
Toggle for the new Implement: ''Algorithm for slider curve'' [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +130
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Let me see.. I know I can create 4 ControlPoints to skip this New Implement.. But that is not Enought.. Almost for me and other some mappers.. This ''Implement'' Don't work/good Very good.. Because not all the mappers like make ''Curve Sliders'' in 3 ControlPoints of the Sliders...
Like symmetrical Sliders.. We can't make It with 3 Points without make a ''Notable'' Curve. And that is maddening... Imo.
Maybe here is a notable Example.

The First image Show the Older Type.
The Second the new Implement.

haha5957 wrote:

just one moar example

-> This pattern becomes :

-> this pattern.

Maybe this Request is something stupid... But I we miss the 'artisan'work. Sorry for my bad English.
And if this Already have the ''Disable Button''.. Sorry xDD.

Dates: The 2 Sliders have the same SV. And the 3 Points are in the same place of the plane. (x:200|y:192 / x:256|y:232 / x:312|y:192)
Critique: Osu!Mapping .. Is evolving to something.. ''Digital''.. We have ''Polygon Circles'', Etc.. This is optional... So.. This new Implement need be Optional too.


TheVileOne wrote:

Add a red point to the end of the slider. It works quite well at reducing the curve.

Saten wrote:

If you change the P to a B in the metadata, it becomes a regular one.


chan wrote:


  1. Don't request a toggle for disabling [insert new feature here] unless you want peppy to come to your house with a baseball bat.
--------------Final Edit: This can't be Changed. Thanks for trying guys! We are only users...
You have two options - Get used to making arcs using the new three point circle slider style, which just involves putting the middle point in a bit closer, or just use four points to make small arcs. I don't think a disable button is really necessary.
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It costs nothing. That is an argument valid for the 2 ways.
But Really.. I don't say this New Implement is bad.. Otherwise.. Is Excelent. But not in all the maps we like make ''SuperUltraHyperMegaGood Curve Sliders''. Is a good Evolution for the Mapping. But some people like the ''Original''.. If you understand me... There always will be opinions against.. That is the reason because Exists Disable and Enable.

chan wrote:


  1. Don't request a toggle for disabling [insert new feature here] unless you want peppy to come to your house with a baseball bat.
it makes me sad that i've had to repost this post way too often lately :(
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deadbeat wrote:

chan wrote:


  1. Don't request a toggle for disabling [insert new feature here] unless you want peppy to come to your house with a baseball bat.
it makes me sad that i've had to repost this post way too often lately :(
I can't argue with the rules... but this is unjust... Whatever.. Thanks for the Information. Now I know .. Here a positive but sad Image for me.


But is not the same.. Only that. Thanks.
I'm not the only one who wants a baseball bat..
Add a red point to the end of the slider. It works quite well at reducing the curve.
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TheVileOne wrote:

Add a red point to the end of the slider. It works quite well at reducing the curve.

Very Nice o.o)b
If you change the P to a B in the metadata, it becomes a regular one.


pain-in-the-ass but yeah :P

But TVO's suggestion might be better
Red point at the end causes a slight imbalance and for longer sliders it becomes really apparent and difficult to use properly. It's necessary to move the mid point a lot closer to the endpoint to get any kind of symmetry.

But thanks Saten, that just made my day a little.
We could learn to create symmetry with the new sliders. I mean it's not like it's not possible to create the same symmetry with the new sliders, the points are just in different places.
I miss the old 3 point sliders, the red point solution is good but still not the same.
I'd be happy to see a toggle but I guess that won't happen

(I don't understand what was wrong with 3 point sliders anyways and why this new mechanic / feature has to be forced)
I would use saten's method for my future mapping if possible.

Curved slider feature sure is great but forcing them makes mapping much more difficult and frustrating, especially when most of mappers now use slightly curved sliders (with three points)for simple 1/2 slider patterns

Kite wrote:

(I don't understand what was wrong with 3 point sliders anyways and why this new mechanic / feature has to be forced)
Topic Starter
Welcome to osu! My friends.
^Because it was very difficult to make a slider where the last point was properly in the middle of it. It was actually a very sloppy way to make sliders and this way is much cleaner and so there wont be nearly as many awful sliders. And really sliders that don't end perfectly where the last point is cause issues with distance snap, and other calculations. The new arcs is just a benefit to the new sliders. I'm sure we'll be getting more features that weren't possible because the other sliders were just unpredictable.

I'm not saying that the way sliders are is perfect, as the point can go far off the slider end and that can be unintuitive. If that becomes an issue then they can fix it, but for right now, new sliders are the way to go.
Well shit, I guess this is how I stop mapping
A sldier with a redpoint in the end is just not the same with the regular-old-normal-basic 3 point.

Kite wrote:

I miss the old 3 point sliders, the red point solution is good but still not the same.
I'd be happy to see a toggle but I guess that won't happen

(I don't understand what was wrong with 3 point sliders anyways and why this new mechanic / feature has to be forced)
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Natteke wrote:

Well shit, I guess this is how I stop mapping
About that, About that.. I lost my Inspiration too.. But we are the osu!people. Right?..
Don't take this ''Feature Request'' Like a Normal Feature Request.. Take this like a Suggestion for comfort of all the Mappers.. Who likes this and who don't like this new Implement. <--


imorandommessage: Natteke Don't leave the Mapping plssssssssssss <3

Just some example here

Above one is with new slider system and below one is with old one. (and, they have curving points at same spot)
If someone asks me which one is better to make a flowing-style map, I would definitely choose old(below) one

Circle sliders are not like total bad but some pattern needs old slider to be best.

just one moar example

-> This pattern becomes :

-> this pattern.
Topic Starter
This can enter in a Big Trouble with the phrase of ''Mapping Style''... But can help in this little Trouble.
We are within our rights.

haha5957 wrote:

just one moar example

-> This pattern becomes :

-> this pattern.
mother_ing ugly as _
Now that I think of it again,

Should be a toggle. Subtly curved sliders has been part of mapping for as long as anyone can remember. Forcing the new algorithm effectively removes an entire portion of mapping.
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I agree with Kite and the others. This is more of a limitation than an improvement IMO.
I mean, 100% perfectly symmetric sliders are usually not needed. In most cases, I don't even like them. Making everything 100% perfect just doesn't look good and doesn't fit my (and other's) mapping style.

And srsly, it wouldn't hurt ANYONE to just add a toggle. (And stop quoting chan, srsly. There are some things that need to be discussed, the game will improve faster if the community is allowed to tell the devs their opinion. This is no stupid "I want ranked score back :CC" request)
There is nothing you can't do with the new algorithm. You just can't do it the same way. Start finding good examples of things to complain about.

Edit: Yet I must concede that having access to both slider types would be useful. Or at least do a phasing out process. I'll support for the cause, just because there's not a huge issue why we couldn't have both types.
haha5957's example was the perfect visual to explain why this should be a disabled feature. It forces already experienced mappers to approach mapping differently; it's not easy at all to create these "subtle" curves anymore. Not always are these extremely curvacious and perfect looking sliders the right fit. Sometimes, it works a whole lot better to implement other less "corrected" sliders. It takes away from the aspect of some creativity. It seems more reasonable and realistic to have this as an option. It's harmonizing as an option and an option only. Otherwise, it only further handicaps already knowledgeable and developed mappers. It does take a lot more time and effort to work around this kind of perfection in order to create faint curves, and as TheVileOne said it can be worked around, but why does it suddenly have to be perfected when people could already do this without the algorithm? The point here is, it just reverses the conveniency roles.

No Algorithm: new mappers < experienced mappers
__Algorithm: new mappers > experienced mappers

And this is not always the case. It could easily work vice versa. All in all, could we just have it as an option? This would benefit both parties on the receiving end.

haha5957 wrote:

Just some example here

Above one is with new slider system and below one is with old one. (and, they have curving points at same spot)
If someone asks me which one is better to make a flowing-style map, I would definitely choose old(below) one

Circle sliders are not like total bad but some pattern needs old slider to be best.

just one moar example

-> This pattern becomes :

-> this pattern.
Doesn't look like reinventing sliders to me.

I can create the curve as subtle as I want or make it asymmetrical if I want by moving the move point. Only large changes in the move points will have the arc effect, smaller ones are rather unchanged. I could do it with your other pattern too if I wanted.
Just a damn toggle button to turn this on/off would be perfect.
The new algorithm is GOOD (my sliders nearly always looked like this anyways).
Forcing it is not.

Before you try to convince me it's really ugly, under certain speeds it plays a lot better than a perfectly curved slider. This would now take at least 5 points to make, not to mention the time required to actually move those 5 points to appropriate spots.
As I said before, it's still possible using the red dot at the end, but then you have to find a new spot for the middle point, which is somewhere closer to the endpoint to prevent the slider having imbalance.
Consider even more extreme variants of this as well.

I am not against the new feature at all, I just don't like it being forced because there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old way of doing things. Time invested for something I liked to do before has just been doubled and I don't really see it as an improvement.
By the way the new system rocks when creating symmetrical patterns, and I really love it, however sometimes it's just not "the thing" I want.
A simple toggle box to switch between P sliders and B sliders would solve the issue.
I personally love how Bezier sliders work - I think that points systems allows for much more unique sliders that can be manipulated intuitively. With this new system, it's frustrating to try and make a sharp turn only for it to turn into a circle. There's no reason to restrict the use of the old method.

Charles445 wrote:

A simple toggle box to switch between P sliders and B sliders would solve the issue.
I personally love how Bezier sliders work - I think that points systems allows for much more unique sliders that can be manipulated intuitively. With this new system, it's frustrating to try and make a sharp turn only for it to turn into a circle. There's no reason to restrict the use of the old method.
Charles pretty much took the words out of my keyboard.

WVS wrote:

Charles pretty much took the words out of my keyboard.
I think it's obvious to say that a toggle is the best solution.
Those who want to use the algorithmn just turn it on and those who don't aren't forced to work around it and map in their regular style.

EDIT: Charles ftw
Okay that's two BATs. How many more will it take to get this included? Lets see how many we can get to post in this thread.
While I never get on the very creative end with sliders this is still highly annoying for me when just making simple sliders.
All in all I agree with what lolcubes is saying. Even though it's ugly doesn't mean it plays terrible, it just looks ugly.
If anything this is taking away creativity from mappers, or just making it harder than it should be.
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peppy you there?
Okay.. The conclusion is obvious.. The 2 cases can be accepted with a ''toggle''~
I tell you. the people who are going to get this done are the BATs. They are the ones with the persuasion, because peppy can't just tell them to leave if they don't like it.
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we know it. nigga'
There are positives and negatives to both. Having both available would have a more positive outcome seeing as these features would be available to use for everyone, and taking both tools will virtually help the entire community (save for those who find either or useless and not something they'd prefer to use or personal preference) of mappers. It would also convey more opportunities for creativity. As Charles had said, there really is no reason to completely abandon the old method.

Nyquill wrote:

Now that I think of it again,

Should be a toggle. Subtly curved sliders has been part of mapping for as long as anyone can remember. Forcing the new algorithm effectively removes an entire portion of mapping.
there was one

I managed to take a screenshot when it had a toggle.


Can be just plain text options, with the arrow having on the slider icon (which actually used to be there, however clicking it would lead you to a new screen asking for a slider type). :p
Used New combo icon as an example of how I think it would be best (which is like I said, the way it used to be the first time it was introduced).
For the position of the "box". Why not use the menu where it was a loooooong time ago ?

I support adding a toggle. The new feature is great -- especially for long sliders; however, it's quite disturbing for older mappers and makes simple techniques that we've grown to come accustom to confusing and awkward.
toggle pls
I really think the slider creation is neat but adding a toggle wouldn't hurt too much iirc it sorta had one at least for the circle slider thing.

chan wrote:


  1. Don't request a toggle for disabling [insert new feature here] unless you want peppy to come to your house with a baseball bat.

I'd say it's a toggle to change the type of slider rather than disabling.
I knew it didn't feel right when I started mapping again. Glad to see this request.

Saten wrote:

I'd say it's a toggle to change the type of slider rather than disabling.
Basically. It just permits even more kinds of sliders and opens up more variety.
It's helpful, but the previous shouldn't have to be sacrificed to be beneficial in this case.
All in the coding. Either way works for me; one way will just take time to adjust to, whereas the other is convenience at a button.
The problem is that it's pressing a certain mapping style over all the others. It just doesn't seem right to me that if you prefer mapping things differently, then you have to work extra hard to map the way you used to map. It might hurt mapping in general to make simple curves so much easier to make compared to every other slider type. It's a dangerous road that I don't think we should be on to begin with. Sure keep it as a feature, but don't hurt other techniques in the process.
I couldn't agree with this thread more. I was under the assumption that this new feature was an *option*; not a new default for making sliders. It definitely has advantages over the old algorithm, but the previous sliders should still be available.
omg... what have you done to sliders... my children ;_;

A toggle would be really nice orz
The new method makes it easier to create any slider you could create with the previous placement mode. If you think this is limiting what shapes you can make, you likely haven't spent more than 30s with the tool.

* There will be no toggle.
* The new method is only for three point sliders
* Once you are used to it, it is easier in all cases, as you are guaranteed a trajectory through your control points, rather than relying on brazier guesswork.
* If you need help making a certain slider shape, post in here and someone will show you how to make it.

haha5957 wrote:

just one moar example

-> This pattern becomes :

-> this pattern.
the problem here is that you are not changing the way you think. you can still make the exact same shapes as you had before, but you will need to move the middle point to sit on the sliders' curves, rather than "outside" them.

TheVileOne wrote:

The problem is that it's pressing a certain mapping style over all the others. It just doesn't seem right to me that if you prefer mapping things differently, then you have to work extra hard to map the way you used to map. It might hurt mapping in general to make simple curves so much easier to make compared to every other slider type. It's a dangerous road that I don't think we should be on to begin with. Sure keep it as a feature, but don't hurt other techniques in the process.
That makes no sense. This will encourage people to use circles and large arcs more, which is only a good thing--especially large arcs, which should be a standard feature in maps anyway.

People who prefer not to use circles and large arcs will continue to stay away from them. People who were reluctant to use them because of their complexity will now use them more regularly. People who always used them will have a much easier time with it. There are no downsides to this. People are usually likely to abuse something when they're just learned how to do it or how to do it better--I'm included in this.

My signature links to two extensive posts in the slider thread and I urge everybody to read them. That and use your heads. I've even heard of the misconception that anchors now need to be added to the ends of short sliders which barely curve. This is a load of balderdash and is not necessary.
Saw it coming... too bad
Time to get used to the new method or quit, I guess.
I was hoping that for once the majority gets what it wants
We'll get used to it.

Kite wrote:

Saw it coming... too bad
Time to get used to the new method or quit, I guess.
I was hoping that for once the majority gets what it wants
Oh, no. A whole five minutes to play with three-point sliders. Seriously, I still fail to realise how this is such a big deal. Even if adding an extra point is necessary, it takes as long as placing a third point.
Well it isn't that bad. But it does discourage using more difficult techniques, which is why I made that post. Before arcs were technical, just like every other aspect. Now one technique is far easier than any other technique, so why should newbies even try to make other types of sliders?
Thats not a problem. But I'm just going to parrot charles again here: Its as if photoshop suddenly changed their draw curve tool

TheVileOne wrote:

Well it isn't that bad. But it does discourage using more difficult techniques, which is why I made that post. Before arcs were technical, just like every other aspect. Now one technique is far easier than any other technique, so why should newbies even try to make other types of sliders?
Because they're still possible? If a newbie wants to play with waves, loops and slider art, then they can add more points. It's as straightforward as it's ever been.

Creating almost-flat sliders simply requires aligning the points in a similar fashion. If this feels uncomfortable, then either get used to it, develop your style beyond the most basic techniques or use a higher slider velocity--something which I'd like to see becoming a trend anyway.

Also, please post any sensible and thought-out questions in the slider thread. I check it regularly and will be able to answer anything that's asked. It's better than cluttering other threads or trying to labour a dead horse beyond the grave.

Saten wrote:

If you change the P to a B in the metadata, it becomes a regular one.


pain-in-the-ass but yeah :P

But TVO's suggestion might be better
that way is tech unrankable remember your not allowed to alter the osb file in a way that the game doesn't let you just like other circle sizes
Since peppy said no I'm not trying to say more about adding toggle or whatever but just to make it clear : these sliders aren't possible anymore, at least with one curving point.

difference is that now 1 point slider are ALWAYS symmetrical while most of map doesn't want that. maybe using more curvepoint will solve it, but it requires or more works at least. Well, if we try, we can get used to it(using 2+ curving points) but saying one curving point is superperfect and has no problem is...just not correct.

ztrot wrote:

that way is tech unrankable remember your not allowed to alter the osb file in a way that the game doesn't let you just like other circle sizes
maybe not because there's no way if you could distinguish if it's mapped on old version of osu! or manually edited via text.
If you don't want symmetrical curves, make the last point a red point and you will get what you are looking for. I don't think "most" maps want these though, and I would call that an outlier case. Manually setting the type to B is acceptable for ranked maps, but it sounds like the wrong (and harder) way to go about doing things.

Here's a video explaining the basics of the new algorithm:
Adding a fourth point still isn't hard. It's always been the case that, if you want more control, add more points. This is an extension of that.

Redpoints making sliders inaccurate is moot, because long asymmetrical curves are usually ugly and I doubt that people are really going to care about the end being aligned precisely.

ztrot wrote:

that way is tech unrankable remember your not allowed to alter the osb file in a way that the game doesn't let you just like other circle sizes
You mean .osu

Changing circle size manually is silly. No one wanna use CS 10 in ranked maps for example, it's just silly :P

If it's unrankable as you say, then some of my maps are unrankable
I have my reasons though
Topic Starter
Hey men. Is osu!,
when the Players play a map don't see the ''SliderPoints''.. Only see the SliderForm. Now. With this new implement, all the Sliders will look like circles, SuperCurver and etc.. (The sliders with 3 SliderPoints)
The solutions are simple.. Red Point or 4SliderPoints. But.. Really.. What it costs.. nothing.. What it costs put a Toggle for this Trouble. To make everyone happy.. This new Implement always will have Haters & Lovers...
The uniq solution is that.. I know we can be happy in 5 months more with this Implement.. But we are losing the Original'Mapping'Osu!...

Sometimes it's good to let go of the hierarchy in a online game... To improve the general living in this... Put yourself in the shoes of the mappers who like the older'Slider'Styles... :/ Is more than ''Oh no, why you are discussing about something that you can't change.''
We only express like users... like mappers and like players.
You can still make "older style" sliders. Please read up. The new behaviour is a more sane default, and will result in generally the curves people are looking for. No functionality has been removed. We are not losing "original mapping osu!" unless you consider that to mean uneven sliders.

This same discussion happened when catmull curves were removed, but I don't think we are worse-off without them these days.

Sometimes change is a good thing, you know ;).
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peppy wrote:

Sometimes change is a good thing, you know ;).
What is the change.. an improvement on what was previously ''changed''... This is not an improvement...

At any rate.. This is not something I can discuss... so.. some mapper will hate this I know.. But.. Will be forget.. And will be ''Normal''.
Thanks for trying guys! We can't fight.
Try use the red point.. Works good for me ;) But continue.. is not the same..

Edit: We can't get anything \o/ But we can't lost the hope =w= So.. This discuss is a FailDiscuss or OfftopicDiscuss.. All can Give your views ;) Don't get nowhere but.. Nor lose nothing in trying
Srry for bad english.. huh
There are still sliders you can't make without catmulls FYI.

But that point aside, peppy's right. Learn the new technique.

The only thing maps will be losing is character as there wont be those imperfections that make a map different than others that use similar slider types. but even that is not considered a degradation in quality.
Man that video cleared up a lot of the problems I could see coming from this and as long as there is still a way to make old ones for whatever reason you might have is good enough for me I do have to say the new slider creation is really useful for easy diff maps.

peppy wrote:

If you don't want symmetrical curves, make the last point a red point and you will get what you are looking for. I don't think "most" maps want these though, and I would call that an outlier case. Manually setting the type to B is acceptable for ranked maps, but it sounds like the wrong (and harder) way to go about doing things.
So manually changing slider types in the .osu is fine?

And for those who want to make the three-point sliders the old way, you can place a red anchor at the end instead of a regular white anchor. That will revert the behavior back to the old one.
The red point in the end of slider is nice and all but this is basically a very poverty way of using a toggle for this feature. In the end you get the same effect as a toggle only with different GUI which is less intuitive. Like, why. If you want to make new sliders the default it's ok but it seems like a very weird way to go about this.
Call it a hack to make imperfect sliders. You can do this if you want, but they will be imperfect.
Marking this thread invalid.
Any 3 point bezier can be made with 4 points or more.
If this is too hard, make a 3 point bezier with a redpoint end, followed by another point and the results will be identical to the old 3 point method.
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Dude'. come on all, we going to hack wwwwwwwww
Obviously about the red point... em.. like combocolourhack..
pd:+130 in almost 1 day.. wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Can I just say that the very fact that people are still annoyed proves that the transition was really bad. I do not understand at all why there was not phasing period. People would float over to the new algorithm if it is obvious that it is better (and you've made that point pretty well), but this transition is not giving people time at all.

Nothing can be done about this anymore. We'll just have to wait and see and survey the damages later.
But for now we can enjoy the circle sliders

OzzyOzrock wrote:

But for now we can enjoy the circle sliders
I'm actually enjoying the fact I don't have to spend 5 minutes on a single 5 point bezier anymore xD
Actully,that's a serious problem to make the new toggle as the only way to make slides with 3 points. Cause most of the new mappers don't know how to use 4 points to make a flow slide (even a experienced mapper also can not say it is easy to use this skill), so there will be more and more people prefer to use a slide like this one not this one . At current time, about 70 per cent of slides are the original kind slides in our ranked maps. only some special maps will use the first kind slides more than second kind slides, but these maps must use speicial mapping style to make the whole map flow. comparing with this two style slides, the first kinds of slides' radian is large than the second one. it means in the futural maps, it will be more difficult follow a slide, more slide misses will happen. the most issue of this toggle is we can not develop more skills with 3 piont slides. all the 3 points slide will be limited into a same style. circle is a betiful shape, but all the things become circles is horrible.
my pesonal suggestion is let the new toggle become a speical way of draw slides. we can turn on it in the menu, it will be helpful for the experienced mappers, and use the original way to make 3 point slides. please give the fresh mappers more chances to create their own first cruved slide.
@angelfix: both sliders you show are possible using the new method.

The fact remains that any slider meant to be different than the fixed curvature that uses 3 points is sub-optimal. Make it your mission to teach users how to make ones that are >3 points and don't look bad.

peppy wrote:

@angelfix: both sliders you show are possible using the new method.

The fact remains that any slider meant to be different than the fixed curvature that uses 3 points is sub-optimal. Make it your mission to teach users how to make ones that are >3 points and don't look bad.
I will bear this burden myself with much aplomb. There is no reason to make ugly 1/2 sliders. Symmetrical or not, the flow will be identical and the sliders can be pointed I n the appropriate direction for the creation of good flow.
i know use new way can make the original slide, just need a bit more works. but there are centenly somthing wrong with this change. i have no interests to explain it. i can make sure that 90 per cent experienced mappers all know this is wrong. why you do not spend 3 min to ask all bat and mat's opinion just insist your opinion?that's is really disappointed.
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