
How did you come to know Osu!?

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From BoxBox's Stream.
some friend i used to play wow with wanted me to play it with him when it was quite new. but i was suspicious and didnt rlly wanted to try it xD (cause i thought it was offline game and only japanese songs i didnt know) long time after, when me and my bf just got together he showed me it and i got to understand how the game rlly worked. Only played the game to play songs i knew in the beginning. I think i got hooked when i was able to do hardmodes and then started to play all kinds of songs :3
Osu changed me quite alot. I did use to watch anime but never had an interest in the music really (kpop and all that too) now i do =P its actually quite nice and alot of them are rlly catchy. I rlly love touhou now and all of their songs! used to only know bad apple which i really liked back then ~ :oops:
O and i learned you dont have to be asian to do insane modes xD :)
The Joker
I was just talking to my friend one day and then he asked me if I had ever heard of Osu! I said that I havent so then I had a look and I found something that I really enjoy playing (:
Someone from another forum told me about it, he's a huge lolicon and otaku; he basically made me what I am now.

iSpR1Te wrote:

From BoxBox's Stream.
I saw this game on Twitch, decided to watch a few livestreams of it, and then decided to give it a go.
One of my counter-strike friends told me about it.
I found it on
I don't like WWW that much,but all thanks to him..
..I saw him playing that Maximum the Hormon song, and it seemed so kicking ass.
- Hourai -
About facebook^^
random googling for rhythm games.
From a friend who wanted to beat me up in a game... He succeeded :?
- Marco -
First a stupid youtuber "Zeb89", i registered in this site and playied only the tutorial, then exited...

Then nicoleezi telled me that he also played osu! and then story goes on untill i'm here posting this
From My Sister... But She's An Offline Player (She got this Game from Her friend)
I've come to know osu! by two certain friends. They are MBCxDD and Xylem Beer.
Since there is a game mode "osu!mania", I became interested to join here and ranked up (peak rank was #390 at global)
But at the end, I got focused on playing osu! standard and my skills at mania is now rusty.. >.<
from a forum
a youtube video~
/a/ thread
In excursion trip to Russia, two boys were playing weird game
I asked them and they taught me to play this game a bit.
It was today.
But what should I do with my motherland flag? :?

Cortese wrote:

But what should I do with my motherland flag? :?
If your flag is wrong...

MillhioreF wrote:

please send any flag change requests to along with evidence that your flag is wrong.
My classmate had osu!droid on his phone and was playing it. Then he let me play it and I sucked
so i got it on my phone and practiced
and pwned him
then got osu on my com
and pwned him
and tried out all 4 modes
and pwned him at all of them

I've loved osu ever since :D
Was playing LoL and my pal on skype says: "dude dl osu" to which i replied "no". "dude its free and has like no file size" which made me raise my eyebrow and sit in silence, prompting him to continue. "dude this game is awesome if you except for the japanese blibber-blabber songs."
I was convinced and downloaded osu. The following day was just me tryharding in osu!
A friend of mine told me about it and so I downloaded it out of curiousity.

Only actually started playing a month later though, but after that I couldn't stop. I don't think my friend even plays much anymore.
A friend of mine linked me to a livestream of someone playing osu!, I felt the need to try it once and yeah... I sucked.

After that I didn't play like 4 months, then I started watching anime because another friend linked me one and I absolutely loved it, and then boom, I loved osu! (don't even know why :D)
Youtube :)
Hmmmmmmm Well this game was copied to me on a LAN like 3/4 years ago, but I never liked it because I didn't understand it.

So about a year later I saw the folder again and decided to take another look. Guess I just picked it up from there, though my friend never told me you can play this for scores submission and rankings so it wasn't until another year or so passed that I figured you can make an account for this.
laport he told me this is a game i can be good at
Saw Chaox playing it on his stream and i thought holy s*** thats neat.
Saw it on some stream a while back.

I loved Elite Beat Agents, and the JP versions.

I didn't know this existed, so i was jumping around in excitement, when i eventually found it.
Somebody on an irc channel i used to frequent told me i should watch their stream. I saw him clicking a bunch of random circles to a song and it looked kinda neat so i had him link me to the dl =p
Found this game 5 years ago... i don't remember how.
I was on newground playing a game called djmaniax. In the comments someone said " This game is really similar to osu " and so i goggled it and thats how i found osu :P
My story about my first day on osu! and the last day of my social life is quite short.

I was chatting on some site with J-Radio enabled and I talked about IOSYS , one girl said "omg I've wasted many plays in osu! on Marisa"

My reaction was "huh? you played a song? THAT song? how? >>> google >>> osu! >>> goodbye
Searched for some good songs on youtube and found a link to osu!
Osu! does the job now and I can play while at it ^^.
I found out about it from a minecraft redstoner called cubehampster. he was streaming it on twitch tv and as i play guitar i though hey a rythem game shouldent be too hard so i downloaded it and started to play and boy was i wrong. I failed so hard and that failing just made me wanna play even more to be able to play those hard maps i started on and now im able to get A-S on them :D
Random dude keep posting his osu! gameplay on facebook and i got interested
I found this game from a Youtube video. I downloaded it, failed a Mario song about 20 times in a row, uninstalled, downloaded it again 3 years later, and now I'm halfway decent at it.
I watch a youtuber called Tradechat, and she uploaded a video of her playing gentleman. i was like "ooh this is like elite beat agents but for the pc!" and yeah! she played gentleman and was terribad. but still
Lets see...
I think I first found out about this when I was looking for games similar to elite beat agents since I loved it. Came across this and was convinced it sucked because it used a mouse. 3 years later I downloaded the game out of sheer boredom. So glad I did.
I saw a video of the game about a year ago, didn't get around to checking it out until a few months before.
Was busy at MyAnimeList then I asked others for good F2P games.

A lot commented osu! or Gon and Killua's picture saying osu!

I was like hey this feels like DJ MAX Technika! Although it's more like EBA.

T'was the same with AmaiHachimitsu.

Goodbye, social life.
I honestly don't know... I think it was when I was searching through the google play store and found the android app, then I moved onto this!
My best friend introduced it to me and I'm really grateful.
A friend told me about it, I'm still playing this when I can...
Long time ago, i saw the news(on some board) that said:
"There is now Thai Osu Fansite"
Then i checked it out and saw amazing over-human gameplays of many over-human players
--* I'm Thai and i'm not good at english sorry if i typed something wrong :)
from a friend :o
At first I didn't even what was osu! about. I kept seeing that game's (I had guessed it was a game) name come up pretty often on a skype group and thought it was some sort of random MMO when the people in there talking about the levels (y'know, that feature which barely serves any purpose). I didn't bother checking the game out until one of my friend in the said group invited me to try it out. And I was actually pretty surprised to see it was a rythm game, 99% free, too. Seeing that I was seemingly unable to play standard decently, I looked at the other game modes and saw what I least expected to see : mania mode. Having already played o2jam long time ago and loved the game (I was a child, though), I really started to play osu! with this mode. And now I have barely played any other modes in 9 months. On a side note, I've joined the same day the #1 French mania player (from a pp point of view) joined, as he is also a friend of mine.
A french youtuber made a video on it, it looked fun so i DL it.

The video
A YouTube comment surprisingly. Commentor was asking the vid poster if he's ever heard of it, so I was just like, wat is such :v and here I am now lol.
My friend invited me to their house, then, she and her brother introduced me to osu. I was still a noob back then, so I didn't have that much interest in playing. A few years later, I decided to actually play osu on my laptop (since back then my mom wouldn't allow me D:) then I got to know a lot of users in my country and discovered new songs and animes due to osu. So I'm happy my friend introduced me to this game. I'm glad I discovered other things on my own around here. :">
My memory's a bit fuzzy, but I remember finding the game through an IRC room for Stepmania.
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