22:557 (2,3,4,5) - I LIKE THIS *W*
Nice Diff Zero :3 :D

Good Lucky For The Map ;)
Topic Starter
Reply to Gero's mod

Gero wrote:

Hello M4M Mod :3


(*) 00:04:517 (3) - This note is not making a perfect blanket, would recommend to move x:300 and Y:168
if you do this check the snap distance of the following notes :arrow: fixed
(*) 00:05:328 (4) - BAD FLOW , This note might confuse new players would recommend moving to another part. :arrow: moved to left
(*) 00:08:571 (2) - another BAD FLOW return to the place where they had placed notes, bad flow, plays very badly recommend moving forward and not backward :arrow: as the previous notes moved so these remain current position
(*) 00:19:112 (1) - ^ :arrow: Anyway I changed
(*) 00:11:814 (5) - you could form a nice pattern if you moved the slider ax: 306 Y: 180 looks better :3 :arrow: fixed
(*) 01:39:382 (1,2,3,1) - personally hate this for an easy :S :arrow: not big problem


(*) 00:05:328 (4) - This note is being covered by this 00:04:112 (2) - :arrow: It seems not being covered ?
(*) 00:34:923 (4) - ^ :arrow: moved a little
(*) 00:18:706 (2) - I do not like to recommend anything this pattern moving from place :arrow: moved a little
(*) 00:26:815 (8) - This note move it to X: 447 Y: 176 to form a perfect stack :arrow: fixed
(*) 00:48:301 (2,3,4) - this is not a perfect stack Check it please :arrow: I tried to stack them and seems ok

Good Lucky For The Map ;)
Thx for your modding
hi~ m4m!


  1. i think you wrong BPM. BPM is 148.000
don't forget change bpm after resnap all notes.


  1. 00:06:747 (4) - move to x:196 y:288. more beautiful placement.
  2. 00:08:368 (7,8) - move to x:28 y:140. ^
  3. 00:11:206 (6) - like this?
  4. 00:15:057 (1) - this placement is strange. move to 00:14:449 (6) - slider's end.
  5. 01:01:882 (4) - stack in 01:01:274 (2) -
  6. 01:33:706 (4,6) - Incomplete stack.
  7. 01:46:476 (2) - add clap slider end.
  8. 01:50:530 (2) - Incomplete stack.
[Zero's Hard]

  1. 00:09:382 (5,6) - not match with song. suggestion
       00:09:382 - 1/2 slider and 1 repeat,
       00:09:990 - add note.

  2. 01:12:220 (3) - add clap of slider end.
  3. 01:22:760 (4,6) - hide repeat allow by (4)'s hit burst. maybe unrankble staff.

  1. 00:09:383 (1) - remove NC
  2. 00:10:193 (2) - NC
  3. 00:11:409 (5) - Incomplete stack.
  4. 01:45:057 (1,2) - bad spacing

  1. 00:02:895 - ~ 00:28:841 - why you not use hitsound? you used whistle in Insane diff.
  2. 01:26:409 (1) - add finish.
  3. 01:54:326 - remove green line.
that's all~
good luck ;)
Topic Starter
reply to Guy's mod

Guy wrote:

hi~ m4m!


  1. i think you wrong BPM. BPM is 148.000
don't forget change bpm after resnap all notes. :arrow: current BPM is just 148


  1. 00:06:747 (4) - move to x:196 y:288. more beautiful placement. :arrow: ok
  2. 00:08:368 (7,8) - move to x:28 y:140. ^ :arrow: ok
  3. 00:11:206 (6) - like this? :arrow: no, for jump
  4. 00:15:057 (1) - this placement is strange. move to 00:14:449 (6) - slider's end. :arrow: no,I want to put it there
  5. 01:01:882 (4) - stack in 01:01:274 (2) - :arrow: ok
  6. 01:33:706 (4,6) - Incomplete stack. :arrow: ok
  7. 01:46:476 (2) - add clap slider end. :arrow: ok
  8. 01:50:530 (2) - Incomplete stack. :arrow: ok

  1. 00:09:383 (1) - remove NC :arrow: ok
  2. 00:10:193 (2) - NC :arrow: ok
  3. 00:11:409 (5) - Incomplete stack. :arrow: ok
  4. 01:45:057 (1,2) - bad spacing :arrow: fixed

  1. 00:02:895 - ~ 00:28:841 - why you not use hitsound? you used whistle in Insane diff. :arrow: Added
  2. 01:26:409 (1) - add finish. :arrow: ok
  3. 01:54:326 - remove green line. :arrow: ok
that's all~
good luck ;)
Thx for you mod~

Gero wrote:

(*) 00:02:693 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think this is too uncomfortable to play u.u changed to another way
(*) 00:22:557 (2,3,4,5) - I LIKE THIS *W* glad for that~
Nice Diff Zero :3 :D thx~
Thx for your mod~

Guy wrote:

[Zero's Hard]

  1. 00:09:382 (5,6) - not match with song. suggestion
       00:09:382 - 1/2 slider and 1 repeat,
       00:09:990 - add note.
    fixed, nice suggestion
  2. 01:12:220 (3) - add clap of slider end. you're right, I missed that
  3. 01:22:760 (4,6) - hide repeat allow by (4)'s hit burst. maybe unrankble staff.
yeah, that is a problem, I did small placement changes to the notes, and now it may be better. Hope it iwill be OK now.
Thx for your mod~
Dark Fang


about KIAI Time in your Insane diff, why don't you end at 01:53:976 - like other diffs?
unify your combo colours in Insane diff
01:26:409 - 100% volume is too loud. reduce volume please


00:06:544 (2) - adjust this slider to be cover around (1) circle
00:42:625 (2) - too close from 00:41:003 (3) - . move right a little distance with next notes
01:34:517 (3) - this slider looks unbalanced from whilom notes. move to (316,140) please. that looks more pretty
01:37:355 (4) - well... honestly I don't like this pattern.. so it's just suggestion. this circle too close from start of triangle
01:59:247 (2) - same opinion as 00:06:544 (2) - try cover around that circle perfectly
02:10:193 (1,2,3) - that pattern looks bad. you can try make more pretty. cuz this diff is Easy


00:20:733 (2) - that overlap pattern is good idea! but you use that pattern. accordingly distance is inconsistent. consider that
01:57:220 (1,2,3) - it's great idea. but that's too hard use in this diff. suddenly became difficult than before
02:00:057 (1,2,3) - same opinion as above

[Zero's Hard]

00:04:517 (1,2) - that pattern will be confuse players. I recommend remove (1) circle and adjust timeline like this
00:11:003 (1,2) - same opinion as above. players confused by this pattern cuz note color and distance.
00:12:017 (4) - adjust this slider be cover round 00:10:598 (7) - this circle. feel like this ?
01:23:166 (6) - well... this slider's arrow was covered by 01:22:760 (4) - circle's hit effect. that's too difficult for change. if you have no idea. refer this
02:12:828 (1,2,3) - eh... that's so confusion pattern for play. don't overlap with slider
well.. this is good map. but as we can see, that jumps too difficult for Hard diff - that looks like Insane - .consider that, reduce difficulty


if you use Stack Leniency 5, your map will be more pretty.or 10 Leniency is your plan?
01:36:139 (1,2,3) - that's good idea too. but that pattern too suddenly to read for players. consider that.
01:57:625 (2) - use Ctrl + G ? I think if you try this, that flow more good for play.
02:02:084 (1,2) - same opinion as 01:36:139 (1,2,3)
Unsnapped inherited timing points
01:25:560 -
01:25:661 -
good map :)

I like this band lol
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