
How did you come to know Osu!?

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Hi guys~ Today I want to find out how you all came to know Osu! (and maybe how it changed you >w<) Ne~ Everyone has a story, so let me hear it!

I guess me first...
I came upon Osu! when I was trying to find Hayate no Gotoku's Movie, "Heaven is a Place on Earth". Instead, I found a videosu of the song! I thought it looked like a really cool game (considering that it included J-Pop) I found and started playing! ^^ Because of Osu! I have come to know a lot more J-Pop artists like KOTOKO, fripside and LiSA. Osu! made my try watching Sword art online, fan vocaloids and learn how to use GIMP (don't ask). I remember my first 2 songs were Heaven is a Place on Earth and Silky Hearts. So that's how I came to know Osu! Let me hear your story~ <3

I am Yurun Neram
I think.... random google search.
There was a thread on another website. I came here because I remember someone mentioning how cool it was that the little sparkly trail thing from the cursor bounced off the edge of the game window.
there's a thread in this
noukq introduced me<3

EDIT: After osu! I've started watching a lot more anime and listening to japanese music like OP said in the post.
Distant years
friend introduced me.

i also have started listening a lot to anime/japanese songs, i even have my favorites on my cell phone :D

i introduced clmnt nigga ass and hes better than me proz0rd
shut it, your much better and we all know it ;_;
Wanted to play Ouendan but my DS was broken so i searched it up on was like love at first sight +w+
Two of my friends intoduced me to this game. They dont play anymore tho. I dont regret starting to play this game :'D

Kimmie wrote:

Two of my friends intoduced me to this game. They dont play anymore tho. I dont regret starting to play this game :'D
Same here ;)

Nya-nyan wrote:

Kimmie wrote:

Two of my friends intoduced me to this game. They dont play anymore tho. I dont regret starting to play this game :'D
Same here ;)

Frizz wrote:
So long as people are posting at a steady pace and staying on topic nobody ever seems to care if it's a duplicate topic. I've made a few that got copied and still get bumped occasionally while mine collects dust. C'est la vie.
i guess you're right, i should just stop pointing people to the correct topics

Biscuitbox wrote:

Yeah , just YouTube. I went to search Taiko no Tatsujin and i saw osu! over there. So, i played :3
A friend showed me the game.
A mistake Google search.
xfire / some friends....

ive tried to bring people in too but they all quit because "its to hard :("
my friends says Lets Play osu!
Friend,showed me his livestream and i thought..what a weird game...ended up getting addicted to it -3-
I was addicted to Elite Beat Agents when I was in third grade (lol), even dressed up as an agent for halloween (double lol), so after playing EBA for the 2153th time (Triple LOL), I got on to youtube and was looking at videos of EBA (Quad LOL), and I found osu!. I eventually made an acct., I think it was flowerman or something (Multi lol, what a gay user name), and I downloaded osu!. I eventually got banned for being immature (SUPER MEGA NEO COMBO LOL), and years later, I found osu! on my friends PC. Total nostalgia, I had to play. I found out that I was better at it then he was (his whole family, In fact,) and I let it go. The next time I went over, I could only beat them on one map.(Cave Story map, Escape Route OC Remix) They owned me on the rest of the maps. I was furious. So, a couple of monthes ago, I got a new acct., started over. And here I am. :D
A friend introduced the game to me, then I decided to give it a try since I've seen another friend play Ouendan/EBA on her Nintendo DS before.
What got me even more absorbed into the game was the insane replays of top players; I thought maybe one day I could manage feats like that :o .
I saw a YouTube video of someone's replay, and I decided to try it as it looked fun. I raged on my first attempt though, and ended up forgetting about the game for about 3 months. Then, my friend convinced me to play it again, and I got addicted :')
Few of my friends told me about osu!
my friends.
real slim shady_old
one of my friend he can have someone to laugh at
I can't even remember... I think I saw a video on YouTube. I was looking up Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" and that's when I found the old trailer to osu!, but I'm not entirely sure if that was the first time I found it...
Reikin's U.N. Owen was her? was crazy batshit and I was atrracted to Osu! with that. Now I hate Osu!.
Got bored of being too pro at Guitar Hero, needed a challenge. Searched online.

Hi, I'm Kaylala

Biscuitbox wrote:

-GN forced me into playing it, and now i love it! no regret^^ osu! only leads to good things :3
I came to know Osu! through my good buddy Azer.

>inb4 necronomicon
In 2009: Played Ouendan, then my DS broke. Google searched, found this. Gave up after 1-2 days due to crappy PC + crappy old wireless mouse + the mapping style back then.

3 years later: Found osu!droid, then my phone broke. Google searched, found this again. Kept playing because the game was kinda playable with an i7 ultrabook + crappy-ish wired laser mouse.
...then I spent the next few months saving money to buy a desktop PC + better mouse + mechanical keyboard + graphics tablet :roll:
Regional moderator of not existing AlterIWNet (oh, good old memories) was playing it and introduced me to it (inb4 what is alteriwnet - it was way to play Modern warfare 2 on illegal copy, it had pretty nice community similar to osu!, and it was just made to make people play on illegal copies - game was actually DEVELOPED, and was ALOT better than original game. It even had non-existent-on-legal dedicated servers).
aIWnet still exists in the form of FourDeltaOne...

That is all
Nintendo gaming forum
Another Forum~
My friend briefly introduced osu! to me first. He said that it has a lot of anime songs, etc. So I searched for videos on YouTube and found this.

I decided to try it. boom.
dyrus sucks ass at this game.
yes i am league scum who learned about this from dyrus.
king scum.
- O n i -
starcraft 2
Google, yes..I thank my internet connection for this then played offline the whole time whenever I'm online I forgot to register so...yeah
as without internet and I was in my brother's pc. I was playing H-L2 until it crashed and I didn't save my progress... after rage, I decided to play another game while and I found osu! in one folder of his pc. Since that moment I've played offline because I didn't know how to register, am am I'm here now.

LoliFlan wrote:

a recommendation.
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