At first I didn't even what was osu! about. I kept seeing that game's (I had guessed it was a game) name come up pretty often on a skype group and thought it was some sort of random MMO when the people in there talking about the levels (y'know, that feature which barely serves any purpose). I didn't bother checking the game out until one of my friend in the said group invited me to try it out. And I was actually pretty surprised to see it was a rythm game, 99% free, too. Seeing that I was seemingly unable to play standard decently, I looked at the other game modes and saw what I least expected to see : mania mode. Having already played o2jam long time ago and loved the game (I was a child, though), I really started to play osu! with this mode. And now I have barely played any other modes in 9 months. On a side note, I've joined the same day the #1 French mania player (from a pp point of view) joined, as he is also a friend of mine.